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Shahan schools

Grade-5 Chapter-2

Q/Fill into the blanks with suitable words:

1) ………………………is the energy of motion.

2) The ability to do work or to cause a change is called………………………………….

3) …………………………………………is the measure of the average energy of motion

of the particles in matter.

4) …………………………………………is the measure of the total energy of motion of

the particles in matter.

5) Any material that can burn is called…………………………….

6) The energy given by the sun is called………………………………………….

7) The transfer of thermal energy through liquids and gases by moving

particles is called………………………………

8) ……………………………………. the bundles of energy that move through matter

and empty space.

9) ………………………………..the transfer of thermal energy by particles bumping

into each other.

10) The transfer of thermal energy which makes us feel cold or warm is
11) The materials that don’t conduct thermal energy well are


12) ………………….………………………………bundles of energy that carry heat.

Q/ Mention the three ways of transferring thermal energy.




Subject teacher: HOD:
Ari Mohammad Ziyad Hussien Shero

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