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Nama : Elisa Obelia Septiana

NIM : 20/460080/SA/20500
Prodi : Sejarah

Topic : The Differences and Similarities between History and Archaeology

Paragraph 1 (definition)
• Some people often thinks that History and Archaeology are same. But both had
differences too
• Definition about history
• Definition about Archaeology
Paragraph 2
– They Differences
 Materials to study
o History : historians use written sources
o Archaeology : archaeologists concentrate on physical remains
 the purpose
o History : It made for common people consumed
o Archaeology : Is more to academic and the people who in the same interest
 Types of study
o History : An Indoor study from reading records.
o Archaeology : Outdoor surveying and excavations are needed.
Paragraph 3
– They Similarities
 They have to study about the past
 deal with human and society activities
 They’re connected each other. History is more theory and Archaeology
more practice
Paragraph 4 Conclusion
• It is true that history and archaeology have many similarities but they’re not really
same. They have many differences yet it connected to each other

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