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Name : Pallavi Sawanji

PRN : 2021000640
Roll No : B 63 Operating System
Interprocess Communication
➢ Approaches for Inter-Process Communication
Interprocess Communication
Definition : - IPC helps achieve these things : -
➢ A system can have two types of ➢ Computational Speedup
processes i.e. independent or ➢ Modularity
cooperating. ➢ Information and data sharing
➢ Cooperating processes affect each ➢ Privilege separation
other and may share data and ➢ Processes can communicate with each other and synchronize
information among themselves. their action.

Pipes Shared Memory Message Passing Message Queue

1. It is a half-duplex method
1. Multiple processes 1. In IPC, this is used by a 1. We have a linked list
(or one-way
can access a common process for communication to store messages in
communication) used for
shared memory. and synchronization. a kernel of OS and a
IPC between two related
2. Multiple processes 2. Processes can message queue is
communicate by communicate without any identified using
2. It is like a scenario like
shared memory, shared variables, therefore "message queue
filling the water with a tap
where one process it can be used in a identifier".
into a bucket.
3. The filling process is makes changes at a distributed environment on
writing into the pipe and time and then others a network.
the reading process is view the change. 3. It is slower than the shared
retrieved from the pipe. 3. Shared memory does memory technique.
not use kernel. 4. It has two actions sending
(fixed size message) and
receiving messages.

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