English Definitions Social Media & Human Interactions

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Not together or in close proximity. Creates distance or separation. Can refer to physical or emotional


A large group of people gathered closely together. Often seen at events, concerts, or public places.
Shared atmosphere or collective presence.

To embrace sb/sth

To hold someone or something closely. Symbolic of acceptance, support, or inclusion. Can be both a
physical and metaphorical action.


Reaction or reply to a stimulus. Demonstrates feedback or acknowledgment. Can be verbal, written,

or non-verbal.

To launch

To initiate or start something, often a project or product. Involves introducing and making it
available. Can refer to actions in various contexts.


Dedication or obligation to a cause, relationship, or task. Implies loyalty and persistence.

Demonstrates a long-term and steadfast approach.

To publish

To make information publicly available, often through print or digital media. Sharing content with a
wider audience. Common in journalism, literature, and online platforms.


Prejudice, stereotypes or inclination towards a particular perspective. Can affect judgment or

decision-making. Important to recognize and address in various contexts such as discrimination.


A system of rules and regulations governing a society. Enforced by authorities. Provides a framework
for justice and order.


The extent to which an event or topic is reported by the media. Can refer to the range and depth of
information. Influences public awareness.
To accuse sb of sth

To assert that someone is responsible for a wrongdoing. Involves making allegations or charges. Legal
implications may follow.


An extremely cruel or brutal act. Often associated with violence or inhumanity. Evokes a strong sense
of moral outrage.


Unwanted and repeated behavior causing distress. Can be verbal, physical, or online. Violates
personal boundaries and may have legal consequences.


Communication channels for news, entertainment, and information dissemination. Includes print,
broadcast, and digital platforms. Plays a significant role in shaping public opinion.

To consume sth

To use or take in something, such as food, information, or resources. Can refer to various forms of
consumption. Implies utilization or assimilation.

To broadcast

To transmit audio or visual content through radio or television. Reaches a wide audience
simultaneously. Common in news, entertainment, and communication.

To raise money

To collect funds for a specific purpose or cause. Involves soliciting financial support from individuals
or organizations. Often done through events, campaigns, or donations.


A person who watches or looks at visual content, such as TV or online videos. Passive participant in
media consumption. Plays a role in determining viewership ratings.


The origin or provider of information. Can refer to people, documents, or organizations. Critical for
assessing credibility.


Organized efforts to achieve a specific goal, often in marketing or advocacy. Involves strategic
planning and execution. Can be short-term or long-term.
To deliver

To transport or convey something to a destination. Also, to fulfill a promise or commitment. Involves

ensuring the completion or receipt of something.

To get a message across

To successfully communicate and convey a particular message. Involves making information clear and
understandable. Aims for effective understanding by the audience.


A person who purchases and uses goods or services. Integral to the market economy. Influences
demand and product trends.


The specific audience or group aimed at in marketing or communication. Tailoring efforts to a

particular demographic. Involves strategic focus.


The central or essential part of something. Fundamental to the structure or nature. Can refer to
values, beliefs, or principles.


The way in which something is handled or dealt with. Involves strategies or methods. Reflects a
chosen course of action.


The effect or influence of something on another. Can be positive or negative. Measurable outcomes
or consequences.


Information, ideas, or creative material within a piece of media. Constitutes the substance of
communication. Varied in forms like text, images, or videos.


The worth or importance assigned to something. Can be monetary, moral, or personal. Influences
decision-making and priorities.


A brief explanation or description accompanying an image. Adds context or conveys additional

information. Common in social media and photography.
Speech bubble

Graphic representation of spoken words in comics or cartoons. Contains dialogue or thoughts of

characters. Adds visual communication to storytelling.

To evoke

To bring out or elicit a particular emotion or reaction. Often used in the context of art, literature, or
memories. Affects feelings or responses.


A memorable phrase used in advertising or advocacy. Concise and impactful. Aims to capture
attention and convey a message.


A person involved in an activity or event. Takes an active role. Contributes to the overall experience.


The state of being free from observation or intrusion. Protection of personal information. Essential
for individual autonomy.


Referring to something that occurred or existed before the present. Indicates a timeline or historical
context. Contrast with current or upcoming.


Tending to form opinions or make decisions quickly. Often involving criticism or negativity. Can hinder
open-mindedness and understanding.


A distinctive name, symbol, or design identifying a product or company. Represents reputation and
values. Influences consumer recognition and loyalty.


Promotional activities aimed at increasing awareness and sales of a product or service. Involves
various media channels. Communicates key features and benefits.


Large outdoor advertising display. Typically located in high-traffic areas. Utilizes visuals and concise
To bombard sb with sth

To overwhelm someone with a large quantity of something, often information or requests. Can be
intense or excessive. May lead to stress or fatigue.


A large-format newspaper. Often associated with serious journalism. Contrasts with tabloid in terms
of content and style.


A compact-format newspaper, often focusing on sensational and celebrity news. Appeals to a

broader audience. Contrasts with broadsheet.


Based on facts or reality. Accurate and objective. Commonly used to describe information, reports, or


Provoking intense emotions or excitement. Often exaggerated or dramatic. Common in media

coverage for impact.


Casual or idle talk, especially about others' private lives. Often involves rumors or speculation. Can be
entertaining but lacks verification.

To publish

To make information publicly available, especially in print or digital form. Involves distribution to a
wider audience. Part of the media and communication process.

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