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( Exemption to food corporation of India form complying with conditions laid

down under clause 23 (3) is given at Appendix 4) Vide S.O.795 (E dt. 22.11.91
vide S.O. 163(E) dt. 14.2.94* Vide S.O. 795 (E) dt. 22.11.91 *** Vide S.O. 261
(E) dt. 14.2.94
(2) Not withstanding anything contained in sub-clause (1) no prior permission for
use of Fertilizer for industrial purposes shall be necessary when the Fertilizer for
such purpose is purchased from the industrial dealer possessing a valid certificate
of registration granted under clause 9.
(3) Any person possessing a valid certificate of registration for industrial dealer,
unless such person is a State Government, a manufacturer/importer or a pool
handling agency, shall not carry on the business of selling Fertilizers for
agricultural purposes, including a wholesale dealer or a retail dealer. However, in
case of a State Government, a manufacturer or a importer or a pool handling
agency possessing a valid certificate of registration for sale of Fertilizer for
industrial use, and also for sale of Fertilizer for agricultural use, whether in
wholesale or retail or both, shall not carry on the business of selling Fertilizers
both for industrial use and agricultural use in the same premises.


2. Appointment of registering authority.
The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint such
number of persons, as it thinks necessary, to be registering authorities for the
purpose of this order excepting for grant or renewal of certificate of registration
for industrial dealers, and may, in any such notification define the limits of local
area within which each such registering authority shall exercise his jurisdiction.
3. Appointment of inspectors.
The State Government, or the Central Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette appoint such number of persons, as it thinks necessary, to be
inspectors of Fertilizers for the purpose of this Order, and may, in any such
notification, define the limits of local area within which each such inspector shall
exercise his jurisdiction.5
27A Qualifications for appointment of Fertilizer inspectors.
No person shall be eligible for appointment as Fertilizer inspector under this order
unless he possesses the following qualifications, namely: -
(1) Graduate in agriculture or science with chemistry as one of the subjects, from
a recognized university; and
(2) Training or experience in the quality control of Fertilizers and working in the
State or Central Government Department of Agriculture.

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