Parcial 1 Gramatica 3 ICE

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Alumno/a: Fowler, Guadalupe

DNI: 39.324.096

Fecha: 15/05/2024

Docente: Valeria N. Navarro.

Answer and complete as clear as you can the following items:

1.- What is Grammar?

Grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases and
words in any given natural language.

2.- The term “word” is divided into two main categories. Which are those categories?
The two main categories of words are: content words and function words

3.- Complete the sentences:

The term “verb” is used in two senses lexical and gramatical .

Full verbs can only act as main verbs.
Primary verbs can act as auxiliary verbs, and as modal verbs.
Modal auxiliary verbs can only as modal verbs.

4.- Morphology. Reduce the following word to its minimal unit without losing

For example:

Unstoppable: un- stop- p- able

Acceptable: ac-cept-able

Following: fol-low-ing

Behaves: be-hav-es

Amoral: a-mor-al

Overconfident: over-con-fid-ent

Misinform: mis-in-form

Rejections: re-ject-ion-s
Illustrated: il-lustrat-ed
Disconnect: dis-connect
Extremely: ex-treme-ly
Unfriendliness: un-friend-li-ness
Undercook: un-der-cook
Disloyal: dis-loy-al

5.- Identify the verb phrases in the following sentences.

For example:

Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?

I cannot attend the meeting tomorrow due to a prior commitment.

He is not feeling well today.

Despite the challenges, he was able to complete the project on time.

The movie isn't as good as I expected.

Could they attend the meeting tomorrow?

Are they pondering on a solution?

She is going to start a new job next Monday.

Unfortunately, they were unable to secure funding for the project.

They are not interested in participating in the event.

He will not be able to come to the concert tonight because he's feeling unwell.

We shouldn't underestimate the challenges ahead.

After months of practice, they have been able to improve their performance

Could you please pass the salt?

With determination and perseverance, they are able to overcome any obstacle.

They are going to buy a new car next month.

6.- Future time

In English there is not inflection to reach the future tense, to solve this contingency we
are going to use several grammatical constructions.

A) Name 2 grammatical constructions to reach future in English and provide 2

examples for every construction. For example:

Terry has lunch with Susan next Friday. (simple present)

Present Continuous

We're Meeting for Lunch Tomorrow

She's Flying to London Next Week

Simple Future: Will

I will travel to Paris next month.

She will finish her project by the end of the week.

B) Identify the constructions used in the following sentences.

a) The train leaves at 6 AM tomorrow morning. Simple present tense construction

b) She is about to board the plane for her long-awaited vacation. Going to

c) We are about to start the meeting in a few minutes. Going to construction

d) The team is to meet with the clients at 10 o’clock tomorrow. To-infinitive


e) Our flight arrives in Rome next Wednesday. Simple present tense construction

f) She is about to board the plane for her long-awaited vacation. Going to

g) She is about to leave for her vacation. Going to construction

h) The CEO is to announce the company`s new strategy at the conference next
week. To-infinitive construction

7) Write two sentences using pro-form and two sentences using ellipsis.

For example:

Carol is an intelligent girl, she studies science and math. (Pro-from)

They went to Pasadena Park last summer; we went (to Pasadena Park) last week.

Pro-form sentences:

1. Sarah loves chocolate, and she can't resist it whenever it's offered.

2. The cat chased the mouse, but it couldn't catch it.

Ellipsis sentences:

1. I like vanilla ice cream; she prefers chocolate.

2. He enjoys reading novels; she, biographies.

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