Drug WebQuest

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Drug Fact Sheets: You will be creating a fact sheet for 2 drugs from the following drug categories: Each choice must be from a different category
1. Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants: These are drugs that slow down the operations of the body. Examples include: Anti-Anxiety
Medication (Xanax, Valium, Prozac), GHB, Rohypnol and other anti-depressants (Zoloft, Paxil)
2. CNS Stimulants: These are drugs that accelerate heart rate, elevate blood pressure, and “speed up” the body. Examples are Crack,
Amphetamines, Ritalin, Adderall.
3. Synthetic Drugs: These drugs are manufactured as a “legal high” and the products replace those chemicals that are banned. Examples
include Krokodil, Bath Salts, N-Bomb, Lemon Drops, Purple Drank (Lean), Gravel, MXE.
4. Hallucinogens: These drugs can cause the user to perceive things differently than they actually are. Examples are NBomb, DMT. Peyote,
PCP, Mescaline.
5. Narcotics: These drugs relieve pain, induce euphoria and create mood changes in the user. Examples include Opium, Codeine, Methadone,
Vicodin, OxyContin and Percocet.
6. Inhalants: These drugs are breathable substances that produce mind altering effects. Examples: include Toluene, Plastic Cement, Paint,
Gasoline, Paint thinners and Hairsprays.

***See example on Alcohol for questions and information that is necessary for the fact sheet**.

Use the links and the internet to find your information. Answer the questions provided on all the worksheets.

Your Reaction. Read the following prompts and write your reaction. Include your feelings as well as ideas and suggestions.
This reaction should be completed answering the following questions based on our unit and the link above.
 What part(s) of the unit did you find useful? How can it be improved to help others? No suggestion too small!!
 What are signs of addiction? (List a minimum of 5)
 Where do you think you can get help if you or someone you know uses drugs or may have a problem with drug use or addicted?
 Why would someone avoid treatment?
 What information can you take away that is helpful to you and others you may know?
AKA: BOOZE, BREW, handle, 40, Long Term Effects on the Body: How long do the
effects last?
Cold-one, JUICE ALCOHOL  Unintentional Injuries

 High Blood Pressure / Stroke

Effects last up to
2 hours after
 Heart Disease consumption and
What is the drug? Ethanol is the key ingredient in drinking in urine for 12-24
 Liver Disease / Ulcers
alcohol. Alcohol is mixed with other fluids to create drinks. hours later.
These range in alcohol content from 2% - 60%. Beer typically
contains 2% - 20% and hard liquor from 40% - 60%.

How is the drug brought into How is it made?

the body? Where does it come from?
 Drink Alcohol is made from the
fermentation of fruit or grain
 Tampons
mixtures (beer), and can then be
 Beer Bongs followed up with distillation of the
 Squeeze applesauce fermented fruit or grain (hard liquor,

Indicators of Intoxication:
 Impaired judgement
Signs of Overdose:
Critical Signs and Symptoms of
 Slurred Speech
Alcohol Poisoning
 Blurry Vision
Risks of Use:  Mental Confusion /Stupor
 Upset Stomach / Diarrhea /Inability to wake up
 Unintentional Injuries
 Vomiting  Seizures
 DUI / Car Accidents
 Breathing Difficulties  Slow Breathing
 Alcohol Poisoning
 Drowsiness  Irregular Breathing
 Unintentional Pregnancy
 Smell of Alcohol on Breath  Hypothermia
 Sexually Transmitted Disease /AIDS / Rape
 Blackouts  Intensive Vomiting
 Relationship Risks
AKA: Rilatine, Concerta, Medikinet, Adaphen, Addwize, Long Term Effects on the Body: How long do the
Inspiral, Methmild, Artige, Attenta, Cognil, Konsenidat, Equasym, effects last?
 Nervousness
Foquest, Methylin, Penid, Phenida, Prohiper, and Tradea.
 Trouble Sleeping 4-6 Hours
 Loss of Apatite
 Weight Loss
May still be found
What is the drug? A Stimulant that is used medically to treat  Dizziness in system for 10-14
ADHD.  Nausea hours
 Vomiting
 Headache

How is it made?
R How is the drug brought into
the body? Where does it come from?
I Pills – Chewed or Swallowed Synthetic Opiate

T Manufactured by Pharmaceutical
companies under a variety of
A names.

Indicators of Intoxication:
I Signs of Overdose:
 Increased Energy
 Restlessness or agitation.
N  Increased Focus
 Reduced Appetite  Tremors.

Risks of Use:  Muscle twitches and pains.

 Heart and circulatory system problems  Aggression.

 Habitual use and addiction  Panic.

 Legal Issuse
 Mental confusion.

 Hallucinations.

 Weakness.

 High fever.
AKA: O.C., Oxycet, Oxycotton, Oxy, Hillbilly Heroin, Percs, Long Term Effects on the Body: How long do the
Oxycodone, OxyContin®, Percodan®, Percocet® effects last?
 Liver damage (when
containing acetaminophen). 3-5 hours
Stays in system for
 Hypoxia (which can lead to
What is the drug? An Opiate medically used to treat severe 15-25 hours
coma, permanent brain
pain. Very addictive damage).

How is the drug brought into How is it made?
X the body? Where does it come from?

Y Consumed Orally Synthetic Opiate.

Injected in Liquid Form Manufactured by Pharmaceutical
C companies under various names.

D Indicators of Intoxication:

I 
Increased sleepiness
Signs of Overdose:
 Difficulty breathing
 Nausea
N  Euphoria  Bluish-colored fingernails and
 Constipation Risks of Use: lips
E  Narrowed or "pinpoint"  Legal Issues  Muscle damage from being
pupils  Further Injury immobile while unresponsive
 Decreased pain  Medical Debt
 Slow breathing and  Coma (unresponsiveness)
 Removal of Prescription Properties
heart rate  Drowsiness

 Possible seizures

Go to the following link https://bit.ly/2QHSlVP and get the facts about Vaping
Go to the following link https://bit.ly/2q7dxtj and get the facts about Prescription Drug Abuse

VAPING Prescription Drugs Cont’

What is vaping? Which drugs are most commonly abused?

Nicotine dependence, which can lead to disruptions in brain

Opiates are the most commonly abused drug.
development and chemistry
Increase in shortness of breath, coughing, and fevers
Acid reflux What Can Prescription Drug Abuse Lead To?
Higher likelihood of contracting lipoid pneumonia, which occurs when
fatty substances are inhaled into the lungs. Abuse of stimulants can cause paranoia, high body temperature, and irregular heartbeat. Opioid
abuse can cause drowsiness, nausea, constipation, and slowed breathing. Abusing depressants
can cause slurred speech, shallow breathing, fatigue, disorientation, lack of coordination, and
What are some of the health risks associated with VAPING?

Nicotine dependence, which can lead to disruptions in brain

development and chemistry
Increase in shortness of breath, coughing, and fevers
Acid reflux
Higher likelihood of contracting lipoid pneumonia, which occurs when
fatty substances are inhaled into the lungs.

Prescription Drugs
Using the chart above describe the connection between the below list of
What is Prescription Drug Abuse? drugs: Codeine, Oxycontin, Heroin and Fentanyl
When a person takes medication without a prescription, in a way
other than as prescribed, or with the intention of getting high. All are Opiates.
Let's wrap this up
Use the following link to help with answering questions about addiction Drug Treatment: What to Expect and How to Choose | Recovery.org
Your Reaction. Read the following prompts and write your reaction. Include your feelings as well as ideas and suggestions.
This reaction should be completed answering the following questions based on our unit and the link above.
 What part(s) of the unit did you find useful? How can it be improved to help others? No suggestion too small!!
 What are signs of addiction? (List a minimum of 5)
 Where do you think you can get help if you or someone you know uses drugs or may have a problem with drug use or addicted?
 Why would someone avoid treatment?

I found the unit’s descriptions of drugs and their effects to be very helpful. I would suggest more live speakers, and speakers of a higher quality. Habitual use of a drug, symptoms
upon ceasing of consumption of the drug, use of drug despite negative consequences, physiological changes in the brain, and behavioral shifts. Government organizations and non for
profits exist in order to provide treatment for recovering addicts. Treatment is both expensive and difficult, and many wish to avoid it for these reasons.

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