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THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF LEWES 20 November 2011 Our Lord Jesus Christ the Universal King The Month of the Holy Souls Eternal rest grant THE CATHOLIC unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. PARISH OF LEWES

Parish Priest: Father Jonathan Martin

The Presbytery, Irelands Lane, Lewes, BN7 1QX Tel: 01273 473309 Email: Website:
The Priory of Our Lady, Kingston Ridge, BN7 3JX Tel: 01273 486677 Sunday Mass at 9am. Weekday Masses at (usually) 8am


Augustinian Canonesses Regular of Windesheim


St Pancras Catholic Primary School Tel: 01273 473017 Email: Website:


A priest is in the confessional on Saturdays at 10.30am and 5.30pm

WELCOME TO MASS especially if you are a visitor. Mass prayers and readings are on the sheet. 18th You will need 2011 September a laminated card with the new English translation of THE ORDER OF MASS so that Twenty-fifth Sundaythe revised responses. you can join in with FOR ALL CLUNY BOOKINGS please phone Charlotte Shorthouse on 07859067572 or contact Lord, Your love, O her at

NOAHS ARK (our parish parents and toddlers group) meets in the Challoner Hall from 9.30-11.30am on Thursday. For more details, please call Natalie Flynn on 472656 NEXT SUNDAY is the start of the season of Advent, a time of preparation for Christmas (when the First Coming of Gods Son is recalled) and a time to direct our minds to await his Second Coming at the end of time. QUIET DAYS AT OUR LADYS PRIORY December 3 and 10 (10am 3pm). For information and bookings, please call 486677 or email THE ASHDOWN SINGERS will be performing their 35th annual Christmas Carol Concert here on Sunday 4 December at 3pm. Donations will go to St Annes Hostel for the homeless and lonely in Brighton. NEW MISSALS If youd like to order the new Daily Missal (which contains the readings for weekdays and Sundays, plus the new translation of the Mass) or the new Sunday Missal, please sign the order form in the parish repository. THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION If you are a practising Catholic in school year 10 (or above) and would like to explore the possibility of being confirmed in 2012, please give Fr Jonathan a call before the end of November and make an appointment to see him.

of the Year

is eternal. PARISH WEBSITE & FACEBOOK PAGE A great way to follow parish news and events!
TODAY IS THE SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE UNIVERSAL KING. To mark the feast (which is also National Youth Sunday) members of S.P.Y. (St Pancras Youth) will be serving some of the legendary chocolate brownies (made and sold by Pop-up Co-op at the Lewes Barbican and Cliffe Bridge) at coffee after the 10.30 Mass. Today is also a day of prayer for prisoners and their dependants. WE WELCOME MERCURY CLASS and their families to the 9.15 Mass on Tuesday, the Memoria of St Cecilia. CREDO meets on Tuesday 22 November (89.15pm) in the Presbytery. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION The second meeting for those children preparing for their first Confession and Holy Communion will be from 5-6pm this Wednesday (23 November) in Cluny.

The Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust is a Registered Charity No. 252878

AD EXPERIMENTUM In order to accommodate more comfortably those who, in accordance with 160 of The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, choose to kneel to receive Holy Communion (and also to save the moving of the existing prie-dieux for the regular celebrations of Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) two kneelers will be placed at the ends of the sanctuary step from the first Sunday of Advent. The priest or extra-ordinary minister distributing the Host will simply move to the side on which any communicant is kneeling. THE CHILDRENS CRIB SERVICE will be at 3 oclock on Sunday 18 December. Eleanor Austin writes: We begin the final week of countdown to Christmas with our focus on the Nativity. Details will follow during the next few weeks when we will be looking for lead characters, readers and music-makers for this special event. All children and their families are welcome. We would also really appreciate the offer of a baby, as a live Jesus always helps to make the play even more meaningful. Please contact Eleanor for further information or to offer to help: 01273 475438 or LEWES PASSION PLAY GROUP carol singing event on Wednesday 21 December (6.30-9pm). Further details from Eleanor.
Sunday readings Year A Weekday Cycle 1

ROBERT SMITH WRITES The parish choir has started rehearsing for Christmas. If youd like to join them, please come along to the 7.30pm Wednesday rehearsal in Cluny. Were preparing for the Midnight Mass, as well as for some carol singing for the sisters in Kingston and the Peacehaven WI. OREMUS (LET US PRAY) for: The Popes Intentions for this month: That the Eastern Catholic Churches and their venerable traditions may be known and esteemed as a spiritual treasure for the whole Church. That the African continent may find strength in Christ to pursue justice and reconciliation as set forth by the Second Synod of African Bishops. The Sick: Fr Tony Collins, Joan Walder, Amy Storey, Lio Spinelli, Mary Stapleton, Canon Eric Flood, Rene Gander, Audrey Powell, Thomas Clark, Melissa Crook, May Harris, Frank Pearce, John Culley, Edwin Carpenter, Antonio Scuotto, Jean McDonald. Those who have died: Fr John Sheehy, Fr Charles Slaughter, Sr Attracta, FMSL. Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Paul Stonehouse. Those celebrating birthdays: Fr Richard. OFFERTORY COLLECTION for last week: 540 standing orders. 686 on the plate. Thank you for your generosity!


6.00 pm Sat. 9.00 am 10.30 pm 7.00 pm 9.15 am 7.30 pm 8.00 am 9.00 am 12.30 pm 7.00 pm 8.45 am 9.00 am 10.00 am 6.00 pm Sat. 9.00 am 10.30 am MASS MASS MASS followed by coffee MASS MASS Rosary and Compline Adoration and Benediction MASS MASS Adoration and Benediction Morning Prayer MASS MASS in Latin (Ordinary Form) VIGIL MASS MASS MASS followed by coffee

Divine Office Psalter Week II

OLJC UNIVERSAL KING 20 November Monday 21 November Presentation of Our Lady Tuesday 22 November St Cecilia Wednesday 23 November St Clement I Thursday 24 November Martyrs of Vietnam Friday 25 November St Catherine of Alexandria Saturday 26 November Our Lady THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 27 November

Mick Radford RIP Wellbeing of Mary Hocking Pro populo (for the People of the Parish) Charles Edwards family and friends Lucy Drucy RIP (FM) Book of Remembrance William Drury RIP (FM) Fr Stephen Spender RIP For Vocations to the Priesthood Celebrants Intention Intentions of Fr Richard Biggerstaff Mary Coppinger RIP Pro populo (for the People of the Parish) Fr Charles Slaughter RIP

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