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Note: Attempt any EIGHT questions from this section. Each question carries 3 marks.
2. Briefly describe any three beneficial impacts of Pharmaceutical industry on human society. Enlist the
role of pharmaceutical chemist in the synthesis of effective new drugs in society. OR Write any 03
differences between Hard & Soft Water OR Classical & Instrument Method OR Stratosphere &
Troposphere OR Fats & Oil OR DNA & RNA OR Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis OR Titrimetric
& Gravimetric Analysis OR Reversible & Irreversible Reactions.
3. Write down the equilibrium constant expression (Kc) for the following balanced reversible
(i) CO2 + H2 + CO + H2O (ii) H2 + 12 +> 2HI (iii) N2 + 202 ++ 2 NO2
OR Write down the LU.P.A.C names and suggest the formula for the following compounds:
* CH= CH -CH2 - CH3* CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH - CH2 H3C - CH2 (CH2) - CH3
4. State and explain acid and bases on the basis of any one of the following, Give limitation of that
(a) Lewis concept (b) Bronsted-Lowry theory (c) Arrhenius theory
OR Definitions: Analytical chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Organic chemistry, pH, Functional group,
Titration, Indicator, Homologous series, Glycosidic linkage, Fractional distillation, Alkanes, Alkenes,
Alkynes, Catenation, Dynamic Equilibrium, Alkyl Radicals, Enzymes, Titrant, Analyte, Retention Time,
Bio chemistry, Accuracy, Precision, Active mass and Nomenclature. (Any 03)
5. Justify the following (Any 03): (a) why water is called universal solvent? (b) Why pure water is
considered as electrolyte? (c) Why silicon compounds are lesser than that of carbon compounds? (d) Why
alkenes & alkynes called unsaturated hydrocarbon? (e) Why Arrhenius theory is only applicable on
aqueous solutions? (f) Electrochemical methods depend upon electrochemical cells. (g) Greenhouse effect
leads to global warming. (h) Change in altitude change the temperature. OR Identify the functional group
present in the following: (Any 03)
(i) СH3 – СНO (ii) CH - CO – CH (iii) C3H, - COOH (iv) CH3 - CH2 - OH

6. Write down any 3 properties of water, OR Prove pH + pOH = 14 OR The value of Ke for the reaction:
N2O4 ( = 2NO2( K = 0.21 at 373 K. The concentrations N204 and NO2 are found to be 0.125 mol dm &
0.5 mol dm respectively, Predict the direction.
7. Write the condensed and structural formulae of the pentane, hexene and octane. OR Enlist major air
pollutants and their sources. What are primary & secondary air pollutants?
8. Write any 03 uses/applications of conductometry OR organic compounds OR Kc OR Nucleic Acid.
OR Complete the following equations and the balanced: (Any 03)
(a) Mg(OH)2 + HNO3 > ? (b) CaO + H2SO4 -> ? (c) CaCl2 + Na CO3>
(d) KOH + HNO3 > ? (e) NaOH + HCI -> ? (f) Ca(OH)2 + H SO
9. Write a short note on any one of: Stomach acidity, Acid rain, Buffers, Global warming, HPLC,
Types of hydrocarbons, Wohler synthesis, Error & its types, Importance of Ke & Spectroscopy. OR A
compound contain 5 carbon atoms. Give structure & formula as alkane, alkene & alkynes.
10. What is meant by diversity and magnitude of organic compound? OR Draw isomers ofn-pentane.
OR Name the raw material used in soap, sugar and soft drink industries,
11. Write the formula of caustic soda, washing soda, acetone, slaked lime, can-sugar & urea. (Any 03)
OR The hydrogen ion concentration [H"] is 1 x 10 mol/dm". What is pH of the solution?
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12. Define gravimetric analysis. Describe its steps. OR What is peptide bond? Explain its types.
13. PCls, PCl & Cl2 are at equilibrium at 500K in a closed container and their concentrations are
0.8 x 10 mol/dm , 1.2 x 10 mol/dm and 1.2 x 10 mol/dm respectively, Calculate Kc. OR What is
neutralization reaction? Give two examples of neutralization with the help of equation.
Note: Attempt any FOUR questions from this section. Each question carries 6 marks.
14. Define equilibrium. State and explain Law of mass action. Derive an expression for equilibrium
constant, OR Explain in detail Water borne diseases OR Describe fractions of petroleum in detail.
15. What is salt? Give preparations, types and uses of salts. OR What is an electrochemical method in
analytical chemistry? Explain construction & working.
16. Explain the preparation of soft drinks OR soap with the help of flow sheet diagram. OR What is hard
water? Describe different types of hardness in detail. Write down the methods for the removal of
permanent OR temporary hardness.
17. Explain the sources and uses of any one of the following:
(a) Protein (b) Carbohydrates (c) Nucleic Acid (d) Vitamins
OR Explain natural sources OR characteristics of Organic compounds.
18. Define atmosphere, explain the composition of atmosphere.
OR What are air pollutants? Explain different types of air pollutants.
19. Describe Gas chromatography with diagram also writes wo uses of gas chromatography. OR What is
ozone? How does ozone depletion occurs by CFCs also mention some adverseimpact of it?
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