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TAHUN AKADEMIK 2023 / 2024

Jl. Conge, Ngembalrejo Kotak Pos 51 Telp. (0291)432677 Fax.441613 Kudus

Mata Kuliah : Profesional Writing Name : Wilda Salis Nuaima

Bobot : 3 sks Kelas : B2BIR
Dosen : Maratul Jannah, M.Pd. Ruang : V13
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 22 April 2024 Jam : Ke 1

Sebelum mengerjakan tugas UTS ini, perhatikan petunjuk berikut:

1. Identifikasi sebuah masalah dalam pendidikan atau pembelajaran.
2. Perhatikan tiga karakteristik masalah, yaitu:
a. Masalah harus benar-benar layak diteliti
b. Sifat dari masalah tersebut (harus sesuai dengan pendidikan atau
c. Masalah tersebut harus realistis.
3. Dari masalah tersebut, buatlah:
a. Judul
b. Pendahuluan Penelitian secara singkat (500 - 1000 kata).
4. Pendahuluan penelitian berisikan:
a. Latar belakang
b. Rumusan masalah
c. Tujuan penelitian
d. Manfaat penelitian.
5. Latar belakang masalah menggambarkan tentang kenyataan atau kondisi yang
menunjukkan realitas, terutama berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti.
Buatlah proposal tersebut secara sederhana dan dengan bahasa Anda sendiri, jangan
menjiplak jawaban teman Anda ataupun dari internet dan sumber lainnya!
Berikut adalah format untuk tugas UTS:
The Future of Education: Exploring the impact of
Artifical Intellegence(AI)
Latar Belakang Technology has a significant impact on humans.
The influence of technology cannot be separated
from aspects of human life one of them is AI. AI is
an abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence, which is
a technology that enables computer systems to
replicate human cognitive skills. Artificial
intelligence (AI) enables computers to learn from
experience, spot patterns, make choices, and
execute complicated tasks quickly and effectively.

AI has multiple benefits that make it one of the

most promising technology in a wide variety of
academic fields, and in this paper I will write about
the potential impact of AI on education. As all of
us know, education is the process of developing
and improving learning (knowledge and skills) for
the purpose to accomplish a goal or develop the
individual's potential. but with the existence of AI,
AI has the potential to change how we learn, and
understand the educational process.
Yes, the presence of artificial intelligence (AI)
technology on the one side has many benefits, as
one example from an internet source I got, when an
AI-powered system detects that a student learning
English is having difficulty, it can generate
personalized listening, speaking, reading, or
writing exercises and provide feedback
immediately upon completion, so basically, AI can
be a solution to overcome problems in various

But on the other side, artificial intelligence (AI)

can also be a threat to the world of education, its
like AI systems become more powerful, AI won’t
just be able to do just bits and pieces of existing
jobs or assignments. It’s very likely that AI would
eventually be able to take on the whole role it’s
like from the analysis, the planning, the execution,
and even the interpersonal interactions with
The grave risk is that users then become de-
educated and de-coupled from the driving seat to
the future, but thankfully the future is not yet.
So then, aren’t we humans much more than AI?

Yes, we have the power to push back and say

that we are more than AI, we are blessed with “we
have an awareness”, “we have emotions”, “we
have goals”, “we are creative”, “we have empathy”
and “AI don’t think like us”. We as humans have a
more sophisticated brain structure than AI, the
thing that keeps us in control of the driving seat to
the future is by consistently utilize education and
coordinated learning. So that we can control AI,
and not us being controlled.

1. How does artificial intelligence (AI) affect

academic performance?
2. How is the level of student understanding
of the results obtained from artificial
Rumusan Masalah intelligence (AI)?
3. Do schools and universities have a future,
or will the machines soon be able to do
everything we can – and better?
4. Aren’t we humans much more than AI?
 Understanding the Impact of AI on
Tujuan Penelitian  Explore the potential impact of artificial
intelligence (AI) on education.
 Examine both the benefits and threats
posed by AI in the field of education,
Manfaat Penelitian  This proposal expected can help identify
areas where AI can be utilizied to improve
learning outcomes and where precautions
may be required to mitigate any possible
 Stimulate discussion and raise awareness
about the opportunities and challenges
associated with AI in education.
 This research can help educators,
policymakers, and other stakeholders
understand the implications of
incorporating AI into the education system
so that they can make informed decisions in
implementing AI technologies in the
educational environment.

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