Respiratory System Lecture 2

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Unit VI- Respiratory System

Lecture II
➢What is respiratory system and why do we need it?
➢Distinct processes taking place during respiration
➢Concept of internal and external respiration
➢The parts and organs of the human respiratory system- The
conducting zone and respiratory zone
The major entrance and exit for air into the respiratory system is through
the nose.
It has two major sections:
➢The external nose
➢ The nasal cavity or internal nose. Consists of a large irregular cavity
divided into two equal passages by a septum
➢ The external nose consists of the surface and skeletal structures that result in the
outward appearance of the nose
➢ The root is the region of the nose located between the eyebrows.
➢ The bridge is the part of the nose that connects the root to the rest of the nose.
➢ The dorsum nasi is the length of the nose.
➢ The apex is the tip of the nose. On either side of the apex, the nostrils are formed by the
alae (singular = ala). An ala is a cartilaginous structure that forms the lateral side of
each naris (plural = nares), or nostril opening.
➢ The philtrum is the concave surface that connects the apex of the nose to the upper lip.
A Skull dosen’t have a

The nasal septum is formed anteriorly by a portion of the septal
cartilage (the flexible portion you can touch with your fingers) and
posteriorly by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and the thin
vomer bones (whose name refers to its plough shape).
➢ The roof is formed by the cribriform plate of
the ethmoid bone, the sphenoid bone, frontal
bone and nasal bones.

➢ The floor is formed by the roof of the mouth

and consists of the hard palate in front and the
soft palate behind. The hard palate is composed
of the maxilla and palatine bones and the soft
palate consists of involuntary muscle.

➢ The medial wall is formed by the septum.

➢ The lateral walls are formed by the maxilla,

the ethmoid bone and the inferior conchae

➢ The posterior wall is formed by the posterior

wall of the pharynx
The plough shaped vomer bone
➢Each lateral wall of the nasal cavity has three bony projections, called the superior,
middle, and inferior nasal conchae/turbinate.

➢The inferior conchae are separate bones, whereas the superior and middle
conchae are portions of the ethmoid bone. Conchae serve to increase the surface
area of the nasal cavity and to disrupt the flow of air as it enters the nose, causing air
to bounce along the epithelium, where it is cleaned and warmed.

➢The nasal meatuses are the air passages in the nasal cavity located beneath each of
the corresponding nasal conchae.
They are cavities in the bones of the face and
the cranium, containing air.
There are tiny openings between the
paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity. They
are lined with mucous membrane, continuous
with that of the nasal cavity.

The main sinuses are:

maxillary sinuses in the lateral walls,
frontal and sphenoidal sinuses in
the roof, ethmoidal sinuses in the
upper part of the lateral walls.
The sinuses function in speech and also lighten
the skull.

The nasolacrimal ducts extend from the lateral

walls of the nose to the conjunctival sacs of
the eye . They drain tears from the eyes .
➢The conchae, meatuses, and paranasal sinuses are lined by respiratory
epithelium composed of pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
➢The epithelium contains goblet cells, one of the specialized, columnar epithelial
cells that produce mucus to trap debris. The cilia of the respiratory epithelium help
remove the mucus and debris from the nasal cavity with a constant beating motion,
sweeping materials towards the throat to be swallowed.
➢Interestingly, cold air slows the movement of the cilia, resulting in accumulation
of mucus that may in turn lead to a runny nose during cold weather.
This is due to the immense vascularity of the mucosa. Capillaries located just beneath
the nasal epithelium warm the air by convection This explains the large blood loss
when a nosebleed (epistaxis) occurs.

➢Filtering and cleaning

Hairs at the anterior nares trap larger particles. Smaller particles such as dust and
bacteria settle and adhere to the mucus. Mucus protects the underlying epithelium
from irritation and prevents drying. Synchronous beating of the cilia wafts the mucus
towards the throat where it is swallowed or coughed up (expectorated).
Serous and mucus-producing cells also secrete the lysozyme enzyme and proteins
called defensins, which have antibacterial properties. Immune cells that patrol the
connective tissue deep to the respiratory epithelium provide additional protection.

As air travels over the moist mucosa, it becomes saturated with water vapour.
Irritation of the nasal mucosa results in sneezing, a reflex action that forcibly expels an
The sense of smell
The nose is the organ of the sense of smell (olfaction). Nerve endings that detect
smell are located in the roof of the nose in the area of the cribriform plate of the
ethmoid bones and the superior conchae.
These nerve endings are stimulated by airborne odours. The resultant nerve
signals are carried by the olfactory nerves to the brain where the sensation of
smell is perceived
Next class...........


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