Uncertainty Handbook

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Stephan Lewandowsky
Dr Adam Corner, Research Director, COIN; Honorary Research Fellow in the School
of Psychology, Cardiff University
Professor Stephan Lewandosky, School of Experimental Psychology and Cabot
Institute, University of Bristol
Dr Mary Phillips, School of Economics, Finance & Management, University of Bristol
Olga Roberts, Researcher & Project Coordinator, COIN


formerly COIN

About COIN
COIN is a non-partisan Oxford-based charity and Europe’s leading climate change
communication specialists, with 10 years of experience widening and broadening
public engagement with climate change

THE UNCERTAINTY HANDBOOK is the second in a series of handbooks on the

topic of climate change led by Stephan Lewandowsky, and follows publication of
The Debunking Handbook in 2011 (http://sks.to/debunk).
The content of this handbook was informed by interviews with 11 stakeholders who
work in the science-policy arena. Anonymised quotes from these interviews are
included throughout the handbook.
This handbook was vetted and reviewed prior to publication by five leading experts
in risk research and two climate communications practitioners. We are grateful for
their comments which have improved the final product.
This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council - grant
number ES/M500410/1 - and by a grant from the Research Development Fund of
the Worldwide Universities Network

Cite as: Corner, A., Lewandowsky, S., Phillips, M. and Roberts, O. (2015) The
Uncertainty Handbook. Bristol: University of Bristol.

Design: Oliver Cowan (www.olivercowan.co.uk)

Should you move to a new city?
Change job?
Raise a child?

Uncertainties are everywhere, yet crucial personal decisions are still made

Organisations routinely trade But unlike in economic forecasts

in the currency of uncertainty. (which are widely accepted
Investment decisions are taken Uncertainty is not an enemy despite sometimes proving
based on imperfect knowledge; of climate science that inaccurate), or medical diagnoses
risks are managed every minute (which everyone accepts
must be conquered — it
of every day. And just like in contain an element of chance),
any area of complex science, is a stimulus that drives uncertainty has become an
uncertainty is a feature of climate research forward. The fact argument for discrediting and
change that will never go away. that we have imperfect doubting climate science, and for
delaying policy responses.
knowledge about climate
change should only
increase our motivation for
taking preventative action
against uncertain risks

Friend of science and enemy of inaction

For the public, uncertainty is a What are the actual implications

significant barrier to engaging of scientific uncertainty about
more readily with climate change. climate change?
For policy-makers, the focus
If you have ever struggled Although public debate often
on uncertainty can obscure the
with the communication cites uncertainty as a reason
important messages underneath.
And too often, climate scientists to delay policy action, the
of uncertainty, then this
reality is very different: several
find themselves apologising for handbook is for you. It recent scientific papers have
what they don’t know, rather than
distils the most important shown that greater scientific
confidently communicating what
research findings and uncertainty provides a greater,
they do know.
rather than lesser, impetus for
Partly, this is because political expert advice into a few climate mitigation.2 That is, if we
players who are opposed to pages of practical, easy- were less certain than we are
societal action on climate change to-apply techniques about what will happen to the
(so-called ‘Merchants of Doubt’1) climate in the future, then we
providing scientists,
have intentionally manufactured should try even harder to deal
distrust around the science of policy-makers and with the problem. The physics
climate change, exaggerating campaigners with the tools and mathematics of the climate
areas of uncertainty while they need to communicate system thus point in the opposite
down playing areas of strong direction from people’s intuitions.
consensus and agreement. more effectively around
climate change This handbook offers some
But even without such distorting strategies for closing the gap
influence, the communication of between people’s intuitions and
uncertainty is still a formidable the scientific implications of
challenge. uncertainty in the climate change

1. Manage your audience’s expectations

If uncertainty is not particular In schools, science is taught as body of facts’ influenced people’s
to climate change, why has it a series of ‘answers’ rather than motivation to act on uncertain
proved so problematic? One as a method for asking questions messages.6 Participants who
reason is that people find about the world. And as a understood that ‘science is
the uncertainty generated by consequence, people seem to a debate’ were less likely to
‘conflicting messages’ difficult have different expectations about dismiss messages containing
to deal with.3 When people hear uncertainty in science, relative uncertain information. So
politicians contradicting each to ‘everyday’ situations where uncertainty will not always
other on climate change, or uncertainty is seen as a given.5 undermine the effectiveness
when newspapers offer a ‘false of science communication, as
One study found emphasising long as it fits the audience’s
balance’ between scientists and
that ‘science is a debate’ as understanding of how science
sceptical voices, people tend
opposed to ‘science is a fixed works.
to doubt the credibility of what
they’re hearing. Different people
reading the same conflicting
information may reach different
conclusions.4 “People make decisions based on
Science is often presented by the uncertainty all the time. You make
media as a series of definite facts
and figures: either ‘unprotected
the best decision you can with the
exposure to UV rays causes information you have. And climate
skin cancer’ or it doesn’t. But
scientists have a lot of information to
in reality, scientists work with
probabilities (so the truth is that base a decision on.” *
unprotected exposure to UV rays
makes skin cancer more likely).

How might people react to an ‘uncertain’ climate change message?

A report by the UCL Policy ‘Surely after all that effort and expenditure you could do better than that?’
Commission on Communicating
Climate Science suggests the ‘Why aren’t you telling me what you really know?’
following likely responses:7 ‘Let’s wait until the science is settled.’

Allowing for these expectations Use plenty of analogies from ‘everyday life’ so people can see that
— and anticipating how people uncertainties are everywhere
might react — is an important
skill for communicators. When
Emphasise that science is an ongoing debate, and just because
communicating about the more
scientists don’t know everything about a subject, they do know
uncertain areas of climate change
something. We know that the climate is changing, and that
practitioners should be sure to:
delaying our response to this increases the risks

* Stakeholder quote
2. Start with what you know, not what
you don’t know

It may seem obvious, but

it is crucial to start with “Many people are put off by
what you do know, not climate change and particularly
what you don’t the uncertainty aspect ...so maybe
emphasise what we do know first.” *
Scientists should be honest about
the uncertainties in their work,
but too often communicators give
the caveats before the take-home
message. On many fundamental
questions — such as ‘are humans
causing climate change?’ and ‘will
we cause unprecedented changes
to our climate if we don’t reduce
the amount of carbon that we
burn?’— the science is effectively
settled. Communicators should
not shy away from stating that
Of course, on other important
questions — for example,
whether climate change will
make hurricanes more common
— the science is not settled.
But uncertainty at the frontiers
of science should not prevent
focusing on the ‘knowns’, in
order to establish a common
understanding with your audience.

If you can, trial or test

your messages first to see
how they are received.
“There is a fine balance to be
There is no substitute for struck between being clear that
audience research when uncertainty is a factor but stressing
it comes to constructing that this doesn’t necessarily
successful climate undermine what we are certain of...
messages, and using
what we do know.” *
language that resonates
with the people you want
to engage
* Stakeholder quote
3. Be clear about the scientific consensus

97 /
All of the world’s national science
academies agree that humans are
causing climate change, and that
endorse the idea that humans are
causing climate change.8
is important because some
research suggests it is a ‘gateway
belief’ that affects whether
But most people don’t realise
this will have serious negative people see climate change as a
how much consensus there is
impacts unless action is taken problem that requires an urgent
among scientists.9 Having a
to prevent it. 97% of climate societal response.10
clear and consistent message
scientists and virtually all of the
about the scientific consensus
world’s climate science literature

The best method for communicating the scientific consensus is to:

Use a graphic such as a pie chart to visually enhance the message11

Use a ‘messenger’ who is trustworthy to communicate the consensus

Try and find the closest match between the values of your audience and those of
the messenger (see Section 6)

4. Shift from ‘uncertainty’ to ‘risk’

Most people are used to dealing

with the idea of ‘risk’. It is the
language of the insurance, health
and national security sectors.12
So for many audiences —
politicians, business leaders, or
the military — talking about the
risks of climate change is likely
to be more effective than talking “If people don’t see it impacting on
about the uncertainties.
their daily lives it’s very difficult to
The more that the risks of climate communicate risk and uncertainty.” *
change can be brought to life
through vivid ‘mental models’,
the better. This means using clear
practical examples of the risk of
a village flooding, or a farmer’s
crops being destroyed, or a
coastal building slipping into the

Shifting from an ‘uncertainty’

to a ‘risk’ framing also makes it DO say DON’T say
easier for people to weigh up the
costs and benefits of inaction, “The risk of our town flooding, “Although there is a great deal
rather than getting stuck in the disrupting our businesses and that is unknown about how
perception that knowledge is still schools, is now higher than local services will be affected,
imperfect.13 Familiar, everyday ever before because of climate climate change is likely to
examples of risk management change.” cause more flooding in the
offer useful comparisons and future.”
analogies, as shown by the quote
below, drawn from a study of how
businesses think about climate

“Climate change has been caused by man-made activities, that’s

[a scientific consensus] in excess of 90 per cent. When was
the last time you made a business decision with that degree of
certainty? So I think you’re foolish if you’re not starting to take
action around [that].” 14

5. Be clear what type of uncertainty you
are talking about

A common strategy of people who reject the scientific consensus is to

intentionally confuse and conflate different types of uncertainty. 15 So, it’s
critical to be clear what type of uncertainty you’re talking about

Cause of climate change Climate impacts Climate policies

DO say DO say DO say

“Scientists are as certain “As the Earth warms there “We know how much more
about the link between is more moisture in the air, carbon we can burn if we
human behaviour and which increases the chances want to limit the risks of
climate change as they of intense rainfall. So this climate change. Most of
are about the link between flood is consistent with what the world’s remaining coal,
smoking and lung cancer.” scientists have long been oil and gas must remain in
predicting.” the ground. How to achieve
this is a matter of political

DON’T say DON’T say DON’T say

“Although we can never be “No single weather event “Science can never tell us
100% certain of anything, it can be attributed to climate which climate policy is best.”
is highly likely that changes change.”
in our climate are due to an
anthropogenic influence.”

6. Understand what is driving people’s
views about climate change

When a subject is politically ‘conservative’ political views (i.e., But a growing body of research
charged — like the genetic to the right of centre) and doubt points to ways of communicating
modification of crops, or the about the reality or seriousness of about climate change that do
uptake of certain vaccinations — climate change. not threaten conservative belief
people filter the scientific facts systems, or which use language
according to their own political that better resonates with the
views.16 Climate change is a values of the centre-right.17 Risk-
highly ‘polarised’ issue in many aversion, pragmatism, security,
countries around the world, Uncertainty about climate and a desire to ‘conserve’
and so the same facts can be change is higher among natural beauty are key features
understood very differently by of conservative ideologies, and
people with right-leaning
people with different political so may offer a more constructive
perspectives. political values way of discussing climate
change uncertainties for this
In fact, there is a consistent audience.
relationship between

Conservative narratives for embedding uncertain messages about climate change

The following narratives are recommended by COIN in their 2012 report,
A new conversation with the centre-right about climate change: Values, frames and narratives.18

Putting the ‘conserve’ into conservatism

Conservatives tend to “The landscape and countryside of our country is something we Climate policies may
value the aesthetic should all be proud of, and work together to protect. Over the years, seem to threaten the
beauty of nature. Use this we have cleaned up our rivers, banished smog from our cities, and ‘status quo’, which is a
as a way of anchoring a protected our forests. Climate change poses new dangers to the key centre-right concern.
wider conversation about countryside we value so much: more frequent and extreme flooding, But climate impacts are
climate risks. more of a threat.
disruption to seasonal changes, and the wildlife which depends on
them. Our cities too will become congested and polluted without a
shift to clean energy. So the only responsible course of action is to Being responsible and
reduce the risks we face from climate change.” risk-averse is something
most centre-right citizens
are likely to endorse.
A safe, secure and healthy future

“During the industrial revolution we built our countries using our

Many people are proud of
the industrial revolution natural resources — coal, oil and gas — and we led the world into
and all it has achieved. a new, prosperous era. But we are also rich in the natural resources
Rather than demonise that will meet the challenges of the 21st century: clean technologies
it, recognise it – and the that won’t damage our health or spoil our environment. To keep the Resilience and security
new opportunities offered lights on, we must make ourselves more resilient: our future security are core centre-right
by renewables. values.
rests on renewable energy sources that will never run out, and will
provide safe, secure, long-term jobs and opportunities for engineers,
labourers, technicians, scientists and tradespeople.”

7. The most important question for
climate impacts is ‘when’, not ‘if’

If you are told that there is a 70%

chance of something terrible
happening, it is comforting to
focus on the 30% chance that it “Having examples of recent
won’t. The further into the future
flooding, which people have
potential risks and hazards are
the easier they are to ‘discount’ experienced, has made talking
or ignore. Climate change is a about risk with local communities
notoriously ‘distant’ risk for most
people — not here, and not now. much easier because it’s not a
And the uncertainty inherent in matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ and how
climate predictions opens the
door to wishful thinking about
can we prepare.” *
how dangerous climate change
really is.19, 20, 21,22

Climate change predictions are usually communicated using a standard ‘uncertain outcome’ format.

But flip the statement around — using an ‘uncertain time’ framing — and suddenly it is clear that the
question is when not if sea levels will rise by 50cm.

DON’T say DO say

A fixed point in time A certain outcome

“By 2072, sea levels will rise by “Sea levels will rise by at least 50 cm,
between 25 and 68cm, with 50cm and this will occur at
being the average projection” some time between 2060 and 2093.”

An uncertain outcome An uncertain point in time

This simple switch in the framing of the uncertain information was found to increase support for
government action on climate change in a recent study.23And the focus on ‘certain’ events also
helps to bridge the psychological distance between climate change and people’s everyday lives —
making it seem more tangible, less abstract, and more relevant.

* Stakeholder quote
8. Communicate through images and stories

Every 4-5 years the

Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC)
releases an assessment report
summarising thousands of
scientific papers compiled
by hundreds of leading
scientists. The reports contain
a commensurate number of
probability statements that show
scientists’ level of certainty
and confidence on different
aspects of climate science. This
statement taken from the 2007
4th Assessment Report would be
a typical example:

‘Most of the observed An artist’s impression of projected storm surges affecting visitor access to national heritage infrastructure on the
seafront, Brownsea Quay Island. The result of future scenario workshops with the public exploring challenges and
increase in global opportunities around coastal erosion in the UK. Part of Living with a Changing Coast (LiCCo), an EU-funded project led
average temperatures by the UK’s Environment Agency. Illustrator Maria Burns.

since the mid-20th stories and images, not One strategy is to create a vivid
century is very likely lists of numbers, probability ‘mental model’ of climate change
due to the observed statements, or technical in people’s minds. A visual artist
graphs, and so finding ways can capture the concept of sea-
increase in anthropogenic
of translating and interpreting level rise better than any graph
greenhouse gas the technical language found in and still be factually accurate if
concentrations’ scientific reports into something they use the scientific projections
more engaging is crucial. to inform their work.

But while the IPCC reports are

an essential means of quantifying
scientific uncertainty, a series “The use of case studies is a good way to
of studies have found that the
people severely underestimate engage people who haven’t experienced
the meaning of some probability extreme weather events directly... This
statements (e.g., ‘very likely’),
while overestimating the
really hits home with people - personal
probability of others.24, 25 The narratives.” *
reality is that most people
understand the world through
* Stakeholder quote
9. Highlight the ‘positives’ of uncertainty

Which of the following statements makes you feel more

confident about acting under uncertainty?

“If we act now, the chance “If we fail to act, the chance
of destructive winter floods of destructive winter floods
occurring is 20%” occurring is 80%”

Uncertainty is not necessarily

a barrier to communication
if a positive ‘framing’ of the
problem is used.26 Academics
at Exeter University gave people
short messages that contained “If you talk about uncertainty in a
uncertain information framed
in either a positive or negative positive way it creates hope, if you
way. The researchers found that talk about it in a negative way it
when uncertainty was used to
indicate that losses might not
creates feelings of hopelessness.” *
happen if preventative action was
taken (i.e. the positive frame),
then people were more likely to
indicate stronger intentions to act
in a pro-environmental way.

Uncertainty is not an
inevitable barrier to action
provided communicators
frame climate change
messages in ways that
trigger caution in the face
of uncertainty

It’s also important to emphasise

that acting on climate change
— even under conditions of
uncertainty — entails many co-
benefits that most people would © Joe Pett
support. This cartoon captures
the sentiment perfectly.
* Stakeholder quote
10. Communicate effectively about
climate impacts

All around the world, extreme weather events (consistent with predictions
made by scientists decades ago) are occurring more and more frequently

The tangible and traumatic because the environment in evidence that people are starting
experiences that arise from which they occur is warmer and to join the dots between climate
extreme weather events reduce wetter than it used to be.28 change and extreme weather.29
the ‘psychological distance’ But engaging people around
But the question ‘is this
between people and climate extreme weather events must be
weather event caused by
change, allowing affected done in a way that speaks to your
climate change?’ is misplaced.
communities to relate more easily audience’s values, and interests.
When someone has a weak
to the issue, as they will have It is not the ‘climate impacts’
immune system, they are
to deal with similar risks in the themselves, but their implications
more susceptible to a range
future. that are important for developing
of diseases, and no one asks meaningful public narratives
But can we legitimately claim whether each illness was about what climate change
that a particular weather event ‘caused’ by a weak immune means.
was ‘caused by’ climate change? system. The same logic applies
Scientists are beginning to show to climate change and some When climate change is present
how some individual extreme extreme weather events: they in the stories that people use to
weather events are made more are made more likely, and more discuss their lives, and what they
likely by climate change.27 In severe, by climate change. expect from the future, individual
fact, all weather events are now climate impacts will more easily
affected by climate change Not surprisingly, there is growing slot into them.

A volatile climate means a vulnerable tourist industry

Unpredictable seasons produce unreliable harvests

Travel and food (to pick just two examples) are much easier starting points for a
conversation about climate change than computer models or probability statements.

11. Have a conversation, not an argument

Despite the disproportionate repeating a ‘one-shot’ slogan Having a conversation about

media attention given to — can be a powerful method climate change uncertainty,
‘sceptics’, most people simply of public engagement. When rather than simply finessing
don’t talk or think about climate people take part in organised, a one-sentence message,
change all that much. This structured discussions about is another way of diffusing
means that the very act of having climate change, they tend to antagonism and scepticism.
a conversation about climate become more supportive of
change — not an argument or policies that respond to it.30

A conversation about climate change

Do you have house insurance? Something tangible and concrete that most people can identify with

Of course - pretty much

everyone does...

Well reducing our carbon

emissions is exactly the same.
Make the link with the first example It’s an insurance policy against
the risks that scientists tell us
climate change will bring.
But how sure are they?

About 97% of climate scientists

agree that climate change is
happening and is caused by
This phrasing has been shown to be
the most effective in controlled tests of
consensus statements
So why isn’t there 100% agreement –
don’t we want to be absolutely certain?

Scientists are as certain about climate change as

they are about the link between smoking and lung
cancer. And that’s another type of insurance policy
– not smoking for the sake of our health.
Another personal, tangible example

12. Tell a human story, not a scientific one

People’s tendency to prioritise

daily personal experiences over
statistical learning, and their
existing political views, have a far
greater influence on our beliefs
about climate change than the
error bars on scientists’ graphs.
When people feel inspired by
the answers to climate change,
they no longer see uncertainty
about the future as the central
question.31, 32 This means that
telling human stories about the
people affected by climate change
(and how they are responding
to it) is crucial - shifting climate
change from a scientific to a
social reality.

The amount of carbon dioxide

that is emitted over the next 50
years will determine the extent
to which our climate changes.
Even on the most conservative
scientific assumptions, burning
half of our known reserves
of fossil fuels will unleash
unprecedented changes in the
chemistry of our planet. So
what we choose to do — and
how quickly we can muster the
collective willpower to do it — is
an uncertainty that dwarfs all


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Image attribution

The cartoon used on page 13 is the property of Joe Pett and is used under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The
original cartoon is accessible here at https://www.flickr.com/photos/monkchips/4254681996.


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