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Daughter of António Simela and Ancha Mopeia, a little sister for Malaica (the oldest daughter at

10 years old) and another daughter for Adriano Cossa (her husband)

Hermelinda Simela was born on October 7, 1982, in Nampula. In Maputo, he helped found the

group Centro de Teatro do Oprimido. As an actress, she worked all over the country, sometimes

training actors, sometimes giving voice to theater and/or cinema. He also worked outside

Mozambique. For example, in Brazil, the Netherlands, Germany, India and Spain

Hermelinda Simela makes important contributions in the films Virgin Margarida (which allowed

her to be distinguished with the Best Supporting Actress award at the Africa Movie Academy

Awards), Conboio de sal e açucar, Nhinguitimo (in post-production), by Licínio Azevedo, and

Mosquito, by the Portuguese João Nuno Pinto. This year, the film Fénix em hibernation, directed

by Hermelinda Simela, was awarded the Best Short Film in the contest of the Centro Cultural

Moçambicano-Alemão (CCMA).

Horacio Bernardo Guiamba

He was born on the outskirts of the city of Maputo, in the neighborhood of Bagamoio. He comes

from a family of 8 brothers, three are men and five are women. He is 30 years old and is a theater


He is the owner of the voice that makes dubs in Changana of world figures such as Charlotte,

Barack Obama, Hitler, Gaddafi, among others. We are talking about Horácio Bernardo Guiamba,

a young dreamer who fights day after day to contribute to the cultural development of


Actor for more than 15 years, Horácio Guiamba, discovered his passion for the theater, still in

the 90s. He revealed that he had the habit of watching television programs and imitated almost

everything he saw: In the soap opera, “Sassaricando”, and had a character called Bobi Bankar
that I admired and tried to embody him. In a way, I think he even boosted, albeit indirectly, my

entry into the arts and my passion for theater” he said.

In addition to imitating characters, Guiamba also participated in cultural programs at school. We

always performed during class meeting hours, and at other school events. And so I discovered

myself, of course people also praised me and that motivated me even more.

In 1998, when he was in the 8th grade at “Malhazine”, one of his teachers encouraged him to

sign up for the Gungu theater group: I followed the advice and there I went…

Finally, he had the opportunity to participate, for the first time, in an event with the size of the

public he wanted. It was at Bagamoyo Elementary School. The space was crowded, which

represented a great challenge because I had never faced so many people. I think it was from there

that I felt firm, I was sure that I was really born to do theater, because in the end people from my

neighborhood came to me and said I had talent… and that encouraged me.

In 2002, he finally joined the Gungu theater company, where a month later he made the first show

entitled “Querido Nossa Filha Está Pregna”, directed by Beatriz Munguambe. He called the moment

"magical". And he mentioned that despite having joined Gungu, he continued to receive invitations

from other groups and accepted, since he believed that this was a way to learn more and more

Matamba Joaquim

Matamba Joaquim, Franco-Angolan, was born in Luanda, Angola, in 1982. He studied Theater at the

National Institute for Artistic Training in Luanda. Founding member of Teatro Griot and resident actor of the

Company, he participated in plays staged by Zia Soares, Rogério de Carvalho, Nuno M Cardoso, Guilherme

Mendonça, António Pires, João Fiadeiro and Paula Diogo. In theater, he collaborated as an actor with the

company Mala Voadora in the show 'Mozambique'.

'Mozambique' by Jorge Andrade and in 'Romeu e Julieta', by Colectivo 84, directed by John Romão. He is a

permanent member of the Portuguese Film Academy. Participated in the films 'Captain Falcão' by Pedro

Leitão, 'A Ilha dos Dogs' by Jorge António, 'Stefan Zweig – Adeus, Europa', by Maria Schrader, 'Salt and
Sugar Train' by Licínio de Azevedo, 'Um Animal Amarelo' ' by Felipe Bragança, 'Os Vivos, o Morto e o

Peixe Frito' by Daniela Ruah, 'Vermelho Monet' by Halder Gomes, 'Evadidos' by Bruno Gascon and 'Um

Filme em Forma de Assim' by João Botelho; He also works in the short films 'Chess' by Mário Melo Costa,

'Libélula' by Ana Carvalho, 'Noite em Claro' by Felipe Bragança and in the documentary 'O Lugar que

Ocupas', by Pedro Filipe Marques. In 2018, he was distinguished with the New Talent of Cinema award from

the GDA Foundation, for his performance in the film 'Comboio de Sal e Açúcar', Mozambican Oscar

Candidate, by Licínio Azevedo. Nominated for the Fantastic TV Award for Best Supporting Actor in 'A

Yellow Animal'. On television, he frequently participates in soap operas and series, such as: 'Amor Maior'

SIC, 'Valor da Vida' TVI, Bad and Breakfest RTPLAY and 'O Voo Directo'. He is also a screenwriter for the

series 'Ti Chico', 'Memories of War', 'Arquitectos' and 'Professor Caramba' and has two published books: 'O

Sul sem ti' and 'Dois Corvos Amarelos', edited by Obnosis and co-authored by written with Bernardete


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