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‘moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we are peace. we are won natione, won state, won empire ande won g0d. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nung pro tung. CASee cSLAM. ‘moorishe national reepublic federal governmente ‘moorisbe amerikan konsulate Page 1 of 4 this unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente naturall divyne article iii supreme konsular kourte does hereby affirm the unrebutted declaratione entered innto the reckorde at the so named King County Superior Court reckorde No. 10105905 0001 cause entitled Declaration of natural living heir and demand for revest of title (action for mean, profits withe interest) to the cestui que vie trust and its executable cestui que vie trust law for 1666 as placed on the public reckord by empire state ov morocco in realm instrument petitioner Light Tajiri Bey, dated October 25, 2017 at'1:21pm, received ande reckorded by the KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CLERK at SEATTLE WA. this sovereigne article iii kourte acctione does herebye state ande affirm that empire state ov morocco in realm instrument petitioner Light Taji Be, also knee sete se ov morocco i Fea amet Pear Denise Richi i herebye revested withe positive power, positive authority, postive conatroll, positive possession ande postive properties 7 Se p=9See ine seer See ame! inion, Cox ‘the stated empire state ov morocco in realm instrument petitioner Light Tajiri Bey as the maura! vibe Bele tall postive ande/oqulablle benephio, le ande profits with terest as inntended by| the in realm instrument petitioner to include all real property previously kiaimed by [TRUSTEES OF THE CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST 1666] ande all fagents principals heirs assigns ande ‘any ande all derivatives thereof]. the living empire state ov morocco in realm instrumente petitioner, Light Tajiri Bey, has the superiorre standing jurisdictional Klaim to the original cestui que vies, ande the ‘cestui que vie trust property as intended by the empire state ov morocco in realm instrument petitioner as ‘attached inferiore Court Action public recorde No. 10105905 0001 whiche is herebye affirmed. all ECESTUN QE Vig TRUSTS] engl cnet prison bei eipzs om we pecs alleen thereof] are hereby. termimnated ‘sense time immemoriall innto perpetuitce ande munq pro tung. this ‘unniversall savereigne article iii konsular kourte justise standes as law ande is kommanded by this state to bbe ennforced as inntended bby petitioner nunq pro tung innto perpetuitee. this justise inntentionallic benephits greatlie as inntended the empire state ov morocco in realm instrument Light Tajiri Bey, allso nowne as empire state Oy morocco, realm inastrument Pauline Denise Ritchie. knote for the recorde ‘that the inferiore Court so named King County Superior Court is subbjecte to the empire state ov morocco article iii konsular kourte as it is with in the trust for the annciente empire state ov morocco ande is ‘governed by the state. the King County Superior Court ande the living custodial subbjectes who are the administrative clerks, agetts principal hes assignes ande ay ande all derivatives thereoy are hereby bound by the Constitution for the United States 1789 ande 1791. all preeviouslic reeserved empire terse scone annleaigae be tikiy Wetec pape, ofall toes ae tall points in time mung pro tung. all other innterpretationes ov this lawfullie inntended justise are not withe standing. cCASee ESLAM moorishe national reepubli federal governmente Page 2 of 4 on ee _| 6 re: King County Superior Court cause: No. 0105905 0001 declaration for natural living heir ande demand for *revest for title, action for mean profits with inntereste to the equitablle living heir. *revest n. robe garmente clothing. v.t. to put authority, power, property rights, commercial rights, and other equitablle rights back in to the possessione (or controll ofa person or group. petitioner: Light Tajiri Bey (al rights reserved) respondents: Trustees for Cestui Que Vie Trust 1666 withe regarde to the empite state ov morocco esstate truste in whiche the above innstrumente petitioner, Light Tajiri Bey allso knowne as Pauline Denise Ritchie origeneated, the empire state oy morocco living, {ideclro is ses ei Sis tog eas tice i caps ila ac. tpogria persons sui juris, in proprio sola, ande in proprio heredes. all laws preeviously presumed to have been made by {THE STATE} to the konntrary ov this Constitution ande her treaties is not withe standing. the mailing locatione for the empire state ov moroces fiduciaric is c/o 911 southe weste 314% place, federall way washington reeservatione. the empire stale ov morocco land line for kommunicatione reegarding this Justise is 1+334+294+9828. the empire state ov morocco cestui que vie addresse for this reckorde 911 SW 314* Place, Federal Way, Washington 98023. ail sovereigne origrneail inmbigencous anncicute bivene moorishe amerikan autografis aftirming this anbe all sovereigne origentall inndigeneous annciente empire -state ‘ov morocco ande the be jure moorishe ‘uationall republic feberall gosernmente Dockumentes are on the pubblic rechorbe at amerika, anntiente morocco, uortbe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, the uorthe gate, turtle islanbe, gaia’, mibguarbe, earthe. hronos. time immemorial inn to perpetuitee ego sum okil aim —o CASoe SLAM ‘moorishe national republic federal govermmente Page 3 of 4

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