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 What is noise pollution and what can be caused by?
Noise pollution refers to any loud sounds that arre either harmful or annoying to humans and animals.
Noise pullution can be generated by airplanes, helicopters and also motor vehichles as well as human
activities such as proting events, concert, construction or demolition.
 How does noise pollution affect humans and animals in your region?
I live in a village near Gyöngyös. I live in the main Street and that street really crowded by cars, and
buses. For children it’s dangerous, and also the pets. Learning is made very difficult by the noise near
busy streets. On the other hand of the village, there are no cars, and there are only two cars on the
road. It so much better for everyone, far away the noise. Our school is located on a very busy
anóvenue and the noise of the traffic and roadworks ofter impedes concentration and causes mental
stress even when the windows are closed.
 What is light pollution?
Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky by the use of improper lighting, especially by cities
that run lights all night long. It can be caused by extra, unnecessary lights around the home or street
lamps that shine light in all direction, instead of pointing light downwards towards the street.
 What are the negative consequences of light pollution?
Light pollution not only inhibits the visibly of stars and planets buti t may also affect human health and
sleep cycles. Excessive light on the retina causes discomfort tot he eyes especially during the night.
Bright light strains the eyes and also causes headaches and migraine. LIght pollution is also a waste of
energy because street lamps generally use more energy by shining more light up instead of down. In
this way brighter bulbs are needed for the same amount of light
 Is there light pollution where you live?
In my village definitelly has not light pollution. In spite of that, there are numerous cities affected by
light pollution but unfortunatelly an increasing number of the word’s leading cities want to have
unique identity by lighting important landmarks to create insipirng visual experiences.
 What is visual pollution?
Visual pollution is what we call anything unattractive or visually damaging tot he nerby landspace.
Visual environmental pollution can be annoying, ugly or even depressing.
 What is pollution?

 What harm does pollution do to the environment?

 What do you get most angry about when you think about pollution?

 Do you think the Kyoto Protocol and international meetings help reduce pollution?
 Which bothers you more, noise pollution from traffic or environmental pollution from traffic?

 What do you know about air, marine and river pollution?

 What are the worst pollutants and who are the worst polluters?

 What simple, everyday thing could help reduce pollution most?

 The famous marine biologist Jacques Cousteau said: "Water and air…have become global garbage
cans." What do you think of his words?

 What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘pollution’?

 What different forms of pollution do you know of?

 How bad is pollution in your town?

 What do you do every day that adds to pollution?

 What do you do every day that helps to reduce pollution?

 Is there a lot of pollution in your country?

 What do you think of people who buy big, gas-guzzling 4WDs when they don’t really need them?

 How does pollution affect our health?

 Do you think pollution will be a bigger issue in fifty years than it is now?

 The former US president Ronald Reagan once said: "Cars don't cause pollution, trees do." Do you think
US presidents understand a little more about pollution now?


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