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[R] Reflection: Assessment Methodologies


1. What did you learn throughout the module?

From the first webinar I learned about how the accreditation process for GP is
carried out in Australia, the components of a standard and the benefits of

From the second webinar I learned the influences and issues that have an impact
on the credibility and reliability of an accreditation survey, as well as techniques
that can be used to deal with these factors and to achieve credible survey.

From the case study section I learned the necessity to shift the accreditation
paradigm from the traditional views that is accreditation is a three or four years
cycle project or event to the current views that is accreditation as a tool that helps
organizations make continuous quality improvement.

From the Publication review section I understand that although we use a

standardized survey, still we may find the difference of respondents’ response
due to different educational/training background, perspective and motivation.

From the whole module, I can learn about how the accreditation process for GP
is carried out in Australia, the things that create a standard and the benefits of
accreditation. I also learned about the influence factors and issues that have an
impact on the credibility and reliability of an accreditation survey, as well as
techniques that can be used to overcome these factors and achieve credible
survey results.

Furthermore, from the case studies contained in the module, I learned the need
to change the accreditation paradigm from the traditional view that looking at
accreditation is as an "additional" project to the current view of accreditation as a
tool that helps organizations make continuous quality improvement.

Finally, from the Publication review I learned that even though using a
standardized survey, different responses from respondents could still be found
due to different educational / training backgrounds, perspectives, and motivations

2. How is what you learned important to you?

This module is very relevant to my area as a surveyor of an accrediting

organization. The module provided guidance for improving the credibility and
reliability of accreditation survey.
This module has expanded my knowledge and is very relevant to my work in an
accreditation organization. This module provides guidelines for increasing the
credibility and reliability of accreditation surveys

3. How will you apply what you have learned in the future?

I will take into account the factors that might influence the credibility of my survey
and try the suggested techniques to improve the survey process.

In the future in the task of survey activities I will try to apply the techniques
suggested to improve the survey process so that it can increase the credibility of
my survey

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