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GE 5 – Contemporary World

DT 01 BIT 1-R (B) Engr. Ma. Elena Magcalen, Ed. D

II. Brush Up
1. Differentiate Stability from Sustainability.
- Stability is the ability to remain unchanged or adapt to unexpected changes, while Sustainability is
the ability to maintain at a certain rate or deals more with ensuring continuity.

2. How are sustainability achieved?

- Sustainability can be achieved by means of reducing consumption of resources – such as water
and energy, better building practices to reduce energy and waste, more fuel efficient engines in
cars and trucks, increasing recycling – using recycled materials, protection of forests all over the
earth, protection of soil all over the earth, living a healthy lifestyle.

3. What exactly is to be sustained in sustainability development?

- It focuses on sustaining more on economic development, social development, and environmental
protection for future generations.

4. How can education be sustained in the Philippines?

- By improving the quality of teaching being taught to students and providing better a facilities and
classrooms for all the students and teachers around the Philippines and higher wages/ salaries to
all the teachers.

5. Cite some toxicants that are major contributors to health problems in the communities.
- Physical toxins (e.g., chemicals, hormones, drugs)
- Social toxins (unemployment, inadequate safety, lack of access to education)
- Emotional toxins (fear, uncertainty, humiliation)

6. What does contractualization policy tells about? Would you consider this as a corporate social
responsibility? Why?
- Endo is a short-term employment practice in the Philippines. It is a form of contractualization which
involves companies giving workers temporary employment that last them less than six months and
then terminating their employment just short of being regularized in order to skirt on the fees which
come with regularization. Yes, because it involves the consumers or workers and the company.

7. Is there actually a sustainable income for all employees in the government and private sector? Why?
- Yes, because of the qualifications such as the hours-worked in your job and also low skill
occupations are in private sectors and most of it employee have the age of 16 to 24 years old.

8. Discuss the global food security models. Critique the existing models.
- This model discuss the results, gaps and research priorities of the given global food security
models. The model summarizes, compare, and evaluate global scenarios focusing on global food
security. This study/ model also identify ways on how improved it.

9. Is global food security achievable?

- Yes, it is achievable by sustaining the sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to all people.

10. What is MNK? Critique the process-based crop modelling.

- MINK is a global-scale crop modeling system behind IMPACT. Crop modeling starts at the field
level and scaling this up to the global level is challenging. Climate data must be collated,
processed, and formatted. Representative crop varieties and planting calendars have to be chosen.
Fertilizer input levels need to be specified. Myriad other assumptions need to be considered and
appropriate values and strategies determined. And that is just the preparation phase. All the data
then have to be organized, exported, and run through the crop models to obtain simulated yields
under different climate scenarios and production environments

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