Abaca Children's Class - 01-10-2022

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எல் ஷடாய்
God Almighty
The word ELSHADDAI means ALMIGHTY . There is nothing
too hard for our God. He created everything perfectly and
beautiful in its time . Our God has chosen us for a reason
and it is very important to do according to his will. We
should fear GOD at all times , read the Bible and pray
everyday . We shouldn't sin against God because it will
make God very sad . As children of him it's very important
to honor our GOD at all times .AMEN.
நான் சர்வவல் லமையுள் ள
தேவன். நீ எனக்கு முன்பாக
நடந் து ககாண்டு உே்ேைனாயிரு.

ஆதியாகைை் 17:1
“I am God Almighty; walk before
me faithfully and be blameless.

Genesis 17:1
"நான் உைக்கு விதராேைாய் ப் பாவஞ் கசய் யாேபடிக்கு, உைது வாக்மக
என்னிருேயே்தில் மவே்து மவே்தேன்".
சங் கீேை் 119:11

இந் ே ைாேே்திலுை் கர்ே்ேருமடய தவே வசனங் கமள அதிகைாய் கற் றுக்ககாள் ள

ஒப் புக்ககாடுே்து கெபிப் தபாை் .தேவப் பிள் மளகள் அமனவருை் தவேே்தின் படி
வாழ் ந் து சாட்சியுள் ள கசயல் களின் மூலை் தேவ நாைே்மே கவளிப் படுே்ே
கெபிப் தபாை் .

Our FATHER in heaven .Thank for giving us this new month

O LORD .Lord in this month help us to spend more time
with you. We should read the Bible and pray more .We
commit th month into your hands. Guide us LORD..Amen
நை் தேசே்திலுள் ள அமனே்து ைக் களின் இரட்சிப் புக் காக கெபிப் தபாை் .
சுவிதசஷ ேமட உள் ள இடங் களில் ஊழியங் களுக் காக கெபிப் தபாை் .சிறுவர்
ஊழியங் களுக் காக கெபிப் தபாை் .

Our GOD , Bless all the kids in our ABACA MINISTRIES.

Give all of them your knowledge, wisdom ,understanding.
Help them to get more closer to you .Give them good
strength and health . Help them to study well and give
them good friends. Amen
Thomas Alva Edison during his school days didn’t
study well ,wasn’t attentive in his class .He was in
his own world and his teachers would scold him
all the time .One day a teacher gave a letter to
him and said him to give it to his mother . When
Thomas went home he gave that letter to his
mom. His mother cried out of pain as it was
written that your “SON IS USELESS and we
wouldn’t like to teach him hereafterwards. Please
join him in somewhere school”.
So his mom decide to teach him by
herself. She bought him interesting books
and models and made learning in a fun
way. So Thomas started to like his subjects
and learned everything quickly . One day
he asked his mom to set a lab for him at his
home. So his mom granted his wish and set
a lab with lots of equipments , models and
many more . His mom got sick suddenly at
one night and it was so much dark .
During those times there wasn't any light
facility and there were only lamps and
candles . That was the turning point of his
life .He went to his lab and started making
bulbs ..He failed nearly 99 timesand
succeeded the 100th time . His bulb
worked for 45 secs . He was very happy
and he did the greatest invention of all
times .
The bulb which he made gives light to our
room. But Our ELSHADDAI Who created the
sun ,moon and stars give light to the whole
earth . And the bulbs in our house get fused
but the one created by God it works perfectly
and doesn't fail to give light to this Earth .
Before our ALMIGHTY GOD we must be
very righteous and do each and every thing
with dedication.
Kids , this week we learnt about
ELSHADDAI. Our GOD is a very powerful
GOD and it is very important to be GOD
FEARING . If we do GOD will be so much
pleased and happy with us .

Have a great week ahead our DEAR KIDS!!


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