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Web Engineering II

Dr. Muhammad Touseef Irshad
Lecture # 07

Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

vi. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

▪ File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol

used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-
based network, such as the Internet.

▪ It's commonly used for uploading files to a server or

downloading files from a server.

▪ It is one of the oldest protocols used for file transfer and

remains widely used today.
The Internet- Key Technology Concept

▪ FTP operates on a client-server model where one device

acts as the client, initiating a connection to a server, which
then provides access to its file system.

▪ FTP control traffic, while data is typically transferred over

port 20, however, this can vary depending on the server

▪ FTP works on the application layer.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

Commands used by FTP:

▪ FTP uses a set of commands and responses to

communicate between the client and the server, some of
the basic commands include:

1. Open:
Open command is used to connect to the FTP serve.

Used to authenticate the user with a username and
password. 4
The Internet- Key Technology Concept

3. CD:
Used to change the current directory on the server.

4. LS:
Used to list the files and directories in the current directory
on the server.

5. GET:
Used to download a file from the server to the client.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

6. PUT:
Used to upload a file from the client to the server.

Create a new directory on the FTP server.

Remove a directory from the FTP server.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept
vii. Email

▪ Email, short for "electronic mail," is a method of

exchanging digital messages over the internet. It allows
individuals and businesses to send and receive messages
quickly and efficiently, regardless of geographical location.

▪ Email messages can contain text, images, attachments,

and other types of files.

▪ Email messages are composed and sent using email

software or webmail services, such as Gmail.
The Internet- Key Technology Concept

key characteristics of email :

1. Digital Messages

▪ Email messages are composed digitally using email clients

(software applications) and are transmitted over the
internet to the recipient's email server.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

2. Addresses

▪ Each email message has both a sender and one or more


▪ Email addresses uniquely identify individuals or

organizations, allowing messages to be delivered to the
intended recipients.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

3. Subject

▪ Email messages typically have a subject line, which

provides a brief summary of the content of the message.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

4. Body

▪ The body of an email message contains the main content,

which can include text, formatting, images, links, and

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

5. Attachments

▪ Email messages can include attachments, such as

documents, images, videos, and other files, which are sent
along with the message.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

6. Header Information

▪ Email messages also contain header information, which

includes metadata such as the sender's and recipient's
email addresses, the date and time the message was sent,
and information about the email servers involved in
transmitting the message.

The Internet- Key Technology Concept

7. Protocols

▪ Email communication relies on standardized protocols.

▪ SMTP, POP, and IMAP are all protocols used in email

communication, but they serve different purposes.

i. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP)

ii. Post Office Protocol (POP)
iii. Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

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