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Machine check (Boyle’s machine or circuits)
Resuscitation station x 2 (APLS/ALS including special circumstances (drowning, hypothermia,
Body Systems examinations (CV, respiratory, cranial nerves, PNS upper and lower)
CXR and ECG interpretation

Regional blocks: including landmarks, indications, contraindications, technique, LA dose and
Epidural, Spinal, Brachial plexus (interscalene, supraclavicular, axillary), Femoral/fascia iliaca, Ankle
blocks, Popliteal, Adductor canal, Lumbar plexus

Respiratory anatomy
Cardiac and coronary arterial and venous supply
Vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum)
Upper limb (brachial plexus, antecubital fossa)
Head and Neck (base of skull foramen and CN pathways, the orbit, circle of Willis, laryngeal etc)
Spinal tracts: ascending, descending, motor and sensory tract
Dermatomes and myotomes


Drugs: chemical, classification, presentation, manufacture, physiochemical properties, uses, action

and mechanism/duration of action, onset and offset, doses, routes of administration, effects (CVS,
respiratory, CNS, other), side effects, toxicity, contraindications, interactions, kinetics (absorption,
distribution, metabolism and excretion)

Drugs you should be able to talk about:

Anaesthetics: IV, inhalational, muscle relaxants, anticholinesterases, Las, anticholinergics
IV fluids: crystalloids, colloids
Analgesia: simple (paracetamol/NSAIDs), opiates/opiods
CVS: anti-arrhythmics, anti-hypertensives, beta-blockers, inotropes/vasopressors
CNS: anti-epileptics, stimulants
GI: antiemetics, prokinetics
Others: anti-diabetics (insulin, oral and SC non-insulins), diuretics, anticoagulants, antibiotics

Drugs you should be able to draw:

Inhalational agents
Local anaesthetics (basic structure)
Acetylcholine and suxamethonium
Anticholinesterases (basic structure)
Catecholamine synthesis pathway
Critical Incidents:
Difficult/failed intubation Malignant hyperthermia
Difficult ventilation Suxamethonium apnoea
Displaced ETT Cardiac arrest
Pneumothorax Arrhythmias/heart block
Bronchospasm Hypertension/hypotension
Intra or post-operative hypoxia/hypercarbia Massive haemorrhage
Post-operative airway obstruction Pulmonary/air/cement embolism
Post-operative apnoea Total spinal
Failure to wake Local anaesthetic toxicity
Hypothermia Blood transfusion complications
Anaphylaxis TURP syndrome

Iso-shunt graphs Starlings law
Valsalva manoeuvre JVP waveform
Action potential: pacemaker and myocytes PA catheter waveforms
Cardiac cycle

Fowler’s method West Zones
Compliance curves Lateral patient ventilation
Oxygen cascade O2 dissociation curve
Alveolar wall cross section Lung volumes

Action potential Gate control theory
Transverse section of spinal cord Cerebral blood flow
Pain pathway Cerebral perfusion pressure

Nitric oxide isotherms Thermometers
Vacuum insulated evaporator Electrical symbols
Vaporisers OxyHb/DeoxyHb wavelengths
Defibrillator circuit Mapleson breathing circuits

Pharmacology: Other:
Bioavailability Renal: nephron/JGA
Agonists/partial agonists/antagonists Starling’s forces
Body water
Meyer-Overton hypothesis
Potency, efficacy and affinity Humidity and SVP
Volume of distribution Osmolarity and osmolality
Mass, force, momentum pH, H+, mole
Pressure and units Critical and pseudocritical temperature
Electrical units Critical Pressure
Resonance and damping Filling Ratio

Bioavailability Resistances MAP
Exponential function Tension QTc
Pharmacodynamics Work done Fick Method
Enzyme kinetics Humidity Ventilation
Pharmacokinetics Beer Lambert law Bohr equation
Three compartment model Diffusion Alveolar gas equation
Pressure Total blood volume Shunt
Reynolds number Fluid compartments Compliance
Hagen-Poiseuille Osmotic pressure O2 content
Bernoulli’s equation Nernst equation Clearance
Gas laws Starling forces pKa
Power Stroke volume Henderson-Hasselbach
Charge Cardiac output CPP
Capacitance SVR

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