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Ségrio Acapito


Terrorism in Cabo Delgado
(Licenciatura em Ensino de Inglês)

Universidade Rovuma

Ségrio Acapito

Terrorism in Cabo Delgado

Essay to be submitted to the Department of Letters
and Social Sciences, English Course third year, in
partial fulfilment of the subject: Didactics of English

Lecturer: Bernabé Cachele M.A./ MBA

Universidade Rovuma


CHAPTER I................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Observation forms.......................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Observation form 1...................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Observation form 2...................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Observation form 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Observation form 4.................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Observation form 5.................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Observation form 6.................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Observation form 7.................................................................................................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Schemes of work........................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Scheme of work 1...................................................................................................................................................................................................19
Scheme of work 2...................................................................................................................................................................................................22
Scheme of work 3...................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Scheme of work 4...................................................................................................................................................................................................26
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................................................................................................................28
Lesson plans...............................................................................................................................................................................................................28
Lesson plan 1 – Reading.........................................................................................................................................................................................29
Lesson plan 2 – Writing..........................................................................................................................................................................................32

Lesson plan 3 – Listening.......................................................................................................................................................................................35

Lesson plan 4 – Speaking.......................................................................................................................................................................................38
Lesson plan 5 – Vocabulary...................................................................................................................................................................................41
Lesson plan 6 – Pronunciation................................................................................................................................................................................43
Lesson plan 7 – Essay.............................................................................................................................................................................................45
Lesson plan 8 –Tenses............................................................................................................................................................................................48
Lesson plan 9 – Grammar.......................................................................................................................................................................................51
Lesson plan 10 – Integrated....................................................................................................................................................................................54
CHAPTER IV...........................................................................................................................................................................................................57
Consolidation exercises.............................................................................................................................................................................................57
SECTION A: Reading and Comprehension...........................................................................................................................................................58
SECTION B: Grammar point (Part 1)....................................................................................................................................................................60
SECTION C: Collocation (vocabulary)..................................................................................................................................................................62
SECTION D: Listening activates...........................................................................................................................................................................63
SECTION E: Speaking activities............................................................................................................................................................................64
SECTION F: Pronunciation activities....................................................................................................................................................................65
Chapter V: Communicative language tests..............................................................................................................................................................2
Test 1........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Test 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Test 3........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Test 4 8th grade........................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Test 5 8h grade.......................................................................................................................................................................................................9

Exam, 12th grade/2021..............................................................................................................................................................................................2

Planning is the art of combining a number of different contents into a coherent whole, so that lesson has an identity which students can
recognize, work within and react to. The present deals with a different variety of schemes of work, lesson plans, observation forms,
consolidation exercises and communicative tests. It aims to develop trainees’ abilities to design such materials for future benefits in the field of
English Language Teaching. It if factual that most of the teachers of English language in Mozambique, have a mastery of one model of lesson
plan then this task unveils the different lesson plan models and schemes of works so that the trainees have a mastery of all of them. Not only,
lesson plan models and schemes are intended to be learnt, but also testing different language skills, including vocabulary and spelling.
Furthermore, designing consolidation exercises for communicative purposes and finally designing different observation forms to evaluate
teachers’ performance in different areas of teaching. The major topic for the present assignment is Terrorism in Cabo Delgado.

The purpose of getting prepared for the future of English Language Teaching in Mozambique, and mastering the different teaching techniques to
address effectively the English language to students, constitutes the RATIONALE of this pair task.

Observation forms
This chapter deals with observational form. It is intended to design different observational forms regarding the performance of teachers when it
comes to teach English language. In the first observational form is dealt with the use of blackboard. The second observational form cover the
communicative approach, the third TBLT, the fourth direct method, the fifth natural approach, the sixth teacher talking time and seventh
students’ talking time.

Observation form 1
The use of black board
Date: ------------------------------ Time:---------------

The purpose of this Peer observation form is to scrutinize the teacher´s performance in managing the blackboard.


Does the teacher possess a lesson plan? Yes……No……
Is the teacher well dressed for the class? Yes…….No……..
Is the blackboard clean? Yes……..No……….
Did the teacher get on time in to the class? Yes……No…..
Is the teacher standing in the right way at the front of the class? Yes….No….
Does the teacher write the difficult words on the board? Yes…..No….
Does the teacher hide the board while writing? Yes….No….
Does the teacher speak while writing on the board? Yes….No…..




Observation form 2
Communicative approach
School: Grade:________________________ Subject: _____________________Period/Time:______________
Teacher: _________________________Date:___ /_____ /_____ Observer:___________________

1. INTRODUCTION Strong Some None

a) Did the teacher introduced the lesson appropriately?
b) Did the teacher recall a previous lesson?
c) Were the students of what he was going to teach?
d) Did the teacher greet everyone before the lesson started?


a) Did the teacher use appropriately the communicative approach?
b) Did the teacher measure truly communicative activities during the lesson?
c) Did the teacher integrate communicative activities to convey the message?
d) Were students allowed to practice the activities actively?


a) Asked student about what they think of the lesson?
b) Are any students with special needs that can’t perform the activities?
c) Connected students during the class?
d) Involved every student in the lesson?

1a. Did the lesson meet the needs of learners at all achievement levels of communicative approach? (one only) Yes,---- No,---
(1) Below basic (2) Basic (3) Proficient (4) Advanced
Areas for Improvement:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Observer´s overall

Observation form 3
Instructor: ______________________________________ Course __________________________________
Peer/Observer: __________________________________ Date and Time ____________________________


a) Subject matter: did the teacher:
Show confidence and knowledge of the subject matter;
demonstrate mastery of the content).
b) Organization: did the teacher:
follow up the stages of the lesson;
explained clearly the content;
summarize the main points)
c) Teaching methods: did the teacher:
use relevant teaching methods;
teaching techniques;
use clear examples;
technology to convey their lesson)
d) Physical aspects of classroom: does the classroom:
present good physical appearance for TBLT to take place;

distract students.


Observation form 4
Direct method
The overarching objective of this form is to inspect the teacher’s overall performance and nurture competence in the use Direct method

3=Exceed Expectations 2= Meets Expectations 1= Needs Improvement

1. Did the teacher get ready for the lesson? 3 2 1

2. Did he show organization and enthusiasm? 3 2 1

3 2 1
1. Were the materials helpful for the students? 3 2 1
2. Used the Direct Method to introduce the lesson? 3 2 1
3. Applied proper techniques with the Direct method?
4. Recalled previous lesson? 3 2 1


1. Was the teacher able to implement the Direct method in the class? 3 2 1
2. Did he mix up teaching methods? 3 2 1
3. Did he have enough instructional sources to implement the direct method effectively? 3 2 1

4. Were illustrated clear examples using the Direct Method? 3 2 1

5. Was eye contact held during the lesson? 3 2 1

Overall Quality of Micro-Teaching:

3 = Exceeds Expectations 2 = Meets Expectations 1 = Needs Improvement
Observer_____________________________ Observee_______________________________

Observation form 5
Natural approach
This form has been devised for scrutinizing the language teacher´s performance using the Natural Approach in ELT classroom.

Please write your answers to the following questions and give them to the observer before class begins.

1. State the main goal of your

2. Why do you think the goals meet the course
Topic: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of students: -----
Observer: ————————— Date: ————————
Grab the following rating scale and cycle while observing the class

4 - Outstanding; 3 - Good; 2 - Fair; 1 - Poor

a) The teacher was prepared for the lesson. 4 3 2 1
b) The lesson was designed for Natural Approach 4 3 2 1

a) The teacher used the target language appropriately and effectively. 4 3 2 1
b) 2. Use of English was appropriate to student needs. 4 3 2 1
c) The level of language used matched the students’ level 4 3 2 1
a) Used proper natural approach activities to conduct the lesson 4 3 2 1
b) Students participation was active 4 3 2 1
c) Natural Approach was effectively implemented by the teacher 4 3 2 1
d) Students found out themselves the method used by the teacher 4 3 2 1
e) Different techniques were implemented to achieve the goals of the lesson 4 3 2 1


Observer: ------------------------------- Observee: --------------------------------------

Observation form 6
Teacher talking time
The overarching purpose of this Peer observation form is to delve the teacher´s performance by using TTT technique/strategy to teach English

Introduction of the session

How did the teacher Very well Well Not very well Not applicable
Talked much than the students?
Gave any chance for students to talk?
Relate the previous lesson with the present one?
Called out the roll?
Overall, this session was conducted



How did the teacher Very well Well Not very well Not applicable
Demonstrate confidence in subject matter?
The time for speaking?
Allocate time for his interventions where needed?
Use appropriate language to convey the message?
Different techniques to achieve the goals?
Overall, this session was conducted

Overall comments: including reference to any issues affecting the session which were outside the control of
the teacher e.g. accommodation, resources, etc.
Teaching Critique Observation Summary
Agreed good practices
Recommended enhancements to teaching:

Observation form 7
Students’ talking time

Teacher__________________________ Observer ____________________________

Course ____________________________ Number of students present _____________
Date/time of observation ____________________ Location ______________________
Outstanding Very well Reasonably Normally Scarcely No, at all
6 5 4 3 2 1

1. Development of learning objectives

a) How clear are the objectives of the lesson?.........
b) Are the objectives targeting the students?...........
2. Educational climate for learning
a) Do students show interest in speaking during the class?.....
b) Is the teacher aware of students’ name?......
c) How was the eye contact during the lessons? ……
3. Variety of instructional activities
a) Did the teacher conceive time for students to speak more than him during the class? ……
b) Did he involve students in the class throughout the lesson?.....

4. Opportunities for students’ participation

a) Did the teacher conceive the opportunities for students to raise their ideas?....
b) Did they speak the most part of the lesson?...
c) Did the teacher use an integrated technique to make students use the target language freely?....
d) Did the interaction occur naturally?...






Schemes of work

This chapter deals with the schemes of work. There are four schemes of work, designed for grade 10. Having Terrorism in Cabo Delgado as the
major topic, there divided topics related to it. It is aimed to bring topics with all of their components such as students’ expected competences,
skills, grammar, vocabulary, functions, and time if necessary. Each scheme of work contains three 3 lessons in a detailed way of what is
expected to be achieved.

Scheme of work 1
Grade 10
By the end of the week, students will: talk about war in a broad way.
Describing the killings in a war;
State the negative impacts;
Know what the human rights

Week Lesson Topic Skills Vocabulary Grammar Functions Time


 Listening;  Word formation;  Present and  Describing the wars;

 Expressing opinions;
 Speaking;  Cause and effect; past tenses;
 Explaining and giving
Lesson 1 What’s war?  Writing;  Topic vocabulary;  Prepositions; information;
related.  Describing causes and
 Reading.  Conditionals.
Explaining the
consequences of wars.
 Listening;  Synonyms;  Present and  Describing violence
01  Speaking;  Antonyms; past perfect; provoked by war;
 Giving characteristics of
Lesson 2  Writing;  Collocations;  Nouns;
Types of violence
 Reading.  Topic vocabulary  Adjectives  Explaining the causes of
in a war
related. violence;
 Expressing viewpoints.

 Listening;  Word formation;  Question tags;  Giving reasons using

The  Speaking;  Collocations;  Present and because, since, because
02 Lesson 1
consequences of  Writing;  Definitions. past perfect; of, as, etc.
war  Reading.  Affixation  Present  Describing contrasts
continuous; using but, although;
 Giving differences;
 Explaining the
consequences of war.

 Listening;  Antonyms;  Futures tenses;

 Speaking;  Expressing opinions;  Modal verbs  Describing
 Writing;  Cause and effect; (may, shall, deforestation;
 Reading.  Topic related should, can,  Classifying
Lesson 2 Killing vocabulary. could, deforestations;
might…)  Talking about its
 Conditionals importance;
with if…  Relating it to the
sentences. industry;

Scheme of work 2
Grade 10

Week Topic Content Objectives Principal activities Assignment

Grammar Students will be
able to: Teacher Student
 Adjectives (comparatives
-Name and
and superlatives); describe the factors  Guide the Ss with  Perform the activities
Humanitarian behind the causes text; provided by the
 Adverbs;
crisis in Cabo of humanitarian  Explain clearly the teacher;
Delgado  Phrasal verbs. crisis grammar focus;  Practice the language
 Use examples to skills as much as
Vocabulary -Explain how those
introduce and possible.
 Defining and classifying; factors can affect  Take notes of
people. explain the
whatever is taught.
01  Collocations. vocabulary.
Grammar -Describe the  Provide a clear  Interact actively in the
 Definite and indefinite advantages and classroom with the
explanation on the
articles; disadvantages of teacher;
Assisting war  Nouns; giving assistance to grammar focus and
victims  Countable and people who are vocabulary items
uncountable noun. disgraced by war
selected for the
Vocabulary -Talk about ways
of how-to advice lesson.
 Describing words; others about the  Give Ss more
 Topic related vocabulary; consequences of
war. speaking time.
 Homophones;

 Homographs.
Grammar -List/name and  Engage students to  Read text and perform
 Adverbs of degree; explain the
the lesson from the the activities included
Ways of ending consequences of
 Strong adjectives; ending wars in a beginning up to the in the text;
 Reflexive pronouns. bad way.
end of the lesson;  Raise questions of
Vocabulary  Guide the Ss with what they haven’t
 Expressing viewpoints; reading of the text understood.
 Giving advices;
 Describing consequences. input.
Grammar Understand the  Give clear  Perform activities
 Active and passive explanations with given;
principles of the
voices; examples of the  Listen and take of the
 Reported speech; Declaration of
Declaration of seasons of the explanation of the
 Degrees of certainty. Human Rights year; teacher about the
Human Rights
Vocabulary about killing others  Control actively Declaration of Human
 Taking a decision; the activities Rights.
 Prefixes; performed by Ss.
 Collocation

Scheme of work 3
Grade 10

Lesson Contents Objectives/Aims Teacher’s activity Skills Students’ activity

Grammar Students will be to:
 Prepositions for
 Perform activities
and during; -Name the advantages and Explain with clear
 Adjectives; disadvantages of the examples and engage provided by the
Can war influence on Vocabulary climate in Northern Cabo students from the
climate change?  Describing;  Speaking;  Listen and take notes
Delgado; beginning of the lesson up
 Weather  Listening of the lesson;
-Compare and contrast it to the end so that they will
symbols; with other provinces’ ;
be able to grasp  Raise questions if
 Forecast related climates;
 Reading; possible.
vocabulary. effectively the lesson.
 Writing;
Grammar -Talk about the  Reviews the  Speaking;  Review the previous
 Regular and previous lesson;
advantages and  Listening lesson with the teacher;
Irregular verbs;  Gives a correction
 Future tenses; disadvantages of the ;  Take notes of the
Military intervention of the homework;
Vocabulary military intervention in  Explains clearly  Reading; correction of the
 Giving advices; the war of Cabo Delgado. the lesson so that  Writing; homework;
 Expressing - Understand the budget students grasp it
 Perform the activities.
opinions or wasted by the government successfully.
for the intervention.

Grammar -Discuss in what ways  Tackles on  Speaking;  Review and take of the
 Present and past wars destruct countries. grammar revision;  Listening grammar revision;
continuous tense;
 Countable and -Identify/name countries  Uses Students ;  Use the target language
Do wars construct or uncountable in the same situation as Talking Time, to  Reading; freely to express
destruct countries? nouns.
Vocabulary Mozambique. help students  Writing; opinions; wishes;
 Topic related -Describe the actions of practice the target thoughts; and plays.
 Definitions; government towards the language during
 Collocations. war in Cabo Delgado. the lessons.

Grammar -Identify the possible  Gives practical  Speaking;  Pay attention on the
 Active and
causes of the war in Cabo examples of the  Listening explanation and
passive voices;
 Impersonal Delgado. topic in question ; examples;
The origins of war in passive; -Describe their impacts on and make students  Reading;  Perform activities
Cabo Delgado  Past simple
Vocabulary peoples’ lives. put in practice it.  Writing; related to the topic
 Vocabulary -Express their opinion being studied.
 Context clues; about the origins of war in
 Word formation. Cabo Delgado.

Scheme of work 4
Grade 10

Content Objective Language content Teacher’s activity Skills Student’s activity

Grammar Function Vocabulary
Students will  Describing  Speaking;
be able to: appropriate  Conduct  Meticulously
 Listening
ways; appropriate listen and
-Identify the teaching  Reading; take notes
 Modals of  Giving
Wars negative
obligation; advices to  Definitions; techniques  Writing; what they’re
affecting aspects that
negatively the wars can lead  Conditional others to get  Sequence to address being taught
development to a decadency s; ready; markers; successfully and then do
of Mozambique  be/get + ing  Giving  Phrasal this lesson. the activities
Mozambique form. reasons why verbs. collectively.
to be
-Talk about the Use meaningful  Speaking; Attentively pay
physical  Revision  Explaining  Sequence ways to explain
 Listening attention to the
Destructions damage made on: clearly about markers; the students the
of in Palma;  Modals; the buildings  Synonyms;  Reading; explanations and put
importance of
infrastructur -Discuss the  Conditional damaged;  Word being in peace.  Writing; in practise the four
es in Palma disadvantages s  Giving formation.
it provoked.  Reflexive instructions; language skills.
pronouns.  Describing

-Describe the  Infinitive  Giving  Word  Speaking;

role of social verbs;  Listening Pay much attention

The role of media  Modals opinion; formation; Integrate teaching ; on the process of
social media regarding the (should;  Reading;
 Describing;  Acronyms; methodologies or explanation and be
towards the war; would and  Writing;
war in Cabo could).  Relating;  Abbreviation approaches to able to use the target
Delgado -List/name the s;
 Identifying; better address the language to express
TV channels
that exhibit lesson. views, thoughts, and
most cases of
Cabo Delgado.
-Talk about the  Prepositions  Describing  Collocation;  Speaking;
possible of time and good and bad  Definitions; Engage students  Listening Perform activities
Poverty or causes; place; plans; ; and raise questions
 Comparisons. from the beginning
 Regular and  Comparing  Reading; about the lesson in
Politics, what
irregular and of the lesson until  Writing; case they don’t
caused the -Express verbs; contrasting; understand
the end so they
opinions about  Articles;  Agreeing and something.
war in Cabo
what should be disagreeing; participate actively And also interact
Delgado? done.  Expressing with the teacher
in the lesson. Use
opinions. during the lessons in
controlled activities order to practise the
target language.


Lesson plans
In this chapter different lesson plans are dealt with. The major aim of this chapter is to design different lesson plans regarding the topic
Terrorism in Cabo Delgado. Among the lesson plan models used herein, include TBLT, TTT, ESA, Reading lesson plan, Writing lesson plan,
Listening lesson plan, ARC among others. It is also aimed to show performance in designing lesson plans using different models provided by the

Lesson plan 1 – Reading

School: Nampula Secondary School

Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: What’s war? Materials: Black board
Date: 5 January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to read a text perfectly and understand it.

 Define and describe wars;

 Relate the war in Cabo Delgado with other wars


S, L, Grammar Function Vocabulary Teacher’s Students’ Time
W, R
Warm Greets students; calls the roll out; Reply the greetings; respond the
Reviews the last lesson and then roll out. Review or previous 5’
writes the topic on the board. lesson and write down the topic
Before S, L, A word or phrase The teacher asks Ss attention and Students pay attention on the
which is often used War instruments take note of the questions; teacher’s questions;
with another word (weapons) Starts by asking questions related to Students take notes of the 10’
or phrase, in a way the topic introduced; questions and wait for their time
that sounds correct Listens carefully the to the answers

to people who being given by the students; to give answers;

spoken the language Teacher cuts short students’ One by one gives his views
interventions if necessary, to help
all their lives, but about the questions raised by the
them out;
might not be By the end of this stage, teacher teacher;
gives/distributes the text related to
expected from the Receive the text being
the topic;
meaning. And asks students to read it distributed and start reading
carefully and silently. silently and individually.

S, L, A word or phrase War instruments At this stage, teacher asks students Students pay attention to the
which is often used (weapons) to pay much attention again; explanation of the teacher;
During with another word Begins with a detailed explanation Take notes of what is being
or phrase, in a way of the topic introduced so that explained;
that sounds correct students get much understanding of One reads the text aloud;
to people who it; Students read the vocabulary
spoken the language Asks one student to read the text items on the board;
all their lives, but aloud; Pay attention on the explanation
might not be Asks students to read the vocabulary of the vocabulary items selected
expected from the items written on the board; by the teacher;
Introduces and explains clearly the
vocabulary items selected.
S, L, A word or phrase At this stage, teacher asks students Students concentrate themselves
which is often used to pay attention on the exercises and on the exercises given;
with another word War instruments solve them using the text; Start solving them using the text
Post – Collocation

Readin or phrase, in a way (weapons) Asks students to exchange their distributed; 10’
that sounds correct notes for correction. Exchange their notes between
to people who At the end, gives a homework to be mates for correction.
spoken the language performed. Jot down the homework.
all their lives, but
might not be
expected from the

Lesson plan 2 – Writing

School: Nampula Secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min

Topic / Lesson: types of violence Materials: Black board

Date: 5 January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to write a composition

 State the causes violence;

 Write a short composition about war violence;
 Use adverbs appropriately.

Stages Language content Activities Skills Time

Grammar Content Vocabulary Teacher’s Student’s

Warming  Greets students;  Reply the greetings; S,L,R,

up respond the roll out. W
calls the roll out;
 Review or previous
 Reviews the last 5’
lesson and write
lesson and then
writes the topic on down the topic
the board. given.
Pre- An adverb is a  Asks students to  To pay attention as
Writing pay attention; asked by the teacher;
word which Topic related
Adverbs  Distributes the text  Receive the text
describes or gives vocabulary being distributed by
which talks about
more information the teacher;
 Read the text silently
about a verb,  Asks them to read and alone as asked;
adjective, adverb it silently and  After finishing the
alone; silent reading, copy 10’
or phrase. the sentences on the
 As the Ss read it
silently, the teacher board into their
exercise books;

writes the
examples of the
grammar focus and
vocabulary, to
explain later.

Adverbs An adverb is a  Tells them to listen  Listen to the

carefully to the teacher’s reading; S,L,R,
word which
teacher’s reading;  Understand the W
describes or gives Topic related interpretation;
 Reads it aloud;
more information vocabulary  Attentively, listen to
 Interprets the text the explanation
During about a verb, with the class; about grammar focus
Writing  Explains the and vocabulary and 10’
adjective, adverb
grammar focus and take notes of it;
or phrase.  Write a short
the vocabulary
item selected for dictation as asked;
the lesson;
 Tells Ss to writing
a short dictation;
Adverbs An adverb is a  Asks Ss to be in  Get grouped as
Topic related small groups; asked; S,L,R,
word which
vocabulary  Gives a set of  Receive the tasks W
describes or gives and get ready to
activities for
more information perform them
students to actively; 20’
about a verb, perform;  Write the
adjective, adverb  Orders to a short composition asked
composition about by the teacher.
or phrase. the causes of

Post- droughts, being

Writing attentively on the
punctuation and

Lesson plan 3 – Listening

School: Nampula Secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: Consequences of war Materials: Black board

Date: 5th January, 2022 Teachers: Sérgio Acapito

General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to listen for general and specific information.
Specific objectives:

 Name the consequences of wars;

 Relate the them to the situation of the affected districts in Northern Cabo Delgado.
 Be able to listen to different English accents from BBC NEWS and understand clearly.

Stages Activities Language content Time

Teacher’s Student’s Grammar Function Vocabulary

 Greets students; calls  Reply the greetings;

respond the roll out. Linking words 2’
the roll out;
 Review or previous lesson or phrases
 Reviews the last and write down the topic
Warm up lesson and corrects the given.
 Then writes the topic
on the board.
Pre-  Prepares his listening  Get ready for the lesson; Linking word is a Despite, in spite of, 10’
listening tools for the lesson;  Receive the text; word or phrase that such as, however, on
 Distributes the text  Pay attention on the Linking words shows relationship the other hand, as a
that talks about the explanations being given or phrases between paragraphs result; as a
consequences of by the teacher; or sections of texts consequence;
droughts;  Take notes of the or speech. moreover; etc.
 Asks students to pay explanations.
much attention on the
 Defines and explains
the grammar focus

and vocabulary
 Tells students to take
 Asks students to listen  Attentively, listen to the
to the loud speaker loud speaker; Linking word is a
with attention;  Try to write down the
 Tells the number of words they hear that word or phrase that 15’
times he will play it; appear in the text; Linking words
shows relationship
During  Asks them to jot down  Try to understand what is or phrases Despite, in spite of,
listening the words which being talked about (the between paragraphs such as, however, on
appear in the text; main idea); the other hand, as a
or sections of texts
 As he plays several  Ask for a reply in case result; as a
times, asks students to they want to listen more or speech. consequence;
grasp the main idea; for confirmation; moreover; etc
 Give them the  Pay attention on the
freedom to ask for explanation;
replay in case they  Take notes of what is
need; being explained.
 At the end of this
stage, teacher explains
the words they heard
that appear on the
 The grammar and
vocabulary items
intended to be taught
on the day.
Post-  Asks students to be in  Get paired as asked by the Linking word is a
listening pairs; teacher; word or phrase that
 Gives some exercises;  Perform the exercises; Despite, in spite of, 18’
Linking words shows relationship such as, however, on

 After finishing them,  Listen to the short or phrases between paragraphs the other hand, as a
asks to listen to a conversation and write result; as a
or sections of texts
short conversation and what they hear. consequence;
or speech. moreover; etc
write down what they

Lesson plan 4 – Speaking

School: Nampula secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60

Subject: English Class period: 45 min

Topic / Lesson: Killing Materials: Black board
Date: 5 January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to use the language to express their thoughts orally.
Specific objectives:

 Describe the deaths that occur in northern Mozambique;

 Talk types of deaths that happen in the affected zone;
 Express opinions using linking words for agreeing and disagreeing;

Stages Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Linguistic function/content Skills Time

Grammar Function Vocabulary
Warm  Greets students; calls the  Reply the greetings;
up respond the roll out.
roll out;
 Review or previous 5’
 Reviews the last lesson lesson and write L, S, R,
and corrects the down the topic W
homework; given.
 Then writes the topic on
the board.
 Teacher tells students to  Get grouped as Expressing A linking word Broadly speaking;
get grouped in small asked; 10’
Opinion is a word that in general; in my
groups;  Pay attention to the
 Then, introduces a statement of the (Linking words connects two view; I think; in
discussion about the discussion being for agreeing and
ideas whether that case;
deforestation in Northern introduced by the disagreeing).
Mozambique: e.g., class teacher; agreeing or therefore; in fact;
let’s talk about the war  Students start contrasting, namely;
in northern L,S,R,W

Engage Mozambique. Let’s look presenting their giving a moreover; to

at this factor and say
arguments for or consequence, clarify; because;
what you about being or
not being a problem that against with each summarizing,
those killings are crime.
other’s and etc.
 After that, asks the
groups to express their presenting their
opinions, contrasting or reasons.
agreeing to each other
and presenting their
reasons why.
 Students in their Expressing A linking word Broadly speaking;
 Teacher writes and groups, pay much Opinion is a word that in general; in my
explains in a detailed attention here;
way the deforestation in  Receive the text and (Linking words connects two view; I think; in 20’
northern Mozambique; read it silently; for agreeing and L,S,R,W
ideas whether that case;
Study  Distributes to each group  Raise their questions disagreeing).
a piece of text about about the lesson or agreeing or therefore; in fact;
deforestation; topic; contrasting, namely;
 Explains again the  Take notes of the
linking words for clarification of the giving a moreover; to
agreeing and disagreeing; questions. consequence, clarify; because;
 Gives chance questions;
 Clarify the questions summarizing,
raised by the students. etc.

 Teacher gives a set of  Start working on the Expressing A linking word Broadly speaking;
activities for students to activities; is a word that in general; in my
perform;  Use the linking connects two
 Tells to be in groups yet, words appropriately. (Linking words view; I think; in 10’

and solve the exercises for agreeing and ideas whether that case;
Activat using the linking words disagreeing). agreeing or L,S,R,W
therefore; in fact;
e as taught previously; contrasting,
 Controls the students giving a
while performing the
consequence, moreover; to
summarizing, clarify; because;

Lesson plan 5 – Vocabulary

School: Nampula secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60

Subject: English Class period: 90 min

Topic / Lesson: Humanitarian crisis in Cabo Delgado Materials: Black board
Date: 5th January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito

Stage Objectives Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Language content Time

By the end of -Greets students; -Reply to the greetings.
(Warm up) this lesson the -Writes the topic on the board. Pay attention to the teacher, Grammar Vocabulary
students should -Provides awareness to the take some notes and ask
be able to: students of the topic. questions about the given Nouns Summer; 15’
topic, if necessary. winter; sprint
and fall or
Pre-task -Become aware -Explains the use of modal verbs - Listen and take notes on the
of the to the students. correct use of modal verbs. autumn.
humanitarian -Presents vocabulary provided. -Deduce the new vocabulary
crisis; -Explains how to use the provided.
-Know the vocabulary in context.
Task -Deem possible -Asks students to sit in groups, -Sit in groups and receive the Nous Summer; 30’
ways of and distributes a text about the text; winter; sprint
explaining the humanitarian crisis. - Read the text silently and
and fall or
disadvantages of - Asks students to read the text try to comprehend it;
the humanitarian silently; - One reads it aloud; autumn.
crisis in Cabo - Calls one student to read it - In their groups, solve the
Delgado aloud; questions related to the text.
- Asks students to answer the
exercise given below the text.

Planning -Make strategical -Asks students if have finished; - Reply if yes or no. Nouns Summer; 10’
plans for -Moves around the class Still in groups, solve the winter; sprint
reducing the
controlling and providing exercise provided by the and fall or
impacts of the
war in Cabo possible help if required. teacher. autumn.
Report Presents a -Invites students in their groups -Each student from the Nouns Summer; 15’
potential report to go to the front of the class and groups, goes to the front of winter; sprint
on giving advices present their reports. the class and present their
and fall or
of what to do -Pay attentions to the learners’ reports orally.
during the war presentations and takes notes for -take notes of the feedback autumn.
future feedback. provided by the teacher and
write down the homework.
Language Focus - Use modal Finally, recaps the use modals Take notes and practice Nouns Summer; 20’
verbs adequately. verbs; using modal verbs, to state winter; sprint
Asks students to produce as feasible advices for sick and fall or
many sentences as they can, people. autumn.
using the modal verbs.

Lesson plan 6 – Pronunciation

School: Nampula secondary School

Grade: 10 Class size: 60

Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: Assisting war victims Materials: Black board
Date: 5th January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to pronounce words correctly.
Specific objectives:

 Describe the different ways of giving assist to people who are victims of wars;
 Talk about the significance of it for the people who benefit.
 Describe donates.

Stages Language content Activities Time

Grammar Function Vocabulary Teacher’s Student’s
Warm up  Greets students; calls the  Reply the greetings; respond 3’
roll out; the roll out.
 Reviews the last lesson and  Review or previous lesson
corrects the homework;
and write down the topic
 Then writes the topic on
the board. given.
Observe Nouns A noun is word  Presents an audio-visual  Pay attention; 13’
that refers to a Topic related aid to the students;  Attentively watch and listen
person, place or vocabulary  Asks them to pay attention carefully to the video and
thing, event, to it; take notes of the important
substance or  Plays a video about a words asked by the teacher
quality. woman speaking about the to pay much attention.
importance of assisting

people when they need

 Asks students to listen
carefully to the
pronunciation of certain
A noun is word  Teacher pronounces  Get the right pronunciation 15’
Nouns that refers to a correctly the words in from the teacher too;
person, place or question;  Practice with the teacher,
Hypothesize thing, event, Topic related  Asks students to pay the pronunciation of some
substance or vocabulary attention to it; specific words;
quality.  Make students practice the  Give their contributions,
pronunciation; questions, and doubts.
 Gives chance for  Take notes of the
questions, contributions clarification.
and doubts;
 Clarifies the questions
Experimen A noun is word  Asks the students to get  Get grouped as asked; 15’
t Nouns that refers to a Topic related grouped;  Receive or copy the
person, place or vocabulary  Provides a set of activities activities into their books;
thing, event, for students to perform;  Practice the pronunciation
substance or  Gives some words for of the words given by the
quality. them to practice with the teacher.

Lesson plan 7 – Essay

School: Nampula secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: Ways of ending wars Materials: Black board
Date: 5th January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to write an essay, with all the aspects it demands.

Stage Language content Activities Objective

Grammar Function Vocabulary Teacher Student
 Greets students;  Reply the  Shift
calls the roll out; greetings;
Warm up  Reviews the last respond the roll to the
lesson and corrects class.
the homework;
 Then writes the Review or previous
topic on the board. lesson and write down
the topic given.
Countable Countable and Many, few,  Asks the students  Pay attention as Engage
to pay attention; asked by the students with
and uncountable noun less, much, a
Illustratio  Presents the text teacher; the text so that
n uncountable is a word that few, so many, for the lesson;  Receive the text everyone is in
 Distributes the text input for the the lesson.
nouns refers to a person, huge, etc.
to the students; lesson;
place, thing, event,  Asks students to  Read it silently
substance or read it silently; and alone;
 Calls one student  One reads it
quality, it can be to read it aloud; aloud while the

either countable or  Writes on the others are

board the grammar listening;
focus and  Copy the
vocabulary items; grammar focus
and vocabulary
into their exercise
Countable Many, few,  Interprets the text  Pay attention to Make students
with the students; the interpretation
and less, much, a use the
Countable and  Asks Ss to pay of the text;
uncountable uncountable noun few, so many, attention to what  Take notes pf the language to
is a word that he says; explanation of
nouns huge, etc. utter sentences
refers to a person,  Explains the the grammar and
Interaction place, thing, event, grammar and vocabulary items and express
substance or vocabulary items; selected by the viewpoints
quality, it can be  Gives chances to teacher;
either countable or students to  Use the chance to through it.
uncountable. interact; contribute to the
 Correct their class, by
mistakes where questioning,
necessary; adding or
 disagreeing.
Countable Countable and Many, few,  Based on the  Pay attention on
grammar and the exercises;
and uncountable noun less, much, a Help students
vocabulary taught,  Start working on
uncountable is a word that few, so many, teacher gives a set them to become
of exercises based individually;
nouns refers to a person, huge, etc. competent in
on induction;  Raise questions
place, thing, event,  Asks to pay more in case they don’t writing essays
substance or attention on the understand the for several
exercises so that instructions.
quality, it can be

either countable or they discover the  Take notes of the purposes.

Induction rules themselves correction of the
to accomplish the exercises from
exercises. the teacher;
 By the end of this,  Write the essay
asks students to asked by the
write an essay teacher.
about what ways
are best to end a

Lesson plan 8 –Tenses

School: Nampula secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: Declaration of Human Rights Materials: Black board
Date: 5th January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to use English tenses to express their thoughts.
Specific objectives:

 Know that the declaration says about killing other people;

 Form sentences using tenses correctly.

Stages Skills Language content Activities Time

Grammar Function Vocabulary Teacher Students
Warm  Greets students; calls  Reply the
up 2’
the roll out; greetings; respond
 Reviews the last lesson the roll out.
and corrects the
 Review or
previous lesson
 Then writes the topic
and write down
on the board. the topic given.
Test S, L, Present and Present simple tense Definition of  Teacher gives  Pay attention to
W, past simple is used to refer to present and questions related to the the questions; 10’
R, tenses events, actions and past simple lesson and grammar;  Jot down the
conditions that are tenses with  Gives students to questions and start
happening all the clear express their opinions; expressing their
time, or exist now. examples  Check with attention opinions;

Past simple tense is the students reply on  Agree or disagree

used to talk about the questions; with each other;
things that happened  Tell them agree or
or existed before disagree with each
now. other;
Teach S, L, Present and Present simple tense Definition of  Calls out the students’  Pay much
W, past simple is used to refer to present and attention; attention to the 13’
R, events, actions and past simple  Explaining the teacher;
conditions that are tenses with grammar focus present  Take notes while
happening all the clear and past simple tenses; teacher explains
time, or exist now. examples  Illustrate clear the grammar
Past simple tense is examples of the patterns;
used to talk about explanation of the  Ask questions if
things that happened grammar; they have;
or existed before  Tells students to take
now. notes;
Test S, L, Present and Present simple tense Definition of  By now, teacher  Prepare
W, past simple is used to refer to present and provides exercises themselves for the
R, events, actions and past simple related to the grammar exercises;
conditions that are tenses with point focused  Get grouped into
happening all the clear throughout all the small groups as 20’
time, or exist now. examples lesson; asked by the
Past simple tense is  Asks students to be teacher;
used to talk about grouped in small  Listen carefully,
things that happened groups; tot the explanation
or existed before  Explains clearly the of the instructions;
now. instructions of how to  Continue
perform the exercises; performing the
 Moves around the task while the
classroom while teacher moves
students are doing the around the

exercises; classroom;
 Gives a help where  Ask for help if
needed; necessary;
 Clarifies students’  Raise questions
doubts if one raises. for clarification.

Lesson plan 9 – Grammar

School: Nampula secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: Military intervention Materials: Black board
Date: 5th January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to use English grammar tenses appropriately.
Specific objectives:
 Use modals appropriately to give advices and suggestions;
 Distinguish obligation from permission;

Stages Objective Activities Language form/content Time

Teacher’s Students’ Grammar Vocabulary Function

 Greets  Reply the 5’

students; calls greetings;
Warm up the roll out; respond the
 Reviews the roll out.
last lesson
 Review or
and corrects
lesson and
write down
 Then writes
the topic
the topic on

the board.
Make students  Asks students  Pay attention Modal verbs Unusual; Models are used to
to pay to the “should,
use the target water tanker indicate modality,
attention; lecturer; must, could
language for  Introduces a  Attend the and may” truck; that is:
real life discussion discussion bottled water;  Ability;
Authentic about the held by the
use communicatio topic; teacher; leaks;  Request;
 Tells students  Use the 10’
n Advisory;  Capacity;
to use the language
language freely to water  Suggestions;
freely to communicate. warning;
discuss the  Order;
issue, obligation;
their  Permission.
 At this stage,  Students pay Unusual; Modals are used to
teacher attention to
water tanker indicate modality,
assigns a set the exercises
of activities to perform; Modal verbs truck; that is:
on a  Raise any 15’
“should, bottled water;  Ability;
particular questions if
grammar haven’t must, could, leaks;  Request;
point such as understood would, and Advisory;  Capacity;
Restriction modals what to do;
use (should,  Start doing may” water  Suggestions;
would, must the activities; warning;
and could);  Ask for help  Order;
 Controls of obligation;
students clarification
while they if needed.  Permission

the activities
in the class;
 Gives help if
 Asks the  Pay attention Unusual; Modals are used to
students to to the water tanker indicate modality,
pay attention explanation; Modal verbs
to the  Take notes truck; that is:
clarification while the bottled water;  Ability;
on the proper teacher must, could
use of the explains; leaks;  Request; 15’
and may”
Clarification modals  Raise Advisory;  Capacity;
use introduced; questions
 Starts related to the water  Suggestions;
explaining form and use warning;
them clearly; of the modals  Order;
 Asks students being obligation;
t take notes explained;
while he  Pay attention  Permission
explains; and take
 Gives chance notes of the
for ques clarifications.

Lesson plan 10 – Integrated

School: Nampula secondary School
Grade: 10 Class size: 60
Subject: English Class period: 45 min
Topic / Lesson: The origins of the war in Cabo Delgado Materials: Black board
Date: 5th January, 2022 Teacher: Sérgio Acapito
General objective: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to perform the four language skills in their real-life situations.
Specific objectives:

 Present main ideas in discussions;

 Listen and take notes;
 Read for comprehension.

Stages Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Linguistic function/content Skills Time

Grammar Function Vocabulary
Warm  Greets students; calls  Reply the
up greetings; 3’
the roll out;
respond the roll
 Reviews the last lesson L,S,R,W
and corrects the
homework;  Review or
previous lesson
 Then writes the topic
and write down
on the board.

the topic given.

 Teacher tells students  Get paired as Abbreviation is a
to get grouped in pairs; shortened form of a
 Pay attention to
 Then, introduces a word or phrase, which
the statement of 12’
discussion about the may consist of a group
the discussion Abbreviations and
ways of how to make a of letters or words
being linking words for
war end in a country; taken from the full
introduced by agreeing and L,S,R,W
Engage  After that, asks them to version.
the teacher; disagreeing
work in order to agree Comparison is the Topic related
 Students start
and disagree with each process of comparing vocabulary
presenting their
other; two or more things,
arguments for
 Listen carefully to highlighting their
or against with
what students say; characteristics
each other’s and
 Interfere only when presenting their
necessary. reasons;
 Listen and take
notes of the
clarification of
their doubts.
 Students in their
 Teacher explains groups, pay Abbreviation is a
shortly the grammar much attention

and focus point; here; shortened form of a

 Distributes to each  Receive the text L,S,R,W
word or phrase, which
Study group a piece of text and read it Abbreviations and
the response plans for silently; may consist of a group 10’
the Terrorism in Cabo  Raise their linking words for of letters or words
Delgado. questions about agreeing and
 Explains again the the lesson or taken from the full Topic related
linking words for topic; disagreeing
version. vocabulary
agreeing and  Take notes of
disagreeing; the clarification Comparison is the
 Gives chance of the questions. process of comparing
 Clarify the questions two or more things,
raised by the students. highlighting their
 Teacher gives a set of  Start working Abbreviation is a
activities for students on the shortened form of a
to perform; activities; Abbreviations and word or phrase, which 20’
 Tells to be in groups  Use the linking linking words for may consist of a group
yet, and solve the words agreeing and
Activate of letters or words Topic related
exercises using the appropriately. disagreeing
linking words as taught taken from the full vocabulary
previously; version.
 Controls the students Comparison is the
while performing the process of comparing
actively. two or more things,
highlighting their


Consolidation exercises
This chapter deals with consolidation exercise designed on the basis of the major topic: Terrorism in Cabo Delgado. This section is aimed to test
students in a minimal way regarding the unit just finished. There different exercises designed for the students to perform in class. Among them,
we can find grammar points, vocabulary, listening, writing, reading and comprehension, speaking and pronunciation activities.

SECTION A: Reading and Comprehension


In Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province, nearly 730,000 people have fled violent clashes between Mozambican security forces and their
allies and a radical armed group affiliated to the Islamic State. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is providing an emergency response to
the problems of access to water, sanitation and hygiene faced by the displaced population and host communities, as well as offering direct
food aid.

The province of Cabo Delgado, in north-eastern Mozambique, is in the grip of an insurgency led by an armed group affiliated to the "Islamic
State in Central Africa" (IS-CAP). The abuses perpetrated by this group have continued to escalate since 2018. Civilians have been victims
of killings, rapes, forced marriages, abductions, recruitment of child soldiers, looting and pillaging. By the summer of 2021, it was estimated
that more than 2,000 people had died as a result of these attacks and nearly 730,000 people had been displaced. The rate of population shifts
has recently increased following the attack on the town of Palma (to the south of which lies the major Total-led gas project), repeated
assaults on the Quitunda and Afungi areas, the prospect of further offensives by the Mozambican army and the deployment of Rwandan and
Southern African Development Community (SADC) troops.

As a result, transit sites are now overflowing and host towns and villages have seen their populations explode. Alerted by the scale of the
security and humanitarian crisis in this particularly poor province, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL teams went to the area to assess the
needs of the affected populations and determine the types of the relief to be provided. At the end of its exploratory mission and in
coordination with the competent authorities, our organisation undertook to provide displaced people with emergency aid in the areas of
water, sanitation and hygiene, as well as food, shelter, mosquito nets, blankets and other essentials.


1. In groups discuss the causes of humanitarian crisis in Cabo Delgado.
2. What is the impact of the war in Northern Cabo Delgado?
3. In which ways would you deem the war as a cause of the humanitarian crisis?
4. Explain why the people who are victims of the war, need help from others the most.
5. What are the means by which the victims get help from the organisations or individuals?
6. Comment for or against if being a refugee affects your mindset.
7. According to the text, how many people have died since the attacks begun?
8. When did they began to Cabo Delgado?
9. What is the official name of the group that kills people in Cabo Delgado?
10. What are the countries that offered themselves to help Mozambique with the war?
11. What did the company TOTAL do when there began attacks?
12. How many types of violence that people suffer from Cabo Delgado, according to the text?

SECTION B: Grammar point (Part 1)

Choose the correct alternative from A to D to fill in the gaps.

1. _______ I have some water please?

A) Do B) have C) can D) go
2. _____ pass me the pasta please?
A) Did you B) have you C) had you D) would you
3. I have been waiting for the man _____ 3 hours now!
A) To B) since C) for D) then
4. You need to _____ up your staff to sole the situation of water at my house.
A) Take B) pick C) get D) have
5. The metal in your belt ______ the alarm.
A) Set off B) took off C) went off D) did off
 Make your own sentences with these words. Your sentences should describe the war in Cabo Delgado.
a) Enough
b) Not enough
c) Very
d) Too much
e) Too little.

Part 2
Fill in the gaps to complete the text, by choosing the best option.
______(1)_____ water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis, typhoid, and
polio. Absent, inadequate, or ____(2)_____managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks. This is
_____(3)___the case in health care facilities where both patients and staff are placed at additional risk of infection and ___(4)____when water,
sanitation, and hygiene services are lacking. Inadequate management of urban, industrial, and agricultural wastewater means the drinking-water
of hundreds of thousands of people is dangerously ____(5)_____or chemically _____(6)____.
1. A. Contaminated B. hot C. conserved D. frozen
2. A. hot B. inappropriately C. climate D. environment
3. A. in case B. consequence C. water D. particularly
4. A. disease B. car C. population D. snow
5. A. physically B. contaminated C. plane D. bicycle
6. A. best B. home C. polluted D. sleep

SECTION C: Collocation (vocabulary)

1. Give the synonyms and antonyms of the highlighted words in the extract bellow:

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a
spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be
made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent,
trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

a) Dignity
b) Sex;
c) Language;
d) Religion;
e) Origin;
f) Status;
g) Life;
h) Liberty;
i) Sovereignty
j) Race;
k) Colour.

SECTION D: Listening activates

Listen to your teacher’s reading on the text and take notes. Copy the notes in your notebooks and complete them on the cases and effects of
deforestation. Ask you teacher politely to repeat if necessary.

Terrorism in Cabo Delgado

The insurgency in Cabo Delgado refers to the Islamist insurgency in the region of East Africa and the ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado
Province, Mozambique, mainly fought between militant Islamists and jihadists attempting to establish an Islamic state in the region, and
Mozambican security forces. Civilians have been the main targets of terrorist attacks by Islamist militants.

The main insurgent faction is Ansar al-Sunna, a native extremist faction with tenuous international connections. From mid-2018, the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has allegedly become active in northern Mozambique as well, and claimed its first attack against
Mozambican security forces in June 2019. In addition, bandits have exploited the rebellion to carry out raids. As of 2020, the insurgency is
thought to be intensifying, as in the first half of 2020 there were nearly as many attacks carried out as in the whole of 2019.

Notes on war in Cabo Delgado

1. Definition of war _____________________________________________________________________;
2. Causes: Effects of war:
a) _______________; a)___________________;
b) _______________; b) __________________;
c) _______________; c) __________________;
d) _______________. d) __________________;

SECTION E: Speaking activities

1. Divide the classroom into two major groups and pay attention: one group should bring arguments for and the other against.
a) What are the exact causes of the war in Northern Cabo Delgado in your viewpoint?
b) Why would war lead to a destruction of country?
c) How many countries do you know have been destructed as a consequence of an internal war and how they dealt with it?
d) What are the means used by the terrorists to recruit so many young men to fight for them?
e) What do the Mozambican Forces FADM/FDS do when they catch any terrorist?
f) In opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of asking military help from neighbour countries?
g) Is any improvement since the military of Rwanda and other countries intervened into the war?
h) Do you think that the mineral GAS in Palma would be the main cause of the war in those districts?
i) Is it true for you that all those terrorists are truly Muslims?
j) Why did they use the that religion to kill people?
k) Would that war have any relationship with those happening Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya among others?

NB: while one group should present their arguments, either for or against, the other group should be very attentive in order to disagree
presenting their reasons.


1. Punctuate the following extract from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a
spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without distinction of any kind such as race colour
sex language religion political or other opinion national or social origin property birth or other status Furthermore no distinction shall be made on the
basis of the political jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs whether it be independent trust non self
governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty Everyone has the right to life liberty and security of person

SECTION F: Pronunciation activities

Word stress

Look at the stress in the words below:

towards another political

Now, listen to your teacher’s reading of the following words and mark the correct stress pattern. Then, practise the pronunciation with a partner.
Test each other.

violent organisation mosquito nets

insurgency emergency blankets
people sanitation
humanitarian crisis food
coordination shelter

1. After having learned all about the insurgency in Cabo Delgado, now it’s time to
produce a text about it.
a) In not more than 1000 words, write a text about the consequences of the war in Cabo
Delgado, in a broad way.
NB: Aspects to take into account:
a) Spelling;
b) Punctuation;
c) Colocation;
d) Cohesion;
e) Coherence.

Chapter V
Communicative language
In this chapter, it is aimed to design different communicative tests in order to promote
communication among students. There included different types of tests with different
purposes, such as tests for writing, speaking, listening, vocabulary, summative exam, among


Second trimester 2022

Test 1
Duration 90 min
Name _______________________________ number____ stream ___date__/___/2022

OBJECTIVE: the main goal of this test is to measure the student’s reading skills by reading
a text and interpreting it.
AIMS: in the first number: students are expected to answer the questionnaire correctly,
through the reading of the text.
In the second number: students are expected to fill in the gaps as a result of the attentive
reading they have done in the beginning.
General instruction: Read carefully every paragraph of your test before you answer any
questions. Use a separate sheet to write your answers.


1. Read carefully the following text and answer the questions below.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled
to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the
political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs,
whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


a) What does the text talk about? (2,5 marks)

b) What title would you suggest for the text? (2,5 marks)

c) Explain why all the humans have the same rights, according to the text you’ve read.
(2,5 marks)
d) Using your own words, give reasons why the insurgency in Cabo Delgado is against
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (5,5 marks)
2. Based on the text given, fill in the gaps below to complete the meaning of the
a) ________ of Nampula province ________populous ______________ in ___
heartland ________________ agricultural _______ the __________between
______________linking land
___________Nacala________________Tanzania________ Mozambique.
_______________rapidly ________________municipal ___________.
b) Read again the text and write into your answer sheet, all the verbs which conjugated
in the present simple and past simple respectively. (7 marks)

Then end!

Good luck!


Second trimester 2022
Test 2
Duration 90 min
Name _______________________________ number____ stream ___date__/___/2022

General instruction: Read carefully every paragraph of your test before you answer any
questions. Use a separate sheet to write your answers.

OBJECTIVE: the main goal of this test is to assess students’ writing skills, through the set
of questions and composition.
AIMS: in the first part of the test: the teacher aims to assess student’s hand writing, sentence
organization and the way how they answer to a question through writing.
In the second part of the test, the aim is to assess students’ coherence and cohesion in their
writings and how they collocate words in a composition.

1. During your studies you spoke about several problems which influence in the
terrorism in Cabo Delgado.
a) Mention the several causes of the terrorism in Cabo Delgado. (2,5 points)
b) Describe the human actions or activities that can influence on the shortage of food in
Northern Cabo Delgado. (2,5 points)
c) During your lessons, you surely tackled on the ways of solving wars. If that is factual,
suggest seven (7) effective ways on how to solve the insurgency in Cabo Delgado.
(2,5 points)
2. Free writing
a) It is a fact that you have been discussing on the factors that can lead to terrorisms in
any part pf this world, particularly in Cabo Delgado. Therefore, in ten (15) lines, write
a well-structured composition on the huge impacts of such factors that can fustigate
people in every aspect. (10 points)
NB: check carefully your coherence and cohesion and collocation as well.

Best of luck!


Second trimester 2022
Test 3
Duration 90 min
Name _______________________________ number____ stream ___date__/___/2022

General instruction: Read carefully every paragraph of your test before you answer any
questions. Use a separate sheet to write your answers.

OBJECTIVE: the main goal of this test is to assess students’ listening skills, through the
given interview.
AIMS: in the 1st number, it aims to assess students’ listening skills by having listened the
interview and done the first part.
In the 2nd number is to measure their understanding through the listening. And in the 3 rd
number is assess their listening skills through dictation a short text.
1. Listen to the report from the radio, below.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to
all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether
it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Everyone
has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Based on the interview you have listened, write T (true) or F (false) for the following
statements. (2 points)

a) All humans aren’t equal ____

b) Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms ______
c) Everyone has right to life____
d) They are not endowed with reason and conscience ____

e) Listen carefully to the dictation about the consequences of terrorism in a country.

Teacher will repeat three times for each sentence only. (15 points)

NB: aspects to check:

a) Spelling
b) Colocation
c) Grammar
d) Punctuation
e) Accuracy


Good luck!


Second trimester 2022
Test 4 8th grade
Duration 90 min
Name _______________________________ number____ stream ___date__/___/2022

General instruction: Part I is written and part II is ORAL.

OBJECTIVE: the main goal of this test is to assess students’ speaking skills.

AIMS: the 1st part of the test, is to measure students’ speaking through their sentence
construction and the 2nd part is to assess their speaking skills through their accuracy,
appropriacy and fluency.

Part I

1. During your interaction with the teacher, you have discussed on how to end a war
passively. (6 points)
a) Present meticulously the steps to follow up when negotiating peace in a country.
b) Portray the importance of ending a war in country.

Part II

1. Orally, discuss how doable and undoable was your test, presenting your reasons for or
against. (14 points)

NB: note that your accuracy, fluency and appropriacy will be attentively assessed by your


Best of luck!


Second trimester 2022
Test 5 8h grade
Duration 90 min
Name _______________________________ number____ stream ___date__/___/2022

General instruction: Read carefully every paragraph of your test before you answer any
questions. Use a separate sheet to write your answers.

OBJECTIVE: the main goal of this test is to assess students’ all language skills,
vocabulary, and grammar.
SECTION A: Reading and comprehension
Terrorism in Cabo Delgado
The insurgency in Cabo Delgado refers to the Islamist insurgency in the region of East
Africa and the ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique, mainly fought
between militant Islamists and jihadists attempting to establish an Islamic state in the region,
and Mozambican security forces. Civilians have been the main targets of terrorist attacks by
Islamist militants.

The main insurgent faction is Ansar al-Sunna, a native extremist faction with tenuous
international connections. From mid-2018, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has
allegedly become active in northern Mozambique as well, and claimed its first attack against
Mozambican security forces in June 2019. In addition, bandits have exploited the rebellion to
carry out raids. As of 2020, the insurgency is thought to be intensifying, as in the first half of
2020 there were nearly as many attacks carried out as in the whole of 2019.

1. Given the text above, answer the questionnaire that follows. (6 marks)
a) State what the text is all about. (1,5 points)
b) In which year did the insurgency started? (1 point)
c) Suggest another title to the text. (0,5 point)
d) What activities have to implemented for better provision? (1 point)

SECTION B: vocabulary
1. Fill in the gaps to complete the text, by choosing the best option. (2,5, points)
______(1)_____ water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as
cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis, typhoid, and polio. Absent, inadequate, or
____(2)_____managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health
risks. This is _____(3)___the case in health care facilities where both patients and staff are
placed at additional risk of infection and ___(4)____when water, sanitation, and hygiene
services are lacking. Inadequate management of urban, industrial, and agricultural wastewater
means the drinking-water of hundreds of thousands of people is dangerously ____(5)_____or
chemically _____(6)____.
1. A. Contaminated B. hot C. conserved D. frozen
2. A. hot B. inappropriately C. climate D. environment
3. A. in case B. consequence C. water D. particularly
4. A. disease B. car C. population D. snow
5. A. physically B. contaminated C. plane D. bicycle
6. A. best B. home C. polluted D. sleep

SECTION C. Grammar
1. Based on the first text you have read, explore all the verbs which are conjugated in the
present continuous tense. (1,5 points)
2. Conjugate the following verbs into present simple and present continuous tense. (1
a) supply
b) like
c) monitor
d) conserve
e) rain
f) implement
g) be

SECTION E: Speaking
1. Based on the two texts given, discuss their importance of water to our community.
(3, points)
SECTION F: Listening
1. Listen to the Mr John’s advice. Then answer the following questions. (3, points)
You never truly know how long a disaster scenario is going to last. One of the most effective
ways that you can have your own self-protection. Yes, it requires time, effort, and dedication
on your part to ensure you are safe. All of that hard work on your part will be well worth it in
the end because there is simply no better way to ensure that you and your family will always
be in peace.
a) What is Mr John advising to do? (1, point)
b) What does it require to dig a well? (1, point)
c) Do you think Mr John has a well? (1, point)

SECTION G: Writing
1. In 70 words write a composition about the Covid-19. Check your spelling, word order
and collocation. (5, points)

The end!
Good luck!

National Council of Exams, Certification and Equivalence
Exam, 12th grade/2021
1st attempt
Length 120 min

General instruction: Read carefully every paragraph of your exam before you answer any questions. Use
a separate sheet to write your answers.

OBJECTIVE: the main goal of this exam is to assess students in different language skills,
grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
SECTION A: Reading and comprehension
In Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province, nearly 730,000 people have fled violent clashes
between Mozambican security forces and their allies and a radical armed group affiliated
to the Islamic State. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is providing an emergency
response to the problems of access to water, sanitation and hygiene faced by the displaced
population and host communities, as well as offering direct food aid.

The province of Cabo Delgado, in north-eastern Mozambique, is in the grip of an

insurgency led by an armed group affiliated to the "Islamic State in Central Africa" (IS-
CAP). The abuses perpetrated by this group have continued to escalate since 2018.
Civilians have been victims of killings, rapes, forced marriages, abductions, recruitment of
child soldiers, looting and pillaging. By the summer of 2021, it was estimated that more
than 2,000 people had died as a result of these attacks and nearly 730,000 people had been
displaced. The rate of population shifts has recently increased following the attack on the
town of Palma (to the south of which lies the major Total-led gas project), repeated
assaults on the Quitunda and Afungi areas, the prospect of further offensives by the
Mozambican army and the deployment of Rwandan and Southern African Development
Community (SADC) troops.

As a result, transit sites are now overflowing and host towns and villages have seen their
populations explode. Alerted by the scale of the security and humanitarian crisis in this
particularly poor province, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL teams went to the area to
assess the needs of the affected populations and determine the types of the relief to be
provided. At the end of its exploratory mission and in coordination with the competent
authorities, our organisation undertook to provide displaced people with emergency aid in
the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene, as well as food, shelter, mosquito nets, blankets
and other essentials.

1. Given the text above meticulously answer the following: (2 marks)
a) What tittle would you suggest for the text? (0,5 points)
b) What is it intended to be transmitted in the text? (1, points)
c) Explore the how many people have been killed due to the war. (0,5 points)
d) What are the negative impacts of the insurgency? (0,5 points)
SECTION B: Grammar point
1. Fill in the gaps with right form of the verb in brackets. (5 marks)
E.g. The wooden floor had cracked and split in the heat. (SPLIT)

1. I _____ my skirt as I got off my bike. (TEAR) (0,5 point)

2. Our guide ____ us over the mountains. (LEAD) (0,5 point)
3. We ______ our camera from the central shop. (BUY) (0,5 point)
4. Margaret Thatcher______ Britain’s first woman prime minister in 1979. (BECOME)
(0,5 point)
5. She ____ her bags on the ground. (FLING) (0,5 point)
6. The problem of flooding has ____ because of the rainy weather. (ARISE) (0,5 point)
7. The old houses are _____ of stone. (BUILD) (0,5 point)
8. There was a shed in the garden where everyone’s bicycles were ____. (KEEP) (0,5
9. I only ______ for four hours last night. (SLEEP) (0,5 point)
10. They ______ the escaped prisoner in their room. (HIDE) (0,5 point)

SECTION C: Vocabulary

1. Give the definition of the following words. (1,5 points)


2. Give the meaning of the following words. (2, points)

3. sanitation and hygiene
4. shelter,
5. mosquito nets,
6. blankets
a) health risk

SECTION D: Listening
1. Listen carefully to the dictation of a very short paragraph and write almost what you
hear. The teacher won’t repeat it more than 5 times.

SECTION D: Spelling

SECTION E: Speaking

1. Discuss the most effective ways tackled on the text, to mitigate the insurgency in
Cabo Delgado. (3, points)

SECTION F: Writing

1. Write a short composition about the how refugees live. It should not have more than
80 words. NB: spelling, word order, cohesion and coherence will be the focus of the
teacher. (5, points)

The end!

Best of luck!

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