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Prepared By
Sravan Kumar Sudabathula,
Dept of Marine Eng.,
Maritime Academy of Nigeria.
 Rudder geometry
 Rudder force estimation
 Normal force(Fn) and transverse force (Ft)
 Rudder torque
 Bending moment
 Turning circle
 Zig-Zag maneovre
 Angle of heel due to rudder force
 Heeling due to rudder by two cases
 Problems
Introduction on Rudder

• It is a movable device used for steering and maneuvering a ship.

• Vertical flat device, in plan view looks like aero foil shape

• When rudder is moved, it deflects the flow past hull which creates a
turning moment.
Rudder Geometry

• Chord

• Center of pressure

• Aspect ratio

• Span

• Quarter chord
Why not beyond 35 deg

 Beyond 35 deg, eddies are formed at the back of rudder.

 Flow is no more streamlined + drag increases.
 Due to this ships maneuverability is reduced.
 This is stalled condition.
At different rudder angle’s:
Rudder Force (Fr) Estimation
• Propeller pushes water over the rudder.
• Rudder force (Fr) is generated due to change of flow of water around rudder.
• Rudder force is estimated by
Fr= K Ar Vr2 (Units: Newton)


K – Constant lies between 570 to 610, when speed is expressed in m/s

Ar - Rudder area in m2
Vr – Velocity of water over rudder in m/s
Propeller race - propeller accelerates the water over rudder. i.e., water on rudder is at
higher speed.

Note: Generally propeller race velocity is 20% to 30% higher than ship velocity.
Normal force Fn & Transverse force Ft on rudder
Heeling due to rudder angle

Case : I (when the ship is moving in forward direction, then rudder is

kept on port side/stbd side)
Case: ii (when the ship is turning at a constant rate, when rudder
order is given, the ship heels opposite to ruder direction)
REF : Google play store application

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