Plaquette Licence AES MA SEAL 2020 V006 EN

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LICENCE AES – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Administration Economique et sociale

BACHELOR of Arts SEAL – Pondicherry University India
Social Economic Administration and Law
OBJECTIVES, PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL Management, Sociology in other departments, as well as at the
PRESENTATION: Institut d’Étude du Développement Économique et Social
This Dual Degree showcases its originality within the ORGANIZATION OVER THREE YEARS:
framework of the M.O.U. linking the Bachelor of Arts in Social
& Economic Administration and Law of the Pondichéry Over three years (500 hours / year) - main lectures,
University and the Licence of the AES Institute, an integral part practical and tutored classes. The third year will be pursued
of the School of Law in the Sorbonne University. It has the in India at Pondicherry University.
objective of bringing India and France closer by training Compulsory Internship of two months in a corporate in
medium and superior cadres, capable of working and evolving France, at the end of the second year, giving rise to a report
in a professional manner, enriched with both cultures. The AES drafted in the third year whose validation will condition
Licence gives an access to Masters. This Dual Degree aims to the obtention of the Degree.
train students in the scientific, methodological and professional
foundations of differents disciplinary fields such as law, An office dealing with internships, situated at the Pierre
economics, management, history and sociology. The third year Mendès France Centre, is at the service of the students in
will be effected within the frame of an international mobility order to facilitate the search of an internship and the
spanning a year in India with the obtention of a Franco-Indian relevant administrative procedures.
Dual Degree as a bonus.
Preparation for two certifications:
INTEGRATION: ✦ PIX (Digital Certificate)
This training is particularly aimed at students of general and ✦TOEIC (Test of English for International
technological streams, open to international avenues and Communication)
attracted by legal, economic or social issues of the WEB SITE:
contemporary world. This syllabus offers each student a
rigorous approach in each discipline so as to clarify the domains
he would wish later to specialize in for a Master. Web site under construction:
MAIN PROSPECTS: EPI (Espace Pédagogique Interactif) and SPOC:
The student will benefit from a training which will procure
him a solid disciplinary base, a vast general culture, knowledge CANDIDATURES :
in informatics and English, factors which are quite appreciated Selection according to dossier and individual interview (CV +
by the corporates. motivation letter, marks of the Bac)
After the Degree, the student can:
enter the job market ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONS :
Positions in commercial or financial management, managerial
Number of class hours: variable according to the options, around
accounting, human resources management, training, social
500 hours per year
protection, consultancy in employment and occupational Number of ECTS 180
integration, public administration. Number of students per batch : around 20 for the third year
✦pass entrance exams (in France), Places of teaching : L1 and L2 in France, and L3 in Pondicherry
The AES Degree reveals itself as a good preparation for those University, India.
who wish to pass exams pertaining to civil services. ✦
pursue his studies in Master (in France). TRAINING MANAGER
The IAES proposes in Master many streams of M2: Mathieu Flonneau –
✦Anticipation and Management of employment and Skills Nalini Thampi –
✦Cadres in organizations of the social sector Tel 91-413-2654355
✦Cadres in mutual fund insurance and other insurance schemes
and provident savings OFFICE MANAGER
✦Development of skills and training in Europe Fortuné Nicolas - nfortune@univ-paris
✦Ergonomics, organization et Work spaces Centre PMF bureau B804 – 90 rue de Tolbiac 75013 PARIS
✦Responsibility of economic et social studies
One can also envisage to apply for a Master in Law,
First year ‐ Bachelor of Arts in Social, Economic Administration and Law – Pondicherry University India
S1 1st semester IC S2 2nd Semester IC
HC General Introduction to Law 4 HC Basic Economic 4
HC Principles of Political Science 4 HC Basic on Political concepts & Ideologies 4
HC Introduction to Sociology 4 HC Social Psychology 4
HC World History 4 HC Contemporary History – 01 4
HC Language – 01 (French / English) 4 HC Language – 02 (French / English) 4

Total 20 Total 20
Second year ‐ Bachelor of Arts in Social, Economic Administration and Law – Pondicherry University India
S3 3rd Semester IC S4 4th semester IC
HC Introduction to French Legal System 4 HC International Economics 4
HC International Political Relations 4 HC Principle of Public Administration 4
HC Statistics ‐ 01 4 HC Statistics – 02 4
HC Contemporary History ‐ 02 4 HC History of French in India 4
HC Language – 03 (French / English) 4 HC Language – 04 (French / English) 4

Total 20 Total 20
Third year – Licence AES – University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne ‐ France
Title of the teaching Hourly Volume Title of the teaching Hourly Volume
S5 UE 1 Core Courses CM TD COEF ECTS S6 UE 1 Core Courses CM TD COEF ECTS
6 15 6 15
HC Labour Law 19:30 18:00 2 5 HC Labour Law 19:30 18:00 2 5
HC Labour economics Social protection 19:30 18:00 2 5 HC Labour economics Social protection 19:30 18:00 2 5
HC History of Labour 19:30 18:00 2 5 HC History of Labour 19:30 18:00 2 5

UE 2 : Specialisation 4 10 UE 2 : Specialisation 4 11
CC Public Economic law 19:30 0 1 3 CC Public Economic law 19:30 0 1 3
CC Comparative law 33:00 0 2 4 CC Social and Solidarity Economy 19:30 0 1 3
CC Labour sociology 19:30 0 1 3 CC International law 33:00 0 1 2
CC Labour sociology 19:30 0 1 3

UE Professionalisation learning 3 6 UE Professionalisation learning 3 6

CC Human Resources management 19:30 1 2 CC Human Resources management 19:30 1 2
CC Sociology of training 19:30 1 2 CC Sociology of training 19:30 1 2
CC Foreign language 0 18:00 1 2 CC Foreign language 0 18:00 1 2
CC Methodology of internship report 7:30 0 CC Methodology of internship report 7:30 0

Total 177:00 72:00 13 31 Total 189:00 72:00 13 32

Only for the third year, an equivalence will be evolved so as to equate the Indian 24 Credits attributed per semester to the 30 French ECTS per semester.

CC : Compulsory Course
CM : Lecture
COEF : Multiplying factor
ECTS : European Credits Transfer Credit
HC : Hard Core
IC : Indian Credit
POC : Small Private Online Courses
TD : Group work

Edition du 30/06/2021 13:46:47

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