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Parent Manual

Revised August 2017October 2020



Rosedale Public School

22 South Drive

Toronto, Ontario M4W 1R1

Phone: 416-963-9242 Fax: 416-963-5597

How may we help you? If you have Questions/Feedback

Or require special assistance:

Please email: or call the Supervisor at 416-963-9242.


Background Information 3

Admission Policy 3

Teaching staff 4

Program Philosophy 4

Program Statement 5

Daily Programming 6

Hours of Operation 7

Late Fees 8

Statutory Holidays 9

Parking 9

Storm/Emergency Policy 9

Parent Volunteers 9

Medical Requirements 10 – 12

Other Information 12

Fees 14

Withdrawal policy 15 – 16

Safety 16

Parent Agreement 17

Parent and Student Code of Conduct 19

Background Information

South Drive Children’s Circle (“Circle”) is one of two daycare sites operated by South Drive
Children’s Circle. Circle is a non-profit corporation, established in 1983 at Rosedale Public
School on South Drive. Over the years, the South Drive Children’s Circle program has expanded.
We opened the Daycare at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School (“OLPH”) as Garfield
Avenue Children’s Circle on September 5, 2006.

The Board of Directors consists of parents of children enrolled in Circle, together with the
Daycare Supervisor. All parents are welcome to attend the Board meetings as observers. Please
contact the Daycare Supervisor for monthly meeting dates.

Rosedale Public School, where our programs are located in rooms 2, 10, 12, 14 and 15, works in
association with Circle to provide an enriched curriculum. We have access to all the School’s
facilities, including the playground, gym and library. As well, Circle participates in the School’s
special events, including its art show, steel pan and School concerts.

Admission Policy

Our mandate at South Drive Children’s Circle is to serve the needs of the immediate community
first. Ideally, the children coming into Circle at South Drive will continue into Kindergarten at
Rosedale Public School. Children entering Circle from our “in district” waiting list are taken on
first come, first served basis after the re-registration of children currently in the program and
their siblings.

If you are living out of district and your child attends the Daycare full time Monday through
Friday, this school becomes your child’s home school and your child will be guaranteed
placement in Rosedale Public School. However, if your child withdraws from the Daycare,
he/she may be asked to leave the School.

At the time of registration, you will be asked to make a $75 non-refundable administration fee
per child. Once we offer you a space, we ask that you pay one (1) month’s fees in deposit. This
deposit is refundable in full up to June 1. After June 1 and up until August 15, 50% of the
deposit will be refunded. After August 15, no refunds will be made.

Please note that we have a Purchase of Service Agreement with the City of Toronto. If you
would like information about applying for a subsidized space with us, please call 416-392-KIDS
or talk with the Supervisor and she will refer you to the appropriate channels.

Teaching Staff

Circle staff consists of a Supervisor, teaching and support staff with many years of experience in
the field. Circle has a total of 14 staff across both sites, 10 of whom are ECE qualified and
certified with the College of Early Childhood Education.

Circle acts as a placement centre for students training in Early Childhood Education at
Centennial, Humber and Seneca Colleges. Students participate in our program in two placement
schedules per year: September to December, and January to April.

Program Philosophy

At South Drive Children’s Circle, we provide a creative, developmental program in a caring and
safe environment. We pride ourselves on our flexible, play-based program designed to meet
individual family needs.

Our aim at Circle is to promote all facets of child-development: emotional, social, physical and
cognitive. To facilitate these aspects of a child’s growth and learning, our program is balanced
in both teacher and child directed and free-play activities. Our hope is to foster and enrich a
positive self-image, the ability to think and reason, good communication skills and competence
in physical co-ordination. We nurture independence in the child and each individual is
encouraged to explore all areas of creative and cognitive play.

The program is designed to meet the needs of each child. Our day is divided into times when
the child is in some guided activities when more focus is placed on the child’s individual
developmental stage. At group time, the child will spend time with the teacher and his/her
peer group, thus encouraging warm relationships and the fostering of emotional growth with
both adults and other children.

Children will be expected to respect the basic rights of others and be made aware of what are
acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. Teachers also help children to recognize, deal with,
and express emotions positively. In a warm and supportive environment the children will be
able to explore their surroundings, learn from new experiences and gain the confidence to
handle many different situations.

A number of different activities are geared to the level of each age group. Cognitive circles, art,
books, games, music, science and cooking are just some of these activities. We post program
sheets and daily schedules on the hallway bulletin board for parents to view.

Program Statement

Strategy (Approach to child care)

South Drive Children’s Circle uses Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years to develop strategies
to achieve our program goals.

We believe that learning and development happens within the context of relationships among
children, families, educators, and their environments. To enable the children to grow and
flourish, South Drive Children’s Circle ensures the following four foundational conditions exist
within our program:

 A sense of Belonging for every child,

 A sense of Well-Being and Security,
 Opportunities and support for Engagement and Inclusion, and
 Opportunities and support for Expression.

The following strategies to help to create these conditions:

1. Promote an environment which is healthy, safe, and supports general well-being of


o Engage in ongoing supervision, supporting self-regulation, minimize negative

behaviours and promote general well-being.

2. Promote an environment which ensures good nutrition and safe food preparation.

3. Encourage the children to interact and communicate with other children and staff.

o Observe interactions to plan programs that respond to individual children’s

o Support positive and responsive interactions between children and staff.
o Encourage children to take turns.
o Ensure all adults promote a positive and supportive approach to all interactions
with children, peers and others in the room.
4. Foster exploration, play and inquiry through planned activities and following children’s lead.

o Respond in a sensitive, supportive manner to children’s individual needs.

5. Provide both child-initiated and adult-supported experiences.

6. Plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences for children with:

o Continuous learning experiences that will enhance children’s development in all

areas of growth.
o Flexibility in daily routines which meet the needs of the group and the individual

7. Incorporate indoor and outdoor play, active play and quiet time through the day.

o Provide an inviting indoor environment with a variety of areas, including a couch

and pillows where children may quietly retreat from a large group.

o Ensure children are able to engage in daily outdoor play safely.

o Plan outdoor experiences that allow for and encourage movement and creativity.

o Provide alternative gross motor activity during inclement weather when children
are not able to be outside.

8. Foster the engagement of and communication with parents.

o Families are encouraged to participate in the program at any time.

9. Involve local community partners where possible for program enrichment.

10. Support staff in relation to continuous professional learning and skill building.

**A detailed program statement can be obtained from the supervisor.

Preschool Daily Programming

We post a daily schedule in each room that provides an overview of the details and timing of
the child’s day. The following elements are included daily routine:

a. The Art Area has various textural and art materials to develop fine motor, creative and
cognitive skills as well as visual discrimination.

b. The Dramatic Play Area with dress-up clothing, dishes, dolls, furniture, etc., to develop
social and dramatic skills.
c. The Block Area with blocks of different sizes and shapes to facilitate social/dramatic and
cognitive play.
d. The Cognitive Toy Area with a selection of puzzles and other cognitive toys, games and
special materials that relate to our current theme.
e. The Book Area with a selection of fiction and non-fiction picture books to develop
listening/ pre-reading skills and visual discrimination.
f. The Science Area with various materials such as plants, magnets, etc., to develop
knowledge and interest in the natural and man- made world.
g. Outdoor Playground with equipment designed to facilitate large muscle co-ordination
and physical exercise.

We plan field trips for our Preschool program that enhance and complement our regular
program. These trips include visits to such places as Riverdale Farm, Pioneer Village, The Apple
Orchard, The Science Centre, The Metro Toronto Zoo and other places.

HOURS OF OPERATION - South Drive Children’s Circle

South Drive Children’s Circle is open 12 months. Operating hours are 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
with the exception of statutory holidays, March Break and Winter break. Staffing arrangements
are made to cover all Rosedale Public School Professional Activity (PA) days during the school

Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs

 Each child must be picked up by his/ her parent(s). If there are any changes in this
procedure, the Supervisor or staff should be advised in writing. This is done for the safety of
your children.

 A child being picked up for the first time by a person the staff does not know must show ID
before the child will be released.

 It is imperative that the adult delivering or picking up a child come right into the yard or
room to ensure that the staff on duty knows that the child has been picked up or has
arrived. This is required by the ministry.

 No child shall be allowed to come or leave without an accompanying adult and all
authorized persons must be 16 years of age or older. If the pickup person is under 18
years of age, we must receive a letter of authorization, which is dated and signed by the

Late Fees: Charges for the Late Pick- Up of Preschool, Kindergarten and School-Age Children:

 South Drive Children’s Circle closes at 6:00 p.m. For late pick up after 6:00 p.m. there is a
late fee payable to the staff member detained after this time. The fee for the first late
offence is $1.00 per minute late. Second offence will be a fee of $2.00 per minute late.
Third offence will be $3.00 per minute late.

 Upon the third offence, there will be a letter from the South Drive Children’s Circle Board
requiring withdrawal of the child from the Circle program or such other alternative action as
the Board may deem appropriate. The late fee for the 3rd offence will be billed and must be
paid in cash upon receipt of the bill. The clock in the South Drive Children’s Circle classroom
shall be the sole indicator of time for late penalty charges.

 It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child is picked up by closing time. If a
person other than the regular caregiver is picking up the child the parent should phone the
Circle by closing time to ensure that child has been picked up.

 If a child has not been picked up by 6:0015 p.m., we will call the parent. If there is no
answer, we will call all emergency numbers.

 If the child has not been picked up by 7:00 p.m., and we still have not heard from the child’s
parents or emergency contacts, we will contact the Children’s Aid Society to notify them of
the problem. The Children’s Aid Society worker will consult with the staff member on duty
and together they will decide whether the late pick up of the child constitutes neglect or
abandonment. The child may be taken by The Children’s Aid Society worker if it is deemed
necessary. If necessary, the Police will be notified.

 Throughout this process, the staff on duty will continue to try to contact the parents and
emergency contact numbers. In addition, they will contact the Supervisor and the President
of the Board. The Board of Directors will review the situation at their next meeting and
based on the facts and repercussions of the incident, may decide to deny further child care
for the family involved.

 The fee for the care after 7:00 p.m. will be $25.00 per hour and will be collected through
Circle. This money will go to the staff member who was detained and will be added to the
regular accumulated prior to 7:00 p.m.

Statutory Holidays

South Drive Children’s Circle is closed on the following statutory holidays: Labour Day,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas Holidays as per Rosedale Public School, Family Day, March Break,
Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Victoria Day.



THE HOURS OF 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. If you would like to accompany your child into the
classroom, you can arrive before 8:30 a.m. and park for 10 minutes (in front of the school) or
park on Crescent Rd or Park Rd (please check signage before parking). If you park in front of the
school between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. you must remove your car before 8:30 a.m.

Traffic congestion is a major concern at Rosedale Public School and South Drive Children’s
Circle. Rosedale School has organized a Kiss N’ Go program which took effect January 2011.
During this time, a parent volunteer, a student volunteer or a daycare staff member will escort
your child into the daycare. Circle and Rosedale Public School will provide Kiss N’ Go services
every school day.

Storm /Emergency Policy:

There may be times when closing the Daycare is necessary due to bad weather conditions or an
emergency that affects the building. The Supervisor has both the authority and responsibility
to act in the best interest of the children and the Daycare. If weather or building conditions
warrant an early closing time, the supervisor will contact all parents by phone or e-mail and ask
for their cooperation in picking up their children. If the weather conditions result in the Toronto
District School Board closing the school, the Daycare will be closed.

Parent Volunteers - Police Check for all Parent Volunteers

While not currently available during the COVID-19 pandemic protocols, oOur program
welcomes parent volunteers to share specific skills, to assist in the general program or to attend
field trips. The Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ new guidelines state that a police
reference check is to be done for all parent volunteers. The police reference check shall consist
solely of a check through the Canadian police information computer system to secure
information regarding outstanding Code convictions for which pardon has not been granted.

Parents will be responsible for the cost of securing the required reference check. Please ask
the Supervisor for an application form if you would like to volunteer in the classroom or on
trips. Please note that it takes approximately 2-5 weeks for a police reference check to be

Medical Requirements

All parents must confirm that their child(ren)’s immunizations are up to date before admission
to the program. The health and medical consent forms must be completed before the child will
be admitted.

Illness – non-COVID-19

Circle follows the guidelines of the Canadian Paediatric Society in their book, Well Beings –
Caring for Kids. These regulations are in place to ensure a healthy atmosphere for everyone at
Circle. The staff shall have the right to refuse the admittance of any child who arrives ill.

 If your child will be absent, please call Circle in the morning at 416-963-9242 or email at

 If your child becomes sick at Circle and needs attention, parents will be contacted to
make arrangements for the child to go home (please see below). A child should not
return to Circle until he/she is well enough to participate in all activities. We do not have
adequate staffing to permit one teacher to leave the group to supervise an ill child
unless it is an emergency.

Any child exhibiting one or more of the following conditions shall be excluded from the

 A fever accompanied by any of these other symptoms: listlessness, sleepiness, unusual
irritability, unusual crying, rapid or difficulty breathing, a rash or poor skin colour or
pallor. A child should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

 Two liquid bowel movements (diarrhea) or two episodes of vomiting with or without
other symptoms. The child should be free of diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours before
returning to school.

 The illness prevents the child from participating in the regular program activities i.e.
outdoor play.

 The illness results in greater need for care that the staff can provide without
compromising the care of the other children.

 Any of the following infectious diseases:

- chicken pox
- hepatitis A - impetigo
- measles - mumps
- pink eye - rash (until diagnosed by a doctor)
- ring worm - scabies
- strep throat - tuberculosis
- whooping cough

Precautions should be used for children with a severe cold.

 If a child becomes unwell, the child will be placed on a cot in the Supervisor’s office.
If for some reason this is not feasible, the child will rest in a quiet area of the class

 The Supervisor (or designate) will call the parent(s) to advise them of the child’s
symptoms and ask for immediate pick up. If the Supervisor (or designate) is unable
to contact a parent, they will call the individuals indicated on the child’s file as
emergency contacts.

 In case of emergency, your child will be taken to the hospital by taxi, staff car, or
ambulance, unless otherwise requested by parents.

 In the event that a contagious disease is diagnosed, a notification will be sent home,
and the child(ren) must be kept at home for care until recovered. Notification will
also be sent to Public Health.

COVID-19 Protocols


Medication and Prescriptions

 If your child is on a prescribed medication and is permitted to attend the program, the
parent or guardian must complete the necessary forms before the staff is allowed to
administer the medicine.

 The staff MAY NOT administer non-prescription medication without written instructions
from the child’s physician.

 If the child has a severe allergic reaction to foods or other common substances that may
require the administration of adrenalin, the medication must be accompanied by
written instructions from the child’s physician outlining when and how it should be

Behaviour Management

If there is a disciplinary problem, the teacher will talk to the child and try positive discipline
techniques such as redirection, helping the children involved in the problem to work together
toward solving the disagreement. If the problem continues to recur in spite of these positive
attempts at reconciliation, the child will be removed from the group for a short period of time
and will be asked to return after the teacher has had the opportunity to talk with him/her
about the problem.

Corporal and harsh verbal punishment are strictly forbidden. Written monitoring of staff
behaviour management practices is done twice a year.

Please be aware that all staff members signed a confidentiality agreement and are not
permitted to discuss other children or confidential issues with parents. For example, if another
child injures your child, the staff is not permitted to disclose the name of the child.

Other Information

 Parents are required to keep Circle informed of their current telephone numbers as well as
the current phone number of an alternate party who can be reached in an emergency.

 There is a bulletin board to keep parents up to date on what is happening at Circle. For our
Preschool program, our weekly lunch and snack menus, next week’s menu, programming,
schedule and notes for parents are posted on this board.

 Children in the Preschool program should have one change of clothes, appropriate for the
season. Please make sure you label all articles of clothing and footwear.

 Letters, messages and permission forms will be sent home as necessary.

 Birthdays are a special event at the Circle and you are invited to provide a nut free cake or
another treat if you wish on your child’s birthday.

 Fire drills will be held monthly, and instructions in case of fire will be posted in each room.

 Smoking is not permitted on the School/Daycare premises.


South Drive Children’s Circle

12 month program 12 month program

Nursery School - 9:00 – 11:30am Preschool:

5 days…………………. $400/month 5 days…………………$930/month

3 days…………………. $240/month

2 days…………………. $160/month

Kindergarten Age: School Age:

5 days…………………. $620/month (before and 5 days…………………. $432/month (before and

after school) after school)

5 days…………………. $158/month (before 5 days…………………. $100/month (before

school only) school only)

5 days…………………. $462/month (after school 5 days…………………. $335/month (after school

only) only)

We also offer a summer program (Kindergarten to School Age)

Please see the Supervisor for details

Payment and Collection of Fees

South Drive Children’s Circle works on an annual system. The fee is an annual fee divided into
ten (10) months. The August fee will be credited to your account for the month of September.
The fees for the rest of the year will be for the remaining nine months. You can choose to pay
all of it at once or provide postdated cheques for the period October to June.

 A late penalty of $25.00 will be charged for fees that are repeatedly submitted after the
seventh day of the billing month.

 If your child will be away for an extended period of time during the program year, all
fees must be paid or the vacancy will be permanently occupied by another child who
has been on the waiting list.

 A non-refundable administrative fee per child of $75.00 per child is payable upon

 Due to the small size of our program, we consider your registration a full year
commitment to our program. One month’s written notice is required for withdrawal. If
insufficient notice is given, one month’s fees will be charged. One month’s written
notice is required for a decrease in the number of days per week that your child will be
attending any Circle centre program.

 The Circle requires the cooperation of parents in paying their accounts promptly. A
child will not be admitted into the program unless the required post-dated cheques
have been received by August 1st before the start of school year.

Returned Cheque Policy

 If a cheque is returned to us for any reason, a new cheque plus a $25.00 penalty fee
must be provided to the Supervisor within one week of notification. If necessary, a letter
outlining procedures will accompany notification of the problem and the charges.

 If in the same school year a second cheque is returned, the parent must provide a
certified cheque or cash plus a $25.00 penalty within one week of notification. The
parent will also be required to provide certified cheques or cash for each subsequent
billing period to the end of the school year. Another letter will be sent out confirming
the procedure.

 If your certified cheque or cash is not delivered on or before the seventh day of any
billing month, procedures will be taken to remove the child from the program in
accordance with the Corporation’s by-laws.

Withdrawal Policy

One month’s notice is required when withdrawing your child from care. If no notice is given,
one month fee will be charged in lieu of notice. If you are receiving fee subsidy it is your
responsibility to inform Toronto Children’s Services that you are withdrawing your child from

Case for Termination of Services

South Drive Children’s Circle reserves the right to terminate services. These include the

Failure to Pay Fees

If the Daycare has not received payment for services, the Supervisor will notify the
parents/guardian in writing of the overdue fees. If payment is not received within the specified
time, the Supervisor will notify the parents/guardian in writing of the date by which payment
must be received. Failure to pay requested fees may result in immediate withdrawal of services
from South Drive or Garfield Children’s Circle. (The President and Treasurer of the Board of
Directors will receive a copy of the notice.)

Failure to Comply with Operational Policies

When a parent/guardian has failed to comply with the policies of South Drive Children’s Circle,
as set out in the Parent Handbook, the Supervisor will contact the parent/guardian in order to
resolve the situation.

If after meeting the Supervisor, the parent /guardian is still unable or unwilling to comply with
the Daycare policies, the Board of Directors will be notified and the Board may agree to
terminate services. Termination may be immediate or subject to whatever the Board feels is
appropriate for the circumstances. In the event of termination, the Supervisor will notify the
parent/guardian of services from Circle in writing. This policy is meant to ensure that parents
utilizing Daycare services comply with requirements such as dropping off and picking up
children in a consistent manner and with other Daycare guidelines including the Code of
Conduct. Failure to comply with Daycare policies on the part of the parent/guardian can create
significant operational and financial difficulties for the Daycare.

Program Unsuitable for the Child

The staff of South Drive Children’s Circle are trained to program for the individual needs of the
child within the whole group. If the Daycare cannot meet the needs of the child, the Supervisor
will inform the parent/guardian that he/she will review potential withdrawal of services with
the Board of Directors. In the event that it is determined that the Daycare services are
unsuitable for a particular child, the Supervisor will schedule a meeting with parent/guardian to
discuss the suitability of the program or the need for an outside agency to assist within the
Daycare program. Documentation of the meeting will be kept on file. The Board of Directors
may terminate services. Termination will be subject to whatever notice the Board of Directors
feel is appropriate for the circumstances.


If a child or parent/guardian behaviour is deemed to be unsafe towards others in the Daycare

program (children, staff and parents), the Supervisor along with a Board member will meet with
the parent/guardian to review the behaviour. Following the meeting, the issue may be
reviewed by the Board of Directors and the Board may terminate daycare services for the child,
if it is in the opinion that it may be unsafe for children, staff or parents associated with the
Daycare. Termination may be immediate or subject to whatever notice the Board feels is

This policy is intended to ensure that the Daycare is a safe environment for the children, staff
and parents who are involved in its operation.

If a child is asked to leave the Daycare or is denied admission due to the Daycare’s inability to
accommodate the child’s needs or family circumstances, this procedure will be followed:

 Documentation of the meetings and use of support services with the parent/guardian
and Supervisor
 Children Services Consultant will be informed of termination of services
 The Board of Directors will be informed of the termination of services
 The Centre’s Supervisor will make referrals to other services for parent/guardian

“Circle” Parent Manual Summary and Parent Agreement
Revised August 2017

Parent(s) must sign this agreement to guarantee enrollment space held for their child.

I agree to:

1. Pay the fees established for the services requested, with no deductions for sickness or
absences, by the due dates set out in the billing system as outlined in the Parent Manual.
2. In the case of withdrawal the terms of withdrawal of my child(ren) from the program after
September 30th, I agree to give one month’s notice prior to withdrawal.
3. I understand the terms of the withdrawal and terminations of services policies. Should the
Supervisor determine in consultation with the Board of Directors and other consultants that
my child cannot adjust to the program, or that I have not fully carried out its contract or the
parent’s responsibilities under the policies and procedures of the program, the child will be
withdrawn after 1 month’s written notice and this agreement will be terminated.
4. I understand that if my child remains at the Centre past the agreed pick up time, I will be
charged $1.00 per minute for the first offence; if a second offence occurs I will be charged
$2.00 per minute late; if a third offence occurs I will be charged $3.00 per minute late. For
the third offence I will receive a letter from the Board as well as a bill for the above stated
monetary penalty.
5. I understand and agree to follow all policies around late payment of fees or returned
6. I understand that the program will observe the following holidays during which the program
will not operate: Thanksgiving, 2 weeks at Christmas, Family Day, March Break, Good Friday,
Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Lord Simcoe Day and Labour Day. The Circle is
open all P.D. days.
7. I understand and agree to follow all policies outlines in this Parent Manual.

Child(ren)’s Name(s): _________________________________ Date:________________

Parent’s Signature:__________________________________________



I. Purpose:

The South Drive Children’s Circle (”Circle”) has a responsibility to establish expectations of
parent/guardian and student conduct in Circle programs as part of its governance role for the
Circle programs operating at South Drive (Rosedale Public School), Mt. Pleasant Road and
Garfield Avenue (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School) Daycares.

For the purposes of this Code, Rosedale Public and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Schools
shall be together known as “School”.

Circle believes that the responsibility for behaviour and conduct in the daycare and nursery
school programs is shared among students, staff, parents, volunteers and any visitors to Circle
and School in order to create a safe, caring and orderly environment. To support these aims,
Circle has established this Code of Conduct (the “Code”) for parent/guardian, volunteer or
other caregiver (“Responsible Adult”) and the children registered (“Students”) in the Circle

II. Responsibilities:

Circle staff are responsible for consistently supporting and applying the Code and the Circle
Parent Manual (the “Manual”) and establishing a positive climate in which structure, support
and encouragement assist students in developing a sense of self-discipline and responsibility.
Circle staff are required to inform Responsible Adults and the rest of the Circle community
about the Code and the Manual and the expectations set out therein.

Responsible Adults are responsible for knowing and supporting the Code, and encouraging
Students to understand and follow it.

III. Conduct Expectations:

Circle believes that acceptable behaviours and conduct are fostered in a positive climate in

 all students feel safe, valued and trusted, and have the opportunity to develop, assume
and maintain responsibility and self-motivation;
 all students feel supported without fear of retaliation in reporting unsafe conditions,
actions or potential incidents;
 there is a joint effort to learn and a feeling of mutual respect among staff, students and
 appropriate behaviour is taught, encouraged, modeled and practiced to increase
student self-respect and positive social behaviours;
 disciplinary action, wherever possible, is preventative and restorative, rather than solely
punitive. It is considerate of students with special needs if these students are unable to
fully comply with the Code due to a diagnosed disability of an intellectual, physical,
sensory, emotional or behavioral nature;
 expectations and requirements for student behaviour increase as they become older
and more mature.

III.2 Circle believes that acceptable Responsible Adult and Student conduct is based on
respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for property, is essential to the
development of responsible citizens. To this end, the Responsible Adults and Students are
expected to:

 be aware of, and obey, all school rules;

 respect the rights of all persons within the school including peers, staff, parents and
 respect the authority of the Circle and School staff and volunteers;
 respect all school property, including buildings and equipment;
 respect the diversity of our school community;
 behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times;
 refrain from any behaviour that would threaten, harass, bully1, intimidate, assault or
discriminate against, in any way, any person within the school community on or off
Circle property;

*bullying includes but is not limited to physical or verbal intimidation, verbal harassment and cyber bullying
 refrain from being in the possession or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol in all
School or Circle facilities or on School or Circle grounds or at School or Circle sponsored
functions and activities;
 refrain from being in the possession of weapons of any kind at any Circle or School
facilities or at Circle or School activities;
 refrain from inappropriate computer usage and/or multi-media devices in accordance
with Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and Toronto Catholic District School Board
(TCDSB) policies (cell phones, cameras, smart phones, etc).

Circle believes that any breach of the Code or the Manual is unacceptable. Students are
encouraged to inform Circle staff or a Responsible Adult if they become aware of any infraction
of the Code.

IV. Consequences:

Students that do not comply with the Code will be disciplined in a timely and fair manner and
such discipline shall be in accordance with the Manual.

All Responsible Adults and Students, while attending Circle or School, or Circle or School
sponsored functions and activities, shall be subject to the Code and the Manual as well as the
TDSB and TCDSB Codes of Conduct. Students may be subject to discipline under the Code for
any conduct which has the effect of negatively impacting the Circle or the School environment,
whether that conduct occurs on or off Circle or School property, at a Circle or School sponsored
function or activity, or elsewhere.

Serious breaches of conduct by Responsible Adults or Students that threaten the safety and
welfare of others on or off Circle or School property may result in revocation of the parent /
guardian membership in Circle and consequent removal of the child from the Circle program as
provided for under the by-laws of the South Drive Children’s Corporation.

Policy Issued: May 20, 2009

 Policy Updated: August 2017


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