Spill-Motion Act 2018

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House of Commons

Federal Register of Legislation


Act No. 3, 2018

About this Act

This act states that ​any Member of Parliament may propose a motion to spill the government
leadership for a new Prime Minister to take office within valid reason.

Part I - Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the ​Spill Motion Act 2018.​

2. Commencement
This Act commences on 27 August 2018.

3. Definitions
Spill Motion s​ hall mean the ​Spill Motion Act 2018.
The Proposer s​ hall mean the respective Member of Parliament bringing the motion before

Part II - Proposal of the spill motion

4. Validity
This motion may only be brought before the Parliament if the proposer believes that the Prime
Minister is lacking the ability to maintain confidence among Members of Parliament and the
House of Commons, therefore rendering the Prime Minister unfit to lead the country.

5. Order of proposal (propose, move, and carry)

a)​ ​The proposer must first approach the Speaker of the House of Commons and notify their
intention to ​propose​ the Spill Motion. The proposer must provide a valid reason and evidence to
back the proposal.

b) When the Speaker has acknowledged and accepted the proposal, permission must be gained
from the Monarch to proceed with the motion in which he may accept or refuse at his pleasure.
c) If the Monarch has granted permission, the proposer will announce to Parliament his/or
intention to ​move​ the Spill Motion against the Prime Minister for a new head of government to
take office.
d) The Speaker will then call a divisional vote, which is to take place ​in Parliament​ during an
active sitting.

e) If the Parliament has reached a successful vote to ​carry​ the spill, the motion will be in effect
and the Prime Minister will immediately vacate the position with a choice to either stay as a
Member of Parliament or resign from Parliament.

f) Members of Parliament may put in a candidacy bid to succeed the position of the Prime
Minister in which a general parliamentary vote will take place to elect a candidate and fill the
position. This may only be done if the Monarch allows it.

g) When a new Prime Minister has been elected, he/she must meet with the Monarch
immediately to seek permission to form a government and discuss the agenda.

Endnote 1 - About the endnotes
Abbreviation key - Endnote 2: The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in
the amendment history.

Amendment history - Endnote 3: Amending laws are annotated and logged in the amendment
history of the legislation.

Endnote 2 - Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted
am = amended
rep = repealed
reloc = relocated
Pt = Part(s)
s = section(s)/subsection(s)
abt = about this act

Endnote 3 - Amendment history

No amendments have been made to this act.

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