30 Unseen Strategies of Holographic Materialization

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30 Unseen
Strategies of
I am deeply committed to the
idea of establishing a divine
connection through meditative

practices and contemplation.
It's a pathway for

understanding our true selves,
the essence of God, the
universe, and everything
encompassing us.

"A Call for Understanding"

Upon achieving this
understanding and
enlightenment, you will find the
need for temporary solutions
diminishing. You will be able to
address your issues at their
core, leading to more
sustainable solutions.
Every issue can be solved by
establishing a link with your
inner divine spirit or God within
you. Understanding this makes
it clear that a single thought can
have a massive impact, as
explained in Mirdad's book. This
understanding aligns with
Jesus's teachings about the
ineffectiveness of repetitive and
meaningless prayers.

Often, we are in a rush to take

action, to make things happen.
However, various techniques
can assist us in expanding our
consciousness. These tools help
us comprehend our higher self,
our purpose, and ultimately, to
operate in sync with the divine
Next, I want to share some of the
techniques that I've employed in my
daily life, which have proven
consistently effective. The biggest

challenge for many is the
reprogramming of their
consciousness to adopt a new
mental model.

"Rewiring Your Consciousness"

Your state of consciousness is the
main driver of manifestations in
your life. If you aspire to experience
a life different from your current
one, you need to convince your
consciousness that it's possible. You
must feel like you're already living
in the desired pattern before it
becomes a reality. This is the
concept of mental reprogramming,
where you condition your mind to
believe in the reality you aspire to
Despite their simplicity, these
techniques are quite powerful. One
such method that you will learn
here, and one of my favorites, is the
gratitude jar. This practice uplifts
your vibrational frequency, aligning

it with gratitude and love. It can be
a fun family activity too, as you can
distribute jars around your house.

At the end of the year, it can be

exciting for everyone to read what
they wrote.

Another technique that I often

employ is the gratitude notebook.

"Embracing Gratitude: The

Notebook Method"
This is more of a daily practice
rather than just a technique for me.
Each morning, I meditate, write a
note for the gratitude jar, and also

express my thanks in the gratitude
notebook. I express my gratitude

for the previous day, the new
morning, my life, my health, and the
well-being of my family.

The selection of the most effective

technique is deeply personal and
depends on what resonates with
you the most.

What I enjoy the most is

maintaining a gratitude notebook.
You can explore and adopt the ones
that work best for you.
The ultimate goal is to get to know
each of these techniques, practice

them, and then choose the ones
that you wish to frequently

incorporate into your daily routine.
The focus is to master these
techniques and make them a part of
your conscious awareness, which
only represents 1% of your
capability to access your infinite
consciousness, leaving 99% of your
potential untapped.
From this point onward, you will
have access to the techniques that I

use for mental reprogramming.
They are designed to help you

connect with the Divine Spark and
attract immense love, joy, and
divine prosperity in all facets of
your life.
Let's commence this Consciousness

Expansion Journey together right

"The Power of Gratitude: Notebook

The Gratitude Notebook can be
utilized in two ways. Firstly, it aids
in practicing gratitude and
inculcating it as a lifestyle. Every
day, you write ten reasons you are
thankful for.
This notebook helps you view life
from a positive, gratitude-filled

perspective. There might be times
when you feel there's nothing left

to be grateful for, but you must
persist in finding reasons.
Start by expressing gratitude for
your life, your day, your family's

health, and your own well-being.
You can also adapt it to include

affirmations such as 'I love being
who I am, living where I live, and
doing what I do'. These mantras
elevate your vibrational frequency
to align with gratitude. Buy a
notebook today, start this practice,
and you will quickly witness the
power of gratitude manifesting in
your life.
"The Dream Box: A Visualization

Next up is the Dream Box or the

Magic Box of Dreams. This practice
is somewhat akin to a visualization
board exercise.

You take a box and place a picture

of what you want to manifest inside

Think of this little box as the fertile

ground of the universe, where you
sow the seeds of your wishes. Each
image represents a desire, a seed
that you are planting.
Your eyes will envision the

fulfillment of your desires in the
first person. The success of this

technique lies in its ability to
empower people by reinforcing
their ability to manifest their

The technique is most effective

when applied five minutes before
falling into a deep sleep.

Start tonight and create the reality

of your dreams.
People often query me about my
utilization of japamala. My initial journey
of spiritual growth saw me use japamala

not as a means to assert intentions, but
to erase distressing memories. This was

especially true when I began using mind
reprogramming audios such as CIA
frequencies, Gateway Y meditations, and
programs like Quantum Harmonization,
which you too can avail from us.
"Japamala: A Tool for Erasing Negativity"
The turning point came when I began
using japamala in this manner.

Nowadays, I utilize japamala when
feelings of fear or anger, or any recurring

negative emotions, emerge. Hence, you
too can purge your negative memories
with the use of Japamala, a practice I
highly encourage you to adopt.
"Mind Reprogramming: The Power of
Note Taking"
The technique of note taking is an

effective method for reprogramming
your mindset and establishing fresh

thought patterns. Our consciousness is
the creator of our reality, and to shape
the reality we desire, we need to
reprogram and insert new information
into it.
I emphasize this point because
mind reprogramming requires

the implementation of various
techniques to effect real change

in your life, leading to quantum
leaps and complete life
transformations. Engage in
these practices, and you'll
uncover the most effective
methods to reprogram your
consciousness. Reprogramming
involves substituting old beliefs
or perceptions with new ones
that align with your desired
One method that I've found

incredibly useful is writing small
notes for myself and placing them
around my house, especially in
areas where I spend a lot of time.
These notes significantly aid in the
mental reprogramming process.
"Paving the Path to Positivity: Notes

of Faith, Love, and Hope"
Create your own notes with phrases
that inspire faith, love, and hope.
These could be famous quotes or
sayings that will spark a positive
consciousness connected to your
Divine Spark.
Additionally, craft notes embodying

the wishes you want to come true,
but write as if these desires have
already been fulfilled, helping you
vibrate at the frequency of
"Invoking Your Senses: The Rose

Challenge by Neville Goddard"
Neville Goddard proposed the Rose
Challenge, where you visualize a
rose with your eyes closed. Feel
your imaginary hands touching the
rose's stem, your fingers gliding
over the soft petals, and your
imaginary nose drawing closer to
smell the rose.
The trick is to engage your senses,

making the visualization more vivid,
and signaling to the Universe that
what is manifesting is indeed real.
Experience the smell and texture of
the rose. This is the potency of
visualization, allowing you to
manifest your desires.
Neville Goddard recommended

conducting this exercise 15 minutes
before going to bed as what you
take to bed, you have the next day.
Don't delay, initiate this simple yet
transformative exercise to enhance
your connection with your Divine
"Pendulum: Communicating with
Your Higher Self"
The pendulum can be a powerful
tool for communicating with your
Higher Self. It detects vibrations to
identify areas in your body that

need healing or spots in your home
that need energy clearing.

"Embracing Love: The 'I Love It'

The 'I Love It' technique is a
straightforward yet potent strategy
focusing on appreciation and
positivity. This method is all about
contemplating and appreciating
things with intense love, gratitude,
and admiration. Begin this practice
today and witness how love creates
a bond with your Divine Spark,
attracting all your dreams.
"The Art of Mental Transmutation"
The mental transmutation
technique is devised to transmute,
to collapse wave functions, to
realize and manifest desires. It
begins with understanding that the

physical world is merely a reflection
of the unseen.

Our higher self or the Divine Spark,

the mighty and omnipotent version
of ourselves, exists in this unseen
realm. As the law of polarities
suggests, everything has two sides:
prosperity and scarcity, joy and
sadness. Focus on the positive to
draw it into your life, even in
apparently negative situations.
Engage with your Spark, embody
pure love, and let the God within
guide you to the best path.
Harness the Power of Positivity
through Your Divine Spark
Immerse yourself fully into the
realm of positivity through your
divine spark and you'll see how your
obstacles dissolve effortlessly!
The Universe's Playbook: The Law of
The law of attraction is the
Universe's cosmic tool to help fulfill

your wishes. But it's crucial to not
just visualize but feel your dreams
so as to actualize them into your
living reality.
"A Mental Odyssey: Power of

The journey begins with your
mental projection - your
visualization. Employ your
imaginative powers to create vivid
mental landscapes of your deepest
wishes and aspirations. The next
critical phase is feeling - without
feeling, visualization is futile.
"Feel it to Make it Real"
Merely executing a
technique without
feeling it is a futile
endeavor. The secret to
unlocking the potential
of any technique lies in
feeling. That's what
fuels the technique and
brings it to life.
"Awakening to Bliss: The
The technique titled 'Born
to be happy' works like
magic. On waking up early
in the morning, take a deep
breath and affirm, "I was
born to be happy". Our
mental patterns often trap
us into unhappiness, but
remember that the divine
plan desires happiness for
Take this truth to
heart. If not, you risk
accepting suffering as
the divine will. But
that's far from the
truth; the divine wills
your happiness. Start
your mornings with
this practice and bask
in the blissful state it
ushers in.
"Playful Manifestation: The
'Wouldn't It Be Nice If...' Game"

This playful exercise can be enjoyed
as a family. The 'Wouldn't It Be Nice
If...' game lets you dwell in your
dreams as if you're living in a virtual
reality. Even if you think you lack
creativity, children's involvement
can rekindle your imaginative spirit,
and your subconscious won't realize
the limiting beliefs being

Experience the game's benefits on a

cellular level. Make it a fun family
activity and let the magic of
collective joy manifest powerful
"Gratitude in a Jar: A Family Affair"
The gratitude jar is a simple yet

impactful technique. Engage your
family in this journey of personal
growth and consciousness
expansion. To create your gratitude
jar, write a thank-you note with
your family every day and put it in
the jar. Over time, you cultivate not
just your own but also your family's
habit of gratitude.

Add your names and the dates to

the notes. At year-end, open the jar
as a family and rejoice over the
blessings the year has bestowed
upon you.
"Sacred Sexuality: Transmutation of

It's essential to understand that
sexuality, a taboo subject for many,
is a sacred pathway as it is capable
of creating life. The act of sex
carries potent energy.
"From Lust to Love:
Sexual Transmutation"
Sexual transmutation
refers to channeling the
powerful energy from
sexual arousal into
emotional mastery. It's
about controlling your
emotions and not letting
sexual energy dominate
The sexual act is a highly intimate
moment where two lives merge into

one, creating an intense energy
connection. This connection results
in a powerful energy release, which
when harnessed can fuel creativity,
motivation, and prosperity in
various life areas, including wealth

Napoleon Hill, a celebrated writer,

explores this technique in his books,
inspired by his studies with the
wealthiest men of his time.
One of the principles he advocates
is engaging sexually with

individuals who resonate on the
same energy frequency. Because

when two people unite in an act of
love, it represents a divine

At the moment of climax, when

your resistance lowers, you enter
the Universe's flow. Channel the
peak energy to your heart and
release it while thinking about your
desire. This technique serves to not
just uplift your spirit during times of
despair but also as a manifestation
technique, given its focus-based
"The Focus Wheel: Bring
Your Desires to Life"
To execute this
technique, all you need
is a sheet of paper. The
focus wheel technique,
as the name suggests,
involves writing your
desired manifestation or
focus at the center of
the wheel to uplift your
Designing the Wheel of
Place your focus object
at the very center of a
sheet of paper, drawing
a small circle around it.
Encapsulate this smaller
circle within a larger
Proceed to section this wheel into
several small spaces by creating


the wordProject
Label one side of your wheel with
"start" and the opposite
side with the word "end."

Within the spaces you've made,

inscribe phrases that elevate your
energy and directly correspond with
the focus object you've chosen. For
instance, if you're targeting wealth,
a phrase like "I am abundant, I am
wealthy" fits perfectly.
The objective of this Wheel of Focus
is to divert your attention from any

problem at hand and concentrate on
the positives, the aspects of your

life you appreciate.

Unfolding Your Love Story: The

Mental Manifestation Technique

This technique is a fantastic tool to

manifest intense love.

To manifest the person you desire

beside you, the first step is to
visualize that individual in your
mental and spiritual planes.
You might have come across the
term 'platonic love.' Plato, the

originator of this phrase, had a
concept called the 'world of ideas,'

where he believed that everything
created in the physical world first
existed in the mental plane, which
is now a widely accepted

The same principle applies to love.

To manifest your dream partner,
they must first exist in your mental
plane or your 'platonic world.'
This 'platonic' notion,
often used to denote
something non-existent,
actually means that if it
exists in your mind, it will
soon become a part of
your reality.

Hence, to manifest great

love, begin by visualizing it
in your consciousness.
The Power of
Retrospection: The
Future Recall Technique
The Future Recall
Technique, borrowed
from Neville Goddard's
teachings, involves
viewing your desires as
if they have already
Imagine your present moment as a
past memory, and your desired

future as your present. This unique
method provides relief during tough

times, allowing individuals to view
their current situation as a past
hardship that they have overcome,
and their dreams as the present
Healing with Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian practice
meaning 'to correct an error,' aims

at transmuting memories.
This technique believes that
everyone's core is good, and
the imperfections we perceive
in others are within ourselves.
It involves repeating four
phrases: "I'm sorry", "Forgive
me", "I love you", "I am
grateful", connecting with
your Divine Spark or the divine
spark of the person you want
to heal.

Ho'oponopono has the power

to cleanse our inner selves,
reflecting the transformations
in our external reality.
Conscious Creation with
Neville Goddard

The key to manifesting
our dreams is to
understand that we are
the creators of our
reality. Constant
repetition of this belief
until it forms a new
mental pattern is
Manifesting More Money:
Mental Reprogramming

Financial abundance
reflects our inner world and
beliefs about money. If you
perceive money negatively,
it might slip away.
However, by visualizing
abundance and the benefits
it can provide, you can
begin to see money as a
tool for spreading love and
helping others.
A New Dawn: Positive
Mental Programming

Start your day with a high
vibration by writing
affirmations that reflect
your goals. This technique
bypasses the typical
negativity from news or
social media, setting the
tone for a positive and
productive day.
Implementing these
techniques and
connecting with your
Divine Spark can lead to
great love, happiness,
and prosperity in all
areas of your life. Utilize
the resources available
on our social networks to
stay connected and keep
expanding our
consciousness towards
The Magic Journal: Writing
Your Destiny
The Magic Journal is a
powerful manifestation
tool. Each day, write down
as if your desires have
already manifested. Be
specific and express
gratitude for your
'fulfilled' desires. This
technique harnesses the
power of written words to
turn dreams into reality.
The Vision Board: Visual
Creating a Vision Board
involves collecting images,
symbols, and affirmations
of your dreams and sticking
them on a board visible to
you daily. It's a constant
visual reminder of your
goals, stimulating and
strengthening your
emotional connection to
The 55x5 Technique:
Repetition and Focus
The 55x5 technique
involves writing down a
specific desire 55 times a
day for five consecutive
days. This technique
works on the principle of
focus and repetition,
reprogramming your
subconscious mind to
align with your desire.
Quantum Jumping:
Imaginary Leaps
Quantum Jumping involves
visualizing an alternate
universe where your desire
has already manifested.
Imagine stepping into this
universe and living your
desire, then step back into
your reality carrying the
feelings and energy of the
fulfilled dream.
Two-Cup Method: A Quantum
Physics Approach
The Two-Cup Method is a
manifestation technique
based on quantum physics.
On one cup, write your
current situation, and on the
second, your desired
situation. Pour water into
the 'current situation' cup,
imagine your desire, then
pour the water into the
'desired situation' cup and
drink it.
The Vortex: Creating
Energy Space
The Vortex is a method
you create an
energy space that
contains all that you
wish for. By aligning
your feelings and
emotions with the
energy of this Vortex,
you allow your desires
to manifest in your life.
Affirmation Bathing:
Water as Conduit
Affirmation Bathing
involves reciting
positive affirmations
while bathing. As water
is a powerful energy
conductor, combining
affirmations with
water can enhance the
energy of your
affirmations, washing
away doubts and
The Pillow Method:
The Pillow Method
utilizes the power of
your subconscious mind
while you sleep. Write
your desire on a piece of
paper, put it under your
pillow, and let your
subconscious mind work
on it throughout the
The Mirror Technique:
Reflective Affirmations
The Mirror Technique
involves looking at
yourself in the mirror and
voicing affirmations.
When you look into your
eyes and speak
positively, you establish
a powerful connection
with your subconscious
mind, boosting your
belief in your
Gratitude Walks:
Appreciative Manifestation
Gratitude Walks involve
taking strolls while
expressing gratitude for
everything around you and
your fulfilled desires. This
technique uses the
powerful law of attraction
principle - the more you
appreciate, the more the
Universe will give you to

Thank you, and until next


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