An Interview With Your Favourite Sports Person

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English Class

Mr Baumann

An interview with your favourite sports person (2 people)

Imagine you are invited for a “meet and greet” (Treffen) with your favourite
sports person. Now you have the chance to get to know the person better.


Work with a partner and prepare an interview with the person. Think of at least
eight questions you would like to ask her/him. One of you takes the role of the
famous person and gives answers.

Hint: Make sure to use W-questions and Yes/No – questions as well as forms of
the new vocabulary (unit 3)

Note down your interview.


- being polite: TB p. 144

- conditional II TB p. 181
- questions TB p. 184
- vocabulary TB p. 209 - 212

Start like this:

Interviewer: Hello Mr/Mrs………………………………………..I ‘m so glad to meet you


Sports person: Oh, no problem. It’s nice to meet you, too. Well tell me what
you want to know…..


English Class
Mr Baumann

A sports report (1 person)

You are a famous sports journalist who recently discovered his new favourite
sport. Your readers can’t wait to hear from your news.

Task: Write an article (~ 120 words) about a sport you find exciting.

Make sure to include things like:

Content: where you play it, what kind of skills you need, basic rules,
equipment, records, famous persons….

Language: headline, Pronoun “I”, questions to your readers, vocabulary of unit



- vocabulary TB p. 209 – 212

You may start like this:


Have you ever played/tried………..? Well, I just practiced to……..

But here is the entire story of my recent experience.
English Class
Mr Baumann

A short talk about a famous sportsperson who does an extreme or

dangerous sport. (1 person)

You are a sports reporter that recently had a short talk with a famous sports
person. Your channel asked you to prepare a short talk about her/him in the
middle of a editors conference.

Task: Prepare a short talk about her/him in class. (~ 12 sentences).

You may add a poster, pictures etc…

Make sure to include things like:

Content: name, sport, skills, records, private life(?), hobbies, …..

Language: introduction, main part, ending, vocabulary of unit 3 + conditional II,

linking words


- How to give a talk TB. p. 158

- vocabulary TB p. 209 – 212

You may start like this:

Hello everybody. Today I would like to give a talk about …….

Never heard about her/him? Well, I will give you an answer today.
She / He is…..
English Class
Mr Baumann

Creation of an ad (2 persons)

Imagine you are employed by a famous sports brand and have to organize a
good advertising strategy to sell the new product of the brand.

Task: Create an ad for sports clothes/equipment on a poster and be ready to

present your ad in class.

Make sure to include things like:

Content: What is the ad for? Why do people have to buy it? Do you have a
certain slogan? What does the product promise?

Language: description, main part, ending, vocabulary of unit 3 + conditional II,

linking words


- How to give a talk TB. p. 158

- vocabulary TB p. 209 – 212

- picture description TB p. 160

You may start like this:

Dear fellow customers,

Today we would like to present you our new product called……..

But firstly have a look at our ad.

As you can see there is…..on the left/right

There is also… in the foreground/background.
The slogan says…..…..

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