CH-5 Sports & Nutrition

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esp OSS CHNPTER eS ee pi) Tk provides “for Ah woth oo Ul aap aieaa seek tise ues. S| ee ae oO, — ii} Help ingrowth’ and “edigaa a Provide bees. chance Sif illness, asa 2; Nal He tb to maintain weg vill Bonet oud le level. ts: vill Paokect from eae 1eeasegs. 17:07 23 vivi_|. Help im having sound sleep ix ae “ funclion works i a aa Or 2 . it Ty pe and Aviation. of acl Bas —ivii Climatic foctoy a vi Healt and h statue, . sale Ra sc pe epee coneideralion Chow food ie cooked ? 4q __|| what i" the taste of fi L ae - 3 se —_Litarte and Mier Nutitent + * | MACRO NUTRIENTS = e | Macon notyvent aye the — rf i. pel ob! Coad eter lita a ae an, sto manlain the ~ bddies ctrudivae’ and Je ss ichem, The maran “nulrienlg ate ca abo hy2ra im = iia one 1 There nubtiemtt “wre [esti axqest amount * iS a __|| Fats: . | bodecthe amount for: 20 percent’ dai “ls consume bat thes dea spment., Seal praceetion o hod Combind tion, a se 16 97 23 4 a i ovr _bedy _e1gan__warm _and. piotecte ae fa ives___calomies ener af 2 there jae “le _tyirec: of fat — Sie Saturated er receive from anal Source), | Uncaturated fat (tecerve from ve getable /plant dk" hon (ostenmayaév'a) ete : 0 : Auntigh ich ofl , milk ete. Vihamin F~ . Th tye alte known ae. Theorherot. thie ie! senate ct south, “of ~Vatlovs organ 1 . l Li 7 b Daily Keed' Sug. (for men and mens) op cane . \ N ’ 4 lun “ ean unde es and prema del iver) an. ol prot. R i Anemi a 2007 23 4 caused due io lack of vitamin 6.0 Soa || eource: Almonds, -qieen Vegetables, Meat _. fresh { sbi tte, Oe 3 -1 Daily val 15 _miliqram, Cyermen_omd wore) : | Vitamin k= a ids 3 Pe seca leh knmwn as _Pbyllaguinone and —l_menagquinoe It ‘ic __noast _‘mportant fox blood. | clots when _uncenlisied bleeding _eccuts. —_ aE ealice pareve 1 iis picrencsy causes ft i est deadpan. scctall aah _Incteaced ek of cardio vaccvlay iD 0! <|_diseacec, Sovtce: Coyabean', tomato, potato ay | ich ete. {| Daily need: 0 mictog ram (Chor men) : Cor women, i iis is 53st ae 4 5 Water Coluble Wetamin + 22 07 23 “| Vitamin Bot eis ee n havilo i —{_Sauseet Mik, daisy {00d inne ace ples ale — own a A bafadan lays enzymalte ele ge pr opal faa _tyans potter a kin_ditoader by.pumia., an eae ple is | lea — [Daily nee AY i, Gites Soa on womens EV: Bai eben rk ty len kom ae Niraci helbe © |_alycolysi Jat _syntheci and _Hissur ve pital trae | Deliciency eave if one i : | source: fh, Waiver Jet. Daily need: 14 mq (\ox men: samg (lw wernt) 1 * 4 “4 : re tt i ha “ pen pee! pally ced: Sing (\et oie aund_wannen)— 2701.23 | Source: Fich , milk, caviots , pokatnec ¢be, Daily need: 1:3 mg (for men and women) —_ [Vitowin! 61 ee [te We Ualeo ls enawn® de “Ain ene {playa ena /umpoalant role in metabolism ol __Iepidg , _ ptt _ranhohy dvates ae iDefieteney causes izlog s_, akin’ pial eee “ely eed iis 30 a [Deficiency causes a — sie ee Friel, Broécoli | “Daily need: 200 4g (or men) ity for wamen : Ps rae pei fg ame bait afte: @2e0ane 6.4 22 01 23 Vitamin ¢= s ¢ | th te ales —knmun as _Ascorbir acid. 1h __¢ —_{_is__impottant 1 __bedy {oie iy FAO LSS | of the wounds’, It “is __ambodant —_in. Ahe—¢ ke ad _bdb alwaye tr increase _metabelicag }_o - hody sti yb ai eas | Paar : —jDefirtency ___cauees anemia. pnts Peat Sant de | Soviee$ Citrus _frvils_, Jemonc, amlaa ete. | Daily need! coe niin an ae ae alee : aN 4 a —_—- so : 2 EN : i a | Minerale are oe oulreants . Minerals pt Candin Pood entiag for growth _, ee | and health A human bering a : Two _typec min etal e i w: Mactan aiinerals. cs : i Micto mineral. titel ag , 207 23 Nutitive and Non-nultihive component of diet ie The —avitiive component o\_diet axe_proteins ee ee ‘Fat. vitamin and mine . [The —non- notiitive — components — do nob __con4ribo: Tan the energy, —calags'ee —_o1_ notictiom - —_bady like = Sse Ecbre) > tale. en compouné—Plant compos LCs ofl) —_—__ aad to “night combnal= hy diet ne means the —enlite thing —ia_007 aoe All the nutrition _as protein droit, fat, all ly taj quanti f i Food. \ | well sara “in _thin _teqard — “Health 1s _weal th” ee r | B47; Body Mase Index — | To cabculate~ BMY _.: tial, n it heignt in - “+ Healthy noe balanced diet, —{ Slim “and fit structures . | Routine y exercises 24 07 23 Method to controll meight! Stay away “ fiom —_ i — Count. cabonec, ANoid over a + De tee : Ey S| Spite acl Fibtee with, diet Awnid _ whale gs ai = d Aniake. “ot ep ito ia Food Intoleranee: | Tt ic a hav bul qeactvon , Anan ppp millage 4p have | fred. “Frod - intolerance Generally Consided as + i 28 9 inbwhevdnce= ic | the: food: in the _b poison _avord _eati | know eee Te Ai ecent from food sae Sa 25°01 23 . Cases: | Absence o1_inadlivity of enzyme, ieee Due kh pheminade, +l Food _poisnin, pro eee ae Sid ateat earn are nl nx histamine im some —_ food. ee nn tare hete- Biot oe Chocolate 1s seductive, _. eee +1 Eating fate makes you Cat, oes ae + Milk " develop onuscleg oaleE. qaiie _y0v4 _collectin | [ete aa a. wt shauldn't drink lees than 8 glace oh | wotles. : a Se | | | Amporbance 9} dik in-—sporte - | Pie competitian 2 _ Ale —week belie the compelitinn sport __ Thicket th eli ace racing at oil | wht usually | sim __netead _Io tore. aa. wld depend ‘on th | | in bencily a the activity. ‘The fuel faa || muscle __is__Otually provi Pare at See | 4 days, print.“ the diet sho -—ttiche 4 = {£44 bobgdrabe. Lau in {oleh ne CR] 26 07 28 ‘me hydrated asd marshes ~ cnt i {eon nol unde eee compton ie mote “ minvter, then 1/2 + Go _{ Cup ___car eg | dunk after 10 to — minvies lee. f e& JE 2b tp 0 witht ae | After _competitin n = | Tt 16 important to | Circe reftence should be —

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