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Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Ruth dos Santos Almeida.

Diretora: Alba Freitas

Professora: Vanessa Palheta
Aluno(a):_____________________________________ Turma: 902
2ª Avaliação de Inglês
1- Leia o texto e responda as questões.
Monster Raymond
Raymond is a Monster . He has six legs and four arms. The head is
yellow and the hair is pink. He has big blue eyes , a big red mouth and a small
brown nose. The arms are green and the legs are orange.
a)- Qual é a cor do cabelo de Raymond?_____________________________
b)- Quantos braços ele têm?_______________________________________
c)- Quantas pernas ele têm?_______________________________________
d)- A boca dele é grande ou pequena?________________________________
e)- Qual é a cor das pernas dele?____________________________________
f)- Escreva um adjetivo em Inglês do texto_____________________________

2-Marque as alternativas correta:

a) She ___ a new car. c) He ___ a big house.
a)( ) has a)( ) have
b)( ) have b)( ) haves
d)( ) had c)( ) has
e)( ) haves d)( ) had

b) They ___ two cats. d) I ___ a new phone.

a)( ) has a)( ) has
b)( ) haves b)( ) have
c)( ) had c)( ) having
d)( ) have d)( ) haves

3-Passe as sentenças para forma negativa:

a) Carlos has six Brothers. ___________________________________
b) We have a big school. _____________________________________
c) You have a blue car._______________________________________

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