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Types of forging defects pdf

The forging process involves heating metals to shape them by applying suitably compressive force. Forging, as technique, exists to enable the consistent delivery of quality, which would otherwise not be possible in manufacturing. Forging defects mainly occur due to compressive stress. While modern equipment, skillfully engineered processes, and
quality raw materials have made this a near-error-free process, forging manufacturers routinely take care that defects don’t appear using necessary measures, such as understanding the use of design to direct the grain flow towards principal stresses encountered in its application. Defects that have so far been identified and can be avoided while
manufacturing metal forged products include surface cracking, laps and folds, cold shuts, improper grain flow and warping of a part. Exterior Interior Cracking: Excessive stress causes cracking. Unequal stress distribution during forging also causes cracks. This is due to poorly designed forging die or excessive material in the job piece. It can also
occur due to high thermal gradients used during the manufacturing operation. Laps/ Folds: This forging defect occurs in a metal forging when sudden sideways deflection occurs due to compressive stress. Usually, this is related to estimation deficits and using less of the material in the work piece. It helps to calibrate compressive stress to make it
defect-free. Cold shuts: When metal is heated, its temperatures have to meet or else they do not weld uniformly. They form a boundary layer known as a cold shut, which forms at the intersection. This also occurs due to sharp corners or high friction. This problem can be avoided if metal flow mechanisms in the mold can be monitored. Improper Grain
Flow: Forging companies have found that cracks occur when grain flow is not even and properties like fatigue strength, ductility and impact toughness are compromised. This forging defect is due to improper die design. Warping: Warping has been observed when thinner sections rapidly cool while thicker sheets of metal take longer to cool. This
distorts the forged material. Forging manufacturers have to rely on technological breakthroughs to avoid this defect. Defects in metal forging can be controlled by careful consideration of work material volume, good designing of the forging die and careful attention during the process. Forging companies use a good rule of thumb- they bring material
distribution and the flow of the material to accomplish these defect-free forging. Die cavity geometry and corner radius measurements are being used increasingly, to get defect free products. Steel forging defects are not widely discussed because of a natural reluctance by forging company to draw attention to them. There are many imperfections
that can be considered as being defects, ranging from those traceable to the starting materials to those caused by closed die forging process or by post forging operations. Defects can be defined as imperfections that exceed certain limits. In other words, there may be imperfections that are not classified as true “defects” because they are smaller
than allowances in the applicable specifications. The following listed information is about common and not so common defects of steel forgings that come from the actual closed die forging operations or from post forging operations typical of many forge plants. The goal here is to acquaint the reader with these various defects, with how they can affect
forging performance, and how to eliminate them with future forging production. 1) Unfilled Section: As the name implies in this type of defect some of the forging section remain unfilled. This is due to poor design of die or poor forging technic. This is also due to less raw material or poor heating. This defect can be removed by proper die design,
proper availability of raw material and proper heating. 2) Cold Shut: Cold shut includes small cracks at corners. These defects occur due to improper design of forging die. It is also due to sharp corner, and excessive chilling in forging product. The fillet radius of the die should be increase to remove these defects. 3) Scale Pits: Scale pits are due to
improper cleaning of forged surface. This defect generally associated with forging in open environment. It is irregular deputations on the surface of forging. It can be removed by proper cleaning of forged surface. 4) Die Shift: Die shift is caused by misalignment of upper die and lower die. When both these dies are not properly aligned the forged
product does not get proper dimensions. This defect can be removed by proper alignment. It can be done by provide half notch on upper die and half on lower die so at the time of alignment, both these notches will matched. 5) Flakes: These are internal cracks occur due to improper cooling of forge product. When the forge product cooled quickly,
these cracks generally occur which can reduced the strength of forge product. This defect can be removed by proper cooling. 6) Improper Grain Growth: This defect occurs due to improper flow of metal in casting which changes predefine grain structure of product. It can be removed by proper die design 7) Incomplete Forging Penetration: This
defect arises due to incomplete forging. it is due to light or rapid hammer blow. This defect can be removed by proper control on forging press. 8) Surface Cracking: Surface cracking occurs due to exercise working on surfaces at low temperature. In this defect, So many cracks arise on work piece. This defect can be removed by proper control on
working temperature. 9) Residual Stresses in Forging: This defect occurs due to improper cooling of forged part. Too much rapid cooling is main causes of this type of defects. This can be removed by slow cooling of forged part. These are all main types of steel forging defects. If you have any purchasing requirement on forged steel production, pls
contact our forging company in China. Small pits (Depressions) on the surface. It is caused by scale. When scales are removed from the surface, depressions remain which are known as scale pits. This is seen as irregular depurations on the surface of the forging. This is primarily caused because of improper cleaning of the stock used for forging. The
oxide and scale get embedded into the finish forging surface. When the forging is cleaned by pickling, these are seen as depurations on the forging surface.Remedy: Pure ingots should be selected and dies must be cleaned properly before the operation.• They are loose scale/ lubricant residue which accumulates in deep recesses of the die. • Cause:
Incomplete descaling of the work • Remedy: Proper decaling of work prior to forgingDie shift is caused by the misalignment of the top and the bottom dies making the two halves of the forging to be the improper shape.Remedy: Proper mechanism should be used to avoid mismatchingThese are basically internal ruptures caused by the improper
cooling of the large forging. Rapid cooling causes the exterior to cool quickly causing internal fractures. This can be remedied by following proper cooling practices.This is primarily caused by the improper design of the die that induces material flow in an inappropriate manner leading to various defects.– The dendritic ingot structure at the interior of
forging is not broken. Actual forging takes place only at the surface. – Cause: Use of light rapid hammer blows – Remedy: To use forging press for full penetration.– Cause: Excessive working on the surface and too low temperature. High sulfur in furnace leading to hot shortness – Remedy: To increase the working temperature– This crack penetrates
into the interior after flash is trimmed off. – Cause: Very thin flash – Remedy:-Increasing flash thickness, relocating the flash to a less critical region of the forging, hot trimming, and stress relieving.Cause: Secondary tensile stresses developed during forging Remedy: Proper die designDents are the result of careless work.These are basically internal
ruptures caused by the improper cooling of the large forging. Rapid cooling causes the exterior to cool quickly causing internal fractures. This can be remedied by following proper cooling practices. Forging DefectsDefects in forging can be removed as follows:Surface cracks and decarburized areas are removed from forging parts by grinding on
special machines. Care should also be taken to see that the job is not under heated, decarburized, overheated, and burnt.Shallow cracks and cavities can be removed by chipping out of the cold forging with a pneumatic chisel or with hot sets.The parting line of a forging should lie in one plane to avoid mismatching.Destroyed forgings are straightened
in presses, if possible.Die design should be properly made taking into consideration all relevant andimportant aspects that may impart forging defects and ultimate spoilageThe mechanical properties of the metal can be improved by forging to correct the fiber line.The internal stresses developed due to heating and cooling of the job can be removed
by annealing or normalizing . link to Privacy app link to Pressure Vessels - Parts, Design, Application, Types, Material, Diagram
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