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of MEDIATION EXCELLENT (9 - 10) VERY GOOD (7 - 8) GOOD (5-6) WEAK (4) POOR (3) VERY POOR (1 - 2)

grammar and
phonetics According to each level (20 %)
(oral) / spelling

Well, despite OK, despite Only part of the

Identifying and
choosing Relevant information occasional omissions omissions and/or relevant information. No distinction at all
information Only part of the
perfectly identified or some unnecessary unnecessary or Too many omissions of relevant
from the source relevant information.
text and chosen or mistaken mistaken and unnecessary / information.
information. information. mistaken details.
Good command of Mediation strategies Limited and/or
strategies: High command of Limited use of
mediation strategies, adequately used, mistaken use of No adequate use of
summarising, mediation strategies necessary mediation
despite minor despite some necessary mediation mediation strategies.
paraphrasing, required for the task. strategies.
occasional mistakes. mistakes. strategies.
Use of some Despite the use of Absence or wrong Problems in
Well organised and Organised and
cohesion devices to cohesion devices, it use of cohesion comprehension
Coherence & coherent text or coherent text or
Cohesion organise quite a may sometimes be devices makes it because of lack of
speech, efficient use speech, use of
coherent text or difficult to follow the difficult to follow the organisation and
of cohesion devices. cohesion devices.
speech. text or speech. text or speech. coherence.
Well accomplished The student finds it Task Task
Very well Accomplished task
task: adequate difficult to unaccomplished: unaccomplished:
Appropriacy accomplished task: according to the
format for the accomplish the task: inadequate format, difficult to
adequate format, communicative
communicative lack of content or mistakes in register, understand, too
register and length. situation.
situation. adequacy. too long or too short. many mistakes.

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