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Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny

AM2304013020 – ITC 2113


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Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113


The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a buzzword in recent years due to its potential to
revolutionize different industries by connecting everyday devices to the internet. The IoT is a
collection of devices that are interconnected and can collect, process and share data using
the internet. IoT devices include smart appliances, wearable technology, smart homes,
autonomous vehicles, industrial robots, healthcare monitoring systems and more. IoT
devices are equipped with sensors and sophisticated software that enable them to collect
and share data with other devices over the internet. This data can be analyzed to provide
valuable insights, improve decision-making, and optimize processes. However, the enormity
of the potential benefits of IoT comes with challenges. Therefore, it is essential to develop
robust security protocols to secure IoT systems. We will go deeper into how Internet of
Things reality works, as well as where it fits into our daily lives. M2M and IoT worked in
significantly different ways. User have used IoT in our daily lives as a necessity and may
have been completely oblivious that already encountered IoT without realizing it. This study
will go over what issues that have related to IoT as go through with advantages and
disadvantages of IoT. Additionally, IoT implementation requires the integration of various
technologies, systems, and devices. Integration is often complex, and new devices must be
compatible with existing ones. Interoperability between devices, protocols, and platforms can
be a challenge, and data compatibility issues must be addressed to ensure seamless
operation and communication between devices. IoT has the potential to revolutionize
different industries by improving efficiency, productivity, and customer experiences. With a
thorough examination of this data, can see how IoT will usher and benefit user into the

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Internet of Things (IoT)................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Evolution of IoT.................................................................................................... 2

2.2 How Internet of Things Works.......................................................................... 3-4
2.3 Differences between IoT and Traditional Internet…………………………………. 4

3.0 Where IoT Works........................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Healthcare........................................................................................................ 5-6

3.2 Agriculture....................................................................................................... 6-7
3.3 Transportation.................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Manufacturing.................................................................................................... 9
4.0 Issue That Related to IoT............................................................................................ 10
4.1 Security.............................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Threat.................................................................................................................10
4.3 Defense..............................................................................................................10
5.0 Advantages of IoT........................................................................................................11
5.1 Reducing Cost................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Higher Efficiency and Productivity..................................................................... 11
5.3 Saving Time....................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Enchanted customer experience....................................................................... 12
5.5 Better visibility and control................................................................................. 12
6.0 Disadvantages of IoT...................................................................................................13
6.1 Security and Privacy.......................................................................................... 13
6.2 Too Much Dependency on Technology.............................................................. 13
6.3 Connectivity and Power..................................................................................... 14
6.4 Increased Unemployment.................................................................................. 14

7.0 The Relationship between Machine to Machine and Internet of Things……… 15-16

8.0 Conclusion................................................................................................................... 17

9.0 Reference……………………………………………………………………………………... 18

10.0 Appendix................................................................................................................19 -21

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

1.0 Introduction

In this era of globalization, Internet of Things (IoT) has become a topic of frequent
discussion. This is because IoT is a concept that has the potential to influence our lives
and the way we work. The Internet of things is a system of interrelated computing
devices, mechanical and digital machines provided with unique identifiers and the ability
to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer
interaction and its turn physical world to be digitally monitored or even controlled. The
Internet of Things (IoT) also refers to a network of devices, objects, and machines that
are connected to the internet and communicate with each other to exchange and analyse

The concept of IoT has been around for several decades, but it is only in recent
years that it has gained widespread popularity due to the prevalence of affordable
sensors, ubiquitous wireless connectivity, and advances in cloud computing. This
concept was first proposed by Kevin Ashton in 1999 while working on radio frequency
identification (RFID). Now, IoT has grown rapidly and dominates almost the entire sector
such as healthcare, transportation, agriculture and more.

According to a report generated by Business Insider, 24 billion IoT devices were

installed in the year 2020. ITC predicts that IoT revenue will reach 300 billion dollars in
the coming years. This generates large amounts of job opportunities in the technological
industry and various other industries such as healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and
manufacturing. The IoT has the potential to impact every aspect of our lives, from home
automation and personal health to transportation and manufacturing. With
advancements in technology and an increase in the number of connected devices, the
IoT is rapidly changing the way we live and work, creating new opportunities and
challenges for individuals, businesses, and governments.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

2.0 Internet of Things (IoT)

2.1 Evolution of IoT

In 1969, the first technical foundation of the internet developed by Advanced

Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), pioneering existing internet-controlled
devices. One of the first internet-connected devices was a vending machine, developed by
the Carnegie Mellon University in 1982. In 1990, John Romkey invented the first internet-
controlled device namely ‘toaster’. In 1999, Kevin Ashton coined the phrase ‘Internet of
Things’ in presentation about the RFID technology, which coincided with the time around
which the IoT revolution really began to gain momentum. In 2000, the first smart fridge was
commercially developed by LG Electronics. Google launched a self-driving car in 2009, while
Google glass was launched in 2013. Google Nest is a smart home device that was
developed and launched in 2010 by Google. Since 2017, artificial intelligence (AI), big data,
and blockchain-integrated IoT devices have become popular across the world.

As previously mentioned, it was in 1999 the IoT concept

was brought to surface by Kevin Ashton. The term IoT was
coined with the use of RFID-enabled devices for detection and
tracking. With the integration of RFID and sensors, IoT has
enabled the development of industrial services and expanded
the deployment of services in new applications. Since 2010,
IoT has been able to network a broader range of "things" due to
advancements in smart sensor technology, sensor network
technologies, and low-energy wireless networking [4]. An
illustration of its evalution is shown in figure 1.
As previously mentioned, it was in 1999 the IoT concept
was brought to surface by Kevin Ashton. The term IoT was
coined with the use of RFID-enabled devices for detection and
tracking. With the integration of RFID and sensors, IoT has
enabled the development of industrial services and expanded
the deployment of services in new applications. Since 2010,
IoT has been able to network a broader range of "things" due to
advancements in smart sensor technology, sensor network
technologies, and low-energy wireless networking [4]. An
illustration of its evalution is shown in figure 1.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

Figure 1: Evolution of IoT

As previously mentioned, it was in 1999 the IoT concept

was brought to surface by Kevin Ashton. The term IoT was
coined with the use of RFID-enabled devices for detection and
tracking. With the integration of RFID and sensors, IoT has
enabled the development of industrial services and expanded
the deployment of services in new applications. Since 2010,
IoT has been able to network a broader range of "things" due to
advancements in smart sensor technology, sensor network
technologies, and low-energy wireless networking [4]. An
illustration of its evalution is shown in figure 1.
2.2 How Internet of Things Works

IoT has 4 components that describe the functioning of most of the IoT systems that
contains of sensors, connectivity, data processing and user interface.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

Figure 2: How IoT Works

1. Sensors/Devices

The first thing required is sensors and devices that helps to accumulate, store, transmit
and receive data from the surrounding environments. This kind of data comes with variable
complexities. For example, it can be as simple as temperature monitoring sensors that
detect heat and changes of temperature. Additionally, in mobile phone also embedded with
sensors that help to track the location and guide to the desire destinations. This property
makes sensors extremely useful in IoT applications.

2. Connectivity

Then, all the collected data is sent to cloud servers which it will process all the data
collected by sensors. To process the data, connectivity is required in order to enable
communication between the devices. Sensors can connect to cloud platforms and other
devices through a host of network protocols for the internet. This enables communication
between devices. But it is crucial to choose the right of connectivity path. For example, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, and cellular networks such as 5G or LTE that offers trasmits of large amount of

3. Data Processing

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

Once the entire data collected and it gets to the cloud, then software will process the data
and send back the output. It can be the process of checking the temperature, reading on the
devices likes reading of temperature for the heaters.

4. User Interface

User interface is the last stage where the related information accessible to the user for
example it can be triggered by notification through text message or email. The user
sometimes might need an interface which actively checks their IoT system. For example, the
user has a camera installed at home, in order to access video recording and all the feeds it
can be accessible with the use of a web server.

2.3 Differences between IoT and Traditional Internet

The first and most grasped difference between traditional and IoT is the identity of
the content creation as traditional internet handle by human while IoT handle by machine.
However, there are several differences between these two. It can be seen that, when
traditional internet is used, it completely depends by request which is need to ask a query
first or send a request for a web service, only then able to get the desire information. On the
contrary, in IoT user able to get the information through notification or triggering by action
when a certain situation is detected. In fact, in traditional internet the connection is done
through physical link which is between web pages, compared to IoT that able to gather data
from different business requirement then these collected data is used for optimizing the
network performance, improving performance of products and services. Hence, table 1
below show the clear view of the difference between traditional technology and IoT.

Traditional Internet Internet of Things (IoT)

Create content Created by human Created by machine
Value Answer questions Action and timely
Content consumed By request By pushing information and
triggering actions
Content combined Using explicitly defined links Through explicitly defined
What it done HTML and search engine Data creation

Table 1: Difference Between Traditional Technology and IoT

3.0 Where Internet of Things Work

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they approach their businesses and
gives them the tools to improve their business strategies. Generally, IoT is most abundant in
manufacturing, transportation and utility organizations, making use of sensors and other IoT
devices however, it has also found within the healthcare, agriculture, transportation and
manufacturing, leading some organizations toward digital transformation.

3.1 Healthcare

The healthcare industry is beginning to see a surge in the adoption of IoT technology.
Recent statistics from a report by Grand View Research reveal that the global IoT in
healthcare market was valued at USD 252.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.8 percent between 2023 and 2030. Hospitals,
clinics, nursing home and others are starting to integrate IoT devices into healthcare

With the help of connected devices, it can make it easier to analyse and upload real-
time patient information to the cloud right from ambulance, home, hospital and anywhere.
IoT devices have a function to collect and transfer the health data including oxygen level,
sugar level, blood pressure, weight, and more to the cloud platform. At a later stage, this
information is shared with an authorized person who could either be a doctor, nurses,
medical insurer, health firm, or consultant so that able to view over the collected data on the
device anytime and anywhere. So IoT make the exchange of information at blazing fast
speed and the data movement makes healthcare service delivery effective. These real-time
reports are useful to give an opinion about the patient’s condition regardless of place and
time. It also helps healthcare providers to leverage on-time treatment and make accurate

When the conditions are critical, on-time alerts are quite essential. These medical IoT
devices understand the signs of any diseases and pass the signals data to doctors in real-
time scenarios along with dropping notifications to concerned people via notification and
smart sensors. These IoT-based devices having capabilities like real-time alerting, tracking,
monitoring allow doctors to give hands-on treatment with better accuracy along with remote
improving patient care systems.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

In addition, IoT is very useful in hospitals because it can be tagged with sensors that
can be used for tracking the real time location of medical equipment such as wheelchairs,
defibrillators, nebulizers, oxygen pumps and other monitoring equipment.

Figure 3: The Use of IoT in Healthcare Industry

Besides being beneficial to medical staff, IoT is also useful for the patients to keep
their own health by checking on the devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches that
can monitor on blood pressure, heart rate and glucose level in blood. By using this device,
patients can access personalized attention for the reminding calorie count, exercise check,
medical checkup and blood pressure variation.

3.2 Agriculture

Over the next few decades, the agricultural sector has to deal with challenges like
climate change, extreme weather and rising energy costs. According to the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization, the world needs to produce 70 percent more food when reach year
2050 due to rapid growth of world population which expected to hit 9.6 billion.

It is been long since sensors were introduced in the agriculture operations. But the
problem with the traditional approach of utilizing sensor technology was that farmers were
not able to get the live data from the sensors. The sensors used to log the data into their
attached memory and later on able to use it. Hence, adoption of internet connectivity
solutions in farming have been trigged to overcome this problem. With the introduction of IoT
in Agriculture, far more advanced sensors are being utilized. The sensors are now
connected to the cloud which let the farmer able to get the real-time data from the sensors
and make the decision more precisely.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

According to some estimates, the number of connected devices in agriculture will

grow to 225 million by 2024. Basically, Smart Agricultural Technology enables the farmers to
have better control over process of growing crops. As climate plays a very critical role in
farming and having lack of knowledge regarding of climates will affect the quality of crop
production. With the help of IoT solutions enable the farmers to know the real-time weather
conditions which sensors are placed inside and outside of agriculture fields then with the
collected data, farmers can choose the suitable crops which able to sustain in particular
climatic conditions. The whole IoT ecosystem is made up of sensors that can detect real-
time weather conditions like humidity, rainfall, temperature and others very accurately.

Figure 4: The Use of IoT in Agriculture

On the other hand, precision farming is one of the famous applications of IoT in
Agriculture. This smart farming option allows to track livestock monitoring, vehicle tracking,
field observation, and inventory monitoring with the touch of a button. The goal of precision
farming is to help the farmer to analyse the information as it comes in from the sensors so
that able to make intelligent decisions.

In addition, farmer can use aerial and ground drones to monitor things like planting,
crop spraying, crop health and crop monitoring. After installed, sensors can monitor how
healthy the crops are after have started growing. Smart drones can reduce the number of
chemicals that make it into the groundwater, so it can reduce the impact on the environment.
Besides, connected sensors could reduce water consumption by 30 percent so with the help
of IoT it can prevent from scarce of water in agriculture.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

3.3 Transportation

IoT also work in transportation. This can be seen as IoT in transportation

incorporates with network of embedded sensors, actuators, smart object and other intelligent
devices that can collect data in real world scenario and become such a useful information.
IoT in transportation work as transferred data taken using via CCTV cameras to the traffic
management centers for keeping a closer look at the vehicles and impose punishment car
owner who are violating the traffic rules and regulation. Not only that, IoT in transportation
has created smart parking to ease the drivers. Research shows that most cars search for
parking spots for around 3.5 to 14 minutes and due to driver, who lack of patients decide to
park illegally as do not have time to wait for the empty parking. As a result, drivers need to
pay hefty fines if get caught by authorize person in charge. Smart parking solutions are
intended to give drivers complete control of the journey without need to hunt for parking. The
sensors will detect available slots and give the information to the drivers in real-time, so that
able to save costs and minimize travel time

Figure 5: The Use of IoT in Transportation Industry

IoT has also introduced a self-driving car. Self-driving cars are one of the coolest
things that have been introduced by the transportation industry. In the past decades, self-
driving cars is like a fiction story, but nowadays IoT has made it become reality. Self-driving
cars are capable of moving safely by sensing the environment, with little or no human
interaction. This is because self-driving cars use a wide range of sensors. For example, this
self-driving car uses acoustic sensors, ultrasonic sensors, radar, LiDAR (Light detection and
ranging), camera and GPS sensors to have an information of surrounding. Mostly, these IoT
sensors are used for data driven decision about mobility accordingly.

3.4 Manufacturing

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

IoT is transforming the way organizations in different industries are doing business
including the manufacturing companies. IoT enabled devices can monitor production
equipment. As ITIF research reports, IoT applications for monitoring machine can increase
manufacturing productivity by 10 to 25 percent and produce up to 1.8 trillion in global
economic value by 2025. As can be seen from here, IoT gives a big impact to manufacturer
with the ability to automate and therefore optimize operating efficient.

Nowadays, physical machinery can be connected to software via sensors that able to
monitor performance on a constant basis. More and more manufacturing enterprises tend
to implement asset practices. IoT technology combined with the development of native
web and mobile apps for iOS or Android makes it possible to obtain real-time asset
information. From this, it will enable manufacturers to have better insight to the operational
performance and help to make the better decisions.

Figure 6: The Use of IoT in Manufacturing

Logistics is the management of materials, products and equipment. Because of changing

demands, rising costs and increasing complexity, logistics has become one of the most
critical elements in manufacturing today. With the help of IoT, these smart solutions allow
manufacturers to remotely monitor, manage and control all aspects of their facilities,
including inventory, production, maintenance and repair and it can also minimize downtime
and increase operational efficiency.

4.0 Issues That Related to Internet of Things (IoT)

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

4.1 Security

Lack of encryption is one of the issues that related to IoT according to security
challenges. This is because many IoT devices don’t encrypt the data they sent, which means
if someone penetrates other networks, they can intercept credentials and other important
information transmitted to and from the devices. This kind of situation makes user’s data
such as personal or health data are unsafe. Insufficient testing and updating are also issues
that related to IoT according to security challenges. The increased use of IoT devices has
caused IoT Manufacturers eager to introduce new IoT devices so quickly that the security of
those devices cannot be observed. This situation has also caused many of these IoT
devices and products do not get enough testing and updates and are vulnerable to hackers
and other security issues.

4.2 Thread

Other than security issues, insider thread also has become the most issue that
related to IoT. Insider threats are safety risks that originate from within a company as
opposed to external sources like hackers or cyber criminals. These threats can come in a
variety of forms such as employees who intentionally or unintentionally cause harm to the
organization, contractors who misuse their access privileges, or insiders who are coerced
into compromising the security of the organization. Insider threats can lead to data breaches,
intellectual property theft, and reputational damage to the company. This issue is very
dangerous and should be addressed immediately by the organization so that it does not
cause more bad effects. At the same time, the organization must have strategy in place for
identifying insider security issues, responding to them, and recovering from them.

4.3 Defense

The defense issues in IoT are also worrying because it related with data
transmission. This will make data transmission unsecured because the process of
transmitting data through the network does not have adequate protection. This will cause
data vulnerable to interception, tampering or theft by malicious actors. Insecure data
transmission can occur when data is sent over an unencrypted network or when the protocol
is not secure. So, the users must have a secure protocol such as SSL/TLS or VPN to
convert data before sending it for data protection during transmission. This way can help
ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data, even if it is intercepted during transmission.
Even more so when we use IoT when sending work-related data that must be more

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

5.0 Advantages of Internet of Things (IoT)

5.1 Reducing Cost

They are many advantages in Internet of things. The first advantage In IoT is
reducing cost. The cost can be mostly saved especially for the organization. This can benefit
them to reduce their operational cost and also to earn maximum profit. For example, in
manufacturing industry the use of IoT devices can help to track and monitor equipment and
also reduce the downtime of equipment because by using the smart devices the future
failover or errors of equipment can be predicted easily. Not only that, with IoT less worker is
required and it makes the organization can save the cost. This is because, the fewer
employees a company gets, then the costs that need to be incurred to pay workers' wages
are reduced. As we can see, IoT have shown the benefits for the organization by reduce
overall cost.

5.2 Higher Efficiency and Productivity

‌ The second benefits that can be obtained from IoT is Higher Efficiency and
Productivity. This is because IoT can makes we work more efficient and productive. For
example, staff member or worker no longer need to spent valuable time collecting and
processing information as computer or machine can effectively take over this job. This
internet of things advantages leaves human staff more time for creative endeavours and also
enabling them to focus utilizing the collected information rather than the collection of data
itself. The productivity of the usage of Internet of things also can be seen at work or
industrial sector. With the establishment of Internet of Things, has provides highly detailed
data that can used by businesses to improve their internal process and customer service.

5.3 Saving Time

‌ The next benefits of IoT are saving time. The use of IoT can make the information
accessible in real time. That means, with IoT we can access or share the information of data
from the connected devices at the speed of light, which means fewer delays and a lower
potential of miscommunication. This also show with the machine-to-machine interaction
provides better efficiency, hence, and accurate results can be obtained fast. This results in
saving valuable time. Instead of repeating the same tasks every day, it enables people to do
other creative jobs.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

5.4 Enchanted customer experience

The internet of things has revolutionized the way customer interact with businesses
and has opened a whole new world of possibilities for businesses to enhance the customer
experience. This is because IoT devices are transforming the way of businesses that can
understand customers’ needs and preferences and allowing them to provide personalized
and enhanced services.

5.5 Better visibility and control

IoT enables businesses to have better visibility and control over their operations,
supply chain, and assets. This can lead to fewer disruptions, reduced downtime, and
improved asset management.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

6.0 Disadvantages of Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a rapidly growing technology that has potential to revolutionize various

industries. However, there are several challenges that need to be overcome to ensure that it
can reach its full potential. Security and privacy, too much dependency on technology,
connectivity and power, increased unemployment is some of the major challenges in IoT.

6.1 Security and Privacy

Technology advancements have made users data constantly available on the

internet. As a IoT works on the principle of machine-to-machine communication can lead
users to be exposed with various kind of attackers. Because of that, this has opened the
door for the hackers to find the prey easily by hacking the network and get the important
details of the users and afraid that the hacker might misuse the details. Cybersecurity
organizations have implemented several precautions and protocols to prevent unauthorized
access and misuse of personal data. However, there is always a loophole in the technology
that hackers can exploit. For instance, an anonymous hacker group broke into government
databases and leaked classified information to the public.

6.2 Too Much Dependency on Technology (Reduced Mental and Physical Activity)

To have the world at fingertips, people are having anything in hands with the help of
device and internet connectivity. As can be seen that youngsters nowadays much prefer
spending time using this technology. As such, this youngster’s generation prefer to read
directly from online article compared to read magazine. From that, can see that dependency
on physical book have totally reduce. Besides, with the development of IoT, it can affect
physical health as it can reduce people movement. For example, traditionally people need to
switch off or on the lights physically but with the advanced of technology people can do such
things anytime and anywhere without need to be physically around. Excessive depends on
technology can also affect memory health, as people are using devices to remind important
dates and daily schedule afraid that the memories are getting weak as people are incline to
do so.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

6.3 Connectivity and Power

Basically, all devices connected to the internet and continuous power supply are
required in order to function properly. Encase it goes down, it will affect the devices and
anything connected. For instance, a problematic Wi-Fi network could bring down user smart
home, disabling thermostats, fire alarms and other critical hardware. Besides, since IoT
device depends on the internet connections, so it will not be working if there is no connection
to the outside world. Thus, it becomes main concerns whether cell phone coverage is spotty
or non-existent in rural areas. Others may be concerned with the capacity of data plans
which require enough space for IoT devices activity and also bandwidth requirements in
order to function properly. Moreover, many devices in IoT are battery-powered which means
that they need to able to communicate over long distances without consuming too much
power. This requires a robust and reliable network infrastructure that can handle a large
number of devices and data streams.

6.4 Increased Unemployment

As the number of IoT devices is increasing day by day, companies and business
industry have started to utilize the devices and from that employers believe that no longer
relevant to have much employees as the dependency on devices much higher than require
physically human interactions. As a result, this has left a great number of jobless people.
Things are getting more automotive so people who left behind which do not have any skill
related to the technology most likely will lose the jobs. Besides, nowadays there is the
devices that can automatically performs inventory tasks at regular intervals.

Because of that, it brings concern to the employees as this job is taking control by
technology and it will impact loss of the job. In future, it is predicted IoT will have more grip
that can fulfil business requirements which the devices will come with more automotive
features. According to the research future of employment by Oxford University academics
stated that estate agents, telemarketers, dental assistants and chefs are among the top 15
positions most likely to be automated. The evolution of the IoT is expected to significantly
impact people daily lives and substantially change how business operate.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

7.0 The Relationship between Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT)

According to Gregersen (2022), IoT has swept the world in the form of smart devices,
smart homes, and even smart cities. Nearly 70 percent of households in the U.S. alone own
at least one smart device, and experts expect the number of smart devices worldwide to
more than double by 2027 and stated that all of the different applications of smart technology
have something in common which seems like machine to machine (M2M) and internet of
things (IOT) is related.

M2M means that direct communication between the device without need for human
intervention. Basically, M2M is the basis for early telemetry or long-distance data
transmission between machines that support whether forecasting, wildlife monitoring and
others. As can be seen that M2M evolved over the years, it has since moved on to both
cellular and wireless internet. Previously M2M only referred to devices that communicate
directly with each other instead of through a server or central system. Generally, it was
developed to promote communication between a machine or a device with remote computer.
It is a point-to-point communication which is typically embedded in the hardware at the
customer site. The main goal for the M2M is to collect the data, transmit it over the network
and perform actions based on the triggered.

To see how M2M and IoT relate to each other, most researchers stated that its easier
to think of IoT as logical evolution of the M2M technology or in other words IoT itself a subset
of M2M technology. More specifically with the use of IoT, it becomes more developed and
interconnected system of data exchange that support by cloud storage systems.

Figure 7: Relationship Between M2M vs IoT

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

From here can see the main difference between IoT and M2M based on their
structure is that M2M do not use cloud-based structure whereas IoT uses cloud-based
structure for the transfer of data. IoT connection is widely scalable as compared to M2M
because of cloud based structure. Scalability is another key difference between M2M and
IoT. IoT is designed to be highly scalable since devices can often be added to a network and
integrated into existing systems with minimal hassle. M2M networks can also be more
labour-intensive to set up and maintain, since new point-to-point connections must be
created for each device. Table 2 below shows the comparison between M2M and IoT.

Machine to Machine (M2M) Internet of Things (IoT)

Definition Direct communication between Sensor’s automation and internet

machines platform

Communication Communication directly between IoT sensors automation


Internet Devices do not rely on internet Requires an active internet

Connection connection connection

Relies on Cellular or wired network Internet connectivity and cloud

Business type For only business to business For business to business (B2B)
(B2B) and business to consumer (B2C)

Support Limited number of devices can be More number of devices can be

connected at a time connected at a time

Scalability Less scalable than IoT More scalable due to cloud-based


Open APIs Not supported Supported

Technology Hardware based Hardware and software based

Communicatio Communication technology Internet protocols like HTTP, FTP

n Protocol technique and traditional protocol

Intelligence Observation of some degree of Objects are responsible for

intelligence decision making

Table 2: Difference Between M2M and IoT

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

8.0 Conclusion

To summaries, IoT is a transformative technology that is changing the way we

interact with the world around us. Despite the numerous benefits, there are also several
challenges that must be addressed, such as security, privacy, interoperability, scalability, and
energy consumption. As we continue to develop and implement IoT, it is essential to
prioritize addressing these challenges and ensuring that this technology is used ethically and
responsibly. With proper regulation, consistent technological innovation, and improvement in
data privacy and security, IoT can continue to revolutionize many sectors such as
healthcare, energy, agriculture, and transportation, leading to more efficient, safer, and
sustainable living.

As is known, Internet of Things (IoT) has shown many benefits and advantages. IoT
also has change how the world look when there is no need human interaction anymore to
live human daily life. Based on the circulation of time. everything can be done with only using
the fingertips. Beside provides many benefits but there is one thing that the community is
very afraid of, which is when this IoT is growing rapidly, human labor will not be needed
anymore. So as smart users, we should make the most of this advantage for the sake of the

As a conclusion, hopefully this Internet of Things can develop more rapidly so that it
can provide more benefits to human life in the future.

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

9.0 Reference

Chalishazar, T. (n.d.). IOT in Healthcare: Applications, Benefits & Challenges. IoT

inHealthcare: applications, benefits & Challenges.

GeeksforGeeks. (2023, February 26). Challenges in internet of things (IOT). GeeksforGeeks.

Gregersen, C. (2023, February 27). What is M2M and IOT’s relationship? Nabto.

IOT disadvantages: Learn Major Threats & Disadvantages of IOT. EDUCBA. (2023, May

IOT in agriculture: 9 technology use cases for smart farming (and challenges to consider).
Eastern Peak - Technology Consulting & Development Company. (2023, March 1).

IOT in healthcare industry: IOT applications in Healthcare. Wipro. (n.d.).

McKinsey & Company. (2022, August 17). What is the internet of things?. McKinsey &

Richards, J. (2022, June 17). Key advantages and disadvantages of IOT for businesses.
Uniting Digital.

Shah, K. (2023, January 18). IOT in Healthcare: Applications, benefits, Challenges &
Future!. SoluteLabs.

Shiklo, B. (2023, June 19). IOT in manufacturing: The ultimate guide. ScienceSoft footer

What is the internet of things? (2022, August 17).


Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

10.0 Appendix

10.1 Appendix A: Smart Parking

Figure 8: How to Use Smart Parking

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

10.2 Appendix B: Smart Agriculture

Figure 9: The explanation of Smart farming

Mohd Azhadz Aidil bin Danny
AM2304013020 – ITC 2113

10.3 Appendix C: IoT sensors

Figure 10: IoT Sensors According to The Sector


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