Clase 12 Junio

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Completa las oraciones con present simple o present continuous:

1 Mary never ____ (watch) TV on weekends.

2 The drugstore ____(not close) until nine o'clock on workdays.

3 Kate ____(play) the guitar at night.

4 ____ he ________(move) to London this month?

5 Is that woman over there your mum? She ___ at you. (look)

6 They ____(not come) because they are busy.

7 John ____(work) at the hospital near my place.

8 My father and I ____ (love) sunbathing.

9 My friend Tom ____ (play) Football, that's why he can't come today.

10 Water ____ (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.

11 _______ the children ____? The house is very quiet. (Sleep)

12 Our teacher always ____ (give) us a lot of homework.

13 ___ Tony ____ near the park? (Live)

Completa las oraciones con past simple:

1. We waved at him, but he________________ (not look).

2. When I was Young I ________________(want) to be a pilot.

3. What _________________(happen) after that?

4. __________________(you / see) Jane last night?

5. I _________________(see) you walking in the park this morning.

6. I got up at seven and then I _________________(have) a big breakfast.

7. ______________________(you/go) to the restaurant yesterday?

8. When _____________________(she / start) learning English? – Five years ago.

9. She was a beautiful woman. She always ___________________(attract) a lot of men.

10. They__________________________(not arrive) on time.

Completa con past continuous:

1. She _________________ (sit) on a chair and was watching TV.

2. She __________________(wear) her new jacket when I saw her.

3. I left the cinema before the film ended. I _____________________(not enjoy) it.

4. Mr. Brown ______________________(have) a shower when I knocked his door.

5. I turned the radio off. Nobody ________________________(listen) to it.

6. I ___________________________(prepare) dinner yesterday when I noticed that the

cooker (work/not) .

7. _______________________(what/do/you) yesterday at six?

8. _______________________(Jane/practise) the piano when you came home?

9. ________________________(who/talk/to you) when I saw you last night?

10. They __________________ (watch) the TV when I arrived to their house.

Completa las oraciones con present perfect:

1. __________________ the lm yet? (she, watch)

2. We __________________ to your message yet. (listen, not)

3. They __________________the chicken for dinner (cook, not)

4. I __________________ to call you three times. (try)

5. You __________________ me seven times today. (text)

6. She __________________ (not/study) for the exam.

7. Adam and Natalie __________________ (live) together for 3 years.

8. Where __________________ he __________________ (go)?

9. We __________________ (not/leave) yet.

10. I __________________ (want) a new car for a long time.


1. Where is the Central Library in Manchester?


2. Who uses the library?


3. What can you do inside the library? List four things.


4. What does the café serve?


5. How often does the writer go to the library?


6. What does the writer do at the library? List two things.


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