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soa 2 Buitpinc CONSTRUCTION INTRODUCTION A:structure constructed to house any activity of man may be called abi building has two parts : sub-structure or foundations and super-structure. ing. Basically any Foundation, which is in direct contact with the ground and located below the ground level, transmits all the loads from super-structure to the supporting soil. Hence, foundation is the most important part of the building. It evenly distributes the loads over large area thereby reducing the load intensity, provides even surface for the structure to rest, gives lateral stability to the structure and ensures safety against undermining and protection against soil movements, Thorough soil investigations are to be done before deciding on the type of foundation and its design, ‘The investigation methods include : (i) Open pit excavations, (ii) Borings, (iif) Sub-suntace soundings and (ir) Geophysical methods such as seismic refraction and electrical resistivity. Open pit excavation is suitable for shallow depths. The other methods are used when the soil is to be explored tor deeper depths. Static penetration and standard penetration methods in which the resistance to penetration is correlated with the suil properties, belong to the category of sub-surface soundings. The record of samples obtained from boring and arranged according to their depth of occurrence is called a bore-log. When the angle of internal fraction @ of cohesionless soil is known the Rankines formula to obtain minimum depth of foundation may be used. a2 sin je tice item A ‘ch < F a | » Where q is the intensity of loading which is less than or equal to the safe bearing capacity of the soil and is the unit weight of soil 635 Wf the depth of foundation is less than its width it is termed a shallow foundation (also known as open foundation) otherwise it is known as deep foundation. The structural unit constructed in masonry or concrete under the base of a wall ora column which distributes the load over a large area is called the footing. The term footing is generally associated with shallow foundations. A footing which provides a continuous longitudinal bearing (as in the case of walls) isknown as strip footing. A footing which supports two columns is called a combined footing and if it supports more than two columns it is called a continuous footing. When two footings are joined by a beam it is called a strap footing, Grillage and Raft foundations are shallow foundations. A grillage foundation is provided for heavily loaded steel stanchions in soils of poor bearing capacity. The depth of foundation is generally limited to about 1.5 m. The load from stanchion is spread over large area by means of layers (tiers) of steel or timber joists placed at right angles to the next layer. The steel joists are embedded in concrete so that they are kept in position and are protected from corrosion. The distance between the flanges is kept at 14 times the width of flange or 30 cm whichever is less. However, the minimum spacing is so that concrete can be easily poured. Timber grillages are useful in water logged areas where bearing capacity of soil is low and where steel grillages are likely to get corroded, Raft foundation is shallow foundation which covers the entire area underneath the structure and supports the walls and columns. When the allowable bearing capacity is low, the individual foundations are so lange that the gap left between thens is small that if will be economical to use raft foundation. Raft foundations are also usefull where the settlements are difficult to. control. Machine foundations are to be treated carefully as they are subjected to dynamic loads due to vibrations. The permissible bearing pressure is generally taken as } to 4 of that under static loads. Pile foundations, pier foundations and well foundations (or caissons) are various types of deep foundations. Out of these pile foundation is more widely used in building construction, A pile which transmits the load coming on to it to a suitable bearing stratum are called end- bearing piles or simply bearing piles. That means they are taken to such depth till they meet bearing stratum. A pile which transmits the load coming, on to it through the friction developed between its surface area and the surrounding soil is called a friction pile. Compaction piles are those which do-not take any load by themselves, but they improve the bearing capacity of the surrounding soil through compaction, Depending on the material used, the piles may be classified as concrete piles (both precast and cast-in-sity), timber piles, steel piles and composite pilés {made of concrete and timber or concrete and steel). Steel piles may be H-piles, pipe piles or sheet piles. Sheet piles are used to reduce the seepage and uplift under hydraulic structure. The batter piles are used to resist large horizontal or inclined forces. Assimplex pile has a metal shoe. Franki pile has enlarged base of mushroom shape, which gives the effect of spread footing. Under reamed piles will have one or more bulbs on the pile stem and are generally used in expansive soils. Cantilever sheet piles are yery common in the construction of coffer dams. From scour depth consideration or due to low bearing pressure, if the foundation of bridge has to be taken to more than 5 to 7m depth, open excavation becomes costly and uneconomical as heavy timbering (method of preventing the caving in of foundations in loose soils by wooden planks and struts) is required. Also the excavated earth is loose when refilled and is susceptible for easy scouring. In all these cases well foundations are the only solution. When the well foundations is completed, its bottom is plugged with concrete, the well is filled with sand and the top also is plugged and the pier is then constructed over it. [n circular well foundations the steining of the well (ic., the thickness of the well) is about e where D is the diameter of the well. In sinking the well, care must be taken to see that it is truly vertical. The tilt should not exceed 1 in 20. Superstructure of a building consists of masonry walls which suport the roof. and they contain doors and window meant for passage and ventilation and aeration. A building unit bonded with mortar may be called masonry, Masonry may be called as brick masonry, stone masonry and compusite masonry depending on whether they are made of bricks or stones or a mixture of bricks stones and concrete blocks respectively A horizontal layer of masonry unit is called a course. A brick or stone placed in position such that its length is parallel to the face of the wall is called stretcher and when it is perpendicular to the face of the wall it is called header. In the case of stone masonry stretcher is also known as through stone. A course showing only stretchers on the exposed face is called stretcher course and similarly a course showing only headers is called header course. The lower face of brick or stone is called bed. In the case of stones, they must be placed in position such that their natural bed is always perpendicular to the direction of pressure. The overlapping of stones or bricks in masonry such that no continuous vertical joints are formed and they are tied together is known as bond. The exterior corner or angle of a wall is known as quoin. The units forming the corer are called quoins, ie., quoin stone or quoin brick. If the length of quoin is parallel to the wall it is called a quoin stretcher and when itis perpendicular it is called quoin header. The surface of the walll exposed to weather is called face and which is not exposed is called back. The portion of the wall between facing and backing is called bearting. If a brick is cut into two halves longitudinally two queen closers are obtained. The portion of the brick in which the width at one end is full and the width at the other end is half of that in ful brick is called king closer, Bevelled closer isa brick in which the width tapers from full width at one end to half width at the other end. In a mitred closer one long face is full and the other long face is small in length. The portion of the brick cut across the width is called a bat. Depending on its size it may be called half-bat or three-fourth bat. The bottom surface of door or a window opening isa sill. The horizontal member spanning the window or door opening ina wall and supporting the masonry above the opening is called a intel. The horizontal projection at the base of the wall is called plinth, Jambs are the vertical sides of a finished opening for the door or window, and the exposed vertical surfaces left out after the door and window has been fixed in position are called reveals. A projected stone meant to support joist or truss is called corbel. 4 projection of omamental course near the top of the walll ar near the junction of wall and roof is called cornice. The covering, over an exposed top of a wall is known as coping. The sloping face provided on the surface of sills, carnices and copings is called weathering, The groove made on the underside a projecting element such as sill, cornice etc,, so that rain water can be drained clear of the wall is known as throating. The bricks left projecting in alternate courses to provided bed for the future extension of the wall is called toothing, The termination of a wall in stepped fashion is known as racking, back. The stone masonry in which the stones used are either not dressed at all or very roughly dressed is called a random rubble masonry, The random rubble masonry may be coursed or uncoursed. The stane masonry in which the stones are having straight bed and sides is called square rubble masonry. In ashlar masonry accurately dressed stones in courses and in cement mortar are used. First class bricks should mot absorb water more than one-sixth of their weight when immersed for one hour whereas the second class bricks should not absorb more than one-fourth of their weight, An imaginary vertical line which includes the vertical joints in brick masonry is called perpend. If the brick is rounded at one or two edges it is called bull nose brick. A bond in which all the bricks are laid as stretcher is known as a stretcher bond. This is possible only in half-brick walls. A bond in which all the bricks ave laid as headers is called a header bond, This is very weak bond which can be adopted only for one brick walls. A bond which consists of alternate courses of stretchers and headers is called the English bond. English bond is the strongest bond. If each course consists of alternate headers and stretchers such a bond is called Flemish bond, Though Flemish bond is weaker than English bond, it gives more pleasing appearance. An English bond in which queen closers are placed next to quoin headers and a header is intreduced next to quein stretcher in every alternate stretcher course is called English cross bond. This has an improved appearance compared to ordinary English bond, An English bond in which every stretcher course starts with a three-fourth bat at the quoin, and in every alternate stretcher course a header is placed next to the three-fourth bat provided at the quoin is called a dutch bond. In this bond the corners of the wall are very strong. A bond in which stretcher bricks are laid on edges and headers are placed on bed in alternate layers forming a continuous cavity is called soldier's (or Silvertock’s) bond. A bond in which the bonding bricks are kept at inclination is called a raking bond. A bond in which a header course is provided only after a few stretcher courses is called a garden wall bond. Ajunction at which two walls meet at 90" is called a Tee-junction, and at an angle other than 90° it is called squint junction, When two intemal walls intersect a cross junction is formed. The brick masonry providing one or more steps outside a door in the external wall is called thresholds. Brickwork built within wooden frames is called brick nogging. Incavity walls, two walls separated by a small gap of 4 to 10) cms are connected together by metal pins or bonding bricks at suitable intervals. The inner and outer skin walls ina cavity wall should have a minimun thickness of 10cm each, Cavity walls prevent external moisture into the building, provide better insulation against heat and sound and they are cheap. Also their self- weight is less compared to solid walls, They are also called hollow walls. A wall of considerable less thickness which divides the space into raoms may be called a partition wall. A load bearing Partition wall is called an inner wall. A brick wall built up within the frame work of wooden members is called the brick nogging. The vertical members of the frame are called studs, while the horizontals are called nogging pieces, There are also clay block partitions, glass partitions, timber Partitions asbestos sheet partitions etc. Different types of flooring are (f) flag stone flooring, (jj) concrete flooring, (lil) tecrazo Dooring, (iv) mosaic flooring, (2) tile ooring, (oF) cork flooring, (vii) glass flooring, (vii) granolithic flooring, (ix} wooden or timber flooring, (y) brick flooring, (x/) linoleum flooring. The choice of flooring depends on economy appearance of flooring required, special purpose of the flooring, if any, like sound and heat considerations and whether it is ground floor or upper floor ete. In flag stone flooring laminated stones of rectangular or square shape are laid over a concrete base. It is not very elegant but durable if properly done. In brick flooring a layer of well burnt uniform shaped bricks are laid over concrete base. It is cheap and can be done fast but it suffers from the water absorbing quality of bricks, Concrete flooring is very common in residential and other types of buildings. In granolithic flooring granite chips of size of 13 mm or less are used as coarse aggregate in concrete. In terrazzo flooring top surface is made of concrete consisting of marble chips and cement in rich proportion of 1: 1.25 to1; 2. The marble chips may have size of 3mm toémm. When the concrete is set the chips are exposed by grinding to give special appearance, In mosaic flooring, the mosaic pieces (mainly of broken glazed tiles or marble stone} are inserted into the top layer of flooring while itis still wet. In bathrooms and kitchens of residential buildings in hospitals and sanitoriums and in temples where cleanliness is utmost important marble flooring 8 preferred. Timber flooring is used for dancing halls, sat ums etc. Rubber flooring and cork flooring make the room noiseless and hence they are used in office or public buildings, theatres, galleries, broadcasting stations ete, Linoleum is available in rolls and flooring is done by spreading these rolls. The rolls may be available in 2 to 4m widths and 2 to 6 mm thickness. Glass flooring is. a special purpose flooring which is used when lighting is to be transmitted from upper floor to lower floor. For upper floors, the common types of flooringare R.C.C. flooring, jack arch floaring, timber flooring, steel joist and stone or precast concrete flooring etc. In R.C.C. flooring sometimes flat slabs are used without any beams to gain more head room. ‘The horizontal member spanning an opening such as door or window ina masonry wall and which support the load above the opening is called a lintel. In some cases, an arch may be used for the same purpose. Based on materials used lintels are classified into timber, stone, brick, steel and RC.C. lintels, When the wall length on either side of the opening is more than the effective span L, and the height of the wall above the opening is more than L sin 60° because of the arch action developed over the opening the load coming. on the lintel is equal to weight of an equilateral triangle of length Land not the weight of the rectangular portion above the opening, In the other cases where the L length on either side is less than > and the height ofthe wall above the opening is also less than [ sin 60°, the load will be more than triangle. Inthe case of an arch, the inner curve is called intrados and the outer curve iscalled extrados. ‘The inner surface may be called soffit or intrados. The wedge-shaped bricks ar stones forming the arch are called voussoirs. The highest point of arch is called crown and the voussoir at the crown is known as key, The curved triangular portion between the extrados and the horizontal line through the arch is called spandril. The inclined surface on the abutment which receives the arch and from which the arch springs is called skewback, The points at which the curve of the arch springs are called the springings and the horizontal line joining the springings is known as the spri i ‘The first voussoir at springing level immediately adjacent to skewback is called springer. vertical distance between springing line and the highest point on the intrados is called the rise. Horizontal distance between supports is the span. The perpendicular distance between the intradas and extrados is the depth of the arch, Ina flat arch there is no rise and skew backs make an angle of 60° with the horizontal. A circular arch in which the centre lies below the springing line is a segmental arch, and if the centre lies on the springing line it is semi-circular, and if the centre is above it is a horse-shoe arch. The arch made of two ares of a circle meeting at apex point is called a pointed arch or gothic arch, In this arch if the triangle formed by the springing points and the apex is an isosceles triangle, it is called a lancet arch, The arch in which the depth is more at crown than at springings is called venetian arch. The venetian arch with intrades as a circle is called the florentine arch, The arch constructed either on a flat arch or on a wooden lintel is known as the relieving arch. A semi- circular arch with two vertical portions at the springings is called the stilted arch. The lower half of the arch between the crown and the skew-back is known as haunch. A continuous row of arches with intermediate supports as piers is called an arcade. An arrangement of steps provided for vertical transportation between the floors ofa building may be called a stair. The alternative to stair is the lift which is usually thought of when the number of floors in the building exceeds 3. Lifts may be operated either manually (which is very rare now- a-days) or electrically. Lifts are very fast and comtortable and the persons using lift need not exert themselves. Even in buildings provided with lift, stair is a must as. an emergency measure. For small height ramps may be used in place of stairs. Ladder is a very crude substitute for stains. Escalators are used in special circumstances (airports, shopping malls etc.), Inastair, the upper horizontal portion of a step upon which the foot is placed while ascending and descending is called a tread. The vertical portion of the step between tivo successive treads is called the riser. Normally all the steps in a stair (or at least in a fight) will have same tread and same rise. A continuous series of steps between landings is called the flight. The level platform at the bottom or end of a flight is known asa landing, which facilitates change in the direction of stair, breaks the monotony in straight stair and provides respite for the users The vertical distance between two successive tread faces is known as the rise, while the horizontal distance between two successive riser faces is called the going. For comfortable ascent and descent, the sum af going and rise expressed in. cms should be between 40 to 45 while their product should be between 400 to 450, The rounded off projected part of the tread beyond the face of the riser is called nosing, Scotia is the moulding provided under the nosing to improve the elevation of the step and to provide strength to nosing. The slaping member which supports the stair is called string or stringer, The imaginary line tangential to nosings and parallel to the stringers is called line of nosing, The angle made by the line of nosing with the horizontal is the pitch or slope of the stair. The pitch should be limited to 30° to 45°. Newel post is a vertical member at ends of flights connecting the string and hand rail. A vertical support to the hand rail is known as Baluster. A row of balusters iscalled balustrade. The total horizontal length of stair in plan including, landings is called the Run- In domestic buildings, the width of stair is about 90 cm. In public buildings it may be 151) to 180 cms. From view point of comfort, the number of steps ina flight should not exceed 12 and should not be less than 3. An ordinary step rectangular in plan is called a flier, A group af tapering steps radiating from same point are called winders. Tapering steps which do not radiate from same point are called dancing steps are balancing steps. Stairs in which there is only one turn either to the left or right are called quarter turn stairs, which change the direction by 180° are called half tum, and which change direction three times are called three-quarter tum stairs. Dog legged and open well stairs come under half-tum stairs. In straight stairs there is no change in direction and they run straight between two floors. Bifurcated stair has a wider flight at the bottom which bifurcates into two narrower flights one tuming to the left and the other turning to the right. They are generally used in public buildings at their entrance halls. Helical, circular and spiral stairs come under the category of continuous stairs. Spiral stair will have all winders, Roof is the uppermost portion of the building, It gives protection to the building from sun, rain and wind. The roof may be flat or inclined. The roofs with inclined surfaces are also known as pitched roofs, To obtain architectual effects some times the roof surfaces are given special shapes such as cylindrical and parabolic shells or hyperbolic paraboloids and hyperboloids of revolution. Insuch cases they are called curved roofs. Pitched roofs are further classified into lean-to, Hip, Gable, Deck, Mansard and Gambrel roofs, In lean-to roof there is only one sloping side. It is-used for small spans such as in verandahs. A roof which slopes in two directions is called gable roof. At the end face of such roots a vertical triangle is formed and the wall covering this triangle is called gable wall. A roof sloping in two directions with a break in each slope is called gambrel roof, A roof formed by four sloping surfaces is called hip roof. At the end faces of hip roof sloping, triangles are formed. A roof which slopes in four directions and with a break in each slope is called Mansard roof, A hip roof with flat top is known as deck roof, ‘The pitched roofs are generally supported by either wooden or steel trustes, ‘The top line of the sloping roofis called the ridge. Hip is the intersection of twosloping surfaces where the exterior angle is more than 180° an it is less than 180°, it is called valley. Ridge piece is the horizont: wooden member along the ridge which supports the common rafters. The rafters along the hij and valley are respectively called hip rafter and valley rafter. Common rafters, principal rafters, purlins and boardings form the required structural frame to support the roof material. Roofs with only common rafters are single roofs and those with rafters and purlins are called double roof. Lean to roof, couple roof, couple close roofs and collar tie roof come under the single roofs. These roofs are used when the span is limited to 5 m. Lean-to roof fur spans of less than 2.5 m, couple roof for less than 3,6 m, and collar tie roof up to.5 m. When the span exceeds 5 m, trusses are used. King post truss has only one vertical members called king post and is used for spans between 5 to &m. The spacing of trusses along the wall is generally limited to 3m. In. queen post truss, there will be two vertical posts called queen posts and is employed for spans of 8 to 12m, When the span exceeds 12 ma combination of king and queen post trusses is used. When span is more than about 10m, the timber trusses prove to be heavy and uneconomical, In such cases, steel trusses made of rolled steel structural sections such as angles, channels, Tees and plates are used, As the timber has become prohibitively costly, in India steel trusses are being used for all spans, Fink truss, Howe truss, North-light truss etc, are some common steel trusses used for industrial bu ings. Roofing material may be of thatched covering, wood shingles, tiles, galvanised corrugated sheets, asbestos cement sheets etc. Again due to economy, versatility and other properties like light weight, water proof, fire resistant, and availability in tairly big sizes asbestos cement sheets are very popular compared to other materials. Roofs which are perfectly horizontal or with a slope less than 10° are called flat roafs, They need terracing so that they are protected from the adverse effects of heat, rain snow in cold climates, etc. The flat roofs are normally given about 7.5 to 10cm thick brick bat lime concrete over which twoor three layers of flat tiles are laid. Just below the brickbat concrete the damp proof course may be inserted. ‘The joints in carpentry works are classified into lengthening, widening, bearing, framing, angle or corer and oblique shouldered joints. Lapped joint, fished joint, scarfed or spliced joint and tabled joint are the lengthening joints and last one is used when the member is subjected to both compression and tension, Dove tailed joint may be used for widening and bearing joints. Rebate joint and tongued and grooved joints are very common widening joints. Inmortoise and tenon jointa projected piece of one member (known as tongue or tenon) fits into. a hale (known as mortoise) of the other member. Bridle joint is generally used in wooden trusses at juctions of struts and ties. In oblique tenon joint the tenon of the inclined member is oblique. Nails, screws, bolts and nuts, dogs ete., are the common fastenings used by a carpenters. A screw with square or hexagonal head is called coach screw. A U-shaped wrought irons fastening with pointed ends which is used to connect the members is called dog. Bead plane, jack plane and rebate plane are the planing tools which are used to plane the surfaces, Gimlet, auger are used to make holes. Saw and chisel are used for cutting wood and shaping joints. Hammer, mallet, screw driver etc., are used for driving nails and screws. Doors and windows are essential parts of building and indispensable. They consist of frame and shutters which can be swung around a hinge. According to 1S. notation, the doors are designated as 100520, 12 DT 21 etc. Forexample, 10 DS 20 means a single shuttered door of width 100 cm and height 200 cm. Similarly 12 DT 21 means a double shuttered door of width 120cm and height 210 cm. The size of the door is measured outer to outer of the frame. Doors may be made of steel or timber, Ina door or window frame, the tap horizontal member is called the head and the bottom one is called the sill, The projections of head and sill beyond two outer vertical edge of the frame are called horns, The frames are provided with two or three hold fasts on the vertical members 50 that the frame is held in proper position without any warping or bends. Ina shutter, the vertical outer member is called the style and the horizontal members are called rails (top, bottom and lock rails). The shutter may be panelled or glazed, The horizontal member which sub-divides the frame horizontally is called the transome while the vertical member which sub-divides the frame vertically is called mullion. A recess made inside the frame to receive the shutter is knawn as rebate, The various types of doors are battened-ledged-braced-framed doors, panelled doors, glazed or sash doors, flush doors, louvered doors, wire-gauged doors, revolving doors, sliding doors, swing doors, collapsible doors, rolling shutter doors, etc, The various types of windows are: fixed, pivoted, double hung, sliding, casement, glazed, louvered, bay, comer, dormer, gable, lantern, sky light, etc. A small window fixed at a greater height than window is called ventilator. Sometimes a window and ventilator may be combined in the same frame with necessary transome and mullion. A thin coat of mortar applied to wall surfaces may be called plastering. Plastering gives protection to the wall against rain and other atmospheric agencies, gives decorative effect to the walls, conceals the inferior material and workmanship, gives protection against vermin, and eliminates the gathering of dirt and dust by the walls as it provices smooth surtace. [t alsa provides a plane surface for painting, colour washing or white-washing, Plastering may be dane either with cement mortar or lime mortar or lime-cement mortar. The surface to which the first coat of plastering is to be applied is called the background. If the coating is done in three coats, the first coat is known as rendering coat, the second as the floating coat and the third is called the finishing or setting coat. Development of hair cracks in an irregular pattern of a plastered surface is known as crazing Development of local swellings is termed the blisterings. Patches of plaster not adhering to the previous coat is called the flaking. Dislodgement of plaster from the background surface is known as peeling. Raking the joints in masonry toa depth of about 2 cms and filling them with rich mortar is known as pointing. The various types of pointing are flush, struck, recessed, V-pointing etc. The dampness in buildings may be caused due to movement of moisture from ground into the walls due to capillary action, rain from uncovered tops of walls, rain beating on external walls, poor drainage, defective construction, imperfect roof slope, etc. Dampness in buildings has many bad effects and hence buildings are made damp proof D.P.C. stands for damp proof course. There are many ways of damp proofing, Hot bitumen, mastic asphalt, metal sheets and plastic sheets are some of the materials used for this purpose. Cement concrete is the most widely used non-homegeneous material in building construction. Itis made of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate mixed in a predetermined proportion. To take care of its weakness in resisting tension, it is reinforced with steel in tension zones. Then, itis called reinforced cement concrete abbreviated as K.C.C. The strength of concrete depends on the proportions of constituent materials, For example, M 15 grade concrete (with 132: 4 mix) has a 28 days characteristic strength of 15 N//mm?, The removal of impure air from a building by replacing. it with fresh air from outside may be called ventilation, Natural ventilation of buildings is provided by keeping sufficient number of windows, doors and ventilators, Mechanical or artificial ventilation is done by exhaust fans, fans, air coolers and air-conditioners. Air-conditioning is the process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, purity and distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space, The temperature range within which the comfort is obtained for the majority of the people is called comfortable zone, The comfort also depends on humidity and air velocity. Effective temperature comfortable zone varies from 20 to 23°C in summerand 18 to 22°C in winter. For Indian conditions the comfortable zone varies from 25°C with 6% relative humidity to 3U°C with 45% relative humidity. Acoustics is the science which deals with various aspects of sound. The sound which produces displeasing effect to the ear is called noise. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (db). The persistence of sound even after the source of sound has ceased is called reverberation. An echo is produced when the reflected saund wave reaches the ear just when the original sound has already been heard. The points where the reflected sound waves are concentrated are called sound faci. Dead spots are those where the sound intensity is so low that it is insufficient for hearing. Using good sound absorbing materials may eliminate echoing and proper geometrical design is necessary to avoid sound foci and dead spots. Il. OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Reconnaissance survey means (a) conducting the surveys to get the plan of the site (b) conducting the surveys to get the contours of site (c} visual inspection of the site and study of the topographical features (i) none of the abowe, ooog 2. Soil investigation at a site are carried out to obtain the information regarding, (a) the engineering and physical properties of the soils (PH the details of the soil profile to a considerable depth (c) the depth to ground water-table and its seasonal fluctuations (a) all the above. 3. The investigation method suitable for shallow depths is (a) borings: DD (bopen excavation booa oa (c} geophysical DG) none of the abawe. 4. The soil investigation method using the penetrameters belongs to the category of (a) open excavation O (bh) borings. o (0) sub-surface soundings OG) geophysical. a $&. The number of blows recorded ina standard penetration test is fora penetration of (a) 10cm OD (bh) 20em o (ch 3c OW) adem a 9 10. i. 2 14. Ina static penetrometer test the angle of the penetrating cone is (a) a0" OD (ase te) hy. ‘The weight and fall used in standard penetrometer lest to drive the cone are (a) 50 kg and 50cm OB (8) 60 kg and 60 cm (c) 70 kg and 7 em OG) 65 kg and 75 em. o o In the case of soil investigation by boring, the record of soil samples arranged according to the depth where they are found és known as (a) bore-log D fb) bore-sounding (6) bore-map fi) none of the above, ‘The plate loading test gives (a) the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil O— () safe bearing capacity of the soil (c) the depth of underlying rock OD idfynone of the above. o o o o The relationship between the ultimate bearing capacity q, the net ultimate bearing capacity qeand the depth of footing Dis (y being the unit weight of the sail} (ahag= a Dy OD haa ea Dit) ap= ay VO According te Rankine's theory, the minimum depth of foundation is given by p= sina} Oo ¢ Ttsinall The safe bearing capacity of the soil can be improved by {a) increasing the depth of foundation (h) grouting the soil {c} draining the soil if water table is very near the base of the footing (@) all the above. ‘The minimum depth of foundation below the ground level in any sail is la) 12hem OD ()10tem (e) em 0 tt) bem. The method of protecting the foundations in loose soils from caving in, is called a) timbering Ot) shoring (c) both (a) and (b} 0 tf) none of the above, Osmosis is (a) an electrical process where fine grained cohesive soils are drained wsing electricity (bh) a method of chemical stabilisation (cr) a method te determine the depth to water table lu!) a method of shoring. o o oooo oa oa oboogd The approximate bearing capacity of a sound rock without any defects may be taken as (a) 5 to 10 tym? DD (b) 10 to 15 tm? o (e} 100 to 200 1m? Oi) 30 to 350 8/2, o Which of the following has the lowest bearing capacity (a) fine sand loose and dry Bib) moist clay o (c) coarse sand loose and dry 6 td) coarse gravel. oa In the problem 17 which has the highest bearing capacity. The type of foundation recommended for heavily loaded steel stanchions in soils with poor bearing capacity (a) grillage foundation O (bP) raft foundation o (c) pile foundation 0 ig) well foundation. o In problem 19, which is the type of foundation recommended for buildings with heavy loads on soils with poor bearing capacity and in which itis difficult to control the settlement. In problem 19, which foundation is recommended for bridges when the depth of foundation is large. Well foundation is alse known as (a) caisson OD [b) swage pile o (e) under ream Dd) none of the above, o The most commonly used deep foundation in buildings (a) well foundation CD (b) pile foundation o (e} raft foundation Cid) grillage foundation. o If the load coming. on toa pile is transferred to a suitable bearing stratum at its bottom end, then it is called (a) sheet pile tb) friction pile o o Ifthe load coming on to a pile is resisted by the friction developed between the surface area of the pile and the surrounding material, then it is called (a) sheet pile Oh) friction pile a (e} bearing pile Dt) compaction pile. o (c) bearing pile (af) compaction pil A pile, which by itself does not carry any load but improves the bearing capacity of the soil iscalled (a) sheet pile OD (é) friction pile o (c) bearing pile O () compaction pile, o A pile commonly used to reduce seepage and control the uplift pressures under hydraulic structures is known a5 (a) sheet pile D (bj friction pile o (c) bearing pile Di) compaction pil o A pile which has an enlarged shape at the base is called (a vibro pile OD (é) franki pile o (e) under reamed pile Bid) nene of the absve, o Avurst-ir-situ concrete pile with one or more enlarged bulbs on its stem is called a} vibra pile Dib) franki pile o fc) under reamed pile O(a) simplex pile. o The distance between the flanges of the beams in any tier of a grillage foundation should be equal to (a) half the flange width (b) flange width {cy one and a half times the flange width or 3m whichever is less (a) minimum of 64 cm, The maximum permissible differential settlement in the case of foundations on sandy soils is generally about fa) 5 mum Ob) 10m: o fe) 20 nen Ot) 25mm o The maximum permissible differential settlement im the case of foundations on clayee soils is generally about (a) 10 mm QO (bh 20mm o (9.40 mm O «100mm. o The maximum permissible total settlement in the case of foundations on clayee soils is generally about (a) 50 cm Oh) 100 mm oO fc) 150mm OW) 200mm. o The maximum permissible total settlement in the « of raft foundations on sandy soils is generally about (a) 25 men O (45mm o tc) 65 mm 0 id) 85mm. o Uniform distribution of loads from walls on to piles is achieved by connecting the group of piles supporting the structure (a) by tie the bottom of the piles = (6) by tle rods at the top of the piles o goog {o) by a concrete beam, D ui) isolating the piles without any connection. o The offsets in the stepped strip footing in brick masonry is fa) Sem OD ib Wwem o to em D tae, o The maximum permissible eccentricity of load on a rectangular foundation with width Bis equal to 8 B ay o Oe o B a tc 3 Ot 7 o The safety of the structure can be disturbed by (a) lowering of rising of water table o (P) excavations in the immediate vici of the structure o {e) mining or tunnelling operations in the neighbourhood o lal any of the above. o A foundation could fail due to (a) unequal settlement of foundations o (bh) unequal distribution of weight of the structure o (e} horizontal movement of earth adjoining the structure o Ua any of the above. o The advantage of timber piles is that they are (a) flexible and light (8) stronger and durable o [e} free from weathering effects OD idt)any of the above. o ‘The safe bearing capacity under dynamic loads such as in machine foundations is taken to be (a) mere than that for static loads 0 (b) same as that for static loads: o {c} less than that for static loads O id) depends on the weight of machine, o To improve the bearing capacity of the foundation, the cement grouting may be used if the foundation consists of (a) clay Cth) compacted sand o ie) gravel BD td)rock, o If the soil is water logged, its bearing capacity may be improved by ia} compaction OC ib) grouting o (e} drainage if) chemical treatment. o When two or more individual column footings are joined by a beam, it is called la) strip footing D (d) step footing o {e) combined footing OD tit) strap footing. o A footing which supports two columns is known as. (a) continuous footing 0 (db) combined footing o fe) strip footing Dit) step footing. o If footing supports more than two columns, it is called a) continuous footing OD (t) combined footing o {c} strip footing Dif) strap footing, o The safe bearing capacity of medium clay which can be readily indented with a thumb nail is taken as (a) 10 tm? Oy 1stym? o fey 25 tem? DB tty aS t/t, o ae The thickness of steining in well foundations is generally about (where Dis the diameter of the well} D D (a) ZT oO ih 7 o D 3 OF O tty me dD. o The tilt in the well foundations should not exceed 1 1 (a) a5 o Wop 5 1 I (ch Tm Oo id wo a The piles used in the construction of coffer dams (a) bearing piles (bj sheet piles o (c) friction piles 0 if) compaction piles. Qo The pile used to resist lange horizontal or inclined force is (a) batten pile Oth bearing ao (e) anchor pile OU) tension pile. o ‘The exterior corner of a wall is known as (ai perpend. Dib) jamb o {c) quein O td) frog. o The surface of the wall exposed to weather is called (a) the face Ot) the back o (c) the side Dt) perpend. o In the above problem which is the surface of the wall not exposed to weather ? The partion of the wall between the facing and backing of the wall is. called (a) jamb OD thing Qo (c) throating D(a) hearting, o ‘The portion of the brick obtained by cutting into two portions longitudinally is called (a) bat Didi king closer o (c) queen closer Did} mitred closer. o The portion of the brick obtained by cutting it in transverse direction is called (a) bat 0 tb) king closer o (e) queen closer Didi bevelled closer. a ‘The portion of a brick which is cut at one corner such that atone end its width is half of that of a full brick is called (a) king, close D1 (bb queen closer (c) bevelled closer Dif mitned closer. o a 61, 67, The brick which is cut such that at one end half the width is maintained and at the other end full width is maintained is called fa) king closer D (6) queen closer o fe) mitred closer Off) bevelled closer, o ‘The brick which is cut such that ane longer face is full and the other longer face is small in length is-called fa) king closer OC (b) queen closer o fe) mitred closer 0 fd) bevelled closer. o ‘The overlapping of bricks or stunes in masunry is called fn) frog, Db) joint o te) jamb Dit) bond, o A groove provided on the underside of projecting elements such as cornices, copings such that rain water can be discharged clear of the wall surface is called (a) corbel Ott) throating o fe) hearting Did) weathering. o A brick of stone put in position in the masonry such that its length is perpendicular to the face of the wall is known as tn} header O (b) stretcher a fe) closer 0 id) bull nose. o A brick or stone put in position im the masonry such that its length is parallel to the face of the wall is known as. (a) header OP) streteker o {c) closer Dif) bull nose, In random rubble masanry o (a) the stones are neatly dressed and laid in courses ()) the stones are neatly dressed but not built bo courses: {c) the stones are either not dressed or raughly dressed and may be coursed or uncoursed () the stones are not dressed and ase laid without mortar, onoogo In the above problem which is ashlar masonry. ‘The safe compressive strength of ashlar masonry of granite stone in 1:6 cement mortar may be taken as fa) 100 t/t Db) 130 tfm* o fc) 160 tm? OD iif) 190 t/'m?, o The tool used by the masons to check the verticality of walls is fn) square D (ti) spirit level o (e) nicker 0 ti plumb bob. o ‘The vertical sides of openings for doors and window are called {a} jambs. 0 th) reveals: o (c) buttresses © td) pilasters, o The horizontal member spanning the window and door openings in the masonry walls is called fa) sill Oth) bed o {c) fintel DO fd)arch. o ‘The bricks arranged projecting in alternate courses for the purpnse-of bonding future masonry work is called (a) stoolings O (by lacing o (c) throating O Gif) toothing. o A projected stung in masonry wall provided to serve as a support to j as (a) comice Dib corbel o (e) coping, O if}cramp. o or truss is known A projected ornamental course near the top of the wall or near the junction of the wall and ceiling is known as (a) comice 0 th) corbel o [e) coping Ot) cramp. o The covering on the exposed top of a wall is-called (a) comice OD (i) corbel o c) coping, O fd) cramp. o A low height wall constructed alang the edge af the roof is called ta) gable Oth) plinths o ic) string course Dt) parapet. o Abrick which has one or two rounded edges and used to obtain rounded comers in the wall is called ta) curved brick Oth) bull nose brick o (e) rounded brick D1 iycireular brick o Stretcher bond is possible only in (a) half brick wall tb) one brick wall o fc) one and halt brick wall Ot) wall of any thickness. a The bend which consists of alternate courses of headers and stretchers is known as {a) English bond DO (tj Flemish bond o ic) Raking bond Ot) Dutch bond. o ). The bond in which each course consists of alternate stretchers and headers is known as (a) English bond 0 (t) Flemish bond o fe) Raking boned Off) Dutch bond. o The bond in which the bonding bricks are at an inclination to the direction of the wall is known as (a) English bond O fh) Flemish bond o ic) Raking bond OD td) Dutch bond, Cc a7. The English bond in which the corners of the wall are strengthened by starting every stretcher course with a three-fourth bat at the quoin and a header is placed next to the three-fourth bat at the quoin in alternate stretcher course is called (a) English bond Oh) Flemish bond o (c) Raking bond 0 tif) Dutch bond. o The English bond in which queen closers are placed next to quoin headers and a header is introduced next to the quoin stretcher In every alternate stretcher course (a) Raking bond Oth) Dutch bond o ic} English eross bond Od) Facing bond. o A bond in which a header course is provided only after few stretcher courses is known as {a} Dutch bond D8) English cross bond o {c} Facing bond Oi) Garden wall bond. a A junction at which twe walls meet at an angle other than ‘AP is called la] oblique junction fb) squint junction o (0) irregular function Dt) obtuse junction. o A tool used by masens both for lifting and spreading mortar and also to cut the bricks is ta} trowel, OC tb)scutch o fe} bolster 0 fd) brick hammer o The steps provided in the form of brick masonry outside the door in external walls is called {a} capping OD (P) thresholds o {c) pedestals Diy stairs, o A brick masonry could fail due to (a) rwpture along a vertical joint in poorly bonded walls o (b) shearing along a horizontal plane B {c) crushing due to overloading o (a) any of the abowe. o Good bending in the brick masonry is ensured when (a) all bricks used are of uniform size o (b) the vertical joints in altemate courses are in plumb from top to base o ic) bats are used as sparingly as possible o ul) all the above. o A bonding in which all courses are laid as stretchers is known as. (a) Flemish bond O (b) Header bund o {c) Stretcher bond: Off) English bond, o A bond in which stretcher bricks are laid on edge in alternate courses forming continuous cavity is known as (a) Dutch bond OC (h) Soldier bond o (c) Herringbone bond Bid) Cavity bond. B z Atemporary structure erected with a purpose of providing a safe working platform is known as ta} centering OD th) shore o te) rake Dd) scatfolding, o An arrangement for supporting an unsafe structure temporarily, till itis rendered safe or dismantled, is known as (a) scaffolding, OC th) hauling o fc) shoring Ot) jacking, o An arrangement supporting an existing structure by providing supports underneath is known as {a} underpinning Ob) scatfolding Oo e} lifting Did) jacking o ‘The indentation marks made on the top of the brick to pravide key for holding, the mortar is known as ta} key 0 tb) depression o te) frog D td) valley. o The compressive strength of first class and second class bricks should not be less than ta) 40 ke fem? Dh) 50 kg/cm? o fe) BO ky fom? Od) 100 kg crn’, o ‘The pressure due to wind of velocity V is proportional tu ta) ¥ o me o 1 fe) r oO th a When two walls separated by a small gap, are connected together by metal pins, it is called (a) partition wall 0 (b) double wall oO (0) cavity wall Di) normal wall. o Cavity walls (a) prevent dampness fmm entering the building tb) have lesser dead Land for giver wall thickness {c} are better insulated against heat and sound id) all the above, Avwall which is constructed to divide the space within the building into rooms is called (a) partition wall Ob) cavity wall {e) normal wall Of) plain wall. A load bearing partition wall is called a) external wall CD (6) internal wall o ic) main wall 0 tt) none of the abowre. o opoaad oo 11, 110. TL Brick masonry constructed within a framework of wooden member to act as a partition wall is called {o) brick nogging Db) block partition o {e) trussed partition D1 Gi) lath partition. o When first class bricks are immersed in water for ane hour, the weight af water absorbed by them should not exceed ta) } of weight of brick Ob) f of weight of brick o (e) 4 of weight of brick Di) } of weight of brick. o A flooring which is made of thin laminated stone slabs of regular geometric shape laid on concrete bedding is called a) flag stone flooring DD (Pi tiled flooring o (ec) granolothic flooring O(a) stone block flooring, o Cork flooring is essentially used iin (a) all fesidential buildings DD (hy industrial buildings. o {e) bath rooms and kitchens o () buildings such as libraries, theatres and broadcasting stations which are to be noiseless, o Timber flooring is preferred in (a) all residential buildings (th) only bath rooms o fc) auditoriums and dancing halls DO fii) public buildings, o ‘The most commoly used flooring in residential and public buildings is (a) mosaic flooring Of concrete flooring oO fc) marble flooring D(a) granolithic flooring. o In flat slab floor, the flared portion of the columns just below the slab is called fa) capital OD (b) pedestal o fc) pilaster OD fi) cleat. oO The biggest disadvantage of brick flooring is that fa) itis very expensive DD (by it requires ckilled workmen oD fc) ik is water absurbert D1 iii) it is not fire resistant. o Glass flooring is generally preferred when {a} extra cleanliness is required o (0) light is to be transmitted from upper to lower floor o fc) aesthetic appearance is required o (i) none of the above, o Flooring used in bath rooms and kitchens of posh residential buildings is fo) mosaic flooring, D (it) glass flooring o fc) granolithic flooring D fd) marble flooring. Oo ‘The disadvantage of jack arch floor is (a) the ceiling of the floor is not plain from below 0 (b) extra tie rods are required in the end spans to withstand lateral thrust due to arch action 0 112, 113, 14. 115. 16, 17, 118. 114. 120. {c) the joints are susceptible for corrosion uf) all the above, ‘Terrazzo flooring is obtained (a) by using marble chips as aggregate in conceete oo (b) by spreading the marble chips aver ordinary wet concrete (c) by mixing marble powder in ordinary concrete: Ui) none of the above, ‘The oxalic acid is spread and rubbed over the floor which has been ground with machine oooag {a} to: make the floor surface Iook smooth and uniform o {bbe fill up any dents that are left on the floor surface Qo ic} to make the surface appear glossy o (a) to make the surface durable, o The joints provided in wooden floors are of (a) dove tail type O (hi) tongue and groove type o ic} butt type 0 fd) none of the above. o The bearing of the lintel should be {a} 10 em Dit) height of lintel o on to a ‘of span Dis) minimum of above values, Qo hiner openings are preferred to lintel beams when {a} special architectural appearance is required o (b} loads are heavy and span is large a fe) strang abutments are available o ly all the above. o Brick lintels are used when the span is {a} less than 2m Db) less than 1m o fe) bess than 3m Did) anything since they ace cheap. o The advantage of R.C.C. lintel is that la) the sunshade can be cast monolithic akong with lintel o (61 there is no limitation on span D (c) they are strong and fire resistant o (uly all the above. o If bis the width of the wall, Lis the effective span of the lintel, yis the unit weight of masonry, His the height of wall above the lintel and if the length of wall on. one side of the lintel is less than half the effective span the load on the lintel W is given by fa) We m8 Oth W= yl o ie) = yt OB td) nome of the above, o In the above problem, if the length of the wall on either side of the lintel is less than half the effective span, the load on the lintel is given by 121, 123, 124. 126, 127. 128. 124, 130, 13. 132, 133, In problem 119, if H > L sin 60" and length of the wall on either side of the lintel is more than half the effective span, the load on the lintel is given by. In the problem 119 if H < L sin 40, the load on the lintel is given by ‘The inner curve of an arch is known as (a) spandril 0 tbjextrades: ic) intrados oe soffit O i)arcade. In the above problem, which is known as the outer curve of the arch. ‘The wedge shaped units of masonry forming an arch are called (a) closers 0 (bh) bevelled units te) keys: Did) voussoirs. Spandril is la) the curved space formed between the extrados and the horizontal line through the crown (b) the space in the form of a sector between the intrados and the centre of the arch {c) the curved space Between the intrados and springing, line li) none of the abowe, ‘The highest point on the extrados of the arch is known as {a} summit D tbridge te} crown CO id)peak. The voussoir fixed at the crown of the arch is called ta} closer OD ib) springer (e) haunch OD tihkey. A row’ of arches in continuation is called (a) multiple arch 0 (barch line fey arcade O tdyconclave. The points from which the curve of arch springs at the supports are called ja} starting points OD {b) base points (©) span points 0 (#) springing points. The inclined surface on the abutment which acts as a seat for the arch is known as a) skew back Dib) springer te) impost OD (@yhaunch. The rise of the arch is defined as the clear vertical distance between (a) the springing line and the highest point on extrados (b) the springing, line and the highest point on intrados ic) the centre of the arch and the crown of the arch Gf) none of the above, Arvarch whieh is formed by two arcs of circles meeting at the apex point is known as (a) pointed arch Ob) stilted arch {c) segmental arch (al) sector arch oa bpaag oo oa onpoaad oo 134, 141, Ina pointed arch if the apex point and the springing points become comers of an isosceles triangle, then it is known as (a) florentine arch OD (Ph) lancet arch Oo {c) horse-shee arch Od) Bull's eye arch. Oo The pointed arch in which the depth is more at the crown than al the springings is known as, (a) stilted arch: O (bh) variable depth arch o (e) relieving arch Oth venetian arch, o If the centre of the arch lies on the springing line, itis fa) segmental arch Dd) semb-elrcular arch o {e) Bull’s eye arch Dd) horse-stise arch, o If the centre of the arch lies above the springing line, it is (a) segmental arch Oth) semi-circular arch Oo fc) Bull's eye arch 0 id) horse-shoe arch, o Tithe centre of arch lies below the springing line, itis fa) segmental arch 0 (bh) semi-circular arch o {c) Bull’s eye arch fit) horse shoe arch o Anarch in the form of a perfect circle used for circular windows is called (a) segmental arch O (b) semicircular arch oD fc) Bull's eye arch 0 td) horse-shoe arch, o An arch which is constructed either on a flat arch or on a wooden lintel to provide greater strength is called (a) stilted arch, OC (f) florentine arch o (0) venetian arch Di) relieving arch. o The angle of the skew-back with the horizontal in the case of flat arches is usually fa) 75° O (ter o (cy 45° Oo td) mr, o The portion of the wall which supports an arch is termed as a) pier Oi) column o fe) abutment OD idybearer, o The lower half of the arch between the crown and the skew-back is known as ta) haunch © th) spandril o fe) wise Bit) soffit. o ‘The upper horizontal portion of the step where the foot is placed while ascending or descending is known as {a} base OD (b) tread o tc) light 0 isd) soffit. o ‘The vertical distance between the tops of two successive treads is called ta) Hight Ob) soffit o (e) ron D tifprise, o 146, 447, 148, 149, 10, 151. 152. 153, 154, 155, 156. ‘157, ‘The projected portion of the tread (which is usually rounded) beyond the face of the riser is {a) nosing OD (i) scotia (c) soffit O id) newel A vertical member supporting the hand rail is known as La} newed OB (bstrut fe) stud OG id) baluster. A continuous series of steps between landings is called fa) going OD (b) stretch ic} flight O td) run. A level platform at the top or bottom of a flight between the floors is known a5 La} resting (6) landing e) breaking td) passing. A vertical member placed at the ends of flights connecting the hand rail is termed as (a) balustrade O (bh) starting {e) newel post Dd) winder: Agroup of tapering steps radiating from same point is known as (a) dancing steps CD (8) splayed steps {c) winders QO (d) fliers. In domestic buildings, the sufficient width of the stair is about (a) 0.45 m OD (ho9m (cy 1.2 DB i) 1.5m. In public buildings the width of the steps may be kept between: (a) 0.45 to 0.9 m O (ih) 10t015m (c) 2.0 to2.5m O id i5to 18m, Normally the rise of the steps would be between fa) 1Dem to 15 om Db) 2Dem to 25 em fo) Sem to 10 em Did) Sem to 30 em, The normal tread length varies between (a) 30cm to 50 om 0 (bh) 15m te 20cm fe} em to 30cm id) 2em to 25 em. Spiral stair is used when (a) there is space restriction (PI the cast of the stair is to be minimised (e) architectural appearance is to be improved Lif) nen of the above. Astair in which all the steps are winders is (a) circular stair O (b) helical stair (c) bifurcated stair 0 i) spiral stair. o o o oo00a oa oa 158. 159, 160, 161. 162. 163. 164, 165. 166, 167, 168. 169, Astair which changes its direction by 180° is (a) three-quarter turn stair O (hy half-turn stair o (c) quarter-tum. stair O(a) straight stair. o Bifurcated stair is commonly used (a) at the entrance of public buildings o (b) as an emergency stair at the back of the building o (c) in small residential buildings 0D (id) none ef the above. o When stone slabs are used for risers and treads they are connected by (a) scotia DO (hi dowel Oo (c} baluster OD (a) stringer. oO Dog-legged stair is a (a) halé-turn stair O (8 quarter-turn stair o (c) three-quarter turn stair 0 (d) continuous stair. o Ina stair, when rise and going are expressed in cms, their sum should be between (a) 40 to 45cm DB (6130 to 45cm o (c} 20 to 45 om. DO (d) 40 to 55 cm, 0 When expressed in ems, the product of rise and going in a stair should be between {a} 100 to 150 (ty 200te 250 o (c) 300 ko 50 D(a) 400 to 450, o Lift becomes essential in a building when the number of floors exceeds (a)2 o is o (a4 OD the o The pitch or slope of the stair, for comfortable ascent and descent, should be between (a) 45 ta 60 DB (h) 30 te a5" o (ch 2 to 30° O(a) 25-10 30, o Approximately triangular-shaped stones used as steps are called (a) sparadrils Dh stone steps o (c) triangular steps Bid) monobinck steps. o How many treads would be there in a straight stair connecting two floors with height difference of 3.6m ? The rise is 15 cm (a) 23 BD (2a o (qm O thm o How many treads would be there in a dog-legged stair connecting two floor with a height difference of 3.6m ? The rise of the steps in 15 cm (a) 26 OD that o (p24 O (dj o Aroof which slopes in all the four directions is (a) gable rood DO (hy hip root Oo (c) gambrel roof D1 (d) mansard ruof, o 173. 174. I75, 176. 181. Aroof which slopes in two directions is known as (a) gable roof Oi) hip roof o {c) gambrel roof Od) mansard roof, o A roof which slopes in two directions and with a break in each slope is known as fa) gumbel roof Ob) gerard roof o fe) gambrel root Oi) gilbert roof. o A roof which slopes in alll four directions and having flat top is known as (a) deck poof OD (bi duck root Oo fc) dual roof 0 if) durable roof, o A roof which slopes in all the four directions and with a break in each slope is known as (a) mat roof OD (6) mansard root o fe) miller root OD Gt) mixed roof o The horizontal wooden member at the apex of the roof supporting the common rafters is known as a) ridge piece DO tt) purtin o [e) batten Did) cleat. o The horizontal wooden or steel members which support the common rafter in a truss are called {a) purlins O (b)battens o fe) cleats Dt) posts. o The limiting span of a couple toot is about (a) 2.5m OC (35m o (cd 5on O (d)55m. o In king post truss there will be to) only. one vertical post D th) only two vertical posts o fc) more than two vertical pasts DO (i)any number of vertical posts, o The number of vertical posts ina queen post truss is fa) 1 O (2 o fe) more than 2 OD tif)any number. o Lean to roof is used generally (a) for small sheds 0 (bh) in verandahs o (e) outhouses OD td)yany of the above, o (Queen-post trusses are used when the span is fa) 8012. D {h)Ste8m o (c)<3m QO (d)>15m. Oo Combination of king-post truss and queen post truss is used when the span is, fa) <5m OD th) 5t08m o fc) Bto 12m 6 td)>12m. o A truss is called a composite truss when it {a) has two slopes on each side (0) is. a combination of king and queen post-trusses (e) is made of two different materials (af) has both valleys and hips ‘Steel strusses have almost replaced the timber trusses because (a) they can be used for large spans (6) they are more economical than timber and easy to fabricate tc) they are fire-proof, more strong and permanent (i) all the above. opo00a0 opooogo When more lighting is required inside the buildings such as workshops and factories with fairly large spans {o) nocth-light trusses are preferred Db) fink trusses are preferred o fe) howe trusses are preferred D (d)-cambered French trusses are preferred o ‘The material commonly used ta cover the pitched roofs with steel trusses is {a) thatehed covering af reed o straw O (Pi tiles o {c) wood shringles 0 if) asbestos cement sheets. o ‘The desired slope in Madras-terrace roofing is obtained by {s) using varying thickness of brick bat concreting o (0) using varying moetar thickness while laying, flat Hes o {c) adjusting the height of the furring piece at the centre o (eh prowiding camber to the joists, o Joining two wooden members at an angle is known as (a) mitring Bib) housing o ic) grooving DO id)studding. o Asemi-circular moulding provided on the edges of wood is known as (0) veneering CO (b) rebating o {e) studing, Oth beading. o When a member is subjected to both compression and tension, the type of lengthening joint to be used is {a) lapped joint (6) fished joint o {c) fabled joint Df) spliced joint. 5 The joint commonly used in wooden trusses where struts and ties meet (a) dowe-tailed joint OB (hb) cogged joint o te) notched joint tit) bridle joint. 5 The tool normally used by carpenters to plane the surface io) jack plane C(t) bead plane o fc) rebate plane td) gimiet. o 192, 193, 1M. 195, 196. 197, 198. 199, The tool used for cutting small moulding along the edges {a} jack plane D1 (bj) bead plane (c) rebate plane OW gimlet, In doors and windows, style ts (a) the vertical member of the frame (t) the vertical member of the shutter (c) the memiber which divides the frame into two vertical portions: (qd) none of the above, The horizontal members of the shutter of a door or window are called (a) sills (hy hams (ch rails Dit} panels. A horizontal member of the frame which divides the window horizontally # (a) rail Bibi transit (c) ranseme Ott) divicher. A vertical member of the frame which divides the window vertically is (a) reculllion Os (h pillion (c} cross style Dit} rail. The dimensions of a door or window frame are measured (a) outer to outer om both sides (b) outer to Outer On vertical side and inner lo inner on the other side (c) the reverse of () (d) inner to inneron both sides. The normal height of the door in residential buildings (a) 1.5m 0 (bh 1.75m (c) 2.0m BD ty 2.3m. 48 per Indian Standards, the door designated as 1) DT 20 means (a) a single shuttered door ofl m*2m — Q (b)adouble shuttered door of Lm * 2m (c)a single shuttered door of2m «im = O(a) adeuble shuttered donr of 2m * 1m. ‘The thickness of shutter of the door generally does not exceed (a) 10 mm OD th20mm (c) 90mm Dt) 0mm The depression on the recess made inside the door frame ty receive the shutter is called (a) reveal Db rebate (ed jamb 0 trun, The sill of window in residential buildings is generally keptabove the fluor level by (a) 40cm O ih a0cm (.120.on Oia) 160 cm, oo Oo opoaogd Oo oa goood oo 210. an. 212. 213, A door in which the shutter is formed by joining the vertical wooden boards side by side with tongue and grooved joints and which are fixed together by horizonal supports is called (a) framed and panelled door O (bi flush door o ir) sash door OD ty battened and ledged door. o In the battened and ledged door, the vertical wooden boards are called (a) battens OD {bl ledges o (c) rails Ot) braces. a In the battened and ledged door, the horizontal wooden boards holding the battens together are called (a) rails O (bi braces Qo te) edges OD td) panels. o » The inclined wooden boards which provide additional strength to battens in the battened and ledged door are called ta) ledges OB (by braces, o (c) rails Ot) panels. o . The type of door used when good lighting is to be permitted into the roomy (a) panelled door 0 (b) louvered door Q (e) wire gauged door Otay glazed door. o The type of door used when good ventilation is required in the room and at the same time privacy is maintained (a) panelled door 0 (b) lowvered door o (c) wire gauged door O id) glazed door. a . The type of door commonly used for garrages, shops, and godowns (a) swing door 0 tb revolving door 0 (rc) rolling shutter door 0 id) flush door. o The window in which the shutters can rotate either horizontally or vertically about pivots is called (a) revolving window: OD (by) rotating window o (ec) flexible windowe 0 i) pivoted window. o Asmall window fixed ata greater height than the regular window (generally 30 to 50 cm below the roof level) is called la} anciliacy window Dib) ventitator o Ic) rook window OD fd) casement window. a A vertical window provided on the sloping roof is known as (a) dormer window Oth gable window ao {c) lantern window Ott) bay window, a ‘The fixture fixed on the external doors where pad locks are to be used is known as a) barrel bolt DB ibjlatch o tehaldrop Diy hook. oa 216, 218. 21%, } Joining two wooden boards at an oblique angle is termed o o o o o Bo o o {a} beading D {bj rebating (c) grooving Od) mitring. The usual way of specifying the screws used in wood work is by (a) diameter Bib) length (ec) weight 6 id) any of the abowe, U-shaped pieces made of wrought iron with pointed ends which are used to connect the members are known as (a) dogs OD (d)}clamps {c} conmectors: Cid) warps. A carpentry tool used for making holes is a) drilling machine Dt) boring machine (c) reamber CO iat) gimmie. Awindow provided ona pitched roof parallel and slightly above the sloping roof surface is known as (a) top ventilator O tb) sky light (e) dormer window Cid) gable window. A window with a fixed glass provided on the flat roof is known as ia) sky light DO (@)lantem window ic) denmer window 0 id) top ventilator. Asmall wooden block hinged on the post outside the door is known as. lajeye Oi) horn fe) cleat O ttystop. The window projecting beyond the main external wall is {a} anciliary window OD (t) auxiliary window (e) bay window CO (doverhanging window, The maximum allowable deflection of a timber beam supporting a roof of span L is L L “i 0 Oop L L tc) mo Go wh 0° The timber sections of width more than 5 cm and thickness less than 5 cm are known as (a) logs OD (6) planks (c) scantlings 0 it) sheets. ‘The projections of the heads or sills of door or window are called (a) horns Dib) keys (c) stops Oi) bells. Awall constructed to withstand the pressure of an earthfilling is known as (a) parapet wall Q(t) retaining wall (e) butting wall Bh cavity w: If single coat plastering is adopted what is its minimum thickness fa) 18 mm DB (bh) 15 mm o (c) 12 mm Oo (demm, a In single coat plastering the thickness of plastering should not exceed fa) 20 mm O (t)15mm a {c) 12 mm 6 (d)10mm. a A vertical strip of mortar formed on the surface to be plastered before first coat, is known as (a) dot D1 (tj screed o te) dado O(a) flaking. a Ina three coat plastering the first coat is known as (a) rendering coat DB (b) floating coat o fc) setting coat D (i) base coat. o Ina three coat plastering the second coat is known as {n) floating coat DD (b) intermediate coat o [c) setting coat (dj bonding, coat. o Ina three coat plastering the third coatis known as {a) floating cost D (ti setting coat o te) bonding coat D(a) peripheral coat. o In which of the following pointings do the dust and water not accumulate a) recessed pointing, DH Y-pointing o fc) struck pointing: 0 (a) flush pointing. o AAs per latest LS, code the characteristic strength of M 15 grade concrete at 28. days is fa) 150 Nem? OD (hi 15 Nyem* o fe) 15 N/mm? O (a) 150 N/m". o The characteristic strength of a material is defined as the strength below which fa) not more than 5% of the test results fall D (8) not less than 5% of the test results fall o fc) not more than 50% of the test results fall O (i) not more than 25% of the test results fall, = 0 The props of from work of the beams with span exceeding 6 m can be removed after in) Tdays DB (hi 10days o {c) 14 days D (d)21 days. o DPC. stands for (a) double plastered column OD (i) dowble pinned cleat o fe) damp proof course D(a) damp protection cover, o ‘The dampness in the buildings may be caused due to (a) moisture rise in the walls through capillary action a {}) rain beating against extemal walls and rain travel from wall tops o fc) defective construction such as poor joints in masonry, defective throating, imperfect ont slope etc. (if) all of the above. o g Asemi-rigid material ideally suited to make damp proof course is (a) biturnen Db) metal sheet Oo (c) mastic asphalt 1D iifynone of the above, o To facilitate quick flow of rain water on R.C.C. flat roof towards spouts, it is usually given a slope at (a] not exceerting 2 to 3° DO tyabout 15° o (cp 20e O (mts o The surface fo which the first coal of plaster is to be applied is called (a) base surface 0 (b) reference surface: o (cy back ground surface Od) first surface, o A series of hair cracks developed on a finished plastered surface is known as (a) zig-zagging D (ib random cracking o (c) crocodiling Diy crazing. o Few swellings developed locally here and there on a finished plastered surface are called (a) bubbling O (b} boiling o (c) blistering, 0 Wh honey combing, o The roughening of the back ground surface (when they are smooth asin the case of R.C.C. surface ubtained aver smooth centering) to provide necessary key for plastering is called (a) hacking, OD ib) pinning o (c) dotting O (dy hindering. o The formation of loose patches of plaster due to poor bend betweem successive coats is called (a) scaling Di) pecting o (c) faking, Ot popping, o The complete dislocation of some portion of plastered surface due to imperfect bond resulting in patches is known as (a) scaling, O ib) peeling o (c) flaking, Ott) popping. a The intensity of sound is measured in (a) pitches Dbl tones o (c) decibels 0 ifyaudets. o ‘The paints of higher sound intensity where (he reflected sound waves meet is called (a) sound foot Db) dead spots o (chechoes Did) none of the above. o The paints of low sound intensity causing unsatisfactory hearing are called (a sound foci D (bi dead spots o (e) echows Dib weak spots. o ‘The suitable remedy for the acoustic defect of sound foci in the new design fo) add sound absorbers (bj introduce suitable diffusers (c) avoid curvilinear interiors 0 (id) none of the above. In cinema theatres, to avoid reverberation, the longitudinal walls should be (a) perfectly parallel Dh) converging towards screen (e) converging tnvards rear OG) should be curvilinear. The volume of space per person to be provided in cinema theatres for good acoustics is fa) 200.3 mt OD (a7 m42m3 fc) Sto ém* Ota 7 m', The noise level in rustle of leaves is fa) 100 db O (6) 50db fe) 10 dbs Did) t db. A screw with a square head is known as (a) coach screw. D6) cushion screw (e) curd screw Dif) come serew. ‘Ventilation means {2} cooling, the air 0 tb) heating the air fe) allowing bright light Ud) replacing the impure air in the building by fresh air from outside. Air conditioning means (a) cooling the air to 15°C {b) cooling, purifying and controlling humidity of air fe) adding moisture to alr id) none of the above. ‘The comfortable temperature range in summer may be generally taken as fa) 10 to 1 O th istoarc fe) 20 te 23°C Bit) Mbtw35°C. According to 15, a window designated as 10 WS 15 means ia) a fixed window of size Lm * 1.5.m (b) a fixed window of size 0.3 m » 0.75 m fe) a single shuttered window af si (ya double shuttered window of size 1 mx 15m Imx1Sm Reverberation means (0) sound produced uninterruptedly by a source (8) sound produced by a source intermittently {c} persistence of sound even after the source of sound has ceased. (at) acoustic illusion. oo obooo oo gooa oboaq0q 259, The sound will be painful to the ear when its intensity exceeds a) 50 db BD md o te) 130 db Dt) 200 db, B Which of the following has higher fire resistance (a) timber OB (hconcrete o {e) plane Ota) brick. o The maximum area served by one test pit, in the case of open test pit method of investigation, is about fo) 15m «15m DB (dm «30m o fc) 50m = 50m DB (WO m » 100m. o Which of the following materials is not generally used in making piles ? (a) timber D8) steel o fc) stainless steel D wRec, o Quick sand (a) is.a sand which readily absorbs moisture o (b) is. a sand which allows flow of water through itat rapid rate o fe) is pure silica wsed in glass industry o (df) none of the above. o Cement grouting |s considered as a useful measure for improving foundations on (a) rock O thi clay o (c) compact sand OD fd) moist sand. o Vacuum system is used for dewatering soils when the permeability of suil is less than fn) 0.0001 cm/s D (ty 0.00001 cm/s o (6) 0.01 cm/s BD WW) O1em/s, o Minute cracks in stone containing calcite which form hard veins, are known as fa) vents Ob) shakes o ic) sand holes D(a) motte. o Stones having spotted appearance due to the presence of chalky substances are known as a) shakes Bhi chalk holes o fc) motel 6 td) vents. o Intensities of acceleration due to-earthquakes are represented on fa) Mobr’s scale Dt) Dalton scale o fe) Reid scale D(a) Kossi-Forrel scale o When a wail is not laterally supported, its effective height is taken as (a) 1.5 times its actual height (6) 1.25 times its actual height o () 0.5 times its actual height O(a) 0.75 times its actual height. o Amember resembling a column which is an integral part of a load bearing wall is known as fa) Lateral suppert OD (ti Pier o fc) Buttress Of) abutment, 0

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