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Vocabulary Test - Term 3

 Lincoln first released the ______ proclamation to set free and release slaves in the
Northern States.

 Answer: Emancipation

 Lincoln's goal was to _____ slavery.

 Answer: Abolish

 A war between people of the same nation: ______

 Answer: Civil War

 Which word refers to the right to vote:

 Answer: Suffrage

 Use the word "degraded" in a sentence.

 Example sentence: The employee felt degraded after being unfairly criticized in
front of his colleagues.

 The meaning of "subordinate":

 Answer: Lower in rank/position

 Democratic countries allow their citizens to ____ for the government.

 Answer: Vote

 The correct spelling of the word meaning exploited:

 Answer: Oppressed

 Tomorrow is election day. We will all place our votes in a ______.

 Answer: Ballot

 Use the word "protest" in a sentence.

 Example sentence: The citizens organized a protest to demand better working


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