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Memory Lane

Memory Lane (回忆之旅; pinyin: huíyì zhī lǚ, lit.

Travel of Reminiscence) is a game mode in
the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies.
Memory Lane is a mode similar to Penny's
Pursuit, and features level gimmicks and maps
based on the Brst game.

There are two diEculty modes: Normal and Hard.

There are 8 levels per week in Normal mode and
16 levels per every major game update in Hard
mode, with every 4th level in both modes being
an Elite Zombie Battle. To unlock Hard mode, the
player must beat Normal mode Brst with every
season, upon unlocking Hard Mode, it stays
open for the remainder of the season.

As of update 2.9.6, both Normal and Hard mode

have you battle against Zombot Mark ll at the
very end of the map. In Normal Mode, all of the
levels must be completed WITH their level
objectives in order to Bght Zomboss, which has
its own objectives, gimmicks and conditions.

Players cannot purchase Sun (Hard Mode only),

Plant Food, or Power Ups. All plants from the
Brst game are unlocked for the player. All plants
are locked at level 1. In Hard mode the player can
only use two plants from the second game as
well as not having any lawnmowers except
during Elite Zombie and Zomboss levels. Seven
plants can't be used in Memory Lane at all:
Auberninja, Geisha Flower, Pokra, Escape Root,
Snap Pea, Headbutter Lettuce and Power Lily.

In Normal mode, the player can pick up to to

three additional objectives (e.g. "Produce at
least 5555 sun", "Don't lose any lawn mowers",
etc) for additional rewards, failing them results in
losing a level similar to failing objectives in the
international version of the game since the 1.7
update. In Hard mode all objectives are

Rewards for beating levels are gems, money,

"Snail Medals" in Normal Mode and "Rainbow
Snail Medals" in Hard Mode, which can be used
in Memory Lane's shop to buy plant's Puzzle
Pieces, artifacts and materials for their upgrade,
money and proBle icons. Products bought with
Snail Medals restock every day while products
bought with Rainbow Snail Medals stay the
same and doesn't restock until the season

Each level can either be a day, night, pool, fog or

a roof level. Day levels are standard. During night
levels sun doesn't fall from the sky. Pool levels'
three middle lanes are fully covered in water.
Fog levels combine the mechanics of night and
pool levels. And Roof levels have a slope, over
which projectiles of straight shooters can't go,
and all non-aying plants there can only be
planted on Flower Pots.

Time stability system

All levels have a time stability clock, which starts

at 99 ticks. As level goes on, the timer ticks
down. Each time Plant Food is used, the timer's
time increases by 5.

As the timer ticks down, new anomalies are

introduced to the level:

Worm-holes: At 80 ticks worm-holes start to

appear over the lawn. They teleport plants
and zombies that are standing over them
and transport them to a random tile on the
Portals: At 70 ticks Portals start to appear.
They appear once in lanes 1 and 5 and
spawn zombies. Portal spawns are identical
on all levels through a major game update.
Black holes: At either 20, 15 or 10 ticks a
Black hole will pull all plants one tile to the
Destabilization: At 0 ticks the player loses
the level.

Level "gimmicks" and

Note: All names in this section are conjectural. If
you know the o@cial names or have better
translations, please contact a wiki administrator
to change them.

Memory Lane features "gimmicks", which are

applied to levels in groups of four, and weekly
"conditions", which are applied to all levels in
both modes.


All known gimmicks are:

Name Notes

Sandstorms Identical to the ones in

(沙尘暴) Ancient Egypt, except
in Hard Mode, where
they also bounce
bullets back, similar to
Hammer Zombie.

Zomboss Tiles Several Zomboss tiles

(僵博瓷砖) are spawned at the
start of the level.
Zomboss tiles are
environment modiOers
that cannot be
destroyed or be
planted on, and boost
zombies that walk over
them in diQerent ways
depending on the type
of tile. Shield tiles give
zombies 1-tile shield of
Shield Zombie in front
of them, speed tiles
boost the speed of
zombies and damage
tiles increase the
damage dealt by

Dark Alchemy Potions are spawned

(邪恶药⽔) throughout the level.
Purple ones increase
damage resistance,
orange ones increase
speed, blue ones turn
zombie invisible
(invisibility is identical
to one of Bandit
Zombie), green ones
leave a cloud of poison
(similar to perfume
from Perfume Zombie)
and red ones increase

Lightning Strike Identical to the

(雷云⻛暴) gimmick from Sky City.
Player also starts with
several Ampthurium
on the lawn and one in
their loadout.

Barrel Crisis Barrels are spawned

(滚桶危机) throughout the level.
They roll from the left
side of the lawn at
diQerent speeds.
Some are identical to
one of Barrel Roller
Zombie. Some are
empty and don't
contain any imps
inside, but are
identical to previous
one elsewhere. Some
are explosive, dealing
damage to all
surrounding plants
and zombies on
destruction; they can
be destroyed by taking
enough damage or by
contacting a plant.

Bubble Rain Bubbles identical to

(泡泡⾬) the ones created by
Bubble Gun Imp are
spawned throughout
of the level. Bubbles
steal plants they land
on after a short while
and can be destroyed
or blown away by

Electromagnetic Electromagnetic
Shield Generators Shield Generators are
(电磁盾发⽣器) spawned throughout
the level. They have a
lot of health and
spawn shield in front
of them, that slowly
moves to the left,
tossing plants it
touched oQ the lawn.
Player starts with
E.M.Peach in their

Firecrackers Firecrackers are

(新春爆⽵) spawned throughout
the level in the speciOc
lawn, plants on the
same tile as a
Orecracker will be
tossed oQ the lawn
when they initially
spawn. They cannot
be destroyed by most
attacks but are ignited
by Ore attacks, which
causes them to
explode, dealing heavy
damage to all
surrounding plants
and zombies. This will
only appear in Lunar
Zoo Year season.

Dumplings Dumplings are

(保护饺⼦) spawned at the start
of the level. They can
be destroyed by
zombies. When all of
them are destroyed,
the player loses the
level. This will only
appear in Lunar Zoo
Year season.

Snowstorms Identical to the ones in

(寒冰⻛暴) Frostbite Caves,
except they also
instantly freeze all
plants they pass by.

Zombie Tents Tents similar to the

(僵⼫帐篷) ones carried by Imp
Porters are spawned in
the lawn throughout
of level. Unlike the
regular ones, these
tents can summon all
kinds of zombies.

Fireworks Identical to the

(夏⽇烟⽕) Orecrackers from
Season 3. This will only
appear in Summer
Nights season.

Toxic Water Disinfection Zombies

(⽔⾥有毒) appear throughout the
level, polluting the
water in pool until they
leave. Plants planted
in the toxic water will
get poisoned. If a plant
is planted on Lily Pad,
the Lily Pad will
gradually take damage
until it is defeated,
drowning the plant on
top of it. Zombies
eating a poisoned
plant will gradually
take damage
themselves. This will
only appear in
Backyard season.

Moving Platforms Lily Pads and Ducky

(活动平台) Tube Pots are
unavailable, instead
moving tiles appear in
the pool. Tiles can sink
into and emerge from
the water. Plants can
be planted on top of
them, and zombies will
be able to walk on
them. When a tile sinks
into the water, any
plant planted on it will
drown and any zombie
walking on it will begin
walking in the water.
Flying and amphibious
plants will not drown
when a tile
underneath them
sinks. This will only
appear in Backyard

Magical Fog Fog from Fairytale

(魔⼒迷雾) Forest appears and
disappears throughout
the level.

Springboards Springboards will

(弹跳板) bounce all zombies
that step on them to
the left, damaging any
plants that they land
on, zombies launched
from springboards can
be blown away by
plants such as Blover
while airborne. After
bouncing, zombie
springboards will then
need to cooldown.
Plants cannot be
planted on

Turkeys Turkeys are similar to

(守护⽕鸡) the dumplings from
Season 3, they spawn
at the beginning of
levels and can only be
destroyed by zombies.
But unlike the
dumplings, only one of
the turkeys needs to
be destroyed in order
for the level to be lost.
This will only appear in
Feastivus season.

New Year Tent Like normal Tents,

(新春帐篷) Lunar Zoo Year
Zombies will be
spawned continuously
in the New Year Tent.
DiQerent from the
original version, Lunar
Zombies that pass
through the New Year
Tent will be upgraded
to Lunar Conehead
Zombies and Lunar
Conehead Zombies will
be upgraded to Lunar
Buckethead Zombies.
When the tent is
destroyed, a God of
Wealth will be
spawned. This will only
appear in Lunar Zoo
Year season.

Tangyuan Several tangyuan will

(保护汤圆) appear at the start of a
level. Players need to
protect the tangyuan
in the bowl from being
eaten, similarly to
Dumplings and
Turkeys. There are
three tangyuan in
each bowl. When a
zombie bites a
tangyuan, they will
pop out and paste the
zombie's feet, blocking
their movement. The
tangyuan at the
zombie's feet have a
certain amount of
health, which can be
eaten by the zombie
and any zombies
behind them similarly
to Gumnut. Zombies
that don't eat liik will
instead target the
bowl itself, if the bowl
is destroyed, so are
the tangyuan. This will
only appear in Lunar
Zoo Year season.

ModiKcation Devices Zombie that pass

(僵⼫改造装置) through the device will
be transformed into a
random Gargantuar,
and sometimes into a
Chicken or Ice Weasel.

Magic Mirrors Identical to the ones in

(传送魔镜) Fairytale Forest part 2,
similarly to the Portal
Combat from the Orst

Seeing Stars Based on the

(看星星) minigame from the
Orst game.

Wall-nut Bowling Based on the

(坚果保龄球) minigame from the
Orst game.

Column Like You See Based on the

'Em minigame from the
(排⼭倒海) Orst game.

Upgrade tile "backside"

Upgrade tiles

Potion of Poison

Zombie protected by Shield


Сloud of poison left by Potion

of Poison

Potions of Invisibility

Empty barrels

Explosive barrel

Electromagnetic Shield
Generators with Big Trouble Electromagnetic Shield
Little Zombie condition active Generator's textures

Firecracker about to explode


Firecracker explosion

Hurt dumpling


Toxic water

Disinfection Zombie creating

polluted water

Toxic Water textures

Moving platform

Moving platforms in Modern




In the Season 1, a level will have only one debuc.

Starting from the Season 2, a level usually has
two conditions: one debuc and one buc, or only
one neutral condition. Condition not be applied
to Brain Buster levels (Seeing Stars, Wall-nut
Bowling, and Column Like You See 'Em).

All known conditions are:

Name Notes


Sun Drain Player loses 25/50 sun

(阳光⻜逝) every minute.

Big Trouble Little Based on the minigame

Zombie from the Orst game - all
(⼩⼩⼤僵⼫) zombies are smaller in
size and move with
increased speed.

Dark Stormy Night Identical to Dark Stormy

(打雷天) Night from the Orst
game in terms of
visuals. Nothing seems
to be changed

Invisi-ghoul Based on the minigame

(隐形战争) from the Orst game.
Zombies' invisibility is
identical to one of
Bandit Zombie and can
be countered by

Zombie Explodes All zombies explode

(同归于尽) after death.

Fully Armed All basic zombies will

(全副武装) get a Buckethead when
they passes Orst lawn.

No Defense All defensive plants

(禁⽌防御) have only one third of
their original life.

Gravitation All lobber plants have

(万有引⼒) shorter range.

Tombs of the Dead All zombies leave behind

(死亡墓碑) Tombstones when they

Acid Rain All plants and zombies

(腐蚀酸⾬) take slight percentage
based damage over
time. Player starts with
Heavenly Peach in their

Thunderstorm A Thunderstorm rages

(雷暴) thought the level. Every
once in a while,
lightning strikes in
random tiles, sending
two X-shaped currants,
each aQecting a 5x5
area. Random plants
and zombies within the
area will be instantly
defeated, others will
take percentile-based
damage. If lightning
strikes a water tile, all
plants and zombies
within a 3x3 area will
take damage Orst, then
currant will run on land.
Electric plants are
immune to lightning

Energy Drain The timer ticks

(能量⻜逝) decreases by one each
plant planted.


Cheap Explosives All explosive plants cost

(炸翻天) half as much and

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