Assignment 06

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NBC’2016, GOs, Byelaws: Do a report on these

standards for your design thesis project. Note:
Adapt the standards as per your typology, services

R Shiva Narayana
Report on National Building Code (NBC 2016), General Orders (GOs), and Byelaws for
Affordable Rental Housing Schema with Containers

This report analyses the applicability of National Building Code (NBC) 2016, General Orders
(GOs), and Byelaws for designing an affordable rental housing schema using shipping
National Building Code (NBC) 2016
NBC 2016 provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for building design and construction in
India. While some sections may require minor adaptations for container-based housing,
many remain directly applicable. Here's a breakdown of key NBC 2016 considerations for
your project:
•Building Occupancy: Refer to Part 2 of NBC for occupancy classifications. Affordable rental
housing likely falls under Group B - Residential Buildings. This section specifies requirements
for parameters like occupant load, means of egress, and fire safety.
•Fire Safety: Part 3 of NBC details fire safety requirements. Since containers are typically
steel, they offer some inherent fire resistance. However, additional fireproofing measures
may be needed for specific elements like cladding, partitions, and escape routes.
•Building Services: Part 6 provides guidelines for building services like plumbing, drainage,
and electrical installations. These guidelines ensure occupant health, safety, and proper
functioning of these systems within the constraints of containerized construction.
•Universal Design: Part 7 emphasizes accessibility features for people with disabilities. This
is crucial for inclusive housing design. Ensure your container layout incorporates ramps,
wider doorways, and accessible washroom facilities as per the code.
•Sustainability: Part 10 encourages sustainable building practices. Explore using recycled or
recyclable materials for container modifications and consider energy-efficient appliances
and lighting systems to reduce the environmental impact of your project.
General Orders (GOs)
GOs are state-specific regulations issued by the local authority. You'll need to consult the
relevant GOs for Telangana to ensure your design adheres to local building bylaws and any
additional regulations specific to containerized construction. These may include:
•Permissions and Approvals: GOs typically outline the process for obtaining building
permits and approvals for specific construction types. Familiarize yourself with the process
for container-based housing in your area.
•Structural Safety: GOs may reference specific structural codes or safety certifications
required for container modifications used in permanent dwellings.
Byelaws are local regulations enacted by municipalities or development authorities. These
may include additional considerations specific to your project location, such as:
•Setbacks: Byelaws dictate the minimum distance a structure must maintain from property
lines, roads, and other buildings. Ensure your container layout complies with these
•Waste Management: Byelaws may outline waste management requirements for
construction and occupancy. Plan for proper disposal of construction debris and ongoing
waste management for the residents.
Adapting Standards for Containerized Housing

While NBC 2016, GOs, and Byelaws provide a strong foundation, certain adaptations might
be necessary for container-based housing:
•Structural Integrity: Containers are designed for cargo transportation, not permanent
habitation. You may need to incorporate structural reinforcements to ensure they can
withstand additional loads and meet seismic safety requirements as outlined in the code.
•Fireproofing: While container steel offers some fire resistance, additional fireproofing
materials may be required for walls, ceilings, and doors to meet fire safety classifications
outlined in NBC.
•Ventilation and Insulation: Containers can trap heat and moisture. Design measures to
address these concerns are crucial. Natural ventilation strategies, proper insulation
materials, and mechanical ventilation systems may be needed to ensure occupant comfort
and prevent mold growth.
Following the guidelines set forth in NBC 2016, GOs, and Byelaws is essential for ensuring
the safety, functionality, and sustainability of your affordable rental housing schema using
containers. By carefully adapting these standards to the unique characteristics of container
construction, you can create a high-quality and code-compliant housing solution.

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