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Moderator's Guide to Discussion Group


Hi everyone, my name is Kevin Mendez, and I will be moderating this session. I work
as a market researcher at the company XXYYZZ. Before we begin, I want to warmly
welcome you and sincerely thank you for taking the time to participate in this discussion
group. Your participation is crucial for us, as we are in an important development
process and each of your opinions and experiences will help us create a product that
truly responds to the needs and desires of the market.

Let me tell you a little more about the purpose of this session. At XXYYZZ we are
focused on continuously innovating and improving our products, and we believe that the
best way to do this is by listening directly to users like you. We're at an exciting stage
where we're developing a new high-end smartphone, and their perspective is essential to
understanding what features they value most, what barriers they encounter when
considering a purchase, and how we can overcome those barriers.

We hope that this session will be an open and enriching conversation, where everyone
feels comfortable sharing their thoughts. We have assembled a diverse group of people
with different experiences, and I am sure that their feedback will provide us with
valuable insight. Again, thank you for being here and for contributing your time and
knowledge to this project.

Today we are here to discuss about a new high-end smartphone that our company is
developing. Our goal is to better understand what features affluent consumers value
most and what are the barriers or objections to buying a high-end product. We will not
disclose specific details of the client who has commissioned this investigation in order
to maintain objectivity and confidentiality.


To ensure that our session is productive and respectful, I ask that we follow these basic

1. Respect: Everyone's opinion is valued, so we will respectfully listen to all

participants without interrupting.
2. Speaking turns: Avoid cross-talking; when one person is speaking, the others
will wait for you to finish to speak.
3. Punctuality: Use the facilities before you start. If you need to leave the room,
do so discreetly so as not to distract others.
4. Electronic devices: Please turn off your mobile phones to avoid interruptions
during our session. Although we are researching mobile phones, we want to
minimize distractions.
5. Comfort: Feel free to eat and drink during our meeting, but try to do so before
we start to reduce disruptions.


I want to assure you that everything discussed here will be confidential. This means:
1. Anonymity: Your names and any personal information will not be shared
outside of this room.
2. Use of Data: Your individual responses will not be disclosed; they will only be
used in the aggregate for analysis.
3. Recording: This session will be recorded for internal analysis purposes only,
and the recording will be handled with strict confidentiality.
4. Voluntariness: Your answers will not affect your relationship with the company
in any way. They can choose not to answer any questions at any time.
5. Consent: By participating, you are consenting to the use of your answers in our
analysis, always under the aforementioned confidentiality conditions.


Before I get started with the questions, I'd like each of you to introduce yourself. Please
tell us your name, what you do for a living, and a brief description of your smartphone
experience. As icebreakers, share what was the most important feature you valued in
your current phone.

General Discussion Questions

1. What features do you consider most important in a high-end smartphone?

 Follow-up question: Why are those features important to you?

 Probe: Can you give me an example of a situation where one of
these features was particularly helpful?
 Additional probe: How does this feature influence your purchase
decision compared to other brands?

2. What are the main barriers or objections they have to buying a high-end

 Follow-up question: Could you describe a past experience where

these barriers influenced your purchase decision?
 Probe: What kind of information or changes could help overcome
those barriers?
 Extra probe: Are there any features or services that might justify the
extra cost of a high-end phone?

3. What kind of innovations or new features would you like to see in future
high-end smartphones?

 Follow-up question: How would these innovations improve your

user experience?
 Probe: Are there any specific technology trends that excite you?
 Bonus probe: What recent innovations have influenced your
decision to buy a new phone?

Concluding Remarks / Recapitulation

In closing, I would like to thank you again for your time and valuable contributions.
Your feedback will help us tremendously to better understand the needs and wants of
consumers in the high-end smartphone market. If you have any final questions or
comments, I'd be happy to hear from you.

To recap:

 We have discussed the most valued features in high-end smartphones.

 We have identified the main barriers and objections to the purchase of these
 We have explored the innovations and new features desired in future

Thank you again for your participation and for sharing your perspectives with us. I
remind you that everything you have shared here will be treated with total
confidentiality. Your contribution is vital to the success of our project.

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