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Good day everyone!

We are from SK Slow Temiang

We are going to speak about …



Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Ehh idaaa… wuuuuu


Hey guys!

Yes, what?

Have you all forgotten we must do a presentation on unity tomorrow?


What if we discuss it now

I am in group 1, so group 1 are we ready?

I can’t do that

I also can’t do that

No one will do that?


Yes what?

We should work together to do our presentation

We should practice unity in ourselves

We should know that unity is strength

We must avoid individuality

U N I T Y – unity
Unity? What is that?

One team, work together, understand each other

Remind me of this song

We are one but we are different

We’re from all around the world

We share the same sun

We share the same ocean

We are every boy and girl

Come together and share our dreams

We’ll be among the stars

And we know that it’s destiny

We are unity


Speaking of unity

Our independence day celebration is next month

We can show that we are united

I agree

What should we wear on that day?

I will wear baju kurung


And I will wear Saree


We should wear Malaysian clothes to show unity among us

We get to see colourful events when we get to celebrate

Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Deepavali together

In school and at home together

We are a Malaysian family

We feel happy living in Malaysia

We get to see unity

Anywhere and anytime

But friends why should we have unity

Haishh ish ish ish

Let me give my opinion

Let me answer

Allow me to share my view

Wait be patient

Let us listen one by one

Unity can help us to work together as one team

To achieve one goal

to practice one culture one lifestyle

Let us promise to ourselves

To be united at all times

We will stay strong forever to avoid any problems later

United we stand, Divided we fall


We Malaysians as one

Let’s us strive

To attain these goals

To convey these goals

Guided by the following principles

Believe in god

Loyalty to king and country

Supremacy of the constitution

The rule of law

Good behaviour and morality


That’s all from all of us

Good day thank you

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