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DECISIONS UNDER CERTAINTY Depreciation – is an allowable

expenses in general accounting

Principle 1 – Emphasized that a
purposes and income tax accounting
choice or decision is among
Methods of Depreciation
Principle 2 – focus on the differences.
1. The cost of the asset
2. The life if the asset
METHODS OF COMPARING 3. The expected residual value of
Present Worth Method - When 2 or 4. And, by the method of
more alternatives are capable of depreciation selected for
performing the same functions, the amortization of the asset which
economically superior alternative must be systematic and
would be the largest present worth. rational.

Future Worth Method – for economy Depreciation – the decrease in the

studies is exactly comparable to the value of a physical property with the
present worth method except that all passage of time.
cash inflows and outflows are Types of depreciation
compounded forward to a reference
1. Physical Depreciation – this is
point in time called the future.
due to the reduction of the
Annual Cost Analysis – Alternatives physical ability of an
that accomplish the same purpose equipment or asset to produce
but that have unequal lives must be results.
compared by the annual cost 2. Functional depreciation – this
method. is due to the lessening in the
Rate of Return – An intuitive demand for the function that
definition of the rate of return (RoR) the property was designed to
is the effective annual interest rate at render.
which an investment accrues income. Depreciation Terminology
Initial Investment/First Cost(FC) –
LESSON 3: Depreciation The cost of acquiring an asset,
including transportation expenses
and other normal costs of making the Sinking Fund Method (SFM) – this
asset serviceable for its intended use. method assumes that a sinking fund
is established in which funds
Book Value (BV) – worth of property
accumulate for replacements.
or an asset as shown on the
accounting records of the company. It Declining Balance Method –
is the original cost of the property sometime called the constant
less all allowable depreciation percentage method or the Matheson
deductions. Formula, it is assumed that the
annual cost of depreciation is a fixed
Salvage Value (SV) – the amount that
percentage of the salvage value at
will be paid by a willing buyer to a
the beginning of the year.
willing seller for a property after
depreciation is completed. Double Declining Balance Method
(DDBM) – this method is very similar
Useful Life (L) – the expected period
to the DBM except that the rate
that a property will be used in trade
depreciation k is replaced by 2/L
or business to produce income.
Sum of the year digit method
Physical life – the length of time
(SOYDM) – it is a method of
during which the property is capable
evaluating depreciation where the
of performing the function.
depreciation changes from year to
Economic life – length of time during year.
which the property may be operated
Service-output Method (SOM) – this
at a profit.
method assumes that the total
Recovery period (n) – the number of depreciation that has taken place is
years which the basis of property is directly proportional to the quantity
recovered through the accounting of the property up to that time.
Depletion – this method is generally
applied in case of wasting assets e,g,
Methods of Depreciation mines, quarries and natural
Straight Line Method (SLM) – the
simplest depreciation method. Lesson 4: Replacement Analysis
Replacement Analysis – plays an
important role in the economic
running of any concern for years or when replaced. Unamortizedva
decades. should be considered a sunk cost or a
4 Major Reasons for Replacement
Basic Patterns for Replacement
Physical Impairment
Studies Replacement economy
The existing asset is completely studies may be made by any of the
or partially worn out and will no basic procedures or patterns which
longer function satisfactorily without have been discussed previously.
extensive repairs. However, in most cases either the
Inadequacy rate of return method or the annual
cost method is used.
The existing asset does not
have sufficient capacity to meet the
present demands that are placed on Lesson 5: Break-even analysis
Break-even analysis – is a method of
Obsolescence determining when value of one
This may be caused either by a alternatice becomes equal to the
lessening in the demand for the value of another.
service rendered by the asset or the Break-even chart can be determined
availability of more efficient assets by calculating the points at which the
which will operate with lower out-of- income is equal to total cost.
pocket costs.
Rental or lease possibilities It is
possible to rent identical or
comparable asset or property, thus
freeing capital for other and more
profitable use.

Sunk Cost Due to Unamortized Value

Unamortized value of an equipment
or property is the difference between
its book value and its resale value

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