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Grammar is the system and structure of a language, encompassing rules for word
order, sentence structure, and punctuation. It is important in my career because it
ensures clear communication, accurate understanding, and professionalism in writing
and speaking.
2. A formal definition of grammar states that it is a set of rules governing the structure
of language, including syntax, morphology, phonology, and semantics. Additionally,
grammar serves as a guideline for creating coherent and understandable
communication, which reinforces my previous answer by highlighting the role of
grammar in maintaining clarity and facilitating comprehension.
1. Identify Word Classes (Open, Closed):
- Open word classes include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. These categories
can easily be expanded with new words.
- Closed word classes encompass pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.
These categories are more static with limited new additions.
2. Morphology and Morpheme Definition:
- Morphology studies the structure and formation of words.
- A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning or grammatical function within a word.
3. Morphemes Structure:
- Morphemes may consist of root (base) morphemes, prefixes, or suffixes.
- A word may contain one or more morphemes.
4. Types of Morphemes (Free, Bound):
- Free morphemes can stand alone as words, carrying meaning independently (e.g.,
"run," "book").
- Bound morphemes cannot stand alone and require attachment to a free morpheme
(e.g., "-s," "-ed").
5. Morphemes: Derivational and Inflectional Affixes:
- Derivational morphemes change the meaning or part of speech of a word (e.g.,
"teach" to "teacher").
- Inflectional morphemes modify a word's meaning without changing its part of speech
(e.g., "walk" to "walking").
6. Zero Morphemes:
- Zero morphemes indicate grammatical change without altering the word's structure
or adding affixes (e.g., "sheep" in singular and plural forms).

Together, these concepts form a foundation for understanding the structure and
evolution of words in language. Practicing with examples will help solidify your grasp of
these ideas.

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