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A. Read the text below. Use the words in the box to form one word that fits in the
number space in the text. See the example in number 0. (7x1=7 marks)
0. Choppy 1. Intense 2. Torrent 3. Dread 4. Sleep 5. End 6. Safe 7. Disappear

All at sea

Just after the sunrise, Jack looked out of the porthole again. If anything, the sea was
looking even (0) choppier than it had been in the night before. The wind had (1)
intensified and was now accompanied by (2) torrential rain. Jack’s heart sank. He felt
(3) dreadful after yet another (4) sleepless night spent trying things down and
praying the yacht wouldn’t sink under the relentless battering of the wind and waves.
With the radio broken he had no chance of signalling for help and all he had for
company was mile upon (5) endless mile of mountainous seas between hem and the (6)
safety of sport. He realised he was in a (7) desperate situation.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then fill in the
name of the tense you have used. See the example. (1x6= 6 marks)

0. Dane hates doing the washing up. (hate: present simple)

1. Hi Laura! Long-time no see you. How it going ? (go )present cont.)

2. Good news everybody! We were able to build a new gymnasium with the new
government grant. (can: future perfect )

3. Just think, this time next month I will be working here for ten years. (Work :future
perfect cont.).
4. Does anyone want a sandwich? No thanks, I have just had lunch. (have: present
perfect )

5. I hope I will be sitting on sun drenched beach in Italy this time tomorrow. (sit: future
cont. )

6. We had been walking through the forest for two or three hours when we realised we
were lost! (walk: past perfect).

C. Answer the following questions. (3x1=3 marks)

1. Which tenses use the auxiliary verbs do/does/did to make questions and negative

R: The tenses that use the auxiliary verb do/does/did to make questions and negative
statements are : present tense, and past tense .

2. Which tenses use the auxiliary verbs have?

R:The tenses that use the auxiliary verb have are: future present perfect and past perfect.

3. Which tenses use the auxiliary verb be?

R: The tenses that use the auxiliary verb have are: present cont., and past continuous

D. Put the verbs in bracket into either the present simple tense or the present continuous
tense. (1x4=4 marks)

1. This milk is not smelling (not smell) too fresh. I think I’ll throw it out.

2. You used forever (forever/use) my razor, can’t you buy one of your own?

3. Oh yes, Jean and I know (know) each other very well.

4. I’m sorry we can’t make it to the party on Saturday but we are having (have) dinner
with some old friends.


Lecturer: Castelo Caero Matambo

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