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Que1) state and explain first law of thermodynamics for

isolated closed and open system?
ANS:System is defined in physics or chemistry, is nothing
more than a collection of objects (or smaller systems)
that can be identified. Usually, the word "system" refers to
a collection that makes thinking about a problem more
convenient. The surrounding is everything else that is
not the system defined. For example, if the system being
studied is a house, the surrounding would be everything
else that is not the house (other houses, the
neighbourhood, the general environment around the
house, etc.). Systems can be described in three different
°Isolated: this is a system in which no matter or energy is
being exchanged with the surroundings.
°Closed: this is a system in which only energy is being
exchanged with the surroundings.
°Open: this is a system in which both matter and energy is
being exchanged with the surroundings
Ques2) give two classical statement of second
law of thermodynamics?
Ans:According to the second law of
thermodynamics, any naturally occurring
process will always cause the universe’s entropy
(S) to increase. The law simply states that the
entropy of an isolated system will never
diminish over time..
Kelvin-Planck Statement of Second Law of
It’s difficult to turn all of the heat emitted by a
heated body into work. The working material of
a heat engine absorbs heat from a hot body,
transforms a portion of it into work, and returns
the remainder to the cold body. No engine can
transform all of the heat from the source into
work without wasting any heat. This indicates
that a sink is required to get continuous work.

Clausius Statement of Second Law of

It is impossible to build a technology that can
transmit heat from a colder body to a warmer
body without wasting any energy. In other
words, the refrigerator will not work unless the
compressor is powered by an external source.
Clausius’s assertion is used by heat pumps and
Kelvin planck statement Clausius statement
Que3) how boilers are classified describe
the construction and working of cochran
boiler with neat sketch?
ANS:The Cochran Boiler is a type of Fire
Tube Boiler along with Lancashire,
Locomotive, Cornish, Simple Vertical,
Scotch Marine boilers. It is an internally
fired, vertically constructed, and multi
tubular type of boiler that is designed
horizontally parallel to the surface. As it
is mentioned that the Cochran Fire Tube
Boiler is an internally fired type, which
means the grate or furnace is constructed
inside the closed container and feeding of
coal or wood will be done externally.

Parts of the Cochran Boiler

1. Boiler Shell
The boiler shell is made of steel plates into a cylindrical form
and it is
riveted or welded together. The ends of the shell are closed by
The boiler shell should have enough capacity to store water
and steam.
2. Combustion Chamber
The combustion chamber is below the boiler shell for burning
the fuel to
generate steam from the water in the shell.
3. Grate
The grate is a platform in the combustion chamber where fuel is burnt.
grate is generally a cast-iron bar and there is space between them so
the air
can pass through it. The surface area of the grate where fire takes place
called a grate surface.
4. Furnace
The furnace is above the grate and below the boiler shell and in the
the fuel is burned.
5. Fire Tubes
The fire tubes are the horizontal tube between the combustion
The flue gases from the combustion chamber flow to the smokebox via
number of fire tubes. These fire pipes are used to exchange heat from
flue gases to water.
6. Fire Hole
It is at the bottom of the combustion chamber for firing fuel inside the
7. Chimney
The chimney is provided at the top of the boiler and it is connected to
smokebox. These exhaust gases are coming out from fire tubes and pass
through smokebox and exhaust through a chimney.
8. Man Hole
The manhole is for cleaning, repairing and inspecting of the boiler shell.
9. Flue Pipe
Firebox and combustion chamber is connected through a short pipe and
these pipes are called flue pipes. The hot flue gases from the grate flow
the combustion chamber via flue pipe.
Used in refining units
Used in refining units
Also, the Cochran boiler is used in power generation plants where large
quantities of steam from 500 kg/s with high pressures approx. 160 bar
high temperatures reach up to 550 oC.
How does Cochran Boiler work?
•First, the coal is fed to grate via a fire hole for a burn.
•The ash formed in burning is collected in ash-pit below the
grate and
it removes manually.
•The hot gases from the grate pass through the combustion
to horizontal fire tubes and transfer the heat to water by
•Exhaust gases out from fire tubes pass through smokebox
exhaust to the atmosphere via a chimney.
•There is a door in the smokebox for cleaning the fire tunes
smokebox. The Cochran boiler has a working pressure of 6.5
and a steam capacity of 3500 kg/hr.
Que4) what is the difference between boiler
mountings and accessories?
Ans: Boiler mountings are components used
for ensuring the safety of boiler operation.
These are generally mounted on the surface of
the boiler.
Control fluid parameters at the inside of the
boiler shell.
The mountings are an essential part of a
boiler, without which boiler operation is
Examples: Pressure gauges, Water level
indicator, Safety valves, Stop valve, Fusible
plug, Blow-off cock,
Accessories are the auxiliary items required
for proper operation of boiler and improve the
Boiler efficiency of it.
These are integral parts of the boiler, but not
mounted on it.
Control fluid parameters at outside of the
These are not essential parts of the boiler,
without which boiler can operate through at
lower efficiency.
Examples: Superheater, Feed pump, Injector,
Economizer, Steam Separator, Air preheater,
Question 5) define the following terms
triple point ,critical point ,dryness fraction,
enthalpy of steam ,entropy of Steam?
Ans: 1)The triple point represents a temperature
and pressure combination where all three states
of matter exist in equilibrium.
2)Critical point is the temperature and pressure
combination where the gas form of a substance
can no longer be condensed back to a liquid,
which becomes a supercritical fluid.
3)Dryness fraction is defined as the ratio of mass
of dry steam (vapour) to combined mass of dry
steam (vapour) & mass of liquid in mixture. It is
denoted by x.
4)Enthalpy is the measure of total heat present in
the thermodynamic system where the pressure is
constant. It is represented as. Δ H = Δ E + P Δ V.
where E is the internal energy, P is the pressure
and E is the energy.
5)Entropy quantifies the energy of a substance
that is no longer available to perform useful work.
Because entropy tells so much about the
usefulness of an amount of heat transferred in
performing work, the steam tables include values
of specific entropy (s = S/m) as part of the
information tabulated.

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