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Models under the age of 16 banned in London

Models under 16 will be banned from London’s Fashion Week, and they will have to
show a health certificate. These decisions were taken by the Model Health Inquiry and the
British Fashion Council. Super-thin is IN and many women put their health at risk by trying to
look like models.
The Model Health Inquiry didn’t recommend banning models based on their BMI.
Other countries banned models with a -18 BMI. Models now need a medical certificate
attesting their good health from doctors with expertise in recognizing eating disorders.

● To be banned ● Ban = Prohibit = Barred
● Walk down the catwalk ● Catwalk = Runway
● To be IN ● Ensure = Make certain
● To put sth at risk ● IN = Fashionable = Trendy
● Get on the catwalk ● Copy = Imitate

.C ●
To be sth with expertise in… Determining = Establish

Rigorous = Strict ● Vomit = Throw up

● Attesting = Confirming
Pope Francis
The Catholic Church announced its new Pope, it took just 2 days to choose a successor

to Pope Benedict. The 266th is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, Argentinian. He has chosen a name
that reflects his humble upbringing- Francis. He is the first Latin-American Pope and the first
non-European in over 1300 years.
Followers in BsAs wept for joy in the streets. CFK said she was proud of him and that
he has a tremendous responsibility on his shoulders. Francis is seen as a wise choice to lead
the church through a time of crisis.

Language on world leaders

● ● Beneficial
Pontiff = Pope ●

● Upbringing = Crianza ● Responsible for doing sth
● Pilgrims = Followers ● Fruitful (successful)
● Flocked into = Gather = ● Seek (look for)
Amontonamiento ● Leadership
● Good/bad leader
● Wept for joy = Llorar de felicidad To produce/cause sth

● Topic of discussion

Miley Cyrus
Born as Destiny Hope Cyrus in 1992, she grew up on a farm in Tennessee. She loved
this simple, old-fashioned, country life. She has 5 siblings, and they were Christians. She was
home schooled for a year, and then she returned to public life for 6th grade. Later she flew to

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LA and auditioned for Hannah Montana. She had singing and dancing abilities to be the main
character, but producers thought she may be too young. She went back to Nashville and found
out she got the part before starting high school.
Miley realised that her fame wouldn’t be instantaneous. Nobody took pictures of her at
the red carpet of Chicken Little’s premiere. She didn’t have a back-up band when she opened
for the Cheetah Girls. She did 20 shows in a month and released her second album, which had
songs about Nick Jonas. She wanted to inspire people with her music, make them feel
For her 16th birthday, she held a party at Disneyland with 5000 people who paid $250
for admission. She donated $1.000.000 to Youth Service America.
Finally, she filmed Hannah Montana: The Movie in her family farm in Tennessee. Later she
appeared in 2 and a half men.

Daniel Radcliffe
One of his favourite films is “Twelve Angry Men”, and his favourite director is
Christopher Nolan. His favourite album is “Never Mind the Bollocks Here’s the Sex Pistols”.
His main spending has been on works of art, and his favourite book is “The Master and
Margarita”. He says he would like to have a career similar to George Clooney’s.


Young Celebrities Famous Life
● Adaptable ● Here and there
● Affectionate ● Sit-com
● Aggressive = Violent ● Attend to
● Ambitious ● Premiere of
● Broad-minded = Open-minded ● Reportedly (According to what people
● Careless say)

● Cheerful ● Box office = Ticket office

● Emphatic ● Dark comedy
● Energetic ● Audition for sth
● Exuberant ● Try out for
● Stubborn = Cabeza dura ● Home schooling

Imaginative Backup band

● ●
Inventive Knock of your feet
● ●
Moody New style
● ●
Passionate Classy
● ●
Persistent Funny
● ●



Straight-forward = Focused
● Strong-minded

● Unassuming

New York
New York is situated in the Northeast region of the US. A lot of people call it “The Big
Apple” and it attracts millions of visitors a year. It has been shaped by the waves of

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immigrants drawn by the promise of hope and liberty. Everyone arrived with a cultural
suitcase that contributed to its develop.
Its influence radiates to every corner of the globe, appearing on movies, documentaries
and songs. The 3 main iconic symbols are Empire State Building (the most impressive
skyscraper ever built), The Rockefeller Center (the city within a city) and the Grand Central
New York is the land of the free but also the shopping spree, mostly the Fifth Avenue,
filled with eye-popping window displays. We can also find the Times Square, one of the most
visited attractions in the planet. Here you can buy a ticket to a Broadway Show.
There is also the Central Park, the greatest chill-out space where people go to rest and express
Finally, since 2001 visitors and locals pause and bow their heads to a new attraction.

The Reflecting Absent Memorial Museum honors the 3000 people who lost their live during the
Twin Towers attack.

Atacama Desert
This is the driest desert in the world. It is near San Pedro, a place that over the last 10
years has become a tourist mega draw. It is at 4.390mt above sea level.
San Pedro is famous for its energy. A lot of people say it is for the concentration of

copper in the region. Also, over there, they are starting to implement rural-tourism.

Few cities where you can live large, for a little

The world’s most expensive cities for 2013 have been identified. Tokyo, Paris and
Singapore are among the top 10 cash-sapping destinations. In many cases, for each expensive
destination there is a city that offers similar experiences, for less.
For Tokyo, you have the city of Seoul, a city equally fused with high-tech and neon lit
modernity. Essential costs are estimated to be 10% less. Seoul is the hub of technology and
engineering. It is also home to skyscrapers. It offers historic contrast with ancient temples,

palaces complexes and tea houses.

For Melbourne, a culturally minded, food obsessed city, there is Berlin. With its
artistic lifestyle and comparable riverside location. Prices can be 45% lower than Melbourne.
Berlin is liberally minded and cultural to its core. Cycling there is popular, with its excellent
bike lanes it is an enjoyable and cost-effective way to move around the city.

Bangkok may be more prone to traffic jams than Singapore, but it could be the perfect
affordable alternative.


Cities Cities

● Ancient = Old/much history ● Contemporary

● Green ● Exciting
● Cosmopolitan = People from all over ● Touristy
the world ● Picturesque

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● Expensive ● Politic
● Inexpensive ● Rural tourism
● Polluted ● Adventure tourism
● Noisy ● Culinary tourism
● Modern ● Business tourism
● Compact ● Geyser = Blows steam
● Crowded ● Geyser fields
● Fascinating ● Hot spring
● Lively ● Massive sand dunes = Dunas
● Popular ● Sand storm
● Affordable ● Great sunset
● Dynamic ● Geothermic activity

Bustling = Lots of people Tourist mega draw
● ●

City (adj) Accommodations

● Cash-sapping = Mucho gasto de $ ● Package tour

● Neon-lit ● B&B
● Artistic lifestyle ● Self-catering


Budget-busting = Rompe presupuesto
Culturally minded

Guess house
Luxurious hotel
● Livable ● Hiring a caravan
● Enjoyable
● Efficient
● High-tech

Liberally minded


Cost effective

Fused with

Thriving = Blooming

(to be) prone to (doing sth)


A horror story
Some kids were playing PS2 (narrator and relatives) when suddenly they heard the

voice of the narrator’s aunt shouting that she was home and wanted them to come downstairs.
The narrator didn’t mind. All of them hurried downstairs to find out that nobody was there.
They were shocked and worried about her because of some bombing incidents usually
happening in the area. Luckily, an hour later she arrived totally fine. When the narrator tells her
the story she said that something similar had happened to her.
Around 4am, she was about to use the bathroom when she saw the narrator’s sister
going in before her. She waited 30 minutes listening to the water running and the girl singing.
The sound stopped, but nobody was inside the bathroom. Then she remembered that the girl
had gone to her boyfriend’s.
They still live in the house and assume the ghost is friendly and just wants to have
some fun.
A long time ago, Harold was with his son and dog when he saw an UFO that dropped
hot debries. After that, he said he saw a man in black standing and watching the scene. Time

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after this, it was told that the hot debries were part of an aircraft that had crushed 2 days
previous the incident.
While after, in Roswell, an “alien crush” happened but the US army explained it as
something they did.
In “Men in Black” and the “Mauri Island Incident” we can see a man that works for the
government to keep aliens as a secret. Also they were based on FBI documents.

Love Story
Susan had been blind for a year due to a medical misdiagnosis, and finally felt ready to
get back to work, but the problem was how she would do it by herself. So Mark, her husband,

volunteered to drive her to work even though he worked at the opposite end of the city. Soon he
realized that the plan wasn’t effective and was very costly, so Susan had to take the bus. When
he told her she was terrified, she felt like Mark was abandoning her. For two weeks he travelled
with her and taught her how to rely on her senses and befriend the bus driver.
Finally, Susan decided she was ready to do it by herself. Monday morning, with her eyes
filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, she said goodbye. The week went by and on
Friday the bus driver told her he envied her. She asked why would he envy a blind woman, and

he told her that every morning a gentleman had been standing across the corner watching her
get off the bus and in the building safely, and then walked away. Tears of happiness poured
down her cheeks. She felt blessed of having the gift of love.
● To chat someone up ● Blind
● Dump someone ● First love
● Go dutch ● Good together
● To hit off ● Interested in
● ●

Match made in heaven Patch up a relationship

● Puppy love ● Steal someone’s heart
● To break the ice ● Date (someone)
● Find Mr. Right ● Get back together
● Go out with ● Have a crush on
● To be hung up ● Kiss and make up

● On the rocks ● Perfect couple

● Split up ● Tie the knot
Walk down the aisle together Walk out on ()
● ●
Pop the question Double date
● ●
True love To get serious with someone
● ●

● To be head over heels in love with

Walt Disney
He was born in Chicago, Illinois on December 5th, 1901. At the age of 18 he became a
draftsman at an art studio in Kansas. 1923 he opened a Hollywood studio and 5 years later
made a cartoon animated mouse that soon became the cornerstone of the company. In 1934 he
began working on Snow white and in the 49’ he opened a new studio and released Pinocchio,
Fantasia and Bambi. Between the 50’ and 60’ Disney opened an amusement park and had
several weekly shows. He won 5 Oscars and died in 1966 due to lung cancer, a circulatory

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Quentin Tarantino
He was born in Tennessee. He was very intelligent but he had difficulties with reading
and writing. He left school at 15 and started working in a cinema. He spent a short time in
prison since he couldn’t pay a parking ticket. He began his career as an actor and his biggest
role was in the Golden Girls where he played a man who impersonated Elvis Presley. His muse
is Uma Thurman. He hates drugs and violence but this factors appear a lot on his films. He
hasn’t won an Oscar.

Anne Frank
She was a Jewish German who wrote about her life on a diary while hiding from the
Nazis in WW2. Her account of her 2 years in an attic became an international bestseller. She

was very studious and a book lover. Her family moved to Amsterdam after Hitler came to
When her family was told to go to the concentration camps they hid in an attic with
another family. Later, the police found the hideout and arrested them. Anne went to Auschwitz,
where she died at the age of 15. Her diary was found and given to her father, the only family

Dreamy town

Portsmouth is a city of 21000 people that sits near the mouth of the Piscataqua River
and is at the hub of a metropolitan region that includes many cities and towns. Settled a long
time ago it is the nation’s 3rd oldest city. The Ranger (ship) was built there and their Naval
Shipyard was established as the nation’s 1st.
Its geographic location, historic past and culture puts it on “best places to live” lists. It
was named one of the top 100 walking cities in the US. Also, is one of the most culturally rich
destinations with a mix of historical buildings, sidewalk cafes, restaurants, art galleries, jazz
clubs and boutiques. Finally, it was listed as one of America’s prettiest towns.

The Elephant
Once upon a time, there was a village where 6 blind men lived. One day, an elephant
came. They wanted to touch it to know how it looked. The 6 of them touched a different part of
its body, so each one had a different thought about how it looked like, and they couldn’t get to

an agreement. Then a wise man arrived and told them that all of them were right, but didn’t
agree because they touched different parts.
The moral of the story is that even when you can’t agree with someone, there may be
some truth in what they say, because we all have different perspectives of the same thing.

More language
Accessories Tie – Bracelet –Necklace – Scarf – Gloves –
Hat – Belt – Earrings
Shoes Trainers – High heel shoes – Boots – Sandals
– Flip-flops
Skirt/dress Skirt – Dress – Evening dress
Trousers Trousers – Jeans – Shorts
Sleeping’s Pyjamas – Dressing gown (bata) – Nightdress

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Top Shirt – Top – Jumper – Polo (chomba) – T-
shirt – Blouse – Cardigan
Underwear Men: Pants – Boxer – Vest – Socks
Women: Knickers – Bra – Thighs
Coats Winter coat – Waist coat – Jacket – Fur coat
Cloak – Trench

Patterns Materials
● Striped (rayado) ● Cotton
● Checked (cuadros) ● Leather

● Plaid (cuadros – mantel) ● Silk (seda)
● Polka – Dotted ● Fur (pelaje)
● Patterned (con estampa) ● Denim
● Flowery (floral) ● Wool (lana)
● Paisley (raro) ● Suede (gamuza)
● Plain ● Linen (lino)

.C ● Rubber (goma)

● Nylon
● To wear ● To try sth on ● To wear designer
● To have sth on ● To fit (right size) labels
● To put on ● To suit (looks well) ● To be stylish To
● To dress ● To be trendy or ● follow the latest

● To be (dressed) in fashionable fashion

● To take off ● To be in fashion ● To be interested in
● To button up ● To come into fashion fashion
● To unbutton ● To go out of fashion ● To wear
To zip up To be old fashioned To shop in trendy
● ● ●
To feel comfortable To stand out stores

● ●
in To spend money on To look natural
● ●

● To be casually ● To be a fashion
dressed victim

Physical appearance:

● Height: tall – short – medium – average

● Weight: thin – slim – fat – over/under weight – plumb – skinny
● Hair: short – long – shoulder length – blonde – brunette – ginger – bald – curly – wavy
– straight – spiky
● Eyes: green – brown – blue – hazel – small – big – sparkling – bright – round – almond
● Mouth/lips: big – small – thick – thin – full
● Nose: big – small – pointed – turned up – hooked nose


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Vocab Verbs

● Temperature range ● To drizzle (lloviznar)

● Weather forecast ● To hail (granizar)
● Mild weather (templado) ● To rain
● Drought ● To snow
● Above/below zero ● To cloud over
● Climate ● Pouring rain (lluvia torrencial)
● Flood ● To be soaked to the skin
● Thermal amplitude ● The temperature dropped
● To be drenched (empapado)

● Shower ● Drizzle ● Rain
● Deluge (diluvio) ● Flurry ● Downpour
● Hailstones (granizo) ● Snow ● Slush (nieve
● Frost ● Ice derretida)
● Storm ● Blizzard ● Sleet
● Thunder ● Lightning ● Thunderstorm
Cloud Mist ● Bolt of lightning

● ●
● Haze (bruma) ● Breeze ● Fog
● Dew (rocio) ● Heat wave ● Drought
Cold snap Wind Hot spell
● ● ●
Whirlwind Biting wind Tornado
● ● ●
(torbellino) Hurricane

Today is…
● Hot – boiling hot ● Warm ● Boiling

● Fair/fine ● Oppressive ● Airless

● Dry ● Muggy ● Humid/damp
● Chilly ● Cold ● Freezing/icy
● Rainy ● Cloudy ● Overcast
● Sunny ● Misty ● Foggy

● Windy

Mental verbs: Tend to appear in a simple tense

● Think ● Assume ● Believe
● Infer ● Suppose ● Realize
● Notice ● Wish ● Hope
● Expect ● Forget ● Imagine
● Understand ● Recognize ● Feel
● Guess ● Decide ● Know
● Remember

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Reporting verbs: May appear in a progressive tense
● Tell ● Point out ● Say
● Ask ● Insist ● Shout
● Apology ● Offer ● Call
● Agree ● Deny ● Accuse
● Demand ● Suggest ● Express
● Admit ● Answer ● Advice

Great writing

At: specific location or building, business names and street addresses.
On: Street name, it is larger than a specific name.
In: City, state, region, country places that are much larger than a street.



● A surprise = Unknown ● Ingredients to cook

● To work at the office ● Simple = Not difficult
● To understand = To know ● Cheap = A low price
● Finally = The last ● To cut up (into many pieces)

● Addition = Sth put in ● To attend = To be present

● A break = A short rest ● To enjoy = To like
● A company = A business ● A region = A place
● Famous = Well known

● Opinion = Belief ● Traffic

● To consider = To think about ● To prepare food
● Historic city ● Variety
● To come from = Origin ● Vacuuming
● To serve = To give ● Competitor
● Downtown = City center ● Cheer somebody
● Organize = Make neat
● Headache
● To spend money
● Furniture

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● Remote = Far ● Slippery
● Hear w/ your ears ● Tail
● Mess = Not organized ● Empty
● To climb = To go up ● Thirsty
● To stuff = To fill ● Steep = At an angle
● A site = A place ● Piece = Part
● A carpet = A rug ● To inspect = To look at

● An ideal job ● A variety of
● To follow a recipe ● To prepare for

● Have an accident ● To be worth
● On 3rd floor ● To major in
● High temperature ● Take an aspirin
● To be in line ● To feel lucky
● Worried about ● To have luck
● Get a sunburn ● Make a party
● To have a mess ● Empty room

Get nervous about sth

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