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call for papers

Open call 2023 Editor-in-chief Journal founded by Tonino Paris in 2002

ISSN 1594-8528 Flaviano Celaschi
ISSN (online) 2785-2245

After celebrating diid’s 20th anniversary, 2023 intends to
consolidate the overall project and editorial structure
set up in 2021.
With an eye towards the future, we experience
this new year aiming to narrate the continuous disciplinary
transformation of “living knowledge” in the design
discipline, trying to become more recognisable in the
global publishing system.
In the past two years, the Open Debate section has
involved 10 Guest Editors who interpreted with an original,
unique and intriguing vision six thematic focus, involving
national and international authors as privileged witnesses.
We hope to deepen the debate by hosting the front end of
the contemporary discussions about design cultures.
On the other hand, the Designrama section — is
open all year to contributors according to a scheduled
timeline expressed yearly — works on enhancing the
products of an ever-growing scientific community that, in 24
months, has submitted 296 manuscripts from 5 continents,
with over 500 authors who have chosen our venue of
publication as their first opportunity for discussion. An honour
that we acknowledge every day thanks to the effort of the
editorial machine that now involves almost 140 colleagues
between the editorial board, the scientific committee and the
Open call 2023 Editor-in-chief group of accredited reviewers.
ISSN 1594-8528 Flaviano Celaschi The Forum and Reviews section will be expanded,
ISSN (online) 2785-2245 adding new topics among the Over the Mainstream and
Cultural and Creative Industries forums.
A new format will supplement the Journal in 2023: the
Special Issue related to the proceedings
of the 8th International Forum of Design as a Process, held in
2022 in Bologna.
diid is a complex act that grows and evolves within our
2/4 community.
Timeline for paper
Open call Publication
diid No. 79 30.12.2022 April 2023
diid No. 80 30.03.2023 July 2023
diid No. 81 30.08.2023 December 2023

Special Issue Spring 2023

Proceedings 8th Forum Design as a Process

Open call 2023 Editor-in-chief Submission guidelines

ISSN 1594-8528 Flaviano Celaschi diid accepts manuscripts written in English
ISSN (online) 2785-2245 Maximum 25,000 characters spaces included
(including footnotes and bibliography)

Editorial structure

0 Editorial

2 Open debate 3 Designrama

Articles Articles

4 Forum
and Reviews


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