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Worksheet British Museums

1. Locate the British museum on the map. What do you know about the British Museum?

2. Watch the first video ( and fill in the blanks with
the missing information :

The British Museum was founded in ______.

It is located in the center of London near _________ street, within walking distance from Tottenham
Court tube.
Entrance is ______. However, there is a donation of _____ that can be put in donation boxes found
throughout the museum.
The buildings are ________ and ________ with a startling mix of old and new effects.
A huge _______ roof covers a once open courtyard.
The use of glass makes it _______ and modern.
Apart from the remarkable _______ and displays the presenter was impressed by the mix of people. He
mentions that a lot of ______ people visit the museum on a daily basis.
There are _____ major attractions attracting most of the visitors.
The Egyptian area is located on the _______ floor. Among its displays one of the most outstanding is
the ________ ________ and various statues from the Egyptian
The _______ marbles from the Parthenon are found on the _______ floor. The Huge Chamber dating
from the _______ is very impressive and stunning.
The third is the Mummies’ section that is very ________ and gets packed.
There are also _______ tours one can hire.
Dotted around the museum are ________ _______ and different shops selling postcards, memorabilia
but also expensive ______-sized statues and priceless replicas.

2. Locate the Natural History Museum on the map. Below is some information regarding it. Use the
words given to fill in the gaps in the text.

Worksheet British Museums

skeletons - five - Palaeontology - Science Museum - scientific

The Natural History Museum is one of the 3 large museums on Exhibition Road, South Kensington. (the
other two being the ______________and Victoria and Albert Museum). Its main frontage is on
Cromwell road.
It hosts _________ main collections: Botanology – Entomology – Mineralogy –_____________–
Many of the collections have great historical and __________value such as specimens collected by
Darwin. It is particularly famous for its exhibition of dinosaur ___________and ornate architecture.
Admission is free.

3a. Watch the second video about the Natural History museum and mark the sentences T (True) or F
(False). (

1. In Natural History museum there is nothing for all ages and all tastes.
2. It opened to the public in 1881.
3. There are 5 million visitors every month.
4. The museum is home to 17 million specimens.
5. Visitors can find 70 spectacular galleries and interactive areas.
6. New discoveries have been made in this building.
7. Attenborough Studio offers free live shows to the audience.
8. There are no restaurants in the museum.
9. People can stay the night at the museum.

3b. Write down as many adjectives as you can remember from the ones mentioned by the
visitors of the museum.

1. ____________ 2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________ 5. ____________

6. ____________ 7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10. ____________

Do you think they have enjoyed their visit? Why/Why not?

Worksheet British Museums



Look at the map above and try to find some more museums. Write down their names.
Do some research and find out some information about one of them.




Worksheet British Museums


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