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whose benefit the Filipino people never received," Cory then asked a rather

conipeliing question to the U.S. Congress:

"Has there been a greater test of national commitment to the
ideais you hold dear than that my people have gone through?
You have spent many lives and much treasure to bring freedom
to many lands that were reluctant to receive it. And here, you
ha'e a peopie who want it by themselves and need snlv the
help to preserve it."

cory ended her speech by thanking America for serving as home to

her family for what she referred to as the "three happiest years of our lives
together." She enjoined America in building the Philippines as a new home
!!i:l for democracy and in turning the country as a "shining testament of our trvo
nations' commitment to freedom."
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Analysis of Cory Aquino's Speech

Cory Aquino's speech was an important event in the political and

diplonratic history of the cottntry because it has arguably cementecl the
legitimacy of the BDSA government in the internabional arena. The speech
talks of her famill, background, especially her relationship with her late
c- *"
hr:sband, Ni,o,v Aquino. It is well known that it was Nino1, who serverl
as the real leading figure of the opposition at that time. Indeecl, Nino-y's
eloquence and charisnra cor:ld very well compete with that of N{arcos. In her
speech' Cory talked at length about Ninoy's toil and suffering at the hancls
of the dictatorship that he resisted. Even when she proceeded talking abor-rt
her nerv governrnent.. she still went back to Ninoy's legacies and lessons.
Moreover, her attribution of the revolution to Ninoy's death demonstrates
t-iot onlt' Cory's personal perception on the revolution, but since she was the
president, it also represents what the dominant discourse was at that. point
in our Iristorr,.
Thc ideolog)' or rhe principles of the new clemocratic government
can also be seen in the same speech. Aquino was able to d.raw the sharp
contrasl betu't't,n her governnrent and of her pred.ecessor by expressing

F her commitrnent. to a democratic constitution drafted by an independent

commission. she that such constitution upholds and adheres
to the rights and lilrert-v of the Filipino people. Cory also hoistecl herself

I| Chapter 2 ] Conte nt and conrc-rrua.l Analysis of Selected primary Sources in philippine Historv

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