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Multiple choice questions on commutative

Ali Akbar Alijani
Department of Mathematics, University of Guilan
Hossein Sahleh
Department of Mathematics, University of Guilan

In all questions, R is a commutative ring with identity.

Question 1. Let M be a f.g. R−module with only one maximal submod-

ule. Which of the following statements is true?

1. M is noetherian.

2. every submodule of M is cyclic.

3. M is cyclic.

4. R is a PID.

Question 2. Which of the following statements is true?

1. every artinian ring is noetherian.

2. every artinian module is noetherian.

3. in a noetherian ring, every prime ideal is maximal.

4. every noetherian ring is artinian.

Question 3. Under which of the following conditions, the nil and jacob-
son radical of R are equal?
1. R is artinian.

2. R is a boolean ring.

3. R is a PID.

4. 1 and 2 are true.

Question 4. Suppose that R be a ring such that for every x ∈ R, there

exists n ∈ N such that xn = x. Then:
1. R is noetherian.

2. R is artinian.

3. NR = J(R).

4. R has only one prime ideal.

√ 5. Suppose that I be a non-trivial ideal of R. Under what

conditions I = I?
1. R is noetherian.

2. R is artinian.

3. I be a intersection of prime ideals.

4. R is a boolean ring.

Question 6. Suppose that M be a R−module and J an ideal of R such

that JM = 0. Which of the following statements is true?
1. If M be an injective R/J−module, then M is an injective R−module.

2. If M be a projective R/J−module, then M is a projective R−module.

3. If M be an injective R−module, then M is an injective R/J−module.

4. None.

Question 7. Suppose that M be a R−module and I the annihilator of

M in R. Which of the following statements is true?
1. If M is noetherian, then R/I is a noetherian ring.

2. If M is artinian, then R/I is an artinan ring.

3. If M is a f.g. artinian module, then R/I has finite length.

4. 1 and 3 are true.

Question 8. Which of the following statements is true?

1. The nil radical of an artinian ring is nilpotent.

2. The nil radical of an noetherian ring is nilpotent.

3. Every artinian, PID ring is a field.

4. All are correct.

Question 9. Under what conditions on R, every non-zero prime ideal of

R is maximal?
1. R is artinian.

2. R is a PID.

3. For every x ∈ R, there exists n ∈ N such that xn = x.

4. All are correct.

Question 10. Suppose that R be a PID and I an ideal of R. Which of

the following statements is true?
1. R/I is a noetherian and artinian ring.

2. R/I is a noetherian ring but not necessary artinian.

3. If I be a non-zero ideal of R, then R/I is an artinian ring.

4. 2 and 3 are true.

Question 11. Under what conditions, an integral domain R is PID?

1. Every integral domain is a PID.

2. R be a noetherian ring.

3. Every prime ideal of R is principal.

4. Every prime ideal of R is finitely generated.

Question 12. Suppose that F is a field. Which of the following state-

ments is true about a F −module?

1. Every F −module is free.

2. Every F −module is projective.

3. Every F −module is injective.

4. All are correct.

Question 13. Which of the following module is projective but is not free?

1. Q as a Z−module

2. Z2 as a Z6 −module.
3. The dual module of i∈I Zi which Zi ∼
= Z.
4. Every projective module is free.

Question 14. Which of the following statements is false about an injec-

tive Z−module?

1. Every injective Z−module is divisible.

2. There is no finite injective Z−module.

3. Q is a injective Z−module.

4. There is a f.g. injective Z−module.

Question 15. Which of the following statements is true?

1. Every artinian R−module is noetherian.

2. Every cyclic artinian R−module is noetherian.

3. There is an artinian R−module M such that M contains a non-trivial

submodule which is not f.g.

4. 2 and 3 are true.

Question 16. Suppose that R be a ring such that every submodule of a

free R−module is free. Then:

1. R is noetherian.

2. R is artinian.

3. R is integral domain.

4. 1 and 3 are true.

Question 17. Which of the following statements is true?

1. The intersection of two disjoint maximal ideals of a ring is a prime


2. If R and S were two integral domains and f : R → S be a ring homo-

morphism with kerf 6= 0, then kerf is a maximal ideal.

3. If every prime ideal of a ring R is f.g., then R is noetherian.

4. There is no non-zero R−module M such that M R M = 0.

P 18. Suppose that M be a non-zero simple R−module and
J = I I which I is a nilpotent ideal of R. Which of the following statements
is not true?
1. J + Ann(M ) 6= R.

2. M is a simple R/J−module.

3. M need not to be a R/J−module.

4. R/J R M ∼ = M.

Question 19. What is the annihilator of ideal 2Z in the Z−module

Z24 × Z15 × Z50 ?
1. Z2

2. Z2 × Z3 × Z2

3. Z3 × Z15 × Z2

4. Z2 × Z2

Question 20. Suppose that R = (xy)
which K is a field. Which of the
following statements is true?
1. R is a local ring.
m is a maximal ideal of R, then x̄
2. If N ȳ is a non-zero element of
m R m.
3. x̄ ȳ is a torsion element of R R R.

4. All are correct.

Question 21. Suppose that M be a noetherian R−module and J the

radical jacobson of R. If for every n ∈ N, J n M 6= 0, then:
1. M is an artinian R−module.

2. M is not an artinian R−module.

3. M has finite length.

4. If R is a PID, then M is an artinian R−module.

Z2 [x]
Question 22. Consider the ring R = (x2 +1)
. Then:

1. R ∼
= Z4
2. R ∼
= Z2 × Z2 .

3. x + 1 is a nilpotent element of R.

4. 1 and 3 are true.

Question 23. Suppose that M be a R−module and f : R → M a injective

R−module homomorphism. Which of the following statements is true?

1. If M is artinian, then f is an isomorphism.

2. If M is noetherian, then f is an isomorphism.

3. If M is artinian and noetherian, then R is artinian and noetherian too.

4. 1 and 3 are true.

Question 24. Under which of the following conditions,R is a noetherian


1. R is boolean.

2. Every prime ideal of R is maximal.

3. Every maximal ideal of R is generated by a idempotent element.

4. J(R) = N (R).

Question 25. Suppose that P be a f.g. projective R−module. Then:

1. P is free.

2. There are a positive integer n and a R−module homomorphism f :
Rn → P such that f 2 = f .

3. P is a homomorphic image of a free R−module.

4. 2 and 3 are true.

Question 26. The number of Z−module homomorphisms from Z30 to

Z21 is equal:

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

Question 27. Suppose that M and N be two R−modules,f : M → N a

R−module homomorphism and I an ideal of R. Then:

1. If I is nilpotent and induced homomorphism f¯ : M

→ N
then f is surjective too.

2. If I = J(R) and induced homomorphism f¯ : M

→ N
surjective, then
f is surjective too.

3. If induced homomorphism f¯ : M
→ N
is surjective, then f is surjec-
tive too.

4. 1 and 2 are true.

Question 28. Which of the following statements is not true?

√ √
1. If I and J are two nilpotent ideals of a noetherian ring R, then I+ J
is nilpotent.

2. If R[x] is a noetherian ring, then R is noetherian.

3. The only cyclic, projective Z−module is Z.

4. If R be an arbitrary ring, then there exist a f.g. projective R−module
which is not free.

Question 29. Suppose that M be a noetherian R−module. Then:

1. R is a noetherian ring.

2. For every ideal I of R, R/I is a noetherian ring.

3. R/Ann(M ) is a noetherian ring.

4. 1 and 3 are true.

Question 30. Suppose that R is an artinian ring and M a f.g. R−module.

Which of the following statements is true?

1. M is artinian.

2. M is noetherian.

3. R is noetherian.

4. All are true.

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