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Event Schedule (Online – ZOOM)

Date Time Activity Speaker(s)

Day -1

14 June 7:30 - 7:45 PM Orientation and Welcome Dr. Pallav Prajapati

14 June 7:45 - 8:00 PM Introduction of AFI & Dr. Abhishek Dr. Abhishek

14 June 8:00 – 8:45 PM Introduction of Agni karma and its Dr. Uday Talhar

14 June 8:45 – 9:30 PM Introduction of Neuro Panchakarma Dr. Pallav Prajapati

and pain management

Day – 2

15 June 7:30 - 9:30 PM  Introduction to Dr. Animesh Mohan

 Deep insight into Pottali
Swedan (Pinda Sveda),
 Sthanik Basti Therapies,
 Upanaha and Pichu Bandhan,
 Lepa Chikitsa,
 Nadi Svedan,
 Shirodhara

Day – 3

16 June 7:30 - 9:30 PM  Panchakarma in Pain Dr. Animesh Mohan

 Multiple Modalities,
 Protocol Designing,
 Modified Panchakarma
Therapies for Pain
 Scope of Research,
 Management of Cases of Low
Back Ache through
Panchakarma - Clinical
Understanding through
Practical Cases

Day - 4

17 June 7:30 - 9:30 PM Session: Vd. Uday Talhar

 Agnikarma in Pain,
 Agnikarma in Skin disorders
or cosmetological uses

Day - 5

18 June 7:30 - 9:30 PM Session: Dr. Pallav Prajapati

Importance of Marma therapy in

Neuro Panchakarma

Day - 6

19 June 7:30 - 9:30 PM Session: Dr. Pallav Prajapati

 Cupping Therapy, Dry

 Wet cupping,
 Fire cupping

Day – 7

20 June 7:30 – 10:00 PM Session: Dr. Sachin Aru

 Pain management in Neck

 Shoulder pain,
 Frozen shoulder,
 Cervical spondylitis,
 Disease centric use of
Viddha Karma,
 Panchakarma,
 Agnikarma,
 Acupressure,
 Cupping therapy,
 Leech Therapy

Day - 8

21 June 7:30 - 9:30 PM Session: Dr. Abhishek

 Cost cutting,
 Business Management,
 Compliance support,
 Financial Management,
 Technology for growth,
 Staffing solutions,
 Data Analytics

21 June 9:30 PM Closing of our Online sessions and Dr. Abhishek

Ready to meet in offline sessions

Offline Sessions 22 & 23 June, 2024; Delhi

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