Report CRM

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Subject: Customer Relationship Management
Class: N01
Instructor: Hoang Kim Chuong
Group: Caramel
Nguyễn Ngọc Hải Yến - 721H0687
Nguyễn Nam Anh Tuấn - 721H0683
Nguyễn Đặng Thảo Nguyên - 721H0085
Tôn Nữ Anh Thư - 721H0675 - Team leader
Từ Tú Anh - 721H0008
Nguyễn Hoàng Như Ý - 721H0524
Trần Thị Thảo Trang - 721H0681
Lê Anh Đức - 719H0844

Ho Chi Minh City, June 2024


No. Full name Student ID Tasks Contribution Sign

- Answer Part II
1 Từ Tú Anh 721H0008 - Present Part II 100%
- PowerPoint

- Answer Part IV
- Present Part IV
Nguyễn Đặng
2 721H0085 (4.2.2, 4.2.3) 100%
Thảo Nguyên
- PowerPoint
- Word

- Answer Part IV
Nguyễn Hoàng - Present Part IV
3 721H0524 100%
Như Ý (4.1, 4.2.1)
- PowerPoint

- Answer Part III

Tôn Nữ Anh
4 721H0675 - Present Part III 100%
- PowerPoint

- Answer Part I
Nguyễn Nam
5 721H0683 - Present Part I 100%
Anh Tuấn
- PowerPoint

- Answer Part I
Nguyễn Ngọc (1.2)
6 721H0687 100%
Hải Yến - Present Part I, II
- PowerPoint

- Answer Part V
Trần Thị Thảo - Present Part IV
7 721H0681 100%
Trang (4.3), V
- PowerPoint

- Answer Part I
8 Lê Anh Đức 719H0844 (1.1) 100%
- PowerPoint

GROUP EVALUATION TABLE ............................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction about Viettel .................................................................................. 5
1.2. Analyzing the current state of customer relationship management at Viettel
through the IDIC model (Current CRM System at Viettel) ...................................... 9
1.3. DeLoitte's Role in CRM Development ........................................................... 10
II. SWOT ANALYSIS OF VIETTEL ...................................................................... 13
2.1. Strengths........................................................................................................... 13
2.2. Weaknesses ...................................................................................................... 13
2.3. Opportunities .................................................................................................... 14
2.4. Threats .............................................................................................................. 15
III. VIETTEL'S CRM OBJECTIVES ..................................................................... 15
3.1. Business Objectives ......................................................................................... 15
3.2. CRM Strategic Objectives ............................................................................... 16
IV. ACTIONS TAKEN TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES ......................................... 18
4.1. Resource Evaluation ........................................................................................ 18
4.2. Proposals for Viettel's CRM Activities ............................................................ 20
4.3. Solutions for Customer Conflict and Complaint Management ....................... 29
V. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 30
5.1. Summary of the new CRM development process ........................................... 30
5.2. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of new CRM ....................................... 30
REFERENCE.............................................................................................................. 32

Picture 3.1. Average ratings for My Viettel app on App Store ......................... 17
Picure 3.2. Average ratings for My Viettel app on CH Play ............................. 17
Picture 4.1. Super preferential TRE package for young customers. ................. 22
Picture 4.2. Applying the Callbot virtual assistant has given a fresh look to
Customer Care operations ................................................................................. 23
Picture 4.3. Viettel develops AI ecosystem ....................................................... 23
Picture 4.4. Cellphone plan and Promotion Programs of Viettel ...................... 28

After completing the report on “Analyzing customer relationship management activities
using telecommunication services at Viettel group”, we have gained significant
knowledge and experience in the field of customer relationship management. To
complete this report, we referred to theoretical foundations and numerous previous
reports from other renowned brands.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the Board of Directors of Ton Duc
Thang University and the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Business Administration
for providing us the opportunity to study the course "Customer Relationship
Management." This course has provided invaluable knowledge and experience for each
student's future. Additionally, we would like to express our special gratitude to our
families and friends for their support throughout the process of completing this report.

We would especially like to express our profound gratitude to Mr. Hoang Kim Chuong,
our lecturer, who directly and wholeheartedly guided us throughout our studies and the
completion of this report. He has generously shared his valuable knowledge and
experience, while also creating favorable conditions for us to learn and practice.

Despite our best efforts, the report may still contain shortcomings due to time
constraints and limited knowledge. We earnestly hope to receive feedback from
esteemed teachers so that we can learn from our mistakes and improve the report further.

We sincerely thank you!


1.1. Introduction about Viettel

1.1.1. Compamy introduction

❖ Introduction to Viettel Group

The Military Industry and Telecommunications Group, commonly known by its trade
name Viettel or Viettel Group, is a leading telecommunications and technology
corporation in Vietnam. Established on June 1, 1989, Viettel has rapidly developed to
become one of the largest and most influential technology corporations in the region.

❖ Main Industries

1. Telecommunications & Information Technology Services: Providing modern

telecommunications services and IT solutions, Viettel ensures connectivity and
technological support for millions of users across Vietnam and international
2. Research and Production of Telecommunications Equipment: Viettel not only
offers services but also conducts research and produces advanced
telecommunications equipment, contributing to the self-reliance and
development of the domestic technology industry.
3. Defense Industry: Participating in the defense industry, Viettel researches and
develops high-tech products to serve national defense and security objectives.
4. Cybersecurity Industry: With the increase in cybersecurity threats, Viettel has
made significant investments in this field, offering comprehensive security and
cybersecurity solutions to customers.
5. Digital Services: Viettel is also expanding into the digital services sector,
providing digital solutions such as electronic payments, online education, and
other digital utility services.

❖ Featured Products
The most prominent product of Viettel currently is the Viettel Mobile network. Viettel
Telecom, a subsidiary of Viettel Group, currently holds the largest market share in the
telecommunications services market in Vietnam. With extensive coverage and
advanced technology, Viettel Mobile delivers superior service quality and value.

1.1.2. History of formation and development

Era 1.0: Building Communication Infrastructure

In the 1.0 era, as Vietnam was emerging from the inflationary period of 1987 and 1988,
the country's economy focused on building infrastructure and equipping machinery to
promote economic development. During this time, telecommunications networks began
to be introduced in Vietnam. Seizing this opportunity, Viettel Group was established.

Founded on June 1, 1989, initially named the General Electronics Communication

Equipment Corporation (Sigelco), Viettel began its journey. By 1990, Sigelco was
honored to be the first unit to provide and build the AWA digital microwave route. In
1995, the company was renamed the Military Electronics and Telecommunications
Company. In 1999, Viettel completed the North-South 1A fiber optic project.

Era 2.0: Popularizing Mobile Services in Vietnam

As the economy stabilized, people entered a period of development and integration. The
demand for landline and mobile phones in Vietnam gradually increased, presenting a
significant opportunity for Viettel Group.

Grasping this chance, Viettel broke the telecommunications monopoly by launching the
VoIP 178 service in 2000. In 2004, Viettel launched Vietnam's mobile service with the
098 prefix. By 2008, Viettel had become the largest telecommunications company in
Vietnam. In 2009, Viettel ventured internationally, starting operations in Laos and
Cambodia, which brought significant success. That same year, Viettel created a major
milestone by building the largest 3G network infrastructure in Vietnam at the time.

Era 3.0: Becoming a Global Technology Corporation

From 2014 onwards, with the advancement of technology and Viettel's achievements,
the Group readily provided essential services and began expanding globally. In 2016,
Viettel was honored to be among the world's top 30 largest telecommunications
companies. In 2017, Viettel pioneered as the first network operator to offer nationwide
4G services. By 2018, Viettel had launched its 10th international market, covering

services across Asia, America, and Africa. That same year, Viettel officially rebranded
to "Military Industry and Telecoms Group."

Era 4.0: Leading a Global Digital Society

In the current era of rapid technological advancement, the connection of all things (IoT)
has become more critical. Consequently, Viettel Group has intensified its research and
development in digital technology to build a digital society providing excellent services
to users.

In 2019, Viettel was among the top 50 operators worldwide to deploy NB-IoT
technology. In the same year, Viettel successfully tested Vietnam's first 5G call. In
2021, Viettel underwent a brand repositioning with a new mission: "Pioneering in
creating a digital society" to align with the 4.0 era.

Over four eras, Viettel Group has continually innovated and evolved to stay ahead of
trends, providing the best products and services to its users.

1.1.3. Vision and corporate philosophy about customers and CRM activities

a. Vision
The Military Industry and Telecoms Group, commonly known as Viettel, has defined
its strategic vision to become a leading global industrial and technology corporation.
Viettel is committed not only to leading in telecommunications and information
technology but also to pioneering in digital transformation and creating real value for
customers. This vision emphasizes placing customers at the center of all activities, from
product research and development to service delivery.

b. Corporate Philosophy about Customers

Viettel always considers customers as the core element of its development strategy.
Viettel's philosophy regarding customers includes the following points:
● Customer-Centric: Viettel is committed to listening to and understanding
customers' needs, providing the best solutions to deliver real value to them.
● Quality as a Top Priority: All Viettel products and services are developed
with the highest quality standards, aiming to meet and exceed customer
● Innovation and Creativity: Viettel constantly seeks and applies advanced
technologies and new methods to continuously enhance customer experience.

● Responsibility and Dedication: Viettel serves customers with a professional,
responsible, and dedicated attitude, considering customer satisfaction as its

c. Viettel's CRM activities

Viettel has implemented a modern Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system
to enhance business efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. Viettel's CRM
activities are built on the following principles:
❖ Building a Customer Database: Viettel invests heavily in a database
system to collect and analyze customer information from various sources.
This helps Viettel identify and understand each customer, allowing for
personalized services.
❖ Customer Segmentation and Analysis: Based on the collected data,
Viettel categorizes customers according to various criteria to identify
potential customer groups and design appropriate strategies.
❖ Multichannel Interaction: Viettel develops diverse interaction channels
such as call centers, mobile applications, social media, and websites to
ensure all customer inquiries and requests are addressed promptly and
❖ Service Personalization: Viettel uses data and analysis to personalize
services and promotional programs, ensuring they meet the needs and
expectations of each customer.
❖ Continuous Measurement and Improvement: Viettel continuously
measures the effectiveness of CRM activities and gathers customer
feedback to improve and enhance service quality.

1.2. Analyzing the current state of customer relationship management at Viettel

through the IDIC model (Current CRM System at Viettel)
When the customer scale reaches the number of millions, to understand and serve
customers to both maintain the business's operating system and meet the needs of each
customer to ensure efficiency and brand position is a difficult problem. To solve this,
Viettel has launched a customer relationship strategy to (1) focus on customer data
management and (2) aims to improve business efficiency and manage the entire sales
process. Below are some notable points about Viettel's current CRM system, shown
through the IDIC model (Identify, Differentiate, Interact, Customize) to analyze the
current state of customer relationship management (CRM) at Viettel.
● Identify
Viettel has clearly identified each of its customers through building a detailed and
complete customer database. With its CRM system - Viettel Customer 360, Viettel has

the ability to store and manage information of millions of customers, including personal
information, transaction history, and previous interactions. In addition, Viettel has
applied Big Data technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in its customer management
system. This helps Viettel analyze and exploit data effectively, thereby making accurate
business strategies and management decisions. The system also supports monitoring
business activities and improving service quality through tools such as GBOC.
However, the fact that the database is not completely centralized and some transactions
still require traditional paperwork also affects the effectiveness of customer
identification. row.
● Differentiate
Viettel's CRM system is designed to put customers at the center of all activities
(customer-centric). This includes managing detailed customer information, tracking and
updating customer interactions, and ensuring that all customer needs and expectations
are met. Viettel classifies customers based on their values and needs. These customers
will also be divided into different groups based on criteria such as frequency of service
use, spending level, and products/services they are interested in to have an appropriate
approach fit.
● Interact
Viettel has deployed a CRM system to interact with customers through many different
channels, including email, website, and mobile applications like My Viettel. These
interactions yield real-time data to help Viettel better understand customer needs and
provide timely support. Applications in CRM systems such as My Viettel also helps
customers easily access services and support from Viettel quickly and efficiently.
● Customize
Viettel uses collected data to personalize services and products for each customer. This
includes providing packages and services tailored to each customer's unique needs,
thereby improving satisfaction and user experience. However, this is also demanding
that Viettel must maintain an accurate and continuously updated database to ensure
personalized services are always relevant and effective.

In conclusion, Viettel has been implementing the steps in the IDIC model to manage
customer relationships well. Although there are still some challenges to overcome, the
application of CRM systems and advanced technologies has helped Viettel improve its
ability to identify, classify, interact, and personalize services for customers.

1.3. DeLoitte's Role in CRM Development

1.3.1. Overview of the Deloitte Case Study

❖ Importance of Customer service strategy: The number of organizations that have

defined and quantified the importance of customer service to the organization is

relatively low and their customer service strategies are not alway available or up -
to - date, even though customers are the core of commercial organizations. With all
the changes that happened over the last decade, A well-defined customer service
strategy helps improve operations and offerings, thus enhancing customer

❖ Six reasons why Customer Service is fundamentally changing:

- Relationship Value: Focusing on keeping existing customers is more cost-
effective than acquiring new ones. With the Customer Service department
working carefully and strategically, they can significantly boost profitability
by focusing on customer retention and loyalty.
- Rising Cost and Complexity: If no actions are taken to fundamentally
redesign the customer services, there will be a “Cost explosion” when the
customer’ expectations rise, the complexity and cost of customer interactions
also increase.
- Customer Capitalism: Because of the COVID - 19 pandemic, Digital
servicing of customers, Customers have come to expect 24/7 service
availability and frequently demand an immediate answer to their questions.
- Human Dimension: Certain customer interactions require a human touch,
especially during emotional moments. The customer service agent needs to
get it “first time right”, which the agent was trained and ready for the
circumstances. Prioritizing where the human dimension matters most and
investing in the customer service organization to deliver empathically and
“first time right”.
- People Pressure: High turnover rates in customer service roles pose
significant challenges. It is believed that it is impossible to provide great
customer experience (CX) without providing great employee experience
- Technology and Data: Advances in AI, particularly generative AI, are
transforming customer service by improving efficiency and enabling more
personalized interactions, strengthening the customer relationship.
❖ Opportunities in Customer Service Strategy:
- Channel Steering: Not all communication channels need to be offered.
Defining preferred channels for customer service encounters and customer
segments allows the organization to focus investments in technology and
- Abandon the IVR: Traditional Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems
are inefficient. AI-driven voice bots can better triage and direct the customer
requests based on a conversation and forward this to the best possible

First Time Right: Ensuring agents have access to the right tools and
information can improve the quality of service and reduce costs.
- Better Data, Better Insights, Better Operations: Leveraging AI for call
summarization and data analysis can enhance service quality and operational
- New Services: Improved customer engagement and data insights can lead to
new service offerings that add value.
- Scaling up the Service Center: A larger scale allows for investment in
technology and people, these investments in turn reduce cost and increase
value. More data and therefore insights can be gathered which in turn allows
for additional value creation for the organization
❖ How to set-up customer contact management for success:
- Commercial, Customer, Experience, and Competitive Value: Assessing
the importance of services in these areas helps determine the need for a
service strategy.
- Customer Segmentation and Channel Differentiation: Understanding
customer needs and behaviors to tailor services accordingly.
- Technology Choices: Deciding between cloud solutions or custom tech
stacks and choosing between full-suite or modular software solutions.
❖ Where to start in developing a Service Strategy:
- Analytical Route: Based on these insights a strategy for the aspired future
can be developed and a strategic portfolio of initiatives developed.
- Vision Development & Service Concept Design: Engage stakeholders to
create a vision for future customer service.
- Agile Approach: Start small, prove results, and scale successful initiatives.

1.3.2. Lessons Learned from the Deloitte Case Study

- The importance of customer service strategy: Organizations need to realize
the importance of customer service strategy and prioritize it in order to improve
operations and offerings, thus enhancing customer relationships.
- Utilizing technology to enhance efficiency: Organizations should consider
adopting appropriate technological solutions to not only improve the efficiency
and personalization of the customer service operations but also increase the
satisfaction of the customers. With the data collected from technological
solutions, mainly AI and generative AI, offer significant opportunities to predict
customer needs, manage call volumes, and provide better insights through data
- Updating and innovating: With the evolving needs and preferences of
customers, organizations need to be proactive, flexible and adaptable in order to
be innovative, up-to-date and meet customer needs.

- Making decisions based on data: With collected data, decisions can be made
to optimize the cost and improve customers satisfactions; Beside that, enable
better strategic decisions and new service offerings.
1.3.3. Applying Lessons Learned to the Development of Viettel's New CRM.

❖ Importance of Customer Service Strategy

- Implementation: Viettel should prioritize a comprehensive customer service
strategy that aligns with their overall business goals. This could involve
reviewing current customer service processes, identifying pain points, and
setting clear objectives for improvement.
- Expected Outcome: Improved customer satisfaction, stronger customer
loyalty, and better overall service operations.
❖ Utilizing Technology to Enhance Efficiency
- Implementation: Viettel can integrate AI-driven solutions to enhance
customer service efficiency. With the collected data, AI can predict customer
needs and preferences, then give customers personalized experiences.
- Expected Outcome: Higher efficiency in customer service operations, more
personalized customer interactions, and increased customer satisfaction.
❖ Updating and Innovating
- Implementation: Viettel should continue to innovatie within its CRM
strategy, including regular updates to services and processes based on
customer feedback and market trends. Launching new services or introducing
new features to the current processes.
- Expected Outcome: Enhanced ability to meet evolving customer needs,
increased customer engagement, and a stronger competitive position.
❖ Making Decisions Based on Data
- Implementation: Viettel should use their collected data and insights from
customers to drive decisions, optimize costs, improve customer satisfaction,
and identify opportunities for new service offerings.
- Expected Outcome: Data-driven decisions leading to optimized operations,
better customer satisfaction, and strategic growth opportunities.


2.1. Strengths
- Viettel has applied CRM to its customer care operations. They chose
OnlineCRM and implemented it widely.

- The company has built a robust sales and customer care force to reach various
customer segments directly, including businesses, households, and large
gatherings, through a network of sales collaborators. As a result, the quality of
service has been highly rated by customers.

- Viettel has upgraded and improved its centralized database management system.
The database was developed with the goal of tracking and accessing customer
feedback. The process of receiving and resolving complaints has been expedited.

- Additionally, customer care services during and after sales have been
significantly improved with the support of technology. The customer interaction
channels, including customer care centers and inquiry hotlines, are operating in
a synchronized manner.

2.2. Weaknesses
- Viettel's CRM activities mainly involve direct transactions with customers at
transaction counters. Email and website forms are still very limited, particularly
in completing procedures which heavily rely on paperwork, causing
inconvenience for customers. The ability to integrate new functions with the
existing system is not yet high.

- Despite the rapid expansion of Viettel's telecommunications network and a

growing customer base, Viettel does not have a centralized data system or an
effective management mechanism. Data management is mostly passive, with
branch revenues transferred weekly by service. All data is dispersed and stored
in various formats, making management difficult.

- Viettel primarily focuses on large and loyal customers. For small and individual
customers, Viettel is still applying basic customer relationship management
methods without strategic investment.

- Currently, the trend of economic development emphasizes competition and

integration, and customers can be easily lost without proper care policies.

Viettel's current CRM strategy has many weaknesses and does not meet practical
requirements. Additionally, the company has not been proactive in classifying
and identifying customers or investing in upgrading technology applications for

2.3. Opportunities
- In the current telecommunications market, Viettel is considered one of the most
reputable and leading service providers in Vietnam. However, to maintain their
existing market in the face of changes in the business environment and increasing
customer demands, Viettel recognizes the need for a comprehensive and
advanced customer management system. The CRM solution at Viettel is seen as
an urgent measure to enhance customer satisfaction and quickly meet their needs.
This presents a good opportunity for Viettel to gain an advantage over

- Viettel has a dedicated team of highly skilled IT professionals who are well-
versed in the concepts, utility, and implementation of CRM. Therefore, the
company does not worry about data loss since the system is regularly backed up,
allowing the business to focus on service value, process improvements, and
enhancing operations.

- Viettel has the largest customer base in Vietnam. Implementing CRM means that
sales staff have access to a vast and continually updated customer database.
Optimally analyzing CRM data to extract useful customer insights helps Viettel
develop its CRM management processes, laying the groundwork for improving
all marketing and sales activities. This is achieved by being able to proactively
and accurately answer customer queries at any time. Using CRM to attract new
potential customers and retain existing ones, Viettel can develop and manage
relationships with customers who bring business value to the company.

2.4. Threats

- Viettel needs to identify the right goals and target customers to deploy its strategy
effectively and achieve high efficiency. There are limitations in integrating new
functions with existing systems, which can hinder the overall effectiveness of
the CRM strategy.

- The ability of users to adapt to modern technology is limited, posing a significant

challenge in the implementation and utilization of advanced CRM systems. The

qualifications and expertise of the team involved in implementing CRM
activities need to be enhanced to ensure successful execution.

- Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information sources, along with the
efficient collection and processing of big data systems, is crucial for supporting
CRM activities effectively.


3.1. Business Objectives

For the business strategy goals of Viettel, the Corporation has set the following primary

● Strive to achieve the goal of becoming the leading enterprise and creating a
digital society in Vietnam, aiming for a service revenue of 100 trillion VND by
● Set the goal to transform Viettel Telecom into a digital telecommunications
enterprise, with customer service and the number one customer experience in
Vietnam; pioneer in 5G technology and infrastructure to seize development
opportunities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
● Perfect the ecosystem of digital products and services, achieving revenue share
equivalent to Viettel's competitors in the region and worldwide; focus on product
and service innovation; digitize sales activities, centering on Viettel's customers;
implement training for a team of experts and officers in business management,
including international certification in business, management, both technical and
information technology.

3.2. CRM Strategic Objectives

● Maintain and improve customer service quality by developing personalized

customer care programs. Utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced data
analytics to deeply understand and accurately meet the individual needs of each
customer. The goal is to increase customer satisfaction rates from the current
86% to 90% in the near future, providing not only a superior experience but also
a truly personalized one, thereby strengthening relationships and enhancing
customer loyalty to the brand.
● Enhance customer satisfaction on the My Viettel app: Focus on optimizing
user experience through interface and feature improvements. The current
satisfaction rate of the My Viettel app, based on average ratings from the App
Store, is about 4.4 out of 5 and 4.2 out of 5 on CH Play. The short-term goal over

the next 2 years is to elevate these ratings to at least 4.5. This improvement will
not only increase satisfaction rates but also contribute to long-term loyalty and
commitment of customers to Viettel.

Picture 3.1. Average ratings for My Viettel app on App Store

Picure 3.2. Average ratings for My Viettel app on CH Play

● Optimize user experience on the My Viettel app: Ensure that the My Viettel
app is continuously improved to enhance functionality, improve the interface,
and simplify the usage process.

● Customer development: Increase the number of My Viettel app users from the
current level to 50% of Viettel's total customer base over the next 3 years.
● Service quality and employee role: Strengthening Viettel's employee training
and skill development to improve service quality and customer interactions,
ensuring its team is well-equipped to meet evolving market demands.
● Marketing and customer relations: Perfect and implement breakthrough
marketing policies, with a focus on the "Customer-Centric" strategy. Every
campaign and activity will be designed not only to attract new customers but also
to maintain and develop relationships with current customers.
● Enhance competitive capacity: Diversify and develop new services to meet the
increasing needs of customers, especially in the field of mobile information and
digital services. Ensure that Viettel remains at the forefront of technology and
services to maintain its market position.
● Customer-focused operations: All of Viettel's business activities are designed
to create added value for customers, including developing products and services
that align with market trends and customer needs. This activity not only involves
providing services but also interacting with customers to better understand and
meet their needs.


4.1. Resource Evaluation

a. External Resources

- Market and Customers: Viettel is currently one of the leading

telecommunications groups in Vietnam, with a large and diverse customer base.
Its strong presence in many countries also enables Viettel to reach and serve
various customer segments, from individuals to businesses. This diversity is a
significant advantage in understanding and meeting the different needs of
- Partners and Collaboration: Viettel has strategic partnerships with many
major global partners. These relationships not only enhance its competitive
capabilities but also open up many new development opportunities.
Collaboration with leading technology partners helps Viettel access the most
advanced technologies, improving the quality of its services and products.
- Technology and Innovation: In the telecommunications sector, technology
always plays a crucial role. Viettel has been heavily investing in research and
development (R&D) to ensure it remains at the forefront of technology. New
technological initiatives, such as 5G, IoT, and AI, not only enhance customer
experience but also open up many new business opportunities for Viettel.
- Policies and Regulations: The Vietnamese government consistently provides
supportive policies and encourages the development of the telecommunications
industry. Viettel, as one of the leading state-owned enterprises, often receives
many legal and policy incentives. This creates a stable and favorable business
environment for implementing long-term development strategies.
- International Business Environment: Viettel has expanded its operations to
many countries, including potential markets in Africa and Latin America. This
expansion not only increases revenue but also helps Viettel accumulate
international experience, enhancing its global competitiveness.
- Competition and Rivals: Competition in the telecommunications industry is
always fierce, with many strong competitors both domestically and
internationally. However, this also motivates Viettel to continually improve and
enhance service quality. Healthy competition helps Viettel maintain continuous
innovation and uphold its leading position.

In summary, Viettel's external resources are very rich and diverse, creating favorable
conditions for the development and implementation of strategic solutions. Effectively
leveraging these resources will help Viettel continue to maintain and enhance its
position in the domestic and international telecommunications market.

b. Internal Resources

- Human Resources:
+ Skills and Expertise: Viettel has a team of employees with diverse skills
and expertise, ranging from technicians to business staff and senior
+ Commitment to the Company: The commitment of employees to
Viettel, demonstrated through their work spirit and responsibility towards
the company's mission and values, is a valuable resource.
- Technology and Infrastructure:
+ Telecommunications Network: Viettel owns and manages an extensive
telecommunications network, including both fixed and mobile
infrastructure, ensuring the capability to provide stable and widespread
services. The continuous expansion and upgrading of Viettel's
telecommunications infrastructure help them meet the increasing
demands of customers. From building more broadcast stations to
expanding fiber optic internet lines, Viettel always strives to ensure that
their network operates stably and efficiently.
+ Advanced Technology: Investment in research and technological
development helps Viettel maintain advancement and competitiveness in
the industry. Viettel continuously invests in research and development
activities to develop new technologies, improve performance, and
enhance service quality. This helps Viettel maintain advancement and
competitiveness in the industry.
- Brand and Reputation:
+ Reputation and Innovation: Viettel is known for its reliability and
trustworthiness in providing telecommunications and technology
services. Viettel continuously seeks and applies the latest technologies to
offer modern and convenient services to customers. Innovation in product
and service development and the ability to quickly adapt to market
changes are important factors that help Viettel's brand build trust and
attract customers.
+ Service and Quality: Commitment to service quality and customer
experience makes Viettel's brand strong and growing. Viettel focuses on
building and maintaining close relationships with customers. This
includes listening to customer feedback, providing high-quality customer
care services, and resolving issues promptly and efficiently. By doing so,
Viettel builds trust and support from customers, creating a loyal and
satisfied customer community.

4.2. Proposals for Viettel's CRM Activities
Viettel's strategic customer relationship management (CRM) activities are designed to
align with the company's business and marketing strategies. By analyzing customer
database, Viettel identifies customers who require special attention. From there, the
company develops relationships with customers through value-added activities, aiming
to maintain and enhance customer loyalty to the Viettel brand.

During the initial development phase, maintaining loyal customers is the primary
concern for any business. Viettel consistently strives to serve customers in the best
possible way, with the goal of not only encouraging them to return to use products and
services but also transforming them into long-term partners. Loyal customers not only
bring the highest profits but also play a crucial role in promoting Viettel's brand through
word-of-mouth recommendations.

In the context of increasing competition, developing and maintaining customer

relationships becomes a key factor. Although acquiring new customers is often costly
and challenging, the cost of retaining existing customers is much lower. Therefore,
Viettel always focuses on strengthening and enhancing existing relationships to
improve customer attachment and loyalty to the brand. As a result, Viettel divides its
strategic activities into three main types to not only help the company save costs but
also create a loyal and sustainable customer community.

4.2.1. Customer-Centric Activities: Meeting Customer Needs as the

Foundation of Service Provision

All customer-centric activities aim to attract new customers, retain existing ones, and
develop potential ones. Customer activities are built on the premise of profitability for
the business; therefore, customer relationships need to be effective. This means that
each customer must contribute to the profitability of the business.

To achieve this, it is necessary to classify customers and develop reasonable interaction

programs for each customer group. Customer groups will be classified based on their
lifecycle value, scope of activity, loyalty, and potential value. Specifically:


Characteristics - Organizations - Large-scale - Small-scale - Organizations,

and enterprises organizations and organizations or businesses,
utilize a multitude enterprises utilize enterprises. individuals, and
of services in large multiple high- households utilize
quantities. payment services, - Operating within the service for
seeking added the boundaries of a business purposes
- Nationwide and value propositions. province, city, or and personal
international scope catering to communication.
of operations. - Operations are individuals or
primarily households with - Monthly
- Potential domestic. high payment payment amounts
customers with capabilities. are low and
high loyalty. - Potential frequent.
customers exhibit - Customers
moderate loyalty exhibit high - Customers
loyalty but have exhibit loyalty but
average potential have low potential.

From classifying customer groups, depending on each group, Viettel will have different
activities tailored specifically for that customer file. Some proposed activities include:

a. Maintaining and enhancing the quality of customer service:

❖ Personalizing customer experience:

- Care program: Based on data analysis of customer behavior, preferences, and
needs by demographic groups, develop customer care programs segmented to
meet the distinct needs and preferences of each customer group. For example:
offering incentives for young customers, loyalty programs for long-term
customers, and support programs for business customers...

Picture 4.1. Super preferential TRE package for young customers.

- Personalized interaction: Communicating and interacting with customers

through personalized channels, building close relationships and trust with them.
For example, customer care advisors may proactively reach out to customers to
introduce suitable services, address inquiries, and support them throughout the
service usage process.
- Improving and optimizing AI technology: Currently, Viettel is the first
telecommunications company in Vietnam to apply Callbot in customer support
operations. Callbot is a virtual assistant using AI and BigData technologies to
provide automated voice responses to customers. However, due to the tight
project timeline, there are still many issues arising in the customer care process.
Many calls fail due to reasons such as fast and unclear speech from the callers,
requiring the system to repeat questions to determine answers, or unstable
signals. The interaction rate with the Callbot system is not high as people are
unfamiliar with the new calling method. Therefore, Viettel needs to enhance and
improve the quality to further develop Callbot.

Picture 4.2. Applying the Callbot virtual assistant has given a fresh look to
Customer Care operations

Picture 4.3. Viettel develops AI ecosystem

❖ Enhancing Customer Service Capacity:

- Employee Training: Provide in-depth training for customer service staff on
product knowledge, services, communication skills, behavior, and complaint

resolution. Enhance professional competence and expertise among staff to
effectively meet customer needs.
- Diverse Customer Service Channels: Expand the multi-channel customer service
system, including toll-free hotline, website, mobile application, social
networks... to facilitate customers in contacting Viettel anytime, anywhere.
- Building an Online Community: Develop an online community where customers
can share experiences, support each other, and interact with Viettel. Create an
environment of open, friendly, and trustworthy communication between Viettel
and customers..

b. Customer Development:

Currently, Viettel primarily focuses on large and loyal customers. To expand and reach
a more diverse customer base, including small businesses and individuals, Viettel
should develop a strategy and implement effective customer relationship management
methods. To increase the number of users of the My Viettel app, Viettel can undertake
the following activities:

Providing special offers exclusively for My Viettel app users, such as discounted rates
or free data allowances.

- Providing special offers exclusively for My Viettel app users, such as discounted
rates or free data allowances.
- Expand integrated services on the application such as bill payment, mobile top-
up, and flight booking to provide additional value to users.
- Enhance promotional campaigns to introduce the features and conveniences of
the My Viettel application through various media channels.

c. Diversify services and enhance competitive capabilities

❖ Developing new telecommunications services:

- 5G Network: Enhancing nationwide deployment of 5G networks, providing 5G
services such as fixed broadband 5G, 5G for enterprises, 5G for entertainment,

- Internet of Things (IoT): Offering IoT solutions for various sectors including
smart homes, smart cities, smart agriculture, smart healthcare, etc.
- OTT Television: Developing OTT television services with diverse and appealing
content, meeting customers' entertainment needs.
❖ Providing value-added services:
- ViettelPay Financial Services: Expanding ViettelPay's features and services to
transform it into a versatile e-wallet, meeting all customer payment needs. Viettel
aims to develop diverse financial products such as savings, loans, and insurance,
with competitive interest rates tailored to customer needs.
- Entertainment services:
+ Developing online movie streaming, music listening, and e-book reading
applications: Viettel aims to develop online platforms for movies, music,
and e-books with rich, diverse, and high-quality content. These
applications should have reasonable pricing and attract a large user base.
+ Providing electronic gaming services: Viettel aims to offer diverse and
appealing electronic gaming services to meet customer entertainment
needs. These services should be of high quality and competitive.

4.2.2. Customer Interaction Activities

a. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Rate on the My Viettel Application

❖ Functionality and Performance Enhancement
- Simplify features: Regularly evaluate existing features, eliminate unnecessary or
seldom-used ones. Organize features into categories for easy user access and
- Performance Optimization
● Reduce loading time: Utilize advanced technologies to decrease the
app's loading time.
● Performance testing: Conduct regular performance checks to promptly
detect and address performance issues.

❖ User Support and Interaction
- In-App Assistance
● FAQs and Guides: Provide a list of frequently asked questions and detailed
guides accompanied by images or videos. Also, create a categorized FAQ list
based on topics such as accounts, payments, services, and technical issues.
Continuously update the FAQ list based on new common inquiries from users.
● Support Chatbot: Deploy a chatbot to assist users instantly with basic queries.
Utilize artificial intelligence for the chatbot to learn from user interactions and
improve answer accuracy over time. Additionally, develop rich interaction
scenarios for the chatbot, including frequently asked questions, troubleshooting
guidance, and feature usage instructions.
❖ Feedback Mechanism
- Simple Feedback Form: Design a simple feedback form, including only
necessary fields such as feedback type (general feedback, technical issue,
improvement suggestion), issue description, and contact information if required.
- In-App Feedback: Enable users to send feedback directly from within the app
without accessing the website or sending emails. When users encounter issues or
have opinions, they can easily submit feedback by clicking on a button or link
within the app. The feedback submission process should involve minimal and
straightforward steps. When users submit feedback, the app should automatically
attach relevant information such as the app version, operating system, and
current app status for the support team to better understand the encountered issue
without needing to ask the user again.
b. Optimizing User Experience on My Viettel App
- Improving User Interface (UI)
+ Modern Interface Design: Implementing principles from Google's
Material Design and Apple's Human Interface Guidelines to ensure
consistency and ease of use. For example, incorporating smooth transition
effects, vibrant colors, and large, easy-to-operate buttons.
+ Simplified Interface: Removing unnecessary elements, focusing on core
functions, and facilitating easy navigation. For instance, displaying only

essential information on the main screen and providing more detailed
options through secondary menus.
+ Color Optimization: Ensuring suitable color schemes, particularly for
dark mode, to reduce eye strain and conserve battery. For example, using
dark gray tones instead of pure black to avoid excessive contrast.
+ Improved Features: Utilizing machine learning algorithms to analyze
customer usage data and suggest suitable packages tailored to individual
- Easy Payment: Integrating multiple payment methods: Supporting popular
payment methods such as e-wallets (Momo, ZaloPay), credit/debit cards, QR
codes, and bank transfers. Providing detailed invoice management features,
allowing users to review payment history and receive reminders when payment
deadlines approach.
- Simplified Usage Process:
+ Quick registration: Allowing fast account registration through platforms like
Google, Facebook, or phone number with just a few simple steps.
+ Single Sign-On (SSO): Implementing Single Sign-On authentication system so
users only need to log in once to access all Viettel services.

4.2.3. Creating Value for Customers

a. Cellphone plan and Promotion Programs

❖ Cellphone plan
- Customized Packages: Customers can select components such as data, voice
calls, and messages according to their individual needs. For example: 3GB data,
200 minutes of calls, 100 messages per day. This allows customers to pay only
for what they use, avoiding waste.
- Family Offers: Creating special packages for families, allowing multiple
members to connect at discounted rates. For example: A family package for 4
people with 10GB shared data, 500 minutes of calls, and 500 messages, can help
customers save costs, manage, and control expenses easily.

❖ Diverse Promotion Programs
- Regular Promotions: Monthly or quarterly, customers receive benefits such as
an additional 1GB of data, 10% discount on tariffs, or free use of certain services
for a specific period. Customers feel cared for and encouraged to use the service
- New Customer Promotions: When new customers sign up, they will receive
complimentary gifts such as headphones, power banks, or a free service package
for the first 1-3 months.
- Points Accumulation Program: Customers accumulate points when using
services, purchasing packages, or topping up. Points can be exchanged for gifts,
discounts, or free services. This enhances customer loyalty, encouraging them to
continue using Viettel's services.
- Holiday Promotions: During holidays, Tet (Lunar New Year), or Viettel's
anniversary, promotional programs are deployed such as gifts, tariff discounts,
or special service packages. This creates an exciting atmosphere and encourages
customer participation in special events.

Picture 4.4. Cellphone plan and Promotion Programs of Viettel

b. Service Quality and Employee Role

Specialized Training:

● Curriculum Development: Design courses focusing on communication skills,

problem-solving, time management, and product knowledge.
● Small Group Training: Facilitate effective learning through small group
settings, enabling employees to exchange ideas and practice.

Integration of Technology in Training:

● E-learning: Utilize online learning platforms to provide theoretical knowledge

and update the latest information for employees.
● Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Implement VR and AR technology to
create simulated training environments, allowing employees to practice real-
life situations when interacting with customers without leaving the workplace.

4.3. Solutions for Customer Conflict and Complaint Management

During the implementation of CRM activities, mistakes leading to conflicts and
complaints from customers are inevitable. When a company fails to satisfy customers,
its business operations will be severely affected, and maintaining and developing
customer relationships will become difficult. Additionally, the company will lose the
high regard of potential customers. Therefore, the company needs conflict management
measures to effectively address its complaints and shortcomings to satisfy customers
and develop long-term relationships with them.
Firstly, when receiving feedback from customers, each employee needs to learn
how to remain calm, listen, and grasp the core of the issue. They should remain silent
and apologize to the customer before addressing the issue. Depending on the severity
and specific situation, each employee will have different approaches to resolution.
Therefore, the company needs to continuously update knowledge and provide training
for employees, helping them acquire more skills and experience to cope with reality.

Sometimes, customer complaints about the company's products or services are

valuable feedback, helping the company identify flaws and continuously improve its
products and services. When addressing conflicts and complaints from customers, each
employee must always prioritize the interests and feelings of the customer, eliminating
personal ego. They should not let emotions control them but should solve the problem
logically and objectively. Research the issue thoroughly, provide clear and
understandable information to the customer, and offer the best solution to benefit the
customer, thereby soothing their dissatisfaction. Customers are not concerned about
how you will implement the solution; they only care about the results they will receive.

Therefore, always demonstrate to customers that the company provides excellent
service quality through timely progress and service delivery methods.
After resolving the issue that made the customer dissatisfied, the company needs to
promptly implement measures to prevent recurrence with other customers. Regularly
care for customers and measure their satisfaction levels after addressing the issue.


5.1. Summary of the new CRM development process

Viettel has developed and implemented a new CRM strategy to match with the
company's business and marketing goals. This new CRM development process focuses
on personalizing customer experience, optimizing AI technology, training to improve
the capacity of customer service staff, and diversifying services.
Strategic activities are classified and implemented according to each customer
group to ensure each customer segment receives appropriate attention and care. Viettel
also focuses on improving customer satisfaction rates on the My Viettel application,
optimizing user experience and developing new services such as 5G and IoT networks,
helping to expand and reach a diverse customer base
In addition, the company also applies conflict management measures and
effectively resolves customer complaints to maintain and develop long-term
relationships with customers.

5.2. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of new CRM

Viettel's new CRM has brought significant impact and efficiency in enhancing
customer satisfaction and loyalty. With personalized customer care programs and the
application of AI technology to understand and meet customer needs, the customer
satisfaction rate has increased from 86% to 90%. The improvement in user experience
on the My Viettel application has also helped increase the application's rating from 4.3
to 4.5 points within the next 2 years, strengthening customer loyalty to the Viettel brand.
Investment in technology and employee training has helped improve the
professional capacity of the customer service team, ensuring better customer service
quality. Diverse customer service channels and AI ecosystems have optimized the
process of resolving inquiries and complaints, creating trust and satisfaction from
The deployment of new telecommunications services such as 5G network, IoT,
and OTT television services has helped Viettel not only grow revenue but also affirm
its leading position in the telecommunications industry. Expansion into the financial
services and e-commerce sectors also creates additional value for customers and
diversifies the company's revenue sources.
Promotional programs and preferential rates have attracted many new customers
and retained existing customers. Reasonable pricing policy and high service quality
have created conditions for Viettel to develop a loyal and sustainable customer

Overall, Viettel's new CRM not only improves customer experience but also
helps the company achieve business goals, improve competitiveness and maintain its
leading position in the telecommunications industry.

[1] Cơ hội rộng mở giữa Viettel và doanh nghiệp công nghệ Israel. (n.d.). Cổng Thông

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kiến tạo xã hội số - Báo Cao Bằng điện tử. Báo Cao Bằng.




[3] SMEdx - Tỷ lệ tương tác với hệ thống Callbot chưa cao do người dân còn lạ lẫm

phương thức gọi điện mới. (n.d.).

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[4] VietNamNet News. (n.d.). Sức mạnh công nghệ AI trong hoạt động chăm sóc khách

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